Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Evening Exercise

Short walk, bit of exercise before it gets dark; boots on, down our short lane, passing the magnolia (just beginning to drop its petals) over the...

Strange Door Into My Mind

Finding myself sitting quietly in my favouite armchair, this is a great place for me to meditate while my partner's in the garden pottering around. I...


During this pandemic, We are all going stir crazy Locked indoors like criminals Staring at those same god-damn walls. I am talking to those four...

A Walk Around Bath

A fanily effort. A poem written by me, inspired by an original photo, among others, of Bath by daughter Emma and read by my better half Joy.
