Jenny And The Emperors Garden
By mcscraic
- 1275 reads
Jenny was a very quiet girl , different to other girls in primary school . The difference was her talent in creative writing and artwork . This gift she had was both appreciated and envied by her teachers and peers .
Jenny was often on the outside of social groups and found it a struggle to make and keep friends . She was a deep thinker and avoided things like
sports activities and playground bantering . She would always stand on the outskirts of groups observing instead of participating . The only way she could express herself was through her artwork and writing .
Her weekends were spent at home with her parents . She liked to help with jobs around the house . There was always plenty to be done and her Mum and Dad appreciated everything she did . Even though her parents were so glad of Jenny’s help they became concerned that she wasn’t making friends and her constant desire to write and paint pictures at home .
One Friday evening at dinner her Dad said to Jenny ,
“I was just thinking about taking up walking on Saturday mornings . So I thought I’d invite you to come along Jenny . What do you think ?”
Jenny smiled and took a while to answer ,
“ Walking . That might be a good idea I could see lots of things that might inspire me to write or draw something .“
Her Dad seemed a little enthused and replied ,
“Ok then . I’ll call you about say seven in the morning ok ?”
“Sure Dad . “
She said .
After dinner Jenny helped washing up the dishes before going upstairs to her bedroom . She pulled the curtains closed and got changed . Opening up her wardrobe she selected her hardly ever worn pink designer tracksuit and her silver and gold super comfortable hi-tech running shoes in readiness for the next day . Then she set her alarm and jumped into bed .
She had a restless sleep thinking about this new activity on Saturday morning and as morning came she slowly got out of bed . Jenny got dressed and opened up the curtains in her bedroom and welcomed the new day .
She took a deep breath and looked up at the sky .
Heavens window opened up briefly as God bathed the earth with light sun showers . A rainbow rested on a distant field as the sun shone from behind a cluster of black clouds that were gilded with golden fringes on the edge .
Jenny tried capture the scene with a quick sketch on a sketch pad . Her inspired work was interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door .
“Jenny are you ready for our walk ?”
Said her Dad .
Jenny put away her sketch and said .
“Ok I’m coming .Hang on a second .“
When she came out of the bedroom her Dad was running on the spot on the upstairs landing . He stopped and reached out for the banister and said ,
“Let’s begin a warm up . I’ll give you a demo Jenny .“
He got on all fours like a cat and arched up his back . Jenny tried to follow but kind of lost her balance and rolled over on her side .
“That’s ok Jenny . Stay there . Now roll over on your back and we’ll do a few leg lifts . Ten on each foot should do .”
He said . Not long after that they were ready to tackle the world outside .
They walked out the door and made their way along the sidewalk at a brisk pace . Along the way a few early morning joggers passed and said hello .
A block or two had been tread and her Dad noticed that Jenny began to slow down a little and gasp for her breath .
“ Keep up Jenny .“
He said .
“Daddy don’t walk so fast .“
She replied .
Her Dad slowed down and pulled up to a stop .
Jenny almost was bent over and breathed heavily .
“we need to do this more often Jenny to get you fit .”
Her Dad said .
Jenny almost laughed between her deep breaths and said ,
“Sure .. just.. a moment . I can’t..”
“ Are you not able to continue ..”
Her Dad asked .
“In a minute…I just need “
She replied with her hands behind her head .
“Sorry Jenny I forgot you’re not used to this kind of exercise . I used to walk three miles a day before you were born .‘
He said .
“I’ve got a pain in my side Dad .“
“That’s a stitch Jenny .“
Came the reply .
“What’s a stitch ?”
She asked .
“It just means you’re not used to walking fast .“
He said .
“Will I always have a stitch ?”
She asked .
“Don’t be silly Jenny . Listen I’ll go on ahead and you can go back home . I’ll see you when I get back .“
He replied .
“Thanks Dad . Have a nice walk .“
She said .
Jenny watched her Dad turn on his foot and high tail it along the sidewalk like a man on a mission . Around the corner he disappeared . Then Jenny turned around and started to make her way back home .
When the stitch left she skipped over the cracks on the pavement and started to sing a little tune she made up . The birds in the trees seemed to join in as well .The chorus of life echoed everywhere with a song of life , love and possibilities . Bees buzzed among the flowers . Dogs barked at stray cats on the prowl . Babies cried behind closed doors and the sound of children’s laughter filtered through the air . Along this side walk of life Jenny went until
She spotted a few bright blown up balloons tied to a string that hung from a fence and danced on the morning breeze . On the ground at the front gate where the balloons were was a huge sign that said .
Garage Sale Today
Jenny had a look in as she walked past and it looked so intriguing that she decided it was worth further investigation .She walked up the path and into
the garage . There were many items on display .
“Take as long as you need sweetheart .“
Said an old man sitting in there in chair .
“Oh hello .“
Said Jenny .
“You’re up very early today .“
Said the old man with the long grey beard .
“I was walking with my Dad . He wants to get me fit .“
“That’s a good idea .“
The old man said .
Jenny was pulling through some items on a table
“ I suppose so .mmm . How much is this .“
“What have yo there . Let me see .”
He stood up and looked over as Jenny held up some brushes and a paint set .
“You can have it darling for free .“
He said .
“Oh are you sure ?”
She asked .
“I’ve always liked to think I could encourage artists . Please use the paints and brushes . They very special . You’ll see . “
Jenny continued to pull things out of baskets and boxes . She held up a coloured disc shaped stone and said .
“Could you please tell me sir what this might be ?”
‘It’s a hopscotch stone . If you like it please take it . There are some instructions of how to play the game .If you press down on the top of the disc it will open a secret compartment, read the instructions and enjoy the game . ”
Jenny continued to look through things on display .
”Let me put those things you have into a bag . little one .“
Said the old man who went over with a backpack and placed all the items inside . An old tin box fell out of the backpack on to the floor and a gold key fell out as the lid came off the tin box . Jenny lifted the key and handed it back
to the old man .
“Congratulations my dear . You have been selected to go to the emperors garden . “
The old man said .
“What .?”
Jenny said .
“You have been chosen my dear . Don’t question just follow your feelings to what awaits . In the backpack here you have everything you will need for the journey . Trust your innocence my child and experience a magical land that’s awaits you beyond the doorway .”
He pointed to a door in the corner of the garage .
Jenny was entranced that she almost floated to the door .
She placed the golden key into the lock and the door opened .
She looked back to say goodbye but the old man was gone .
The door closed behind her and on the other side she discovered a beautiful garden with hedged pathways and water fountains . Right around the edge of the garden was a high wall . Some statues of winged creatures lined a pathway to a gate in the wall .
Suddenly a large bird flew down from a tree and landed on Jenny’s shoulder and walked along her arm . Jenny lifted her arm and looked at the bird . It was similar to a peacock but without colour on its tail .’
“Can you paint my tail ?”
Said the bird .
“Amazing . You can talk ?
Jenny replied .
“Yes I do and so do you . Now will you please paint colours on my tail ?”
The bird said .
“Just be patient .“
Jenny said . Suddenly she remembered about the paints and brushes she had been given by the old man in the garage sale . Then she opened up the bag and was soon busy working away , swishing her brushes back and forth along the birds tail feathers . When she had finished the bird was so proud of its tail . Each feather had a different colour . The bird lifted its tail and began to sing the most beautiful song .
A pony jumped over the high wall and landed at Jenny’s feet .
The bird thanked Jenny flew into the air .
The pony said ,
“Hey , what colour’s . What brush strokes . Could you paint my tail too .?”
“Why sure little pony .“
Jenny began to paint the ponies tail with every colour she had . It looked like a rainbow when it was finished . The pony knelt before Jenny and asked her to climb on to its back . Jenny gave a scream of delight when the pony galloped off and jumped over the high wall . On the other side of the garden wall fruit trees stood with their braches weighed down with every kind of fruit imaginable .
“Help yourself .“
Said the pony as it took Jenny all around the orchard .
Jenny plucked a pear and shared it with the bear who lived there in the tree , then the three ate some plums and nuts before a large white swan came gliding down to the ground where they stood .
“The Emperor would like to see you now .“
Said the swan .
“Who . Me ?”
Jenny asked .
“Yes right away so climb on my back .
Jenny did as she was told and the white swan flew over a lake that stretched out to a small island that held a Temple cradled within its boundaries .
“Who lives in there ?
Jenny asked .
“ That is where the Emperor lives .“
The Swan replied .
“Can I visit him ?”
She asked .
“Of course . Can you play hopscotch ?”
Said the Swan .
Jenny remember she had been given instructions and a disc and as the swan landed outside the Temple she opened up her bag and read the instructions of how to play hopscotch .
The swan flapped its huge wings and flew away into the sky .
Jenny waved and the Swan retuned and said ,
“To make the Temple door open you must play the game on the path . The Temple door will open when the final number is thrown .“
The path was coloured stepping stones with a number on each of them . Jenny pressed the top of the stone and instructions for hopscotch were revealed . The message said ,
Start at the beginning and throw you’re age then hop to that stone without taking a breath . Next subtract two and hop to that number without taking a breath . Now throw an even number and subtract 3 then hop to that number . Each time you throw you must not breath while you are hopping . To reach the end of the path you must throw at least three even numbers before the door will open . Good luck .
When the disc in her hand she started to play as directed .
Eventually Jenny completed the game the temple door opened .
Inside was a garden was another temple .
Jenny made her way in through another door where beautiful flowers draped out from window boxes on ledges that sat around the perimeters of the temple walls . She saw a staircase that wound itself upwards from the garden to another door with two statues of lions placed outside .
Jenny made her way up the staircase and as she approached the huge doorway the two lions came to life .
“Have you painted a birds tail ?”
Said one of the lions .
“Yes I did “
Jenny answered .
The other lion asked ,
“Have you painted a ponies tail ?
“Why yes, I have .“
Came the reply .
The lions fired more questions at her ..
“Did you share a pear with a bear ?”
“Yes “
“And ride a white swan ?”
“Yes .“
“And play hopscotch all the way without stopping for a breath .“
“Did you walk through the emperors garden ?
“Yes .“
“The you may pass and enter through the door to see the emperor .
Said the lions .
The double doors opened up and Jenny walked inside .
The old man sat in the corner on a chair in the garage .
“Hello my precious one . Did you enjoy my garden ?”
He asked .
“I saw so many things . “
She said .
“ Well then you must come back again another day . I will have another garage sale very soon . Keep your eyes open the next time you are out for an early morning walk .”
“Thank you for letting me see your garden . So you must be the Emperor ?
“Yes , can I have my key back please ?”
The old man said .
Jenny handed back the key and the backpack .
“Please keep the brushes and paints . They are for you top paint a picture of all you have seen in my garden today .“
He said .
Jenny walked out of the garage and into the street where she met her Dad on his way back home .
“Jenny aren’t you home yet ?”
“Not yet Dad .“
She replied .
“What on earth have you been doing ?”
He said .
“Well Dad . Actually I don’t know if was on earth . ‘
Jenny replied .
‘Where did you get that backpack ?”
Her Dad asked .
“From the Emperor .“
“From who ?”
Her Dad asked .
“From the old man who had a garage sale in there . He gave it to me .“
Jenny said pointing to the house that she had just come from but all that was there was an empty block of land .
“Jenny sometimes I think you’re living in another world “.
Her Dad said .
“Well maybe I am Dad , can I race you home .“
They both ran all the way along the sidewalk until they reached their front door . When the weekend was over Jenny finished the picture of the Emperors Garden . The canvas was placed in her room along with some of her other wonderful paintings .
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