Spirits In My Room
By gingeresque
- 951 reads
What exactly do you believe in? where is the line between stupid superstition and down right faith?
I carry my book of Koran with me whenever i travel outside Cairo.
Even when I don't read it.
It's tattered and frayed around the edges, and sometimes i'm embarassed when others find it, how can you treat such a holy book so badly?
I want to tell them these are the worn out signs of love, of carrying something to the sea, to mountain tops, to Poland, into the desert, on 14 hour plane rides to Montreal, to funerals, it was always there with me.
I wonder if it's more of a good luck charm than a sign of my faith; there's something ao comforting about it.
When I'm scared, or I can't sleep, or I've been crying my eyes out, i reach for it, and read a few pages.
I don't understand a lot of what i read, but it doesn't matter, when I hear the words in my head of another voice is reading the words to me soothingly.
Is that faith?
where is the line between faith and superstition?
Two nights ago, I was in bed, asleep, but in that part of sleep when your mind is still conscious of the noises around you, yet your body is too drugged to move.
Suddenly out of nowhere, I heard a loud crash, as if a metal door had been slammed shut, and then out of nowhere, i felt a sudden gust of hot wind blowing in my face, pushing my hair back, so hot, as if someone was leaning in and blowing in my face.
My brain started screaming "Someone's in the room!" but my body was so paralysed i couldnt move.
And then it stopped.
And i slept.
When i woke up, i knew there had been a spirit in the room.
Now some people think i was dreaming, others say maybe my window blew open, i explain that there is no window facing me; my bed faces the mirror. And that night was 6 degrees celcuis. There is no logical explanation for the hot wind.
Others tell me i'm superstitious, but I was never the voodoo/ghostie/spirits type of gal, but feeling or seeing is believing, and i know what i felt.
There was a spirit in my room, and i dont know why yet, i just know it was there.
And maybe that is another kind of faith.
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