By looli
- 455 reads
I'm going fishing with my dad. I'm going fishing with my Dad. I am
so excited. Who hoooo.
He's been promising to take me out for ages. "When you're old enough,
George" "When you're big enough, George" Well I am now - I'm big and
I'm ready.
He finally agreed two weeks ago, but the weather's been bad and he just
kept saying that the time wasn't right but I woke up extra early this
morning and it looks fine. He can't resist today - he simple can't. I
won't let him. I've dreamed of this for so long - me and my Dad fishing
Mum's not coming. She hates fishing. Can't stand the worms and stuff.
Got to have worms - the fish love worms and I can be strong. Don't
really like them very much but fishermen get used to them, Dad says.
I'm gonna be the best fisherman, just like my Dad.
It's not just about the fishing though - I'm looking forward to being
with Dad. I have spent most of the time with Mum - Dad's always out
working. Mum's great of course, but she's not like Dad. She's not big
and strong. She doesn't even do anything. I want to be out all the
time, like Dad. I can't wait to spend time with him - he might even
take me to work after this. I'll show him that I can do everything he
can. I'll be really good, I'll be his extra special soldier.
I hope I can fish. he'll think I'm pathetic if I can't fish - he's the
king of fishing. If I look stupid - he might not want to take me
anywhere again. God I have to be able to fish. OK. What did he say
again? Step one, see a fish, step two, flap wings really quickly and
hover above fish, step three, aim beak and dive, spearing fish through
the centre. Sounds simple enough. I'm going to be the King of the
Kingfishers. OK Dad, yeah - I'm coming. Let's go fishing!
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