Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week coming here!

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Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week coming here!

I am not around for the next three Fridays - and so I'm going to leave these up to you all!

The plan is that on a Friday or Saturday you nominate your story and/or poem and post up an Inspiration Point on the 'Discuss Writing from ABCtales' forum. You shouldn't feel that you have to read everything that comes along in a week - just pick something that has really pleased you. You may then be surprised by someone else's pick - and find a great piece you'd missed.

Do try and join in - I'll pick the 'winners' from your nominations when I return.

I hope that makes sense - and please don't hang back. This will only work if enough people join in.

pip pip

Tony, do we need to start a new thread on Friday/Saturday to nominate, or can we post to this one? I know it's jumping the gun, but I LOVED this poem by Richard LP. Just wanted to get that out there as I am bound to get to Sunday and realise I hadn't done it! Thanks!
See you when you get back Tony. And I'll try to find some nominations. I hope you and Missus Tony have a good time.


All I can think about is the machine: Blighter's Rock, please.


Hi Sooz, good choice and it gets my vote, here's the link, for those of you who haven't read it already.


I talk to you from the wonders of Southern Italy. We travel to our apartment tomorrow but we've had a day in Bari and surrounds today - so it's good to see that this is happening. A good place to start is here - but do start a new forum piece next Friday as then it will show up on the home page. So glad that people like Richard and Blighter's (who is also Richard) - now you need to choose a story! And I love Footsie's IP - what will you all do with that?
Oi, get off the blood internet and enjoy your holiday.


I would like to nominate Linda Wigzell Cress' poem 'Still That Sad Little Boy' I think it is monumental! In fact I was hard pressed to choose between several poems of Linda's. I've changed my mind three times.
Is this the thread to post your nomination on and is there still time? This is my choice. Very visual and visceral. I like the image; the sentiment; the rhythm; the structure like water; the use of capitalization to give emphasis to certain words. Like an attention grabbing and memorable advertisment for freedom -
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