By archergirl
- 1449 reads
If I could through you, my secret garden, go
threading bare feet carefully amongst
your blooms and vines,
I would with loving fingers brush
away those fearsome thorns
rioting like snakes in
your grassy undergrowth
And if I could I would clutch
great fistfuls of you, my good earth,
dark and leafy-rich; and
lifting you to my face, inhale
your life-filled fecundity;
and rub you like stain into the skin
of my breasts and belly
and if I am burned by the sun of your smile: I don't care
and if I am torn by the teeth of your thorns: I don't care
if the seeds of joy I
sprinkled in your furrows grow
nothing but weeds: what does it matter?
my breath like a breeze as it
rustles the leaves of the apple tree whispers:
I want you, I want you
Hear my breath as I whisper: I want you
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