Why wear a poppy?
By achristop
- 575 reads
The sacrifice, freely given by the brave, shows up the coward, the
mocking knave!!
Plastic people, "PC" led...tarnish the memory of the treasured dead!
For freedom, honour and pride they fought, alas, it seems 'twas all
for naught!!
No lessons learned! No thought to say.."We'll stop and pause!
perhaps we'll pray!
From Flander's fields to Timbuktu, these people gave their lives for
In cold and wet, in fields of mud...they gladly shed each pint of
To those who mock, to those who jeer...I say"you've everything to
What you "knock"... is peoples's pride...and..reverence for the ones
who died!
You're just a few, a noisy few....but far too often listened to!
Their bravery... courage... wasn't Dutch!!..Put about when they'd
had too much!
They faced the gun, the knife, the gas!! They fought for you...but
then alas!
They didn't think you'd not be glad! The'd given everything they
So when conflict knocks upon YOUR door, seeking combat's blood and
What courage will you show? What patriot's pride? Or will you simply
run and hide?
Remember!!! None of THEM showed fear!!! And wear your poppy with
pride next year!!!!
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