X- Young and Lovely
By mcmanaman
- 1426 reads
The lovely girl is ready to go out for the first time. She says
'Don't worry mum. I won't be home late.' Her dad is sat pretending to
watch TV. He won't rest until she is back safely in bed. It seems like
just yesterday that he was teaching her how to ride a bike and now it
seems he has lost her to unsuitable friends. She walks down the road,
checks she has got her key, even though she knows that her mum and dad
will be up waiting for her. She is young and lovely. Her dad looks at
her and smiles, thinking how young and lovely she is.
The young boy is ready to go out for the first time. He says 'Don't
worry Dad, I'll come straight home.' His mum is stood pretending to
cook the tea. She won't rest until she gets in again. Mum straightens
his hair and tells him to tuck his shirt in. Walking down the road
after saying goodbye he un-tucks his hair and rescruffs up his hair.
His mum watches him and smiles. 'They grow up so quick' she says and
sits down. 'He's so young and lovely.'
As the parents sit down to be entertained by Channel Four for the
evening, Young Boy and Lovely Girl make their ways down to the pub.
Young boy arrives and looks around, his friends should be here by now
but they're not. It is a young boys nightmare- being in the pub by
yourself. Young boy stands alone, dreading people walking in who might
make fun of him, he looks at his watch, the door and his shoes in turn.
It does no good.
Lovely girl arrives, looks around and her lonely face fills with worry.
She cannot find any of her friends. she, however is not too unhappy to
stand alone in the undoubting faith that her friends will turn up. They
don't. Half an hour has gone and she no longer feels comfortable
standing alone. She is disappointed and decides to go home, she must
have misunderstood the arrangements.
Young boy is very annoyed that his friends have not turned up. He is
sure that they did it on purpose. He is now quite drunk, he had been
drinking to numb the pain of loneliness. As he is drunk he has
discovered a new found self confidence which he has never felt before.
He thinks about going home but not for long, he has spied a lovely
looking girl stood alone in the corner. He strolls over and introduces
himself, and she is too polite to turn him away, and after an hour of
silence she is happy for conversation. The two decide to go and find a
table and sit down and talk, finding out all about each other. They
fall in love immediately by the end of the night, after just hours of
knowing each other they are sat at the table hand in hand when they
decide that it is time to go home. Lovely girl kisses young boy and
thanks him for a lovely evening. As the landlord gets rid of all the
whisky stained old men and cider soaked schoolboys, he looks at the
table, which is such a refreshing contrast. Two people sat there
holding hands, so young and lovely.
Lovely girl gets home and goes straight upstairs. Before her mum can
ask how the night went, the daughter starts. 'Mum, I've fallen in love
with the most perfect boy. I didn't meet my friends like I was supposed
so I sat down with this boy and we found out all about each other and
it was so perfect. I've got a funny feeling inside me that I have never
felt before.' She collapses exhausted , excited and happy.
Young boy gets home and sees his dad. 'How was it son?'
'It was alright.'
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