A New Commission (Part Two)
By achristop
- 663 reads
And so "Revenge" was taken into the Navy's bosom!...from here on in
it would be the real thing!....getting her to fighting state was one
thing...keeping her there...in peace or in action, something else !!
Her crew had come through with flying colours, the working up was
finished...we were now part of the Fleet proper....and so, had the
responsibilities that went with it! Other ships would be relying
upon us, their lives in our hands in time of action! And action
there would be soon enough!!...reports coming from ashore, had put
the number of French troops landed on the North African coast at
20,000....there would have to be a large fleet of ships to keep that
number supplied!..Amongst these would be our quarry!
The Admiral called all Officers to her cabin on the evening of our
graduation, her introduction was comment on the day's work.
"Gentlemen! I have our sailing orders in my hand! However, before I
tell you what they contain...let me first reflect on today's events!
I would like to express my pleasure, and my delight, that "Revenge"
has been accepted into the Fleet"... "Your efforts have not gone
unnoticed! After reviewing different aspects of Officers previous
training I have moved some Officer's responsibilities, watch duties
etc!"..."You have instilled a vast pride in the crew, and,you have
instilled a large portion in me also!"..."I am proud of each and
every one of you!" You may be wondering why I filled the vacant
position of 1st Lt from within!-I feel that you work together as a
team exceptionally well...and...the order to fill from within came
from the Flag Officer himself! I had no choice in the matter, you
might say...I'm glad that I didn't!"...."A team is only as good as
it's lowliest member!...Remember that please gentlemen!"......"Now
to other business!!...We have our sailing orders!" (She placed the
oilskin package upon the mahogany table)..." Our orders are to sail
at 1200 noon tomorrow, rendezvous with Indefatigable and Indigent
off the Isles of Scilly, we are to proceed at best speed for
Gibraltar!"...."There is news, somewhat old, that arrived in the
port of Falmouth on a packet, that the Spaniards are blockading the
Straits of Gibraltar with 7 ships-of-the-line...reportedly, two are
of 72 guns armament!"..."If these reports are true, then I think
perhaps they will be concentrating on the Westward reaches of the
Straits!"...."My thoughts gentlemen, they might be looking
Northwards for any reinforcements of our Fleet coming from the Home
Waters!....then again the might not!....However, to try and gain a
little advantage, I plan, in consultation with Indefatigable and
Indigent, to take us further southwards in the Atlantic, before
swinging North from further down the African Coast!"..."This might,
I repeat, might, give us an advantage...the prevailing SW winds will
certainly be an advantage...we can run up the coast, staying at
least 50 miles offshore...then, hopefully, with the element of
surprise, either come upon them from an unexpected quarter, or, slip
through the Straits without being spotted...If we can do that
gentlemen..the roles will have been reversed!".... ."They will then
be cut off.... by us.... from their Home Ports and supplies!"..."So
there we have it!...Intelligence reports are well behind time....but
I'm afraid, it's all we have!".....She paused looking around at the
faces around the table..."Right!...Any Questions?"
I raised my hand.."Yes Number One?"...I still found it strange to be
addressed thus!..."Ma'am...although we have done exceptionally well
with our Guns crews during the work up period, I would like to
continue excercising them during our passage South!...I would like
to see the time taken.. reduced still further (To
run-out...recover...reload etc and be ready to fire again was
vitally important to be achieved at the fastest speed
possible!!)...I would like to get the cycle to within 2
minutes!...If we can achieve that, then I would feel confident we
can beat any French or Spanish ship that we meet!"..."Also, would it
not be a better exercise to attack the Blockading ships
regardless?..Why do we need to slip through unobserved? Surely we
can do them colossal damage, the three of us!!"
"Regarding your first question....Yes! continue by all means! Get
that time down!.....Your second question!...We will be much more use
to the main fleet off Aboukir undamaged!...Three reinforcements, in
prime condition, better than risking those ships in an action that
may not be necessary!"...."Any more questions?"...I looked
around...no need for further questions was written across every
face!...I could see by DG's face that he was itching for the
fray!!!... "Well gentlemen! If you will see to it in the morning,
after sailing, that the crew are informed....then...that is all!...I
bid you good night!"....."Good night Ma'am!" the voices echoed in
unison....so that was it!... 14 hours and we would be at sea!!! My
heart longed for the feel of the decks lifting to a real swell
again!! Biscay would put that right!!!!
I had the Afternoon watch on the Friday that we sailed...I still
arrived on deck at 0800 to peruse the working day!...It was now my
daily orders, my daily routine that the ship followed! I felt in awe
of the situation, in awe of the power I now held...even the power of
life and death over every man-Jack aboard!!...I had all working
parties closed up for the morning cleaning routine, I quickly
scanned the various decks checking that all was in order...I was now
directly in charge of Garrity and his guns crews also! That was my
mission this forenoon...I wanted to explain the reasons why I felt
it necessary to continue drilling even after our graduation....I
knew I had the power to order the exercising regardless!!...but... I
really felt that this crew had so much potential, that I could learn
from them, from Garrity, even his being a more junior officer, I
still held his opinion in high regard! I did not know all there was
to know about armaments by any means...it would be a lesson for all
of us when the time came for action!!! I didn't want that learning
to be via heavy casualties!
I found Garrity hard at the job already...He had the guns captains
lined up around their stations, a briefing was under way...I felt I
didn't want to butt in...however, I also felt that my two-pennyworth
might be needed...They sat around the 32 pounders in the midships
section of the Starboard Battery....young (13 to 14 yrs old) powder
monkeys stood off in the distance...As I approached, men sprang to
their feet, including Garry....I waved them to carry on with the
words "At ease men!"....I went amongst them, sat on a powder cask,
and bade the Gunnery Officer to carry on with his
briefing...."....Aye Sir! As you were men!....Now where was
I??....Ah! Yes!....shot gauges!....Keep these clear of the field of
action...the same goes for rammers and sponges, hooks and
ladles...keep them clear of the gun recoil area! If we all get used
to the idea that each piece of kit has it's place...and....we all
keep to those simple rules..we won't have the unfortunate incidence
of crushed feet, or tripping that we had at the start of
work-up!"...."I know that in the heat of battle, it may be easy to
just discard a rammer... or ladle.. in the hurry to run-out...but
that could be our downfall!...So!!..One!!... Keep the decks around
your charge free of obstruction!...Two....I want all trunnions..and
all carriage wheels greased!!....Three..I want the return tackle
blocks greased!...Four!...I want all gear double checked for
wear....return tackle, elevating tackle, breeching etc!....so when
we start......I want you to bear this in mind!"...."Anything to add
sir?" He looked askance at me...."Guns!..I do think perhaps it might
be an idea to involve the monkeys! They should sit in on these
briefings in my opinion! Their job is paramount, and knowing which
way any guns crew is going to act is of paramount importance too
isn't it?....What's your thoughts on it?"....
"Well Sir! It's a bit unusual!! They haven't been involved
before...but if you think it might help!"...."Guns I will leave it
to your discretion!...But remembering that all men that come into
contact with armaments in the heat of battle, must know what the
other is thinking!...but I leave it to your superior knowledge of
gunnery!"...."Aye Sir!....Er!...I think it could be a wise move to
get them more involved!...Shall I ask them over?"...."That's for you
to decide Guns! But they are part of the Gun crews too in my
"Right Lads! Let's be 'avin you!....Let's see if you can learn
The 6 powder boys from this battery, shyly doffed their caps and
approached the gathered guns captains and crews!...."Beggin' yer
pardon sir!...can I speak freely?" A skinny, pimpled face..a lad
scarely thirteen I'd wager!!...."Of course!" Garry replied "Of
course! That's why you're here!"...."Well Sir!....In the work-up
period we became aware of the fact that our stock of shot for the 32
pounders was stacked on the left of the Gun carriages....would this
not be better to be shifted to the right hand side of the
Gun???..then there would be no need to be at the rear of the
recoiling guns, fetching shot!!"....There was a moment of
silence...traditionally the right hand side of a gun carriage was
for the tooling required to sponge out etc....but the boy had a
point!..."Would this make the reload faster Guns?" I
asked....."Maybe Sir..Maybe..but it will take a little getting used
to!"...."Well! Want to try it men?"....several nods, also several
mutterings of "Bloody sprogs!!"....."Now with your permission
Guns...I would like to outline the plan for the coming few
days!"..."I would like...with your help men...to get the timing of
the reload down to below 2 minutes!".....There was an audible gasp
from all in the group..."I know it will be hard work....but doing it
over and over again, will , in my opinion get the drill to become
second nature!"..."We need to be inside 2 minutes to have any chance
against the Frenchies!...Their gunnery is second to none! But ours,
I feel, can be better!"..."I leave it to you to try new methods,
change things around, whatever!...But I want that time down!!....You
will need to be better than any...to survive the actions ahead!...I
want to return you all to your homes, fit, able and in one
piece!"...."And by being faster, better prepared and better
equipped...that vision will be achieved!"...I paused, then rose
"Thank you Guns!...I'll leave you to it!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"...The assembled guns crews rose as one man...I waved
them down..."Carry on men!"...I then went topside to leave them to
it!....Put the shot on the right eh? Might be a good point!.....As I
reached the deck, I could smell the salt air.....I went to the
Starboad side...preparations were under way for our
departure!....Merchants were carrying fresh stores up the
gangway...our livestock was being brought aboard via another wider
gangway rigged aft!...A mix of animals that we carried for our fresh
supply of meat...our hens for eggs...piglets..all were being loaded
via the gangway aft...a continuous cycle of dock workers, coming up
one gangway and returning via the other!....Water casks were being
manhandled across the decks, barrels of salt beef jerky,salted
pork....enough stores to last us until Gibraltar!!!
At 1150, a pilot cutter approached us, containing our guide through
the treacherous inshore waters...our boats were unshipped and
lowered....the four cables through the for'ard fairleads were
laid...two boats on each side were ready to pull us off and out into
the channel until we could catch the wind......at 12 noon precisely,
we singled up, then let go for'ard...let go aft....and, slowly at
first we moved off the berth...I could hear the boats crews being
stroked..."And One....and Two....and Three.....And pull!!!" picking
up their timing from a drum beat in the starboard boat!...Gradually
our head swung to seaward....The quayside diminishing at our
stern!...I looked aloft....topmen were setting the tops'ls...they
began to flap languidly in the slight NW breeze.....I felt the
familiar lifting of the deck beneath my feet, as REVENGE gathered
her skirts, and lifted her eyes to the horizon!!! The movement, so
beloved of seamen everywhere...was a sign of HOME! .....And.....
home was the sea!!!
She lifted her nose and rhythmically moved with the long low
swell...about a mile off-shore, the wind began to pick up, we were
out of the lee of the land, and, the fitful gusts that had flapped
the main, were now puffing in a steady breeze!.....Bosun's
mate?..Pipe the carry on!"... The pilot shouted the order
for'ard..the deck crew standing by the ropes, ready to haul in,
looked aft to where "Carry" Carstairs was awaiting the opportune
moment to cast off the boats!.....From for'ard came the cry "Boats
away Sir!"....."Very Well!....bring her head round Jacobs! Steer
South by Southwest a degree West.....Top-men aloft! Set fores'l,
tops'ls, mizzen and main....sheet home!" The hands sprang aloft
eager to get to sea...As the ship came under canvas...she heeled
onto her Starboard side...the water starting to slap along her
flanks! My heart lifted with each ride of the swell....the slapping
of the released canvas soon stilled as sheets were riven home and
the sails began to fill! Elation!! We were in the element we were
all born to...and our ship was given birth for!
Having the Afternoon watch was exhilarating!!! The sun was shining
on a crisp winter's day...the sea was a deep blue (We were still in
shallow waters) and the spray flying from the bow, beat against my
face as I walked for'ard to the Cathead.....I checked that the
Anchor was securely stowed, not much fun if it broke loose in
Biscay....We gradually made our way down channel, we saw nothing,
and no-one, the horizon was empty...by late afternoon we were
nearing Plymouth..."Indefat" and "Indigent" had already sailed from
Plymouth Sound, and were ahead of us by half a day...our rendezvous
off the Islands would be in the next few hours...."Keep a sharp
lookout Topside!" I called to the masthead lookout...the sun was
bright as it neared the horizon....with it setting on our Starboard
bow it was necessary to shield ones eyes to take in what lay ahead
of us!....."Who is it aloft?" I shouted......."Deck there! Wilson
Sir!" Wilson was a good hand, a reliable man in the
foretops...."Good Wilson!...We should raise them in about an hour or
less...they should hove in sight on our Starboard bow...about Green
20 or thereabouts!"..."Aye Sir!.....I strolled to the Starboard
gunwhale...laid my arm along the strake...just admiring the view in
the setting sunshine....."Attention on the upper deck!"....The
bosun's call , followed by the piped "Still"....dragged me swiftly
from my reverie...The Admiral was on deck!...And....Heading my
way!!.....I saluted as she approached..."Good Afternoon
Ma'am!"..."We should raise Scilly in about an hour! Then we
rendezvous with the others at about 1800!"....Who has the First Dog
Watch Allen?" "Lt Firbank Ma'am!"....I could tell by her expression
that she had reservations...."Call me when we raise the islands if
you please!"..."Aye Ma'am....will there be anything else?"...."No
Thank you Number One!...I shall be in my cabin! Could you send my
steward to me please?"...."My pleasure Ma'am!"....I shouted for
Williams the Bosun's mate of the watch...he skidded to a halt , came
to attention..."Sir?"...."The Admiral wishes the attendance of her
steward, in her Day Cabin Williams! See to it will you
please?"...."Right away Sir!".....The Admiral was still in hearing
distance, I was about to walk to the Steering Platform, when I saw
her turn about......"Oh Allen?"...."Yes Ma'am?"...."I completely
forgot! When I picked up our sailing orders...I was also given a
sealed letter, which had been delivered by hand to the Queen's
Harbour Master in Falmouth by the Packet that brought
mail!"....."This has travelled quite some distance I do
believe!....It has been delivered by hand from Falmouth to
Portsmouth...from Portsmouth to Portland....and at the end of it's
journey it has been forgotten!"......"That's quite alright
Ma'am....you had your hands full at the time!"...."I did indeed
Number One...I did indeed!...Yes!...It's been travelling for quite a
while I think...now,....let's think!...I saw where it had originated
from also...Now where was it? Oh Yes! From Malta Allen...that's
it!...From Malta! Know anyone there?"......"Aye Ma'am I do...Service
personnel of course!"..."Of course Number One!!! Of
course!!!"....The glint in her eye belied the fact that she believed
me!!! ..."Anyway I shall be in my Day Cabin if you would like to
collect it when you get relieved! Ok?"...."Right Ma'am...And
thankyou!"...."Don't thank me Number One....It might be a Debtor's
summons!!" She chuckled as she returned my salute and walked away!!
This Lady was an Enigma!!! Who was the mystery correspondence
from??? Could it be???My blood was singing in my veins...my ears
were registering my heart beat!...Could it be from my beloved
Petra?.....My thoughts returned to that soft, sensual afternoon,
spent alone in the surf with the beautiful Maltese girl...the
yearning made my stomach flip sommersaults...suddenly that was all I
could think of! That soft, warm, pliant body, next to mine on the
beach....her lovely face...the smell of her
hair.......Damnation!.....Damn the French!! And the Spanish!!....I
wanted to head straight for Grand Harbour!!! C'mon "Firbee"!!! Just
for once relieve me early!!!
I couldn't wait for my relief to come on watch at 1600....the wind
was getting up and I had to stay on deck until the watch was over! I
just wanted to get below after collecting my "Letter", and read
it...it would be the first communication from Petra since I had left
Malta!...I thought perhaps I would never see her again, had not
planned that I would return to sea, let alone Malta!...I spent the
last quarter of an hour dreaming!..Dreaming of what might be in the
letter! Was it concerning our afternoon of pleasure on the beach? We
had taken no precautionary measures to stop her from being with
child....but her decision to continue our lovemaking until we both
climaxed, lead me to believe she was totally relaxed about the need
to be careful, so, I was not really concerned that we might have
made a child!...Therefore, it could only be a letter, telling me of
her continued feelings, and, perhaps corresponding in the hopes that
we could be together again soon? But how could she know I was back
at sea? That I had survived the Sinking of "Talkalot"?...All these
thoughts were running around in my head as 'Firbee' came on deck to
relieve me in the Navigator's room!
"Evening Darbs!...How's the wind?"...."It's WNW 18 knots
Firbee!...We are making 12 knots...our course is west South
West!...You should raise Indefat and Indigent in the next hour!..The
Admiral wants to be informed when we have them in sight!
OK?"...."Rightho!...You are relieved Number One!...I have the
watch!"...."Thankyou Leiutenant! See you at Midnight!"..With those
words, I quickly crossed the deck to the after Sternc'stle door, let
myself in and headed for the Admiral's Day Cabin!
I tapped on the door...silence!...I knocked again....My pulse was
racing with excitement and anticipation of what I would find in
Petra's letter!....."Enter!!"....I turned the handle and opened the
door, doffing my hat as I ducked under the lintel!...."Excuse me
Ma'am! I thought it might be an opportune moment to collect my
letter!"...."Come in Number One! Come in! Have a seat!".....I dipped
my head in deference, and with 3 quick strides, pulled a beautifully
carved chair with gold upholstery from it's bay under the mahogany
table, and , flipping my coat tails away, sat down!..."Would you
partake of a glass of Oporto wine Number One?...It's an excellent
vintage!"....I just wanted my letter! Collect my letter and be
gone...however, one does not refuse the Admiral's hospitality!..."A
delight Ma'am...a true delight!".....She stood, went to the cabinet
standing against the bulkhead, opened the door and took out a
chrystal decanter of red wine!...She poured two glasses...."A toast
Number One!...To Victory!!"...."To victory! Aye Ma'am! To
Victory!"...I sipped my port wine, it was a lovely full bodied
taste, much beloved by the people of Madiera!..."Now! To
work!...Your letter!....She took a key from her jacket pocket,
inserted it in the top drawer of her davenport behind her, and slid
the drawer open...reached inside, and withdrew a heavy vellum
envelope...it had yellowed a little, no doubt from exposure to the
sun in it's travels!......She handed it to me...I took it and placed
it upon my knees....."Well?? Aren't you going to open it Number
One?"....A mischevious look had entered her eyes, I saw in them a
glint of amusement at my obvious embarrassment and
discomfort!!..."Er...I was going to open it later Ma'am, when I have
some time!"..I was able to read quite well, but I needed time and a
little space to take in detail..peace and
solitude!...."It.....could....be....important LT!"......"Yes ma'am,
I know!"....."If it's Naval Correspondence, then surely you can open
it and share it now can't you?"....Unable to avoid it, I looked her
in the eye....she was smiling with her eyes...knowing full well that
I just wanted to run and hide, open my post, and be at
peace!!!...."Oh very well!! Keep you little secrets!....Though why
Navy Tittle-Tattle should be so secret heaven knows!"...I
relented!...."May I borrow your letter opener Ma'am
please??"....."Of course Number One! Of course!"....She leaned
forward as she passed me the ivory knife.......I slit behind the wax
seal....before I did I noticed it was the seal of the Governor
General Malta!...That was her father anyway!! So it was from
her!!!...I broke open the seal and opened the letter!...The outer
vellum had been made into an envelope...inside was a copper-plate
written letter!...As my eyes took in the heading .....OFFICE OF HIS
MAJESTY'S LORD CHANCELLOR (MALTA)...my spirits sank.....Chief Petty
Officer Christopher Allen...(A little out of date!!)....You have
been summoned to appear before the High Court, at the Courthouse in
Valletta, Malta, to answer to the charge of "causing death by afray"
inasmuch as you did on the 18th day of August 1804 cause grevious
harm to one ELNIUS BUNAT...The said afray being upon Sovereign
Maltese soil, a warrant for your arrest and imprisonement, has been
sent to the Governor General, Malta, for onward serving...failure to
appear at the court...or to surrender yourself to the relevant law
authorities on, or by, the 18th day of September 1804, will result
in your being found guilty in absentia....dated this 30th day of
August 1804....." It was signed with a flourish!......I looked at
the Admiral in shock!......I had killed someone?
Impossible!.....What was this about?...Dazed...I handed the letter
to the Admiral....She read it in silence....."Well! This is a fine
pickle we have gotten ourselves into isn't it Number One??"...."Aye
Ma'am it is!...But I truly don't understand!"....I was in total
shock! Stunned!!!!..."I think we need another drink Number One!!
Something stronger this time I feel!!.....STEWARD!!!"......I sat in
abject misery...total disbelief as she walked to the door shouting
for the steward..........What in hell's name????....I was already a
hunted man!...The summons was dated last year!!!! ...What was I
going to do?????
The steward knocked on the cabin door, opened it and entered
carrying a decanter and glasses on a tray. "Thankyou Phillips! Put
it on the table if you please, and Phillips?"...."Yes
Ma'am?"...."Could you hang on outside the cabin door for 10 minutes,
I wish to have a private conversation with the First
Lieutenant!..Don't want anyone barging in in the middle of
it!"..."Very good Ma'am! I will see to it!
The Admiral poured two large glasses of Grog from the decanter,
handed me one, and, having second thoughts, reached over and topped
the glass even higher!! "Methinks we have a problem Number One! Now!
I need you to tell me exactly what you got up to in Malta on
"Talkalot"!" "I need to hear it from you!" The next twenty minutes
was a catalogue of the events that happened whilst in Grand Harbour,
Valletta etc...I left nothing out!...When the part about meeting
Petra was about to be revealed, I skirted around the truth, I did
not tell her about our afternoon's tryst on the beach, only that I
had met her and we had spent a few hours together walking on the
"Let's go back to the incident in the Taverna....you say there were
three men, all local, who took exception to some of Talkalot's crew
carousing with native girls?"
"Yes Ma'am!"...but we sorted the problem out!" (I didn't disclose
how just yet !! )..."We then left the Taverna...and returned to the
"YOU SORTED THE PROBLEM OUT!!!!...Tell me Number One.....Just how
I was reluctant to inform her, that the Lieutenant Commander sitting
in front of her, was involved in a brawl....but, there was nothing
for it...she had to know!! I related events as they had happened,
ending with my walk back to the ship, I told her about the fight in
every gory detail!
"Do you think you might have done this??...Elnius Bunat??....damage
in the fight that might have resulted in his death?"
I had to admit, I didn't know, he was alive when I had left them all
in the bar, though somewhat in jeopardy of ever becoming a father!
My thoughts were reeling, but, when trying to piece together the
events of that night, that was the only possible explanation! I had
killed the man I had fought with in the bar! Inadvertantly maybe!
But killed him nonetheless!!!
"You realise what my duty is Number One?"
"Yes Ma'am I do!"
"Because I am in receipt of this letter, I have to act within the
law, not only of the Island of Malta, but of the Royal Navy! That
law forces me to arrest you, and, put you under Close Arrest!"
"However!...Because we are not returning to shore for the immediate
future, I will place you under Open Arrest! This means you may go
about your duties as normal...however, you will not be allowed
ashore, at least until we return to Malta, and you will report to
me, here in my cabin once a day, from now on!! Is that clear Number
"Yes Ma'am...perfectly clear...and may I just say...I sincerely
regret having put you under these pressures...but I honestly know
nothing of the events mentioned in the warrant!!"
"I understand that Allen!...I wouldn't be talking to you now if I
didn't...And, if it's any help..I believe you...totally!"
"However!...we must follow the rule of law! I will have to inform
the Coxswain, him being the Master-at-Arms (Policeman), and he will
have to place you under open arrest!" "Meanwhile, I suggest you sit
and write a letter explaining the circumstances of your defence,
explaining that you have only just received the summons to court,
and that you will be attending a re-scheduled court upon our arrival
eventually in Malta!" "This we can transfer to the pilot gig at the
Isles of Scilly, for onward routing to Malta on a Packet-ship"
"Anything else I can do for you I will!"
"Well Ma'am...seeing as I will be under arrest, and going about my
duties, I feel it is only right and proper that the crew are aware
also of my predicament! I would like your permission to address them
Ma'am if you please?"
"Very well! So be it!"....."PHILLIPS!!!!
The door opened and the steward poked his head round it!..."Aye
"Phillips...would you fetch the Master-at-Arms, ask him to join us
in my cabin...and...would you ask the Officer of the Watch to clear
lower decks in 15 minutes??"
"Aye Ma'am! Right away!"....This was going to be hard! I had worked
hard to get every man-jack of the crew to a state of self-reliant
fitness, they were now a proud crew, a team, standing together as
one man when the action came...now I had to tell them that I had
failed them!! It was going to be hard for me! I think it was going
to be hard for them!...How could they take orders from someone, who
they might think, had deceived them, misled them, whatever term you
like to use!
"Before the Master comes Ma'am! I feel I should resign my
Commission, and allow another Officer to stand as Number One, at
least until I can sort this out!"
"Nonsense Lieutenant Commander!! I command this ship!!! And I decide
who resigns and who does not! And!! You Number One... definitely do
not!!! I will hear no more of it!!"
There was a knock on the cabin door, the door opened, and Jameson
poked his head inside..."You sent for me Ma'am?"
"I certainly did Jameson! I wish you to place Lt Cdr Allen under
open arrest! He will report to me every day without fail! He will be
allowed no shore leave...This is pending an investigation into the
death of an islander upon the Island of Malta! It is requested by
the court in Valletta and we have been notified by the Governor
General of Malta!! Can you take that down and do the necessary?? And
the First Lieutenant will address the crew immediately!!"
"Aye Aye Ma'am!! Would you follow me Sir please?"
"Certainly Jameson!"
I followed him out of the cabin, across the decks, up the ladder to
the Poop....As we had left the cabin, I had heard the bosun's pipes
calling for decks to be cleared.....men were gathering across the
upper decks....I looked out at their sea of faces!!!! What would
they think of me??? This was going to be hard!!!!
ATTEN...SHUN!....."Lower decks cleared sir...Duty personnel only
below decks!...
"Very good Master!.....Stand Easy men!" There was an uncomfortable
shifting of feet as the assembled crew relaxed!....Well, here goes!
"Men!! I have an unpleasant duty to perform today....I have come to
know most of you by name, I have also come to know you as a crew! A
top crew, a crew that it has been my priveledge to be a part of,
and, serve with! So it is with regret that I have to inform you of
the contents of a letter I have received within the past 24 hours!!"
"It would seem, that at a previous time, upon the island of Malta,
just over a year ago...I have caused the death of an islander, or
local man, named Elnius Bunat...I do not know of this person by
name, however, I, along with 2 other members of the crew of HMS
Talkalot were ashore in a Taverna, when we were accosted and set
upon by 3 strangers, who took umbridge at our crew carousing with
some local "Ladies"...I use the term loosely!"
"During the ensuing fracas, the belligerents were persuaded to
rethink their attack, this being achieved by somewhat persuasive
means!...At no time was I, or any other crew member, aware that
serious injury had been done to any of the would be
assailants!...although, I feel, that their amorous abilities might
have been curtailed in the coming weeks, even months!"
"I am now however, in receipt of a belated summons to the Court in
Malta, the charge is "Causing death by affray"...I have been in
discussions with the Admiral, who, I might add, has reluctantly
placed me under Open Arrest....I have offered to resign my
commission, and give you a chance to have a new 1st Lt...The Admiral
has refused this offer, and wishes me to carry on with my duties!"
"I am going below after this address, to write a letter in my
defence, to be handed to the pilot gig on the Isles of Scilly, for
forwarding to Falmouth, there to be despatched via a Packet-ship to
Malta!...I have no option but to beg a deferrment, or in the case of
a punishment already fixed, which I am reliably informed is hanging,
a stay of execution of the death warrant, pending my imminent return
to the Island to answer these charges!"
" It is with great sadness that I have to address you, to give you
this news in person...I will understand if you find it in
yourselves, not to be able to work under my command! This Gentlemen
I will leave to your discretion...I conclude by assuring you that I
have been honest in every aspect pertaining to the charge, the
warrant, and my resignation! Gentlemen I have been proud to be your
Number One! That is all! Thankyou! Carry on Master!
There was a stunned silence, not a word from the Master-at-Arms,
total and utter silence!!! I turned and hid my face, hid my shame
from a crew that I had come to respect and admire...I couldn't let
them see how affected I was!...."Master!...Carry on if you........."
There was a sudden stamping of feet, clapping of hands in
rhythm....STAMP!....STAMP!...STAMP!!....STAMP!!!.....then, as I
turned to eye them....caps were thrown in the air, cheering burst
from every throat...The Master-at-Arms turned to me and, with a
broad grin, said "You have their answer Sir!".....I turned back to
the taffrail...every face was smiling, showing their support, arms
were thrust forward in a clenched fist salutes!!...I raised my arms
and lowered them, bidding them cease!....a hush fell on the
decks!..."Gentlemen! I thankyou for your trust and
support!".....Suddenly...from behind me came the words "He has my
full support also, as have you all, Revengers!"....more cheering as
the Admiral took her place beside me....."I thank you Ma'am...I will
endeavour to reward that trust, placed in me by you, and the
crew!"...."I will retire be....."
"Deck there!.....Two ships fine on the Port Bow Sir!!"
"What range Topman?"
"20 miles or thereabouts Sir!"
"Very Well!....Looks like that'll be Indefatigable and Indigent
Ma'am!...I think I'd better get below and get that letter written!
We shall be upon them in a short while!"
" Good idea number One!...tell me...Do you know the Governor General
of Malta?"
"No Ma'am! Not personally!..I have only met him the once, when he
came aboard Talkalot and dined with you...!"
"What of his daughter? Did you know her?"
Did I know her? Did I know her? My duty was to protect her name!!
"Barely Ma'am!" I realised as the words came out, that it was in
fact the very truth!! I did know her "Barely"!!!!
"Then I wonder why this was included in the foldings of the letters
envelope? Very strange!!"
I looked at what she was proffering! It was a small fold of
waterproof paper...folded in such a way as to make a tiny sealed
packet, the size of a penny piece!
"Well take a look man! Take a look! I have!...Very strange!!! Very
strange indeed!"
I took the little package from her hand, peeled open the parchment,
there inside was a lock of hair, very dark hair!...I looked into her
"It must have dropped out as you opened it Number One!!! Now!!...
Why would the Governor General of Malta send you a lock of his
hair?"...."And...another strange thing is!!! I thought he was
greying!!!" With these words, she smiled knowingly, and turned and
walked away!....I walked to the after poop ladder, stepped behind
it, and casting glances around to ensure no-one was watching, took
the lock from it's packet, raised it to my nostril and smelled the
fragrance of the very fine silken piece of tress!!! I breathed
deeply!!.... Ohhhh!....I could smell the alluring scent of her!!!My
lovely Petra! My beautiful siren of the sea!! She must have smuggled
it into the folds of the envelope...which meant she knew of the
charges against me!!! I felt suddenly uplifted! I would beat these
charges! She would give me the strength!!! Her and the
I hurried below to fetch parchment and quill.....I sat for 20
minutes describing the events leading up to our fracas ashore in
Malta, and the following hours, I also reiterated my full
cooperation and intention to appear at the courthouse in Malta as
quickly as time would allow!...I then took the letter with me on
deck, and walked purposefully towards the Admiral's cabin! I rapped
on the door!....."ENTER!!"......"Excuse me Ma'am! might I trouble
you to read this affidavit, I am not the most literate of persons, I
would like your opinion of what I have written!"
"Of course Number One!...I also have written a note to accompany
yours...acknowledging the receipt of the summons and charge sheet,
and, describing the actions I have taken...a copy of which I am
sending to the Admiralty!"
"I understand Ma'am!"
There was a pause as she scanned the letter I had penned, she
re-read a portion of it...then turned to me...."You state that the
local police were involved after this fracas in the Taverna Allen?"
"Well! Yes Ma'am...I think so...they passed us running towards the
bar, so we presumed that was where they were going!!"
"Of course! A natural assumption Number One! A natural assumption
indeed!!"...."That may well be a pivotal point in any judicial
proceedings I might add!"
"How so Ma'am?"
"Well Number One....If you had injured this ....ELNIUS.... whatever
his name, to the extent of it resulting in his fatality, then, on
the contrary, there should be a police record of the man being fit
(well! To a degree!) and alive when you left him eh?"
"I suppose so Ma'am....but he still might have succumbed later!"
"I agree Number One! But it is a chink of light don't you
think?"..."Now we'd better get on deck and get the boat away with
these despatches! Thankyou Allen...that will be it for the moment!"
"Aye Ma'am!"...I saluted, and, picking up the packets, retreated
from her cabin...once outside the door, I turned her words over in
my head! Thinking all the time of the events that night!!!
Once on deck I shouted for the yeoman....."Yeoman! YEOMAN!!"
"Aye Sir?" It was Withers, the Yeoman's junior...."Ah
Withers...Hoist the flag letter "G" if you please!"
"Letter G Sir? Aye Aye!"...The letter "G" was a request for a
pilot....this pilot gig would take our messages ashore....meanwhile
the sea-boat was being lowered to take the Admiral across to Indefat
and Indigent (There was a meeting on Indigent of the 3 Fleet
chiefs!)....A minute later and the letter G went soaring up to the
truck!....Now we had to wait! The Islands were a mere 5 miles off on
our Starboard beam! The signal station ashore would read the
signal..and send a pilot gig out to us!...They might not be so happy
when they discovered we were using them as a post boat!!!
The two 1st Rate Ships- of-the-line looked a really magnificent
sight! Both freshly scrubbed and painted...Bunting flying from both
ships in profusion..I could hear the Yeoman deciphering the messages
flying between us...."From Indigent Sir!...A...S...Pennant
25!!....You are 25 minutes late!!!.....U....P....T....R....E.....You
have stood up two beautiful ladies!!"....."Reply Sir??"
"One moment Yeoman!...."
"Yeoman! Make to Indigent...... St Paul Chapt 11 Verse 26!!" I
turned in surprise...The Admiral was standing behind me!!!
"You will have to learn to read your Bible Number One!!! Comes in
very handy!!"
"Aye Ma'am! ....But what does it say?"
"And lo it came to pass that the Lord looked upon the gathered
throngs vain countenances and said "'Tis not thy countenance that
shall get thee into heaven...but thy deeds alone! Let not thy beauty
seduce thee into craven folly!"....."Beautiful ladies indeed!!!
God!! I had a lot to learn...to be able to return a jibe with a
biblical reference seemed to be the ultimate in repartee! This I
would have to master!!!
"Stop daydreaming Number One!..I am going over to Indigent now,
prepare to get under way as soon as I return if you please!"
"AYE AYE Ma'am!" She could not have known how much I wanted to get
under way! My thoughts were with the rolling ocean...I felt at one
with it...I also felt isolated!! Solitude!!! Isolated for a while
longer...until the world outside came crashing in!!!
The Admiral's boat was spotted leaving Indigent at 1922...I had
warned everyone to be ready for getting under way as soon as the
Admiral was safely esconced! "Bosun! Raise the hook until "Up and
Down" If you please!"
"Aye Aye Sir!....Jones!! Get your men to the cathead...and get that
Nipper on deck!"
"Right Bos' !"
Jones disappeared through the poop door to muster his anchor raising
gang! Included in the raising crew, was the little chap we called
the Nipper....he was about 12 years old, had run away from a home
for orphaned children in Portsmouth!...He was a deaf mute (They said
it was the shock of seeing his parents killed by roadside bandits
holding up a coach!)..his job as Nipper, was to whip the anchor
cable to the messenger running to the capstan! A dangerous job! One
slip could be disastrous! But, not as disastrous as a kicking with
the bosun's boot!!!
The anchor party was upon the focs'le head as the Admiral's boat
approached...I had told them to watch for my signal (I would raise
my arm and lower it when they were to start winching in the
cable)...I could see Jones watching intently..."Yeoman! Hoist Flag A
if you please!"
"Flag A...Aye Aye Sir!"...a few seconds and the bunting soared to
the masthead...I looked over the side...the boat was about 20 yards
from the gangway....I raised my arm...and as the boat bumped against
the foot of the gangway..I dropped it, and saw to my relief, Jones
turn to his party, give the order start the turning of the
windlass....He raised his arm, indicating the strain was being
applied, then brought it smartly down as the anchor lifted free of
the bottom silt!...The Admiral was climbing the
gangway...PHEEOOOUUUW...."Attention on the upper decks! Turn abeam
and salute!"....The upper deck stilled as the Admiral stepped
through the gunwhale gate....Carry on Number One! I will see all
Officers in my cabin in 10 minutes!..Who has the watch?"
"I do Ma'am...until 8 bells!!"
"Right! We'll make that 20 minutes then! Who's your relief?"
"Lieutenant Jenkins Ma'am has the First watch!"
"Very well Allen....then.. after the briefing perhaps you would be
so good as to brief him??"
"Aye Ma'am!...Of course!"...."We are raising the hook and I have
informed the escort that we are now under way!"
"Very Good! Make the course SSW, a point West if you please number
one!....Let's see what she will do in a following wind and sea,
shall we??"
"AYE AYE Ma'am!!!!"
"Helmsman!!! Make your course SSW a point West if you please!...Top
men aloft!!..Make sail!!!"
" Aye Mr Allen Sir!! Course is SSW a point West!" His foghorn of a
voice was deafening!!!...."TOPMEN ALOFT!!! MAKE SAIL!!!...EVERYTHING
The Top men swarmed aloft, in seconds, they were spread out along
the yards unfurling all sail! I looked aft to where the Indigent and
the Indefatigable were just coming onto their anchors...I smiled a
wry smile!...Fastest away! Now who's being kept waiting? We would
show them a clean pair of heels!!!
"Yeoman! hoist "Form line astern 1 cable apart"
"Line astern 1 cable!!...Aye Aye Sir!"
Once again, within a few seconds, the bunting flew up the mast on
the Port side, quickly followed by the "Execute" pennant on the
Starboard halyard......the signal was left there for a full minute,
then swiftly dropped....."Ready Sir...Answering Pennants from both!"
"Right Yeo!...Execute!"
The Pennant was hauled down briskly....I took the Glass and looked
astern, both ships were struggling to come into line, Indigent with
very little sail set, behind her, Indefatigable was swaying like a
drunken whore!!
"Yeoman! Make to both...."Beautiful Ladies...your slips are
"Aye Sir!...Anything else?"
"No Yeoman! That will be enough to chivvy them up I do believe!"
As the signalman lay to the task of bending the bunting on...I was
aware of Jenkins at my side...."Ok Number One?"
"Just laying a few ground rules "Jinks"...Rules for the beautiful
"Don't look too beautiful to my eye Darby!"
"They don't indeed!....They look more like a Chinese laundry!!"
I gave him the orders for the SSW a point W course, showed the log,
up to date.... informed him I would return after the Admiral's
briefing to "Fill him in".....and suggested a hot beverage be made
available in the galley for the anchor party coming off watch in
their wet clothes!
"Aye Aye Sir! I have the watch!"
"Very well!"...the formal handing over done...I stepped briskly aft
to the poop, heading for the Admiral's cabin......our orders would
now become common knowledge!"....The cracking of the
canvas....squeaking of taut hemp, the slapping of the seas against
the lee rail, the flick of spray against my cheek...the feel of
Revenge heeling under way.....These were the things I was coming to
love about a life under sail!!!
As we gathered in the Admiral's cabin, I sensed there was an air of
optimism amongst the assembled Officers! Hung from the wall was a
chart of the North African coast...beside it was a smaller chart of
the West African coast! We wandered across to the both of them and
browsed the areas on both maps!
"Ahem! Good evening Gentlemen!"
A chorus of "Good Evening Ma'ams!" as we all turned to see the
Admiral coming out of her personal bed space! "Relax Gentlemen!
Anyone like a drink?....Carstairs! Shout out the door for my steward
A quick snappy order through the open door sufficed to fetch the
steward from his tiny cabin nearby!..."Ah Phillips!...Would you see
a round of drinks are set before each and everyone! I shall require
a toast later!"
"Aye Ma'am!"...The steward went from Officer to Officer, checking
the order for drinks (coming out of the Admiral's personal
allowance!)...he disappeared, with his little chitty, through the
cabin door!
"Well Men! The plan I had envisaged, in fact, had formulated, before
we left Portland, has been accepted by the
Admiralty!...Indefatigable and Indigent are to be, not only our
escort, but part of the raiding team! Our orders are quite simple!
The French Hooligan has landed several thousand troops on the North
Africa coast....not far from the Egyptian borders, What we cannot
allow, is for him to try and take the Egyptian Capital..Cairo!! We
will meet up with others of the Mediterranean Fleet once we have
successfully navigated our way through the Straits of Gibraltar!
This is presently being guarded by Spanish ships...latest
intelligence reports estimate the number as 7, including 3 1st
Raters!!! I think they will concentrate their power to the North of
the Straits, assuming rightly that we will have to reinforce our
Fleet from home waters! What I intend to do, as I previously
outlined, is to sail deep...on a SW by South line into the southern
part of the Atlantic....Then, once we have dropped below the
Straits, and are off the West African Coast proper, it is my
intention to make landfall to confirm our position...then hug the
coast on the way back up...eventually approaching the Straits, from
the, hopefully, unguarded South, under cover of darkness! This way I
hope we can slip through the blockade unnoticed...however!!...If we
are spotted, then we shall have to take our chances!!...We will be
outgunned by superior numbers! I have, however, great confidence in
the Officers and crew of REVENGE...You have shown me, and by me, I
also include the Admiralty, that you are capable of high speed
manouvering, high speed run-out and reload, high speed sail
setting....This Gentlemen, will ensure we have the advantage!!!"
"Number One! I want gunnery crews continuously training until the
time we reach the Straits! You may explain why!"..."I also want the
Monkey's idea, of shot set to the right, put into practise! I think
this will also give us an edge! Any questions???"
We had already an idea of the plan, so there were no questions....
"In that case Gentlemen! Raise your glasses please! A toast!!! "TO
VICTORY"!!!" Glasses were raised and drained all round, amid a
chorus of "To Victory"...."And that being said...I bid you all
Again a chant of "Goodnight Ma'am!!"
I left the cabin, eager to get topside and inform Jenkins that the
plan had been accepted....When I reached the helm...Jenkins wasn't
present...when I inquired of the helmsman his whereabouts, he
smilingly pointed aloft....Sitting astride, on the Port side of a
yard, Jenkins was in conversation with Miller, the
lookout!...."Aloft there!"...."Jinks!...Get your tail down here if
you want to know the score!!"
A minute later he was standing in front of me, saluting!!..."Sorry
Sir! Miller was sure he saw a sail...far over to our Starboard side,
about green 25 degs....Could only just make it out on the
horizon....looked like it might cross our bow from Starboard to
Port!"...."But! I can see nothing Sir!"
Miller is one of the best isn't he Jinks!!! I think we should take
note! I'll inform the Captain, the Admiral will hear from him!"..."I
don't recall, at the briefing, any of our ships being in these
waters at present!!....
"Could be a Frenchie this far North Sir?"
"Maybe Jinks!!.. Maybe...could also be a Portugeser! Any signs of a
red colour tinging the sails did he say?"
"Too far away Sir!"
"Right! I'll warn the Captain! Tell Miller to keep his eyes peeled!!
We don't need a warning to get to the Spaniards!....Keep a sharp
lookout for lights!"..."I'll fill you in on the briefing in a
"Yeoman!!! Bosun!!!"
The both came at a run! "Bosun! We will run without lights when it
becomes really dark!..I will get a message to the other 2 ships to
do the same! No need to advertise our presence eh?"
"Yeo! Make to Indefat and Indigent...sighted sail on our Starboard
bow at green 25 degrees! Am Darkening ship! Follow!"
"Aye Aye Sir!"
"Jinks! I'm going below to tell the Captain!...Meanwhile tell Miller
there's a double grog if he can put us onto her!"
"Right Darbs!...Think I'll resume the position aloft too!"
"Good Idea!!!"...."And Jinks??"
"Don't wait for me if you spot her again! Beat to quarters
immediately! Ok?"
"Aye Aye Number One!!" The smile on his face said it all!!! This
crew was honed to an edge of fighting fitness I had seldom witnessed
before....And he...like the rest of us was eager for action....Eager
to be at the enemy!!
I just hoped Miller was mistaken!! Hoped it might have just been a
cloud formation!!! What we didn't need was a welcoming party to meet
us in the Straits!!!
I tumbled below decks, I knew the Captain was below in the Surgeon's
bay, they had ideas for moving things around in this tiny space,
mainly to allow for more wounded men to be treated early....men
waited where they had fallen more often than not, until there was
room in the sick-bay to accommodate them! The Captain was dragging
his heels a little about taking over a little more space from the
Sailmaker's area! But...."Derry" was quick to point out that, if HE
had more space, then the Sailmaker and the Shipwright might be saved
work , stitching up burial shrouds, and making weightings for
I found him among the Sailmakers canvas bunts....hard at work
re-rolling and lashing, with a view to making the carriage of these
items of sail...smaller!!!
"Captain Sir?"
"Number One!!....What's up?"
"Miller, the lookout, thinks he saw a sail smudge low down at green
25 degrees Sir, about 10 minutes ago!"
"Did he now!!...Any ideas of Nationality?"
"None Sir! Too far away!"
"What action have you taken Number One?"
"Doubled the Lookout Sir...Jenkins is up there with him...as it's
becoming dark now...I have darkened ship, and made to the others to
do the same! We can only wait Sir!"
"Very good Allen!...Looks like you've got it all in hand
eh?"...."I'll slip aft and inform the Admiral"
"Might I suggest that she is having her meal Sir?...And
Miller..COULD have been mistaken!"
"I don't think so Number One! Miller has a keen eye!...No! I'll
interrupt the Admiral's meal! No need for any action on her part
anyway, just yet!"
"Aye Aye Sir! I'll get back on deck and get a relief aloft for
I turned on my heel after saluting, and quickly headed on deck!
What would darkness bring??? Could it have been a
Frenchman?????....... or a friendly Portugeser??? At the 15 knots we
were running in the fresh Southwesterly wind....we would soon find
(to be cont..............)
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