By annecdaniel
- 509 reads
Does the cabbage white want to be a red admiral?
Does the pot-belly want to be a tamworth or a saddleback?
Does the tabby want to be a persian?
Butterflies and pigs and cats have more sense.
People, however, have aspirations to be different,
Better, slimmer, fitter, younger, wealthier. . .
The child in nappies
Wants to be the train,
Only aspiring to be the engine driver later
Children kick around balls for fun.
They aspire to be great sportsmen
When someone realises their infant skills are commercial
Cute kids aspire to be cute for life
If they get money for it.
Not appealing at forty, fifty, sixty. . .
The childhood dauber,
Up to his elbows in finger painting,
Has aspirations to be a great artist.
The kiddy scribbler,
Tongue clenched between teeth in concentration,
Wants to write great books.
The piler-up of building blocks,
Enjoys the crashing down
But wants to be a great architect.
Some will.
Most will get heartache instead.
Let's give it up.
Stretch and yawn instead.
Take pleasure in warm sun, sleeping and anyone stroking our fur.
Purr r r r r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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