Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point


Time solves everything

As Sadie got out of her warm bed to make a visit to the little girls room on a mild night in June, she never imagined that her life was about to...

Make A Wish.

I was in the bath today, getting ready for work, when I looked at the words on the glass candle that Meghan bought and it said on the side of it, ‘...

Tickety, tickety, tock,

Tickety, tickety, tock, all eyes upon the clock – the hand moves straight, time cannot wait – and never can flick or turn back! A second past...


December weak light, January, bleak light, spring light increasing: warm, life-awakening … never none – … but never too far, deep-freezing, never too near, frizzling.

New Year's Resolution.

All around the world New Year's resolutions will be made in 2023. The tradition, is over 4,000 years old. Everyone who does one, or more thinks they...
