Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Gold cherry

Box Room

A North Kent box-room bedroom beneath the roof of a 30’s semi anchored in a sea of thousands. A secure place for toddlers with a paraffin night-light...

Safe Space

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] … space for all from fears to hide. Safe because … As you struggle in this place … ’till reach danger-free ‘home-base’.


Repeating the old, Squeezing into worn old shoes New feet for new roads

A New Normal @ 100 years!

“I couldn’t cope if you weren’t coming in, so I know you love me”. … Comes Covid … Will she understand, she can’t hear … a letter ‘big print’ – she loves to read with her one partly working eye if it’s ‘big print’ … accepted as us still visiting, loving. … a new ‘episode’ received every two or three days …
