Inspiration point (IP)

I'm giving you a real multi-choice Inspiration Point this week: 'signs'.

Spring, the breakdown of civilisation, things only you can see... the possibilities are endless! Good luck, and don't forget to post the results here

Inspiration point

Short Stories Part Three.

Many years ago, when I thought I could not have children, I bought a dog. It was Paul who chose the dog and the breed. He knows a lot about animals...

Short Stories Part Two.

I remember when I was young, my school uniform was gray. When I was 19, I loved the colour gray SO much I wore only that colour for one whole year! I...

Short Stories Part One.

I had a phone call yesterday; it was from a friend who I used to work with for many years. Julia had left work for another job, over a year ago...

Lactobacillus Bulgaricus or Bust!

Other yoghurts are available, though scientists have proved that our Bulgarian yoghurt is by far the best in the world.

Life's fuel

The farmers tend it, and then they send it to shops, we spend on it, for we depend on it, and … some, corrupt, supplies disrupt, grow rich and fat in greed on that which …
