Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Bright Yellow

Who are you, yellow roof? In amidst this tumble of greys and browns and ochres. Are you meant to be the sunshine? A pot of gold? A wedge of cheese?...

Shiny Brown

Rain or sun we’ll have fun in the squelchy and squishy jump and splash it thickly melted-chocolate sticky of the path in the wood today: bluebells...
Gold cherry
Story of the week


I look out my window. I sit in the window seat and gaze down over the pavement. Five storeys up and it’s hard to see if there is moss growing in any...

Elusive Silver

An enigmatic colour this on the scales of a herring or a ‘silverfish,’ and the reflecting sheen of a mirror’s screen, greyer than white, whiter than...

Red Roof on Rumble

I can see my other house from here. Or at least I can see the tip of it, the sharp tooth of red colour-steel cutting a chunk out of blue sky. A...
