By martin_t
- 1205 reads
It still amazes me how your life can completely turn around in a
matter of weeks. When I didn't get the job at my current employer and
handed in my notice, I did worry about the future. I started a thread
on ABC and got a lot of support, both on the thread and via e-mail
But a speculative cv sent to an unlikely employer gets an interview,
then another interview, then bang, a 9.am phonecall offering me the
job. Suddenly the uncertainty I had experienced over the last month
disappeared in one fowl swoop. One door closes, another opens, clouds
and silver linings, all the cliches flood out.
I guess at the interviews I had some kind of x-factor which I clearly
did not have when I interviewed at my current employer. Or more
probably, I was able to bullshit and big myself up a lot more to
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