Meeting Ewan

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Meeting Ewan

I had the very great pleasure today of meeting Ewan for lunch. I am very pleased that ABC has allowed me to meet so many fine and creative people - and Ewan is one of the finest.

A real treat (and a fine lunch). Thankyou Ewan.

Ewan was great and a fantastic help when I first started writing on here.


I'll second that!


Er...sorry...Ewan who?
I hope you told him to get his backside on the site more, haven't seen him for ages. And I agree, he's one of the gentlemen critiquers who give more than just a passing, 'very nice, dear,' comment.


Isn't he in Spain?


Agree with CM and Sooze, Ewan is an exceptionally fine and talented author, generous with his time in offering careful thought to others work. Hope he's doing well :-)


Oh, my favourite Ewan!