Inspiration point (IP)

The season is shifting, so this week's Inspiration Point is 'a change in the air'. Interpret it as you will, and look forward to seeing the results! 

Inspiration point


I sing therefore I exist

“No one will ever know me. No one will ever recall that I existed. No one will remember my face, my voice, my words, my ideas. “ I hear him grumbling...

One ray at a time

Rays of light herald the rising sun: the night is passing, work to be done … Rays of love pierce … work to be done begun together – rays of light pierce the night.

Transcendental Journey of Meditation

A poem for my night insomnia. When restless thoughts intrude on sleep, I would devour diversion; receiving time with mantra...alert, yet eyes are...

Me and My Muezzin

When I was a lad I worked on big ships. Here I describe the Suez Canal stretch of a sea passage from Quebec City in Canada to Colombo in Sri Lanka round about 1977. Our ship was loaded with a bulk cargo of poverty relief grain financed by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). Some of my writing is an embellishment of the truth and a little bit of it is the result of pure imagination, but this poem is as near to the truth as I could get whilst attempting to remain poetic.

Prima vista

This morning started in a black hole. Of course I tried with some candles and piano music to create with might and main the right atmosphere It didn'...
