Home Read Write Forums Blogs Mirrors By narcissaTue, 28 Sep 2004 731 reads 1. reflections 2. through 3. desire 4. vanity 5. puddle 6. truth 7. justice? 8. understanding 9. forgetting/remembering 10. glass breaks 11. snow white 12. lies 13. problems 14. the same: clone 15. backwards Certificate UStoryOther Fiction Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Mirrors By narcissaTue, 28 Sep 2004 731 reads 1. reflections 2. through 3. desire 4. vanity 5. puddle 6. truth 7. justice? 8. understanding 9. forgetting/remembering 10. glass breaks 11. snow white 12. lies 13. problems 14. the same: clone 15. backwards Certificate UStoryOther Fiction Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments