
On the Shelf Again, so to speak! By Alfred N.Muggins

3/7/24 No Mrs Muggins has not left me (yet??) Alfred refers to his ongoing employment problems, for which he partly (largely?) blames Social Services...

Alien Opportunities Ch.4 : Suspicions Part 4

Chris hears more views about the aliens from Earth Patriotic Movement members, comparing them with his own experience of the alien guests.

Chasing Rainbows by Alfred N.Muggins

19/3/24 (25/3/24) Alfred Muggins saw a rainbow in the sky after a brief shower, after walking the dog in perfect sunlight for a while in a nearby...


It starts with a squabble Turns into a fight Bystanders cheers No one can see the light First there where whispers Followed by pointed fingers Some...

Alien Opportunities Ch.4 : Suspicions Part 3

Chris is invited By Tony to come to a meeting of the Earth Patriotic Movement, where he hears the views of those who fear and distrust the aliens, and considers their arguments.

Rose within the ashes

An attempt at female rage (originally posted on Medium and re uploaded here). The Relunctant Bride by Auguste Toulmouche (1866)