Intro to my new book
By Reid Laurence
- 766 reads
Introduction to my new book; Ticket To Happiness or the Self-Indulgent Truth...
I was walking through the woods one day not long ago, when a man who appeared to have something important on his mind came up to me, and out of nowhere, struck up a friendly conversation. I say, out of nowhere because having come from Chicago, when somebody suddenly approaches you like that, you brace yourself and get ready for what could be, a very unpleasant situation.
But after seeing that he had two big green pods in his hands, I dropped my guard a bit, and began to wonder just what in the world these things could be. I guessed that they were either walnuts or chestnuts but he said no to both, and began talking to me about their origin and what they meant to the people in the Ozark region...
"Nope," he began. "They ain't chestnuts or walnuts.
They're buckeyes."
"Can I eat 'em?" I asked, feeling assured that I'd
asked a reasonable question because I thought, after all, since they looked so much like chestnuts, then surely they must be edible. But he answered with a smile on his face and a firm, "No. Can't eat 'em. Squirrels eat 'em, but not people."
"Well, what are they for then?" I questioned, feeling just a little let down that I hadn't just discovered a new culinary delight.
"They're for good luck," he said. "Hillbillies around here keep 'em in their pockets. Imma hillbilly. I keep one in mah pocket too. Where ya from?" he asked suddenly.
"Chicago," I answered, "but I'm a hillbilly too now. At least, a hillbilly-in-progress."
He laughed at my jest and continued... "You keep 'em. Put one in yer pocket an give one ta yer wife," he said, taking note of my better half now seated in our family sedan, waiting for me.
"Give this to 'er," he said, putting both buckeyes in my hands, then taking a step back as our conversation came to a close.
"You're sure I can't eat 'em?" I asked again, as he
started to walk away. Who knows why really, maybe I
asked him one more time just for good luck. "Ah'm sure. Just keep it in yer pocket."
Getting into the car, I started to explain to my wife what had just happened and before I could tell her what these big green pods were, what do you think she asked me?
"Can you eat 'em?" she said, innocently enough.
"Then whaddaya do with 'em?"
"Ya peel 'em," I said, "and keep 'em in your pocket
for good luck. But Mary?" I asked, starting the car and turning to meet her eyes with mine. "You think my luck will change and actually get better?"
"Maybe so," she answered. "Guess we'll just have ta
wait an see."
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