Watching the Zabernians : Chapter 2
By Kurt Rellians
- 1333 reads
(continued from Watching the Zabernians Chapter 1)
Jasper went through the gate. He was feeling back to normal now he was away from the exhibitionist couples. He could wander around the amphitheatre and select a place to watch the Zabernians and relax as the introductory performers played to the arriving audience.
He walked along the short path across the park towards the amphitheatre. The amphitheatre was down, built into the dip of the park so that watchers on the hill behind could watch and listen to the performance, although they were not inside the amphitheatre. He was rising up the hill amongst the gradual flow of fans. The amphitheatre walls were low, disappearing under the hill where the hill rose above it. He headed towards a nearby gateway on the side of the hill. His path graced over the hill and fell into steps leading down into the gate. As he crested the hill he could see over the wall of the amphitheatre into it. The amphitheatre dropped downwards quite steeply, it seemed to Jasper, a long way down to the large raised stage at the bottom. He was slightly left of centre to the stage. He could see the crowds gathering down below in the amphitheatre. Most were crowding on the lower levels, near the stage, to be nearer the band, but many chose the atmosphere of sitting (or standing) on the higher levels for the feeling of being high above the performance and the crowds. The view was fantastic. Beyond the stage Jasper could see over the tiers of levels and seating for accompanists and dancers, down into the heart of the city itself with its tall skyscrapers and pleasure domes, high walkways and architectural excess.
The amphitheatre was full now, the flow of new bodies had ceased. The gates to the Park must have been shut. Entrance to the amphitheatre would be shut for safety. Anyone still out in the park would have to watch from the park.
There was a lull before the concert began. A supporting band of musicians were playing to warm up for the Zabernians. They were not an orchestra, their soothing sounds created mainly by keyboard, with supporting traditional bass, guitars and percussion. They were expected to create an atmosphere, but not to give a climax which would compete with the Zabernians. The music was not too loud, so people could talk.
All the people around him seemed to be in groups, chatting amongst themselves. Jasper wished he had come with friends, but when he had made his decision to try to attend this concert he had been on his own, deep in the artistic endeavour, in his panoramic towerblock room. He was engaged on his own projects for a couple of days, and had made no plans to link up with anyone. He could not be bothered to contact anyone for the gig. He often appreciated the chance to go to places on his own, so that he could appreciate the atmospheres without interruption. A Zabernians gig was something he didn’t need friends for. Sometimes when he went to places on his own he had better adventures than when he was cocooned amongst familiar friends.
Feeling slightly alone he was free to observe others and to soak in the atmosphere without the disturbance of familiar thought patterns. On his left reclined a young couple. The girl looked comfortable in the safe protective arm of the long haired young man. They were chatting quietly, so quietly that even though they were so close to him he could not hear what they said. It was obvious that they were lovers. They had an air of maturity in the way they talked.
Behind him on the row above was a group of four or five teenage girls, probably about 18 or 19. Young and excitable they were chatting excitedly in mock argument, out for some fun. They were not the kind of people Jasper would normally have expected to see at a Zabernians gig. He doubted they would see the gig through to the end, as they were a bit younger than the average fan and probably had short attention spans. Jasper hoped they wouldn’t disturb his concentration on the band too much. They would probably leave part way through, and find some other entertainment elsewhere.
“Hey mister long hair. My friend says she likes you,” said the girl with the loudest voice. He momentarily thought about moving, but quickly decided that would make him look silly, and he didn’t want to feel that he had given in to these young girls. That would have spoiled his day. He would give them sufficient civilised attention to get them to leave him in peace and hope they would not disturb him too much.
“That’s a very kind thing for her to say. Thanks,” he smiled, taking on his best exemplary parental role. It was an appreciative response without seeking to get involved in conversation. What was he supposed to say to such a comment? What sort of response did they expect. He turned his head back and looked down into the amphitheatre, trying to concentrate on the support band.
From behind there was a slight giggle. The spokesgirl said, “She means it you know. We weren’t joking.”
“Don’t,” laughed another girl, no doubt the supposed admirer, probably the intended victim of the ‘joke’. “He wants to concentrate on the music.”
“I don’t know if she meant it. If she did it was a nice thing to say,” he tried to end the matter again. They were quite good looking girls, slim as young women usually are. The spokesgirl was a particularly attractive smallish blonde girl with an angelic face and very smooth tanned skin. Her attractiveness helped to explain her outspoken confidence.
“She did mean it. You said it didn’t you Sall?”
“I did say it, but I didn’t mean you to pass it on. It was between friends. I didn’t expect she was going to disturb you mister, I’m sorry.” Sall was actually quite a nice young woman, thought Jasper. In different circumstances he was sure he could have got on with her. She seemed genuinely embarrassed, and apologetic. She was slim, tall and quite gangly, with long brown hair, which framed an attractive fresh face. Her legs were long and shapely.
“What do you think of her then mister, now you’ve seen her?”
There seemed to be no end to the spokeswoman’s cheek. An answer seemed to be required. He could not ignore these girls unless he wanted to be really rude and move somewhere else. “She seems like a nice girl.”
“You see Sall, that means he likes you. I can tell. I can see it in his eyes.”
“Don’t Marga, you’re embarrassing me. Let him watch his concert and we’ll talk about something else,” said Sall.
Two of the other girls agreed, “Don’t be a nuisance Marga.”
Marga continued undiminished, “Mister, if you like her you could have her while the gig’s on. I heard what she said about you, and she really fancies you. If you get the horn up while the gig’s on just turn around and signal. She’ll be sitting on you before you have time to ask. And if she doesn’t I will.”
Jasper didn’t know what to say. If he’d met these girls in a night club or a sex club he might have expected this kind of approach and launched himself into action, but this wasn’t the time or the place. What he had observed had not set him up for the kind of activity she seemed to be suggesting. It wasn’t the time or the place. He felt like saying that young females who were only just starting their sex lives would be better looking for it elsewhere. This was a Zabernians Concert and it wasn’t appropriate here. He wasn’t sure that Marga meant what she said. She was the type who might say anything and not mean it. She was probably just winding everybody up, himself and Sall, creating a bit of ‘fun’. But he did have a hunch that perhaps she did mean what she said. Later in the gig, if she couldn’t persuade her friend to make a go for him, she might do it herself. Teenagers, girls and boys were well known to get very excited about sex in their years of initiation into the adult sex life. Many flaunted themselves on older adults in those years of exploration, until they began to control their sexual appetites or lose interest. A Zabernians gig was not the place where he would have expected to find newly adult ‘girls’ on their teenage sex adventures.
Jaspernon said sensibly to the teenagers, “Thanks for the offer, but I’ve came here to watch the band. If I wanted sex I would have gone somewhere else today.”
“Okay mister it’s a free world,” said Marga, “ but if you change your mind half way through the gig we’ll still be here. I can see you’re here for the music.” She asked him if he had seen the Zabernians before, and he was able to tell the girls about the times he had seen them before. The other girls and Marga did seem to lose interest and began joking amongst themselves about some recent sexual adventures, but Sall did seem to be interested in him, because she listened to everything he had to say about the Zabernians, and his own musicianship. She even asked him where he lived and about the jobs he’d been doing recently. He decided he did quite like Sall, even if Marga was a nuisance. Sall was quite mature for her age, and he began to think he would not mind her company later if she was really interested.
While they talked and the support band played on the light began to disappear. Stage lights came on, which made the rest of the amphitheatre seem suddenly darker, and he felt less conspicuous to the people around him. The time for the Zabernians appearance was approaching. Groups of people on benches below and to his right seemed to be getting excited or restless. Some got up and went to the main aisles in search of alcoholic drinks, or pick me ups so they would be able to sup while they watched. Some people exchanged tablets of various stimulatives or mind enhancers so that they would be better able to appreciate the music. Jasper was dismissive as Sall asked him what he thought of these drugs.
“I can see little value in them at a Zabernians gig. What more do you need than the music itself, anything else just muddies the mind,” he explained.
“I have never tried any of those pills,” said Sall, “have you?”
“Yes, I’ve tried a few. Their effects can be interesting, but it’s dangerous to develop a dependency. I won’t try any more. I don’t need them.”
“In a society which allows free sex for all adults why should anyone need drugs. Sex is surely the best drug anyone can take,” said Sall profoundly.
“And music,” added Jasper, wondering at the same time how the conversation kept returning to sex without any effort from himself. These girls were a few years younger, he reminded himself.
“Jasper,” she tried to get his full attention, just as the Zabernians began to walk on stage with their instruments. There was a fanfare. The nine band members, long haired, some bearded, strolled casually across the stage while the audience cheered its admiration. “Can I come and sit next to you?” she said. Casually they began to make music – strings, keyboards, chords and notes, coming amorphously form nowhere special, gradually fusing into a more coherent whole, punctuated by vocal harmonies.
Jasper was only partially aware of Sall’s question. He didn’t answer it, but she climbed down onto his bench anyway, and rested her arm around his back, leaning close against him. He didn’t object; she seemed a very nice girl anyway. Despite being fairly mature for her age she was still an immature girl to him. She was not showing great interest in his favourite band – the Zabernians, at this moment, but perhaps she was being less childish than he. He could not disagree that it felt good to have the warmth of a woman up against him at this moment, even if she was a lot younger. There was an empathy that he could not deny. He did not need to be in a full blown sexual mood to be glad to have her cuddling against him. It was good to go places on your own because occasionally you met people you would not meet if you were with old friends. He relaxed and listened to the music at the same time as he laid his own arm around Sall.
The music floated up from below, wave on wave. Jasper soon found his mind floating with relaxation and pleasure. The music was lifting corners of his brain which had not been touched for a while. Unexpected chord changes seemed to fit, rhythms which caught him off guard and kept him interested. He wondered if the ‘girls’ would understand it. Sall was resting against him, her head on his shoulder. He would have thought she was asleep if she was not gently massaging his right flank in tune with the music. She seemed to be understanding the music because she was doing it tastefully and it was not distracting him. It added to his pleasure and the full sensation of the music. The massage was like another instrument, caressing his brain. He gently massaged her left flank occasionally when the rhythms of the music encouraged him to do so. He did not want to get her too excited and spoil his enjoyment of the Orchestra, but there seemed no need to be concerned, she seemed to be in no hurry to deepen the sexual experience, but enjoyed the mere closeness with a man she knew she could make love to later. She was proving to be quite mature.
Jasper looked over his shoulder. The other girls were quiet and behaving themselves, seemingly absorbed in the music. Then he realised Marga wasn’t sitting in the same place. Distracted again he looked around for her. Marga was not far away. Unable to sit for long, she had climbed up a couple of pews past some couples, towards some men who he had not noticed earlier. She must have started talking to them and asked to sit with them. They seemed only too happy to oblige her. To Jasper’s surprise the loud mouthed teenager had unfastened her cardigan. She must have dared one of the men to undo her bra, for it was nowhere to be seen. One of the men was feeling her ample breasts. With a shudder of the shoulders another man drew the cardigan off her. In an attempt to avoid further distraction Jasper turned back to his favourite band and the young female keeping him company.
The feisty tongued young lady preyed on his mind however, because he found he could not concentrate on the music, which washed up the hill towards him. There were things going on closer to hand which screamed out for his attention. He wanted to squeeze Sall harder and feel her slender shape, and at the same time he was drawn to the breasts he had seen just a minute before, Sall’s seductive and naughty friend Marga. Remembered images of the exhibitionist couple in the queue flashed in his mind also, the lovely blonde woman, who had so inspired him. That exhibitionist event had been a precursor to more, he now realised. He had the heady feeling that he would not be able to remain unaffected by what was around him.
Guiltily he turned back to see what naughty Marga was doing. Seeing his distraction Sall turned to see also. A glance and he could see that things had gone much further than he could have expected. Marga had not only removed cardigan, top and bra to reveal her lovely chest, but her skirt and panties were down around her ankles as she sat on the bench. The evening was yet young, daylight was still strong, and yet she was doing what the exhibitionists in the crowd had done. She was making a spectacle of herself. One man stood next to her, trousers opened, proffering his outstretched penis, which the naughty girl had taken in her hands, pulling it towards her mouth. He watched as her mouth enveloped the tip of the penis and she used her head to pleasure the man. The other two men gathered around her like flies to their meal, one beside her on the bench, the other crouched on the ground below. The man next to her massaged her back and drew his hands down to where Jasper imagined her arse crack met with the rough bench. The man in front stroked her gorgeous little pussy already. She was still a teenager, but already completely shameless.
Jasper felt the surprise in Sall, gathered in his arms, when she turned and saw what her friend was up to. He did not know what to say to the girl. Sall did not take her eyes from what she saw, but gazed at it, as if weighing up the behaviour of her friend and the men around her. Her eyes met his and he still did not know what to say.
As the band played on Sall nestled into Jasper, soothing him with her soft body. She seemed to understand his need for absorption of the music, and so she soothed him gently, without distracting him, so he could enjoy both sensations at once.
Even so he was distracted, there was no help for it. A few minutes later he looked back to those benches, only a few feet behind, to see whether Marga was still sucking the same man’s cock. She was, but now she was on all fours on the bench, and was being vigorously shagged from behind by one of the men, while the other, sat below her, was massaging his own penis against her shapely breasts as he stroked her. She had lost all her clothes, and the audience around them had a show, which did seem to be better than the Zabernians.
The other young ladies nearby, Sall and Marga’s friends, were all partnered up now, some gently relaxed in the arms of their soon to be lovers for the evening; others were following Marga’s daring lead, already busily sucking at the hard stems which protruded from the pants of their chosen partners, semi or completely unclothed. Little piles of clothing dotted around on the benches near the engaged couples.
The loudmouthed Marga was now engaged upon the stiff cock of one of the men she had attracted to her, sat astride his lap, her hands massaging his upper torso as she rode him vigorously, another man’s cock in her mouth, when she could keep it there. One man had already spunked into her face, and it looked as if the second cocksuck would soon end like the first, as the man was busily wanking his stem, pushing it onto her mouth. He grimaced and whispered words of encouragement to the girl as his excitement mounted. The man who had already spunked roamed his hands over the girl’s buttocks, and traced the contours of her smooth skinned back as she rose and fell athletically on the other man’s rod.
All this should have been enough to distract Jasper from his music, but it was a common enough sight in Central City and Jasper was one for whom music held an importance perhaps equal to sex, perhaps even greater. He still tried to take in the musical textures. Whatever preferences the modern citizens had there was enough of both to go round for everyone.
The music played on, rising in rhythmic intensity now, pulsing more loudly from the platforms far below, emanating organically upwards through the levels of the massive stadium and into the heavens. The sky was dimming now and the lights set on stage were brighter. Jasper felt no impatience with the long programme. Every piece was new and unique. The pace of the music changed as the late afternoon developed into evening. The music had begun as a psychic stream of musical imagery, but now it proceeded as a throbbing and wild pulsating ratchet of rhythm and abandoned punctuation, rocking and funking into heights of crazed passion.
The audience below was stirring into impassioned physicality, taken by physical urges which varied from person to person, but in which common patterns could be observed. Down below nearer the stages most danced wildly to the music, unashamed of the extent of their passion. The music was like sex to them at this point, but it was not sex. They wanted it to go on driving them to new heights of dance expression. There was no need for these people of anything as commonplace as sex. Inevitably there were some down there in certain areas, or on the fringes at the back, who danced with their clothes off, in sensuous and sexual embrace with others of the same persuasion. For these people it was a sensuous dance of shameless sexuality, but it was not sex in itself. It was an exotic and erotic dance, but they were not actually engaged in the act of direct sexual stimulation. That would probably come later for these people. In this dance the music was predominant and a long sexual foreplay would end at some distant time in inevitable couplings.
Some of these groups were advocates of bisexuality, others were of a particularly homosexual or lesbian involvement, although being preparatory to eventual sexual acts Jasper considered that sexual orientation should not have seemed important at this stage of the concert. Some groups of naked dancers were to be found even up here in the heights, but there were not so many. Up here partners gently nuzzled each other, as Jasper’s new found lover did, but the urge to dance, even to this explosive music was not so strong. For many couples up here the conversion of the music into more physical form had encouraged them into more heated sexual activity. Naked couples and groups caroused with each other in soft wet suction or hard prodding abandon in many places. Many who chose to stay up here had done so with the object of enjoying passionate and communal sex, it seemed. Many of them, including the young late teens around Jasper had come here with the aim of enjoying lively or comforting sexual liaisons, either with existing friends and partners or with total strangers. It still disturbed Jasper, in his devotion to the music of the Zabernians, that so many should consider the music to be a secondary pleasure, but on reflection there was surely no harm in combining two pleasures in one. Many couples would have sex now, but later would be ready again to concentrate more fully on what Jasper expected to be the most psychically moving sections toward the end.
Jasper had accepted now that he too would join the ranks of the couples in enjoying the pleasures of the flesh more fully before too long. Even now his new young lady Sall had gradually transformed herself into nakedness before him. His shirt was unbuttoned and his pants were down, and she gently began to gobble his penis while her hands massaged his chest, his hips, and cupped his testicles. Still he absorbed the music, even tapping his feet as his organ throbbed before him, and he drank in the beauty of the girl’s naked flesh. He reached out now and stroked her breasts and shoulders as she sucked at him. She was beautiful.
He drew her up to lie with him on his knees as she continued to massage his penis. His tongue entered her mouth again and licked her neck as his fingers gently stroked her for a long time. He became conscious that, even for him, the loyal follower, the music had become secondary, a supporting piece to his mood. She cried close to orgasm, and as he rubbed his fingers more deeply her body thrashed and she wept with excitement as she took the pleasure, which to a young lady of her age was still quite new and very exciting.
Her passion was only just subsiding when she lifted herself up and reached down for his penis. “Put it in me,” she whispered as she came down from her excitement. The next orgasm would be bigger and she would have his penis deep inside her. Jasper’s own excitement was now intense as he allowed her to bring his penis back into full erection and ease her body over and onto it. He was naked now, except for his shirt, which she slipped first off one shoulder and then the next, as she moaned softly and unintelligibly to the throbbing pulse of the music.
Jasper’s excitement grew quickly as she straddled him, expertly jugging her buttocks over his penis. The swift sensitive movements kept him strongly erect and he soon felt the rising pressure in his buried stem, which told him that if she continued to ride him in this way she would soon jet his seed into her. His mind debated whether he should slow her down and save himself for a longer experience, but he decided that the moment was on its way quickly now. Rather than stifle it he determined to allow it to take its natural course. The music was quite secondary to him now. This interlude had now become the dominating feature of his present. He told himself he would return to the appreciation of the music later. But he did find himself thrusting into her in a rhythm, which connected somehow with the physicality of their music. The pulsing of his penis, and the wild thrash of the guitars and drums, the bounce of her fresh young tidy breasts, all intertwined. His gaze fastened in concentration on the sweat of her brow, the effort in her face, the open panting teenage mouth. Her eyes were locked onto his face and he stared back, fascinated by her fascination. She was giving him everything. She was an absolute lover. She held nothing back. For her own fulfilment she gave herself utterly to serve his pleasure. In being ravished she would find the excitement she craved.
He liked everything about her. At that moment, and even afterwards when reason had returned, he noted that she was perfect. Perfect youth, perfect eager face, perfect young breasts and shoulders, and her neck – her neck was everything for a moment. His gaze had left her eyes and transfixed now on her neck, and then down to her breasts, which moved in waves with her shuddering, perfect skin. Down to her belly and sweet hips. He saw his penis stood as straight as it had ever done, permanent, indestructible, as she rode upon it. Fixed on her loins he lost all control. His own shuddering began in earnest, and he did not care that he was in the middle of a massive crowd, or that his favourite band were on stage, except that he was being taken away from himself, to somewhere far better, where purist pleasure was all, and there was no need for judgement or sanity. He knew he had to increase the movement to ride this wave or it would be lost. Go with it, or he would return to earth to begin the pleasurable ascent once more, again and again. He chose to ride the wave and she had chosen with him. He thrashed, unbelievably wild, not caring for the safety of his organ, and she seemed to explode into redoubled action.
She moaned loudly, “Ah, ah,ah.” He could not tell if his own moans were mixed with them. And she moved faster than before, too fast, it would have been, but he needed it now to stay on the wave and come over the top. She was orgasming again, taking him with her. And then the explosion occurred. Warm heat in his organ. The sensation of wet passage, as the hot sticky liquid darted like pellets from a gun into her recesses, searing her linings with its honey. Not once, but in series with short gaps in between as the rockets fired, tapering off, and then nothing, but the sea of warm wetness. He continued fucking, that could not stop. No one had turned off the engines yet. She clung to him, warm and fleshy, sweaty, and her hips continued to move, but her orgasm had been with his, or so close as to be impossible to tell apart.
The machinery continued to operate but slowed. He remained very hard. He could not believe it as the return to normality occurred. He was still fucking, but the urgency had emptied from him. He could see flushed faces around him, some of them watching him, others contained in their own ecstasy. He could hear the strains of pounding, rocking, funking from below. He remembered where he was. They slowed, but she made no move to get off him. His penis was welcome to stay inside her for as long as he wanted to keep it there.
He would need to relieve himself soon. A rational thought, his first for how long? For now he just clung. Sall’s lips found his. He could do nothing for himself. He embraced her wholly, holding her to him. He felt the pounding of her heart as it slowed and the stretching of her lungs. Her breath was like a warm hot moist wind on his face, fighting to get into his lungs. She wanted his air and the transference was taking place.
As they relaxed Jasper returned to his normal state. “That was fantastic!” he said simply.
“We can do it again,” said the girl, wanting to appear willing, but he imagined that, like himself, she would be content to rest now. Most strangers he met for sex wanted to say goodbye soon after the act of union, too soon in many cases, in his opinion. But then there were always those you couldn’t get rid of easily without being a bit more abrupt than you wanted to be. Jasper figured he was lucky to have found a girl for the evening, who had not yet enjoyed enough of him, and obviously wanted to stick with him, and one who he was happy to have clinging onto him for a while longer at least.
“You were lovely,” he said, meaning it. “I don’t want to do it again right now. Maybe later after the concert. I came here to listen and watch, you know.” He tried not to sound dismissive, because it was not like that at all.
The girl looked a bit disappointed, as if she could not believe that after what they had just shared he could be thinking of the music. He remembered she was still pretty young. Maybe this was still a pretty new experience for her. He could not imagine what was so important to her about him at the moment, but he guessed he was quite a nice guy really, and quite reasonable looking. But then a girl of her good looks would have no shortage of partners now she had come of age. The always open lovers and the partner types would be queueing up for her twat. It made him feel good that she liked him.
“Do you want me to go now?” she asked, uncertainly.
“No, of course not!” They were both still naked. How could he want her to go? “You’re really lovely. I don’t want you to go at all. Stay with me like we are now, in my arms. Although we might want to put some clothes on for now. Actually I would like you to stay in touch after tonight, if that suits you. Give me your number and I‘ll give you mine. You can call me anytime. I will certainly be calling you.”
She immediately perked up again now she knew she was wanted and had been a success. Jasper was reminded of the instability and inexperience of teenagers. They needed to know they were loved and who they could trust. Older people did not always worry so much about those things.
She gave him her number quickly and he wrote it down. He gave her his. “Canoogaville,” he commented. “That’s not far from me. Mine is Edwardstown.”
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