Religious Poems for Children
By shoebox
- 7525 reads
A Good Son
King David had a good son
Solomon was his name.
As king he built a great temple,
One of his claims to fame.
Favorite Son
Jacob was a rich man
Who had a favourite son.
His brothers each
Played the knave
And sold him as a slave.
God created the heavens and earth
He said, "Let there be light.
He then created man and woman--
Red, yellow, black and white.
Baby Jesus
Baby Jesus had no bed
He slept at peace in a
Trough instead.
Now for over two thousand
He's helped so many
Overcome their fears.
Twelve Apostles
Jesus' time on earth
Was destined to be short.
So when he chose
His twelve apostles,
The event was far from a sport.
Devil Go
Jesus was tempted
In the desert
West of Jericho.
For forty days he
Prayed and fasted,
Told the devil, "Go!"
The Baby
The baby lay in the manger,
A little donkey licked his face.
When He smiled, acknowledged
The beast,
A sense of peace covered the east.
Samson's Strength
Samson's strength was
truly great
It was hard to accept
his sudden fate
He fought the Philistines
with an ass's bone
Then died amongst them--
crushed by stone.
Ruth's young husband died
leaving her a widow.
Later she worked in Bethlehem
and became Boaz's bride.
God Told Abram
God told Abram to leave his home
With his livestock and family
he began to roam.
God deftly led them to a new land
As if He'd appeared and taken
Abram's hand.
Feet And All
Jonah did not obey God;
Instead, he hid on a ship.
God then sent an awful squall--
A fish swallowed Jonah,
feet and all.
Young David
David was an Israelite
who played the harp
day and night
He later helped fight
the enemy,
killing a giant VIP.
God Will Answer
God will answer
All your prayers
Be you Mr., Miss or Ms.
Take care to say,
'Thy will be done',
The timing, though,
Is His.
Win Your Day
On your knees
When you pray
Ask the Lord to lay
Before you blessings and solutions
That will win your day.
Those Bony Knees
Faith can move verdant mountains
As well as calm troubled seas.
If you want a faith that lasts,
Learn to bend those bony knees.
No Delay
Jesus is your best friend,
Whatever's broken He will mend
There's no delay, He's always in
Just try a chat with Him today.
Eve Bit
Eve bit the forbidden fruit,
Took a piece to Adam.
Adam should have put on brakes,
Instead, he pleased the Madame.
The Serpent
The serpent revealed himself to Eve,
She should have turned and run.
But evil's sometimes wrapped so fine,
We take it like a winter sun.
Michael's Hide
Michael rowed the boat ashore
Then sat down to think some more.
The river was deep and so very wide”
How to cross yet save his hide?
Good Mary
The angel, Gabriel, appeared to Mary
To tell her of the Baby.
Good Mary said, "His will be done,
No if, no and, no maybe.
The Lame Prince
The lame prince
Was the son of Jonathan;
Jonathan, the son of King Saul.
David, as king, took the lame
Prince in,
Giving him lands and all.
Wee Moses
As wee Moses floated
On the River Nile
The future prophet noted
This was his first trial.
The Beautiful Queen
Esther, the beautiful Jewish queen,
Save the life of her beloved king
She also saved many souls of her race
Evil, in her heart, never won a place.
Job was a very wealthy man
Whom the Lord gave a test
After losing all that he had,
Job still proved one of God's best.
Jacob's Dream
Bethel means the "house of God
It's where Jacob had a dream
In that dream stretched a ladder
Jacob heard the angel's patter.
Job built altars of stone and earth
To offer his Lord gifts of worth
Envy possessed the "father of lies
Who, desperate, proclaimed,
"Job's family dies!
Jacob and Esau
Jacob and Esau were brothers
Isaac was their dad.
The sons competed bitterly
Hence, their end was sad.
Our Friend
Jesus wants to be our Friend
Though many do not let Him in
They try to steer through life alone
What hound would chuck
A meaty bone?
Zaccheus was a little man
Whose family was a little clan
He climbed up in a
Sycamore tree
His family said,
"Blest be!"
Simon Peter
Simon was called Peter
And Andrew was his brother
Both early followed Jesus
And maybe met His mother.
On the Run
Matthew tells of the flight into Egypt
Where Joseph and Mary took the Child
The 3 were on the run from Herod "the Great
An escape we today appreciate!
Jesus Is Bread!
In Capernaum Jesus said:
"I am the bread of life.
He traveled with His 12 disciples
Since He never had a wife!
Jesus used to visit Jerusalem
But camped near Galilee
He performed His miracles
Of which one
Was Lazarus in Bethany.
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