Fast Food Vocation
By adasbutler
- 658 reads
I'm not too sure you's are all listening (pay attention, my broken-down engine) but its either this or the high jump..... I'm not too sure I'm not too sure
I crack harder than ever and my whole demeanour is one of casual acquiescence, so I will explain. I'm a 21 year-old man who enjoys fine wine, great food, literature, art and culture. And I work in Burger King. That's right. I didn't listen to the teachers when they said, "This is important. This is for your future." No. I went round the back and smoked, and laughed, and when I got home I'd read The Tempest the day before my Macbeth exam and smoke some more and I'd turn up drunk to my mock exams and I'd still come out of school with 11 GCSEs, so I'm fine and I go to college and I smoke and drink and don't really turn up for much so no surprises but I come unstuck. And after college I decide to go to University but I sit on my barstool and find human contact easier in the pub than the classroom, so I flail miserably around for two years and leave with nothing except a beautiful beautiful debt..... And I vote Labour and I support the abolition of tuition fees because .... Is everything pretend today? I hate the internet. I hate the way it reduces human interaction to zeros and ones, zeros and ones.... I used to be a real cork, now I'm synthetic....
I love fiction, dear readers. I love the way my creation is so spectacularly bitter about the world.... It is fun, isn't it, to read the meaningless diatribes of a failure. And we British love a failure, oh yes indeed. And although critics will say, "Your creation does nothing but expose your shocking selfishness. And many writers reveal the banality of life in ways which leave your writings looking like no more than the feverish outpourings of a crushingly, mind-numbingly dull person."
And what we all want, don't we, is a tragedy? Does this story need redemption or a suicide? God or friend God or friend? I often think that all our lives contain so much tragedy that mine isn't relevant to anyone that we shouldn't share things like that with each other that one person's scream is another's laugh . Ha. Argh. Haargh. Who knows where joy ends and despair begins? Poverty and hunger may free the soul, but you find it hard to fulfill commitments, and you have to get used to life without Basil. People who already have what you and I crave are unhappy with it, Can I have a job please World and No and who was that?
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