Strange Door Into My Mind
By skinner_jennifer
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Finding myself sitting quietly in my favouite armchair, this is a great place for me to meditate while my partner's in the garden pottering around.
I close my eyes and set in motion a journey. Body is warm and breathing is settling into an even rhythm. I let the tranquility of peace wash over my mind and totally relax.
After a short while I find myself meandering down a bridle path that takes me back to another time, although there are no horses to be seen. Gazing up I'm unable to fully see the sky, there are ancient giant beech trees arching from each side of the grassy banks, they overwhelm me with their beauty of limbs spreading out in every direction, covered in a canopy of green where the sun twinkles between leaves.
As I'm taking in all this magic, suddenly from out of no where I look down as a squirrel scampers out from between the trunks of trees right in front of me, causing my heart to jump. Stopping, it stares for a moment then speaks...but not with words, just mind.
“Sorry! Can't stop, I'm searching for food.” Then the creature runs off into the thicket on the other side of the path. The incident doesn't shock me, after all it is of my own making.
Further on up the path I'm touched by the presence of a robin, I know these birds are renowned for their tameness around humans, for where there are people, there is usually food to be had. “Sorry little robin I've nothing for you today!” I say as it comes to land on a boomerang shaped branch. Robin fly's off as if understanding, causing the limb to bounce like a springboard. I smile and carry on walking, glad nobody is around to hear my chatter. My attention goes back to the path as I enjoy the fresh cool air and shade of late morning.
For some reason the tunnel of trees puts me in mind of the passages inside my brain, those mazes of the unknown that spark imagination. Everything feels different here, there's the ground of spongy soil beneath my feet, that wild place where worms and beetles dine on nature's matter. My boots sink with every step. I scoop up a handful and watch as the earth slips through my fingers.
Rubbing my hands together to get rid of the dirt, I stand and look off into the distance, I see a great oak door I've created, it stands six feet tall, looking majestic even from this distance. My desire to know what was behind the great entrance I'd generated had me excited as I pick up pace.
Soon I was a footstep in front of the door and noticed how it was so spectacularly carved with designs of peacocks, doves, mazes and oak trees. This was no ordinary door. I was inclined to think that as I approached and turned the key, that clouds of fog would dissipate and I would enter a new realm of thinking.
I didn't know whether to trust my instincts and just go for it, or follow another gut feeling, that maybe there were dangers lurking in shadows, leaving me wondering if I should just walk away from this vision. But the other half of me was curious as to know what lie beyond. I suddenly paused...remembering why I was here.
This was my dream, so I could make of it what I desired. With courage returning and a feeling of anticipation, I placed my hand on the heavy iron key that sat in the lock, it clicked three times as I turned. It took all my weight pushing on the wood that creaked as it slightly opened. I could see a very bright light through a crack, it was blinding. “Should I open the door any further?” I asked myself.
A voice in my head replied: “Follow your instincts!”
So I did. Opening the door even further with great effort, light flooded me and every single tree and beyond. With closed eyes, for a second I'm blinded, then as I open them and they adjust, I cannot believe what I'm seeing. Walking through a haze there's a vision emerging, it twinkles into view the other side of the bright sunlight.
Here! I feel winter's drowsy seeds have already awakened by warmth, rhythmic messages of spring and summer's marriage gathering speed, a solstice of togetherness when nurturing new life is at its core.
I see vast open meadows of wild flowers, poppies – cornflowers, daisies – buttercups – agrimony – betony – birds foot trefoil, bladder campion – burnet saxifage, unveiling copious amounts of colour among crested dogs-tail, poales – hordeum vulgare that sway to a cooling breeze.
Besides all this wonder runs a clear lake of peace, where rippling of rings form and fish surface then dip back down. The birds, bees and other insects go about their business, for this is where the real work is done.
My imagination tells me that all this I see before me has been entrusted to those noble father, imposing mountains in the distance, so mighty in stature and rising up high into the clouds. Scrying I make out a circus horse with rider upon its back, then a pure white eagle winging its way across snowy peaks gazing down upon the beauty that surrounds, before it dissipates.
I'm drawn in by an invisible magnetic cord, luring me further into this enchanting land, it makes me feel like I'm born again. Each step taken, it's as if flowers are aware of my movement, they seem to turn in my direction. I hear their thoughts.
“Come, te, he, he, he!” They chant and start to giggle in squeaky voices like naughty children at play.
As I approach I catch the fragrance of sage and suddenly recall how I long to bathe, it's been so long and my body aches for that warm bath.
Reading my mind, the wild flowers separate making a path for me to walk to the edge of the lake. “Why! Thank you,” I offer up in surprise. There unheard voices giggle in my mind.
Stepping between the flowers the earth below my feet is of a sandy texture, almost beach like, yet as dark and fine as loamy soil.
Reaching the edge of the lake I kneel down checking my reflection in the water, noticing my features appear as they did when I was seventeen, I like what I see and begin to wonder if I might be allowed to strip down and swim in the clear lake.
But before I have time to think any further, a ring of water appears, then a face peers up from beneath and I'm conversing with a large trout. “You can't bathe here!” Its gaze speaks to me as it blows bubbles to the surface.
“So where can I bathe? Oh wise one of the lake.” I sighed waiting for a reply.
The trout's beady eyes emerged again. “Go ask the honey bees, they'll know,” it replied with more bubbles.
I was beginning to get used to all this strange mind control communication, and started to take it in my stride. Coming to standing I turned and looked around, a large bee buzzed frantically in front of my face. “Hey!” I called out in alarm backing away as if under attack. “Not so close.”
“Zzzz! Zzzorrrryy!” It replied in a strange buzzing way. Then it began to hum as if calming down and landing on my arm. “hummm, you, hummm, commmune with water spirit. I hummm show way, hummm.” It then flew around circling me and hummed off across the flowers.
Walking back through the meadow, the bee led me down a path that took us to the foot of the mountains. Then, once I'd gone as far as I could before climbing, the bee spoke with its mind and told me to wait, then turned and buzzed away.
I stood for a while gazing up at the great peaks, when all of a sudden a rock formation began to open and I had to jump down into a crevice. Standing in awe, mouth open in surprise, I couldn't believe my eyes. The rock began to separate, I gazed in astonishment at a hot spring surrounded by rocks, a waterfall and beautiful lush green tropical plants, the like I'd never seen up close. There were parakeets with colourful feathers and love birds all chattering away and kissing up in high branches of tall trees. It was such an amazing lagoon that I just had to enter.
Suddenly, the mountain roared so loudly it shook the ground. STEP INTO MY BELLY! ENJOY THE SPIRITUAL WATER.”
It began to laugh in a way that reminded me of the Giant in Jack And The Beanstalk.
Finding my balance and quickly stripping down, I left my clothes on a rock and made my way down into the steaming water with out any hesitation or fear. As I stepped into the spring, it was lovely and warm and I had no problem submerging myself. Just for a moment all my aches and pains vanished, I was more relaxed than I'd been in a long time, showers were okay, but there was nothing like a good long soak.
As I lay there resting my eyes, I opened them noticing bananas high up, looking around there were also mangoes, all this fruit was making me hungry and thirsty, I thought to myself, how much I'd love to taste one of those fresh bananas straight off the tree! As if by magic one fell and landed on a nearby rock.
Coming to standing and wading through the water, I seemed to dry almost immediately. Reaching the rock and picking up the banana, I pealed it and took a bite, it tasted so good. Again I was taken aback when a mango landed right beside me. All the birds appeared to be chirping and squawking as if laughing and making such a racket it made me smile.
After biting the skin off the mango I devoured that too, then bathed my hands in the water and shook them off. It was time to get dressed. I felt very reluctant to leave in case I couldn't ever get back here again, but knew I was putting off the inevitable. Turning I gazed up at the mountain peaks and gave my thanks.
“JENNY!” It bellowed. There was a rumble as once more the earth shook, I thought I was going to be devoured. Again the sound of my name echoed off in the distance as I came too.
“Jenny!” I felt someone shaking my arm frantically. “Jenny, Jenny...wake up! Do you want a coffee?”
Opening my eyes, it was my partner trying to rouse me. Realizing I was back in my armchair and in the comfort of my front room, I turned to him and said, “Oh Yes please! I could really do with one after the adventure I've had.” It was then over coffee I told him all about the journey I'd taken.
“Why don't you write a story about it?” He said.
So I did.
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Wow. I would love to have
Wow. I would love to have this dream! I like the idea too that you knew you could control your dream too. Also I loved the bit where you smoothed away earth and an oak door appeared. And we all talk to plants and creatures don't we? It's when we hear them answer that I guess we need to worry. Loved your dream, Jenny. :)
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Memories of the sky through
Memories of the sky through entwined branches overhead, and then of a summer's bounty of wildflowers and grasses (I looked up those names of grasses, I didn't know them!) until dreaming of an exotic lake-soak and fruit. Travelling the world in your daily exercise/rest! Rhiannon
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What a wonderful, happy dream
What a wonderful, happy dream! I love looking up wild flowers too, it is my favourite fantasy that I will be able to plant a wildflower meadow :0)
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Hi Jenny. Oh I really
Hi Jenny. Oh I really enjoyed this treat of imagination as I walked with you! In these troubled times, we can only dream! Keep safe x
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