St.Stephen?s day
By ugerbig
- 737 reads
St.Stephen's day:
Emotional indigestion
And no turkey
To blame.
Alone the ghosts
Of Christmas haunt me.
They dance around the tree,
Whisper tales of Christmases
That never were.
If life was a book,
I would re-write a few chapters,
Put in all which has been left unsaid:
All the love
Not given,
Not received,
Would add a few more
Passionate holy nights full of
Lust and laughter,
Meat and porter,
Songs and games,
Would add all the friends
I lost through
In my patchwork family portrait,
My Dickensian tale,
There would be
No misunderstandings,
No misgivings,
No misfits,
An omniscient narrator
To look after us all.
As it is..
I would be glad for
Some wren boys,
Singing in front
Of my door
Joining me for some
Whiskey and porter
Until dawn.
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