2. Optimus Prime
By Jack Cade
- 1002 reads
Our ledere throughout muche of the conflicte
was Optimus Prime. Though not handepikked
for the role, he filled it with the ease
of a polare bere plounged into icie seas.
Muche is writ of his legenderie corage,
his unquyvereing convictione, the grete barrage
of damage he dished to the enemie's morale,
his abilitie to ende all bittere quarrale
amonge his soldieres with wordes of reasone,
his oratione that styrred up more than a frisone
of optimiseme and fyghting spirite.
While it is trouthe - he posessed eache merite -
lesse is sayde of his mooste notable (and noble)
traite: his sympathie, and the endlesse trouble
he tooke to be faire and kinde in alle materes.
Nothing outeweighed this objective. No tateres
of glorie, no smelle of victorie moved him
far from his principeles, and this proved him
greter, to my minde, than a mere generale,
though some believed his caractere untenabale,
given oure desyre to annyhilate the enemie.
There were complayntes he lacked ferocitie,
and was betere suited to something clericale
I wishe I code trouthefully saye, "Not from Prowl
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