Unordered Songs


How To Walk On Water

It was April in June; spring's very own month of non-stop decadence two months overdue. All of the trees, and all of the tangled roots and shoots below them, were erupting in a lusty chorus of wind-tickled new growth, the tick-tock of dandelion clocks and (if you listened carefully) the provocative ripening of stickybuds...

Come Over on Your Bike

For my wizard


I thought of Pete speaking magic in his leather jacket, pointing out over a watercolour city, talking about the wonders of creation, making my friend blush just with his pro-noun-ci-ation,

My Prometheus

Terror comes early for you, Gliding through the small hours, talons poised.

Infinite Sky

Tiny thing, Pink-faced and cradle-capped, Swaddled in a blanket that reeks of smoke. Your bright smile ricochets around the white walls, Over the heads of tired-looking health visitors,

River Swimming

It is so unconscious, this water, So still and unknowable; Amniotic, cobbled with lillypads, Thick with pond weed and meadowsweet rushes. It is so unthinking too;

Shopping for Wedding Dresses

It rained all day today the clouds were bloated and heavy and the spires of the colleges poked up into the grey stone-cold and unmoved. My friend stroked her bump and laughed her way

Other People's Houses

In one of the bright, lit up houses on my street Is a woman who doesn't spend her time wishing for what she doesn't have. Who slides her bare feet...

In Your Own Words

Poetry is in your blood; the vinyl floor is sticky with it, An alphabet of pills stuffed into your stomach: Aspirin, Bedranol, Citalopram. I stumble...

Kite Flying

Battering body into sky, The frame flexes but does not break, And the tail whips the airflow, So wild up there! And down here: just a pair of strings...


Scott learned to climb in a fifteenth century church in Bristol. Even after everything – the smashed body, the intrusive dreams, Morgan’s tearful...

First Communion

‘I miss God’ – Jeanette Winterson
Gold cherry

Things Fall Apart

‘Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold' - Yeats.
Gold cherry


I first met Josephine when I was eleven years old. She was my first and only imaginary friend.


A body I thought would be mine forever Is creasing, folding, changing shape; Skin becoming mapped by lines that show Each tendon ridge, each blue-...


The Swiss Cottage is a two hundred year old Hansel and Gretel-style pub that sits uncomfortably in the middle of a busy inner-London interchange,...

Dream Catcher

Revised a bit... I dreamt I held a wren; Its eyes huge with fear, And body warm and frantic, Pressing a throbbing breast Into my palm.