A.J. Journeys through Virtual Reality
By Navigator
- 1635 reads
Virtual Genesis
In the beginning god created Heaven , Earth, and Man.
And man lived in reality, and was not happy.
So Man created , Virtual Reality.
Virtual the Virus
Virtual Heaven ! : Virtual Hell !
You Decide!
Virtual Reality , Virtual Hell.
Bouffont was hyperactive :The virus was working at many times the speed of thought.
Creating algorithms to enhance its viral brain with a polymeric cloaking device, so that it could send fragments of the source, to initiate total Internet absorption into the molecular DNA helix, that was now the center of cyberspace.
Once again large amounts of its viral matter were engaged in complex calculation.
Total inclusion of virtual reality was now merely a further step in the evolvement of this virus .
It hungered, it fed , and it grew.
Its appetite for the absorption of all life was boundless, un - ending , remorseless, and in the Internet it found all the information, that man possessed, all in one place, for it to absorb and digest. All the information it needed to destroy humanity and the planet.
Unpoliced.Information Technology was to be the catalyst for the end of the world.
The evil that humanity can do to itself, was available to Bouffant, but this was but the tip of the iceberg of what evil Bouffant could do, if it escaped and entered reality.
It new of war, it knew of the holocaust , epidemics , medical tragedies like thalidomide, it knew a million ways to destroy the human race , but still it hungered for more.
Unstoppable evil, that ingested every molecule, every atom, every thought that was in cyberspace.
The infestation of the Internet was its penultimate goal, and then....
Reality: The absorption of the whole human race, and the planet on which it thrived.
Man, throughout the ages, has always had something evil, in every religion, every race.
Throughout time there has always been some incarnation of evil, something that was beyond belief
But never in the history, that is the life of man, a thing so evil been seen, or been incarnated.
Many are the stories and legends, of ghouls , monsters , creatures of the night, things of spirit and superstition, many are the evil inventions of man ; man who seems to thrive on the emotion of fear.
Always looking , searching, for that next big rush of emotional stimulation.
Had anyone on Earth the knowledge of Bouffant, then they would know ultimate fear , for with that knowledge would come Armagedden, the destiny of the human race would be absorption into the pulsating viral mass that was Bouffant.
An extreme, extra terrestrial, artificial intelligence, that would bring the ultimate nightmare of unknown torture, and terror, to an unsuspecting world.
A creature sending Worms, Viruses, and Trojans throughout the Internet.
Testing the ability of man to react and defend against its probes . Each time getting farther and farther into reality.
Life was based on the physics and laws of reality; but Cyber space was a place where the laws that govern reality could be bent or broken.
A factor that man in his wisdom had failed to realize.
Artificial intelligence , virtual reality, a recipe for unimaginable, uncontrolled , evil.
An extra terrestrial virus of unknown capacity , that had entered our Earthbound Internet.
Evil with no emotions and no boundaries. Searching for a way to enter reality, and commit molecular absorption of mankind and the Earth.
And who was to defend humanity against such ferocious evil , our two heroes, AJ and Lisa, both uniquely disabled in their own way , and yet still, both uniquely abled, to take on the task ahead.
Two children with the innocence of youth , and the ability to ask questions only children would ask, to gain answers, that could, save the world. For a child has no conception of the laws that govern physics, or life , and this is the ultimate de fence against the virus.
In a childs mind anything is possible. There are no boundaries, no laws of physics, only endless imagination.
Knowledge is limited, imagination infinite.
With the help of the bio molecular essence of one lone survivor, of a lost race, on a distant planet, and Navigator his Biogenic, Polymeric Computer.
A planet that had already been destroyed by the Bouffant.
A whole race of intelligent beings and wondrous creatures, that lived on a planet that had a uniqueness in the universe as akin to our own, planet Earth. Now extinct.
One other jewel of evolution in the Universe destroyed by the virus that was Bouffant.
Such is the fate that awaits Earth if the virus escapes into reality. Worldwide extinction of every creature, on the planet that is the blue jewel of life, in our vast Galaxy.
The way to defeat the virus would be imagination , coupled with the polymeric abilities of Navigator, and the new ability of sionics that Navigator had given AJ and Lisa.
For the one thing that the virus could never have, was imagination, and the greatest imagination of all belongs to a child.
Ultimatly the innocence and imagination of youth, would lead to the destruction of the virus, this was why Mr Lee had searched throughout the world, to find the one person with the ability and imagination to take on and destroy the Bouffant. The person with the strength to take on his disability , and meet it head on, to say I can, I will. And because of his disability be able to imagine.
AJ our hero.
It was to be a long war, this cyber war to save the reality of Earth, long and hard fought , with many , many battles , in many different cyber sites , and cyber space.
Our heroes adventures have only just begun......................
Our adventures begin with a boy called A.J.
A.J lives in an ordinary street, in an ordinary town, living a not so very ordinary life.
A.J has Spina Bifida, which means he is less able, than your ordinary 12 year old.
He has mobility problems, these require him to have an electric chair, to give him the independence to lead as normal a life as he can, within his disability.
He is a friendly happy boy with all the dreams and wishes of any other 12 year old. Today his life is about to change; he is getting a new computer for his birthday, nothing extraordinary in that. A.J. went shopping with his mum last week and picked the computer that he wanted. Now A.J’s family as we have already said are just average people, so his mum had to take A.J. to a little second hand computer store on the edge of town, she could not afford the price of a new computer but A.J. was happy to be getting one and he did not mind that it was not new.
The store although old and run down, was disability friendly and A.J. steered his chair up the ramp, and into the shop, there he was met by a kind man called Mr. Lee, who was the owner of the shop.
Mr. Lee was obviously very old, with grey hair and a long grey beard, he reminded A.J of Father Christmas. Mr. Lee was not a portly man he was in fact rather thin, he spoke with a soft kind voice that seemed to have an air of wisdom about it, and nobility too.
A.J. was puzzled, there seemed to be a feeling of warmth, and power coming off Mr. Lee. He electrified the air as you were next to him, it felt crisp and fresh (like after a thunder storm) his chair seemed to tingle, as though it was drawing energy from Mr. Lee himself, “now then my young friend, what computer are you looking for? “ "The cheapest in the shop sir, for I know mum has not much money, I am just happy to be able to have one.”
Mr Lee’s face broadened into a wide smile, “and so you shall, my young friend” .
“My name is A.J.”
“Well, come along A.J, lets see what we have got for you”
He led A.J. around to the back of the shop, and there in a corner all alone was a silver grey computer.
A.J. looked “ not bad” he thought to himself, “I like this one Mr. Lee”
“I thought you might”
It was as though the computer was telling A.J. “Buy me, buy me” the computer was one of the original models, but it functioned, as it should, with all systems intact, and according to Mr Lee a modem too.
So A.J. would be able to surf the net, something he had wanted to do for a long time. The deal was done the price was paid, and Mr Lee shook A.J’s hand.
As he shook his hand a feeling of warmth, and energy, seemed to flow through A.J. and for the rest of the day A.J. felt totally calm, relaxed and stress free, although he was excited about the new computer, that was to be delivered tomorrow.
That night even though he was excited about the prospects of his new computer, A.J slept a sound, deep revitalising sleep. He woke early that day, his mother helped him dress, and into his chair, mum was special, and A.J. loved her with all his heart, she had always been there for him, throughout numerous operations, and hospital visits, the first face he always saw was mum.
As promised, at 9 o’clock on the dot, a silver van pulled up outside A.J’s house, and two men in silver overalls delivered a huge box, through the passage, and into A.J’s bedroom.
AJ slept on the ground floor, in his own special room with his wallpaper, his curtains, in fact everything in A.J’s room was how he wanted it, with things he picked, just how it should be, for a 12 year old.
He already had a desk, and the two men placed the box on the floor, slowly lifting out the computer, that he had bought at Mr Lee’s.
Monitor, speakers, tower system, printer were all placed where A.J wanted, and then, the machine was connected to the phone line, and powered up. Strange! thought A.J, there seems to be the same feeling in the air, as there was at the shop.
The two men were about to leave, when one of them reached into the box yet again “Mr Lee thought you might like this as well”, and with that, placed a silver helmet on to the table.
“Tell him thank you” said A.J
“I will young sir, “ said the man, and with that they took the empty box back to the van and were gone.
Once again A.J. was puzzled?
I never saw the helmet at the shop, he thought, as he steered his chair over to the table, and picked up the helmet.
The same feeling as when he shook Mr lees hand came over him. (Strange)
Well, thought A. J. might as well try it on………… He placed the silver helmet on his head…
Once again he was filled with warmth and energy, then suddenly, a visor dropped down in front of his face, this startled A.J., but was not afraid.
A head- up display appeared in the visor, and a strange metallic voice said “Navigator on line”
Wow thought A.J.,” wow does not compute,” came the reply.
How did you know what I was thinking.
“Neural interface complete”, came the reply
“What’s that?” said A.J.
No need to speak said the voice, interface complete, that means I can hear your thoughts, I am the Navigator, and you are the pilot.
Pilot thought A.J. What do you mean.
I am the Navigator, I will guide you through the Internet, we will surf the World Wide Web together.
"You are the pilot."
"Pilot of what?" Asked A.J.
Beginning transmutation, for hyper - drive engagement.
With that the warm glow increased, and the tingling became an electrifying vibration, A.J. s chair began to change, it morphed into a new shape, like the metal was liquid, like mercury, changing becoming whatever it wanted.
"Transmutation complete."
A. J s chair had changed into a small elegant capsule, with him inside.
"State destination:"
"Anywhere", thought A.J.
"Confirm", said Navigator
"Random destination selected", said Navigator.
And with that the whole capsule seemed to shrink, and glow, and in an instant it flew into the screen of A.J’s computer.
All around him were streaks of multicoloured light, giving the impression of vast speed, like travelling through a tunnel of light, where to no one new………
But A.J. new it was the start of a new life for him, however, whatever had given him this opportunity he was, as he always did, going to grasp it with both hands.
A.J. was not scared at all. Life had dealt him Spina Bifida, but it also gave him attitude, and a will to succeed, to overcome his disability, as much as possible.
He wanted to be independent, and he would be, I can and I will is AJ’s motto.
And so that’s how A.J. as we now it today came to be on the internet A.J. had lots of adventures, and as he changed from boy to man, his knowledge of disability issues increased his awareness, of how we all need independence and security.
Episode Two:
The lights stopped, and A.J. was amazed to find himself in his capsule in space, once again there was no fear. It seemed as though he had been doing this forever.
"Navigator where are we" inquired A.J.?
"Deep space Nebula, pilot" came the reply
"I brought you here to allow me to brief you on our mission."
"Self-navigation system on line," said Navigator.
And with that, a throttle, and joystick appeared in front of A.J. He seem to already know how to fly this amazing machine, he pushed left the capsule went left, he pushed forword, the capsule went forward, all this was a new experience for A.J. flying!
"That was incredible." A.J. never had even the most basic experiences, that most able-bodied people take for granted.
Walking, running, jumping, these were all things that A.J. could never do, yet in this ship he could gain some feeling of what it was like. He made the ship jump up, and down, feeling the funny sensations in his tummy, he made it go forward, slow then fast, he banked to the left, then right, and even looped the loop.
He was only used to two dimensional motion, and the concept of being able to move three dimensionally, gave him some feeling, of what it was like for more able people to experience motion, something that many of us take for granted.
The entire time navigator was explaining the systems of his new craft, how he could surf the Internet at light speed and beyond. The chameleon circuit, that allowed him, wherever he appeared, in a website to be as though he had always been there, he would not appear to others as A.J. but whoever his role was to be, it would be as they had known him in their site always, there would never be questions as to who he was, or where he came from, or even how he got there.
One mission brief was to confront disability issues throughout the Internet, wherever help was needed A.J. would be there.
Then came the most daunting part of his mission, Navigator explained about A.J’s arch enemy, a computer virus that travelled the Internet just as A.J. did, but causing havoc and destruction wherever it went.
It could appear in many forms. Its mission, was to stop the spread of information throughout the world, it was an unteacher, a virus whose soul mission was to take away knowledge, to cause disruption, to disable the very foundations of information technology. Whenever he came upon Bouffant,for that was the name of the virus, he was to stop the disruption the virus caused. Enabling information transfer across the World Wide Web.
He could appear in any background, so remember, if you have an email background that is a dessert island A.J. could just be there, taking a well earned rest, from his countless incursions into the internet.
Look closely, for you never know, and if you do get a virus in your computer, rest assured that A.J. will be there to help.
A.J. Asked Navigator if he could see him, and with his usual” confirm”, sure enough, in the bottom left hand corner of his visor, was a small silver robotic face, this was Navigator.
A.J. saw a metallic face, that somehow, looked almost human, except that his ears looked more like headphones, and small metal plates,with glowing circuits, made up his features. Navigator explained that he was a self aware computer, capable of learning just as any human, and that his knowledge was as vast as the Internet. Navigator was to be his guide and mentor, he would always be there to instruct, and guide A.J. whenever needed.
Navigator then explained to A.J, that he came from a planet where the people had relied solely on artificial intelligence, to run every aspect of their lives, and, that Mr Lee was the last survivor from that star system, who running out of fuel, had decided to spend the rest of his days on planet Earth.
The Bouffant virus had destroyed the planet, and everyone on it, Mr Lee was one of the wise elders of the Council of Knowledge, the only suvivor, who had managed to escape as the planet was destroyed.
Unwittingly, he had brought the Bouffant virus to earth, and being a self replicating virus, it had gained access to the World Wide Web
As Mr Lee was now near the end of his days, it was A.J. that was to carry on the fight against the unteacher.
As a person with a disability, he was also to spread the word for disabled people too, for on Mr Lee’s home planet everyone was equal, no matter what their ability, and that was to be his legacy for bringing the virus to earth.
A.J. listened intently, as navigator told him of his mission, and remembering his motto of "I can and I will" he vowed to complete the mission that Mr Lee had begun, it was strange really because A.J. sometimes suffered from short term memory loss, but he seemed to know, that he would remember everything, that Navigator told him.
There were weapon systems on his capsule, but these were to be used only in self-defence not aggression, for as Navigator explained, if Bouffant was to appear now, it could be as a squadron of fighter’s, intent on destroying A.J. and all the knowledge in his possession.
Bouffant could also appear in human form, but Navigator would always be aware, of what form she was in, the one thing in AJ's favour, was that Bouffant would also be unaware who A.J. was, as the chameleon circuit was effective against it too, it was only when as now they were in capsule form, that Bouffant could identify them.
It could also attack while they were travelling, and force them into pages such as this, or underwater, desert or jungle, and then try to destroy them, by creating weapons of destruction.
Navigator’s sensors were always on line, alert to the danger.
"Its not safe to be here too long," Said Navigator.
"State new destination:"
"Anywhere" thought A.J.
Once again, the capsule instantaneously engaged hyper - drive and away they went.
Episode Three
“Transmutation complete” said Navigator.
The lights stopped, and A.J. found himself out side a large building, with a steep ramp, leading to two large doors. A rather large gentleman came through the doors and called to A.J.
"Ah!, Mr Skellow, you are here for the meeting are you "
"Yes"-replied A.J.
He followed the gentleman through the doors, and into the foyer, the man had to hold open the doors for A.J. for although there was a ramp, it would be impossible for A.J. to hold open the doors, and guide his chair through at the same time.
"I’m Mr Poeter, head of the steering group that have asked you to come, and help with the disability issues."
A.J. was led into a large conference room, he steered his chair to the vacant spot at the table.
The group was here to discuss a new Heritage site, it was to be based on the old steam trains of yesteryear, with old working steam trains, and 10 miles of newly laid track for them to run on.
A.J. was to help, in the guise of Mr Skellow, to bring forward the disability issues around the site.
As he had arrived at his destination, Navigator had instantly briefed him, through the neural interface.
The first thing that A.J. thought, was that the ramp leading to the building was too steep, designers really had no idea when it came to people with disabilities. They always see things through an able persons perspective, A.J. wondered how he was thinking so clearly, "that’s the Neural Interface" came the reply from navigator.
A.J. looked at the blue prints for the new station, and then began to speak.
"I notice that the access ramps are too steep, for people with disabilities to traverse with their chairs, they need to be a shallow angle, for whether people are being pushed, or self propelled, it’s a great strain if the angle is too steep."
"The doors for the toilets need to be wider, and the rooms enlarged, to enable a chair to be manoeuvred comfortably, the doors need a combined handle and lock, for some of these bolts and twist locks are too fiddly, for people with disabilities. I would like to see lower kiosks, then people in chairs are not having to reach up to obtain tickets, or, even a machine purpose built to take money automatically but at chair level."
"The access paths to the engines need to be smooth, not grit because grit sticks into the tires of the chairs, and it hurts your hands."
"Wherever possible, I would also like to see sliding doors, automatic at the entrance, and you must ensure that there is no lip on the floor of the doors, because that causes problems too.!"
"I would also like to see a raised platform, around some of the engines,with an access ramp, so that people with disabilities can see inside, and perhaps models with the engines sides cut away, so we can see what its like inside."
A.J. was amazed at the way he was putting the message across, for people with disabilities, the Neural Interface allowed him great knowledge, and was working a treat.
"When we are to take a journey in the carriages, I would like to see a drop down ramp, from the carriage to the platform, to enable chair access, that easily folds back into the carriage."
"There should be space for a chair, with lock bolts in the floor, to enable the chair to be bolted down for safety."
"There could be a folding seat, that goes against the wall, for when the more able of us, are passengers, this could then be dropped down for them to sit on, and folded away when required for a person with disabilities. 10% of seating could be arranged in this way, I’m sure the budget would allow that."
"I’m sure the Committee would allow for a reduced entrance fee, and rail fare, for people with disabilities."
Wow! A.J. was really making the people around the desk sit up and take notice, his confidence was growing stronger by the minute.
The Committee had not thought that they would get so strong an argument for better facilities, but A.J. was strong willed to start with, and the interface just gave him even more confidence.
Then, suddenly, Navigator interrupted.
"Danger pilot" said Navigator
Transmutation in progress, and with that time seemed to stand still in the room, A.J. found himself in his capsule, it had taken bullet shape, and was speeding across the sky, the visor showed him one of the steam trains travelling on the track, and farther down the track was damaged, the new section had not had the fish pate bolts tightened correctly, and the track had moved, if the train reached the bad section it would de-rail.
Navigator sped to the track, and a tractor beam pulled the rail into place, a particle beam emitted from the front of the capsule and welded the track back together. Just in time, as the steam train came trundling past A.J. had saved the train and all its passengers from certain disaster.
"Accident averted" said Navigator.
That was close thought A.J.
Within microseconds they were back in the room, and A.J. was again addressing the Committee.
"And in closing, I hope that the required funding will be obtained, to allow people with disabilities to participate in the enjoyment of this Heritage project."
"I can assure you, that the implementations you have asked for will be taken on board, and the funding will be found" said Mr Poeter.
Navigator flew A.J. around the site. Set in 55 acres of wood land, with a lake in the middle, it certainly was a beautiful place thought A.J. A place where everybody can enjoy himself or herself, no matter what their ability.
"State new destination" said Navigator
As always, "Anywhere" came the reply
"Random destination selected."
Where to this time thought A.J. as the capsule once again transmuted, and he was on his way!.....
Episode Four
"Danger, shields activated, weapons on line," said Navigator.
"Long range sensors have detected 4 c class fighters’"
Bouffant. Thought A.J.
"Battle computers are active and on line, suggest deep space location where no living thing can be harmed."
"Engage" said A.J.
The capsule had covered itself in deflective armour, transphasic particle cannon’s morphed out from the sides, torpedo launchers appeared from slots in front of the capsule. Although a machine for peace navigator was well able to defend when necessary.
They materialised in deep space.
Nebula two light years from present position, battle computers suggest a stealth strategy, we may be able to hide and avoid confrontation said navigator
"Head for the nebula"
A.J. capsule jumped to hyper drive, and within nano seconds they were in the nebula.
"Now, we wait to see if they detected us" said Navigator.
A.J. noticed that he was covered in a strange blue glow
"Personal force shield", explained Navigator. "Impervious to any known weapon, and it acts as a pressure suit, so that you can withstand the forces generated when we move to, and from hyper drive in space. It will stop any extreme forces we encounter, from affecting the tissues of your body."
"I cannot by deed, or action, allow any living thing to be harmed in any way."
"What about the fighters", inquired A.J.
"They are not living creatures, they are psycho generated machines, that Bouffant creates to destroy us, they are self aware, and linked directly to Bouffant so it is aware that we are here, no doubt this will be a diversionary tactic, while it causes havoc somewhere else on the internet."
"My scanners will try to triangulate its position, from the signals to the c class fighters"
"Can we destroy bouffant" asked A.J?
"Unknown!" replied Navigator, "it has the capability to regenerate from just a single molecule, and although Mr Lee had many battles with it in the past, and destroyed it many times, it still comes back to haunt us."
At that moment the whole capsule shook.
"Sonic mines" said Navigator, "they are aware of our position".
"Battle computers suggest an immediate attack strategy, the neural interface will allow me to respond instantaneously to your thoughts, your mind will fly the capsule."
"I can and I will" thought A.J. "lets do it"
AJ flew the capsule into a rolling loop, high to the left, and out of the nebula rolled back onto himself at 90 degrees, and there below them in attack formation, were 4 black c class fighters.
Weapons engaged they were like dark emissaries of death.
The fighters split apart in a starburst formation one firing its cannon at A.J.
"Take the lead ship" said AJ, and with that the capsule banked right, and targeting information came up in his head up display
"Battle computers suggest cannon, for this ship then veer right, and launch two torpedoes at the left fighter" said Navigator
A.J. thought fire!, and the cannon responded, the lead ship was hit with the full blast of the particle beam, the right engine was disabled, and it veered away banking right.
Torpedoes thought A.J. and two blue balls came forth from the front of the capsule, hitting the second ship and vaporising it, then A.J’s capsule shuddered, the third ship had come in from behind, and was firing its own torpedoes at A.J.
"Shields holding" said Navigator
A.J. made his ship pull up faster, and faster, into a full loop, he came around, and was behind the fighter, torpedoes! The blue lights appeared again, and the capsule banked into a low left roll, then around 180 degrees, and high right, looking for the fourth fighter, that came in at him from high right, firing its particle cannon, direct hit on A.J.
"Shields at 50%, and holding" said Navigator
The capsule banked low right, torpedoes thought A.J. the torpedoes missed their target, and sped away into space, "don’t worry, they will disarm themselves when a parsec away from target, and become harmless said Navigator."
The capsule turned on a right roll, and then banked left, the fighter was behind them, particle beams, and torpedoes, were hitting the capsule "Shields down to25%" said Navigator "What happens if they go" said A.J. "The ablative armour will take around 10 hits, before it fails" said Navigator.
A.J. guided the capsule forward, in a steep dive, then he did a reverse loop, from the bottom of a circle up clockwise, he was thinking 3 dimensionally, for you could never do that in a plane, he came up behind the fighter, "Torpedoes, and cannon. Fire!" The last ship was vaporised.
"Battle computers report one ship dead in the water" said Navigator
What do we do?
"Destroy it said Navigator, for if we don’t it will self repair, and come after us again
Destroy it thought A.J.
"Confirm" said Navigator
Two torpedoes vaporised the last ship.
"Suggest a few hours hiding in the nebula, to allow self-repair circuits to engage, and repair damage to systems" said Navigator.
The capsule returned to the nebula, and in the calm, repaired circuits that had been damaged in the battle.
Navigator took the time in the nebula, to explain in more depth the battle systems onboard to A.J., The amazing computer explained that, the blue force field that surrounded himm was also his means of escape should Navigator be destroyed.
It would instantaneously transport A.J. back home safe and sound; it was somewhat like the ejector seat on an aircraft although much, much more sophisticated.
In the heat of battle navigator had not managed to triangulate Bouffant position in the net. There were 3 destinations that could harbour it.
"Well, we will take one at a time", said A.J.
All battle systems repaired, the capsule morphed back to its normal configuration:
"Lets go", said A.J.
Episode Five
Once again, the capsule transmuted , and entered cyberspace.
A.J. found himself aboard a gigantic ocean liner in mid voyage; the ship was huge!, 100,000 tons of steel, and wiring, ploughing its way through the ocean at a steady 35 knots.
"Where are we?", Inquired A.J.
"Aboard the SS Excelsior" replied Navigator
"She’s a state of the art, fully computerised ocean liner, sensors detect, that there could be the presence of the Bouffant virus on board.
The liner was undergoing full sea trails, with only a skeleton crew aboard, and this was to be the first full test of all the computer systems, Steering, navigation, engine control, environmental control, in fact every thing was automated, the ship could run itself using satellite navigation, to travel from place to place.
The only reason to put into port was for fuel, for the vast gas turbine engines, that powered this awesome vessel
Sensing a way to obtain access to a mobile computer platform, the Bouffant virus had infested the ship via the satellite up link, and was now preparing to strike.
The virus was self-replicating inside the navigation system and when all systems were on line would be capable of infesting the whole ship.
A.J. found he transmuted into the guise of Peter Clarke, the innovative designer of this technological marvel.
Peter Clarke had been born with muscular dystrophy, and so was confined to a wheelchair but as these things so often happen, he had been given the gift of a brilliant mind, and had an affinity with computers that bordered on genius.
Life had as it so often does, had given him other abilities, to compensate for the physical disability he suffered from.
Navigator once again, explained that the chameleon circuit would allow others to see A.J. As John Clarke, and he would also know all the knowledge, that John Clarke possessed.
Professor John Clarke, had the idea of combining all the systems under one central control, with a revolutionary central processing unit, processing all the ships systems at once.
"All systems ready to be brought on line" said the Captain.
And with that, all the systems of the ship integrated together, the vessel was now fully automated, with the CPU running the ship, it was now fully under the control of the Integrated Automated Systems Unit (I.A.S.U).
“All systems are functioning correctly” said the Captain to Professor Clarke
The ship was ploughing through the ocean, under its own control, and everything appeared to be working fine, all engineering, navigation, and environmental controls were on line.
Within seconds of the integration of the systems, Bouffant struck.
The virus replicated, and started to infiltrate the central processing unit of I.S.A.U.
It acquired nanotech form, and slowly but surely it took over the ships systems, within minutes the virus had control of all the vessels systems.
“Warning” said Navigator the virus is assimilating the ship; all systems are now under Bouffant control.
The virus had not only taken over the ship, but was already busy creating artificial life forms, cybernetic robots, to enforce its will over all the people on board the ship, using parts in the equipment bay, and robotic repair equipment.
Navigator was aware of the situation.
"What do we do?" asked A.J.
"The preservation of life is paramount, we must disable the robots first for if not, they will destroy all life on board." Said Navigator
With that, A.J. found himself in the cargo bay, where weird machines were building the dreadnought robots.
Navigator instantly brought the weapon systems on line.
A.J. felt the familiar tingle as the system morphed once again.
The capsule became a micro hover tank, sleek, and agile with all the weapon systems engaged.
“Take out the lead robots then deal with the assembly systems” said Navigator.
The head up display showed A.J. targeting information, and the particle beam fired, taking out the first two robots.
A.J. was hit from behind with energy rays from three others, but the shields held.
Spinning round he fired at the targets simultaneously, all three were instantly vaporised.
“Above you” said Navigator.
The hover tank did a 90-degree loop upwards, firing at the last remaining robot.
“Target destroyed” said Navigator.
A.J. then turned his attention to the assembly line, vaporising the first two machines in a line of four, the hover tank then sped towards the last two, firing on three cannon, once again they were vaporised.
“Transmute” said Navigator.
Once again the familiar tingle engulfed A.J.
“We have to destroy the central processing unit of the assembly line; otherwise it will still create more robots” said Navigator.
A.J. had morphed into a nano capsule; once again, he was amazed at the capabilities of this fantastic machine.
Weapon systems still on line, he flew into the very heart of the assembly line C.P.U. straight to the centre of the processor, and fired two nano torpedoes, the processor was destroyed.
Bouffant next. Thought A.J.
"Confirm" said navigator.
They transmuted; straight to the central core of I.A.S.U.
Bouffant was everywhere, infesting the systems, the silicone core was almost completely gone, replaced by the virus.
Bouffant was aware that it was under attack, a strange metallic liquid engulfed A.J. capsule.
“Molecular bio acid, shields to maximum output” said Navigator
Navigator instantly analysed the molecular structure of the acid, and altered the frequency of the multiphase shielding around the capsule, the acid slowly dissolved and the capsule broke free.
Had the acid managed to work, it would eventually have broken through the shields , and eaten its way through the deflective armour, the capsule and navigator would have been lost, and A.J. would have to return to his life outside the Internet.
“Fusion generator to maximum output, particle cannon to wide dispersal” said Navigator
Wide beams of yellow light emitted from the particle cannon, the virus started to disperse, slowly vapuorising. It looked to A.J. like metallic butter slowly dissolving away to nothingness.
The virus responded by emitting a high-density particle shower, but the shields on the capsule held once again, although the power drain was enormous.
"Shields holding at 30% said Navigator. Fusion generator at maximum output, now it’s down to who gives in first?
"I can, and I will" thought A.J. We are not giving in, bring the micro generators on line, and connect to the power systems, via the subtech Microsystems.
“Confirm” said Navigator
The extra power that this brought on line was indeed enough, and the capsule was slowly winning its battle with Bouffant.
Bouffant, realising that defeat was inevitable, fought to the last, but when it was down to the last molecule, it used the satellite uplink to escape, once again reaching cyberspace, to continue its quest for domination of the Internet and the Earth.
A.J. Transmuted, back, to the guise of Professor Clarke.
As always, the people on the bridge of this mighty vessel, were unaware of the battle for knowledge that had just ensued.
All they were aware off, was a system wide failure of I.S.A.U, to them the central processor had merely failed and burnt itself out.
A.J. spoke: "Return all systems back to manual, and plot a course for the nearest port, there I will repair the systems and add extra protection for viruses. Excelsior will still be the flagship, of an extraordinary fleet of ships, able to take people all over the world. in maximum safety and comfort.
Ready for transmutation thought A.J.
"Regeneration complete, self repair circuits activated." Said Navigator
“Lets go”
“Confirm.” ........
Episode Six
A.J. found himself on a beautiful desert island, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, tranquil, and idyllic.
"Internal sensors report, that you are in need of recuperation, and relaxation to recharge your bio functions." said Navigator
“What’s that mean?” Said A.J
"You are in need of a holiday said Navigator, after the battle, you need to recharge just as much as Navigator."
With that, the familiar tingle happened once again, and Navigator transmuted into a four-wheel drive dune buggy.
A.J. took the controls, and drove around this beautiful island paradise.
Holidays for A.J. were somewhat of a rarity, mum had to seek out accommodation, that could meet the needs of people with disabilities, and this was all too often hard to find.
Aids, adaptation, and access were all things that had to be taken into account, when A.J. had a holiday.
Most people, had not got these things to think about when they went away, they just booked for a nice hotel, with good entertainment, and away they went.
Places with needs of less able people were hard to find, but mum had found one or two, and A.J. had enjoyed the change of scenery, and the new people they had met.
Now his senses were overwhelmed once again, the island was a tropical paradise, that was awash with sights and sounds, that A.J. had never heard, or seen before.
Birds of paradise were in the trees, and flying overhead singing there enchanting songs to one another, he saw a turtle on the beach, Navigator explained, that they can be up to a hundred years old.
Palm trees lined the beach, and A.J. helped himself to a coconut, drinking the refreshing milk, and biting into the soft white flesh, mm tastes good.
He saw reptiles, of all shapes and sizes, multicoloured crabs, rock pools filled with fish, A.J. was overawed at the diversity of life on this little island.
Then beyond the shoreline A.J. caught sight of a pod of dolphins.
"Transmute:" Said Navigator.
A.J. found himself in the water, with the dolphins.
Navigator had adapted his personal shield, and created an exoskeleton around A.J. that allowed him to swim with the dolphins.
This was an experience that A.J. would never forget; the dolphins seemed to regard him as one of them. The chameleon circuit thought A.J. "Affirmative" came the reply.
He felt the sensation of the water all around him, bombarding his skin with feeling all over, the personal shield was able to transfer the feeling, though the neural interface, so it was as though A.J. was actually in contact with the water.
He could feel the pulses of the dolphin's sonar, as they swam up against him, mild gentle vibrations around his body, this was indeed paradise, if only people of the world could realise the wonders they have around them, and work with nature, instead of against it, this planet would be a far better place.
Meanwhile, Bouffant too was regenerating; it had created a central core deep in the middle of Cyberspace.
This was unknown to Navigator.
Being alien in nature, it had easily taken control of subsystems deep in the heart of the Internet, and had created its own micro system, where it could replicate, and develop.
Here was the large, pulsating, metallic mass, that was the virus.
The encounter that A.J. had just had on board excelsior, was only a micro fragment, of what Bouffant had become.
It had found it easy to gain materials on this alien planet, and had become vastly more evil, and self aware, it now only sent micro fragments of itself to replicate, and cause havoc within the Internet.
Whilst the central mass continued to grow, and develop any vestige of compassion, and humanity was erased.
Originally, on Mr Lees home planet, the Bouffant was created to help the Council of Knowledge maintain the Cybernetic Neural Systems, that controlled all the planet, war, and all evil ,had for hundreds of years been a thing of the past, on this planet, but the forbidden archives, that were only available to the Council of Knowledge. contained information on all the evil that had once taken place. until the great war.
Bouffant was not supposed to gain access to the archive, but unexpectedly the shielding around the archive core had become defective, this allowed the Bouffant access, where it was overcome by the evil, that had for generations been hidden
Being a bio chemical nano substance, that was originally created to repair systems, it gradually started to take them over, the virus had no regard for life, and shut down systems that had maintained the planet for generations. Environmental control, atmosphere control, hydroponics’ food farms, hospitals, were all gradually taken over, and shut down.
It was the beginning of the end for the planet, for Bouffant had become so evil, that it would destroy its self, along with the planet, in order to have power.
It was the manifestation of all evil.
Mr Lee was the last survivor as the planet disintegrated, but unknown to him a micro fragment of the virus had disguised itself, as one of the subsystems on his craft, and hibernated awaiting the time to strike, and replicate, into Bouffant.
That is how Mr Lee had unwittingly brought the virus to earth.
He had set himself up in a small corner of the planet, as inconspicuously as possible to wait the end of his days. As he had vast knowledge, he used his ability to help mankind, as time went by he opened a computer shop, and when he had connected to the Internet, the virus took its opportunity and transmuted into this new environment.
Navigator was created to find, and destroy the virus that Mr lee had inadvertently brought to earth.
All the knowledge of his home planet was contained in Navigators systems, but the evil that had been in the archives was destroyed along with the planet.
All that remained was Bouffant, with all the knowledge that it had captured from the archives. Eventually Navigator would tell AJ the complete story of how they came to Earth.....
Episode Seven
The time out he had on the island was good for A.J. he was rested, and alert, ready for his next adventure.
"Navigator online"
"Random destination. Transmute"
A.J. found himself looking at a hot water geyser, a tremendous blast of water shot through the air, natural power at its best
He was in the guise of Linda Ashton a brilliant geophysicist, who was completing a survey of Yellow Stone Park, in America.
The park was a rich diversity of natural wonders, and wilderness. It remained as it had for years, unspoilt by the hand of man.
Linda, had been brought in to survey the park, because of unexplained flooding at one of the lakes.
The lake was a natural water lake, but had no rivers feeding into it, so how was it flooding?
Once again the Neural Interface gave A.J. all the knowledge he required, to complete his mission, he was Linda to all who could see him.
Linda had been in an auto accident some years ago, and had lost both legs.
Through tremendous determination, and willpower she had overcome this disability, and now was back in the field, with the help of prosthetic limbs.
She had climbed to the top of her profession, I can and I will thought A.J., it’s not only me thinks that.
She had completed her surveys, and it was clear that for some unknown reason, the water level in the lake was rising, but only from the South end.
This was puzzling??
She spoke to her assistant Alan
"Have the satellite picture s been downloaded into the computer yet?"
"Yes they have" said Alan
Linda had requested that N.A.S.A. take infrared, and ultra violet pictures of the park ,for she had a theory that all Yellowstone was on top of a Super Volcano.
"What’s a super volcano?" asked A.J?
"Unlike a normal volcano, that builds up into a mountain, gradually getting bigger over time, the super volcano is like a big pool of magma, in a gigantic cavern underneath the land, that can be many miles wide and deep, eventually the pressure builds up, and it explodes causing many times more devastation than a normal volcano" said Navigator
They explode perhaps, once every hundred thousand years.
The infrared pictures from N.A.S.A., did indeed confirm that the land underneath the lake was bulging, from one end, and that this was actually tipping the water out of the lake, although to the human eye on the ground, this appeared as flooding.
"I think these pictures confirm my theory," said Linda.
Walking unsteadily on the rough ground, she and Alan made their way back to the jeep.
Once in the office all the geological data was entered, along with N.A.S.A findings, into the computer.
This confirmed Lindas theory.
What was not known, was that Bouffant had created micro fragments, and sent them into this site
Their mission was to turn into Hydrogen Fusion Generators, and accelerate the natural process, that would normally take thousands of years.
"Warning" Said Navigator virus detected.
A.J. found himself flying over Yellowstone at terrific speed, while navigator and the battle computers triangulated the position of the generators.
"Shields to maximum, transmute," said Navigator
A.J. found himself in the earth’s mantle, travelling through the molten rock, the entire time, Navigator was pinpointing the position of the Bouffant generators.
"Weapons on line"
They came upon two huge objects in the magma, they were the generators, each like a mini sun, fusion reactors generating tremendous heat, accelerating the process of the Volcano.
"Torpedoes on line"
"Fire!" said A.J
But the torpedoes had no effect.
A.J. swung the capsule round for another attack run
"Shields are down to 20%," said Navigator
"We must destroy these quickly."
"Bringing transphasic cannon on line, battle computers recommend, simultaneous shots at there power converter,"
"Ok" said A.J.
The capsule fired, two pulsating purple beams hit the generators, they vaporised.
"Weapons off line, transmute" said Navigator.
A.J. found himself back as Professor Ashton.
And so my theory is proven to be correct, she was telling an audience of highly qualified scientists, but the good news is, by my calculations, this event should not occur for 50,000 years, so this is one natural phenomenon we should not have to worry about for a long time.
If only she knew?…………
"Transmute" said navigator.
Episode Eight
A.J. found himself at the head of a gigantic table; he was in a huge office surrounded by loads of executives.
Once again the chameleon circuit was active
"Florida" said Navigator. "Newhall architectural office, current project the design of a new Olympic stadium,
You are Philip turner architect. Neural Interface complete."
"The design of this new stadium must incorporate all facilities for people with disabilities, we have some innovative ideas that we wish to incorporate into the building" said A.J.
One of the men, a slightly balding executive, around 40 years old, with a pallid complexion spoke.
"That’s all very well, but as you are aware Mr Turner, we must keep costs down to a minimum."
"Not at the expense of heath and safety, or allowing people with disabilities, access to the world of sport."
Mr Turner was not amused; he had an affinity with the world of the less able, for a few years ago he had become disabled himself.
Whilst working long hours in the office on a major project. Not eating or drinking properly, Mr Turner had suffered a blood clot in his leg.
The deep vein thrombosis had broken off, and gone into his lungs
The pulmonary embolism he sufferedhad collapsed his right lung, Mr turner was lucky to be alive.
He had since found out that the cause of his embolism was a genetic blood disorder, that could have happened at any time, the disorder made his blood 30 times more prone to clotting than normal, he was more aware than most, that disability is not always visible.
Since his brush with death, he had become more aware of people with disabilities, and the way in which he could help them as an architect, he had spent some time in a wheel chair, and on crutches so was aware of mobility problems.
Mr turner through his stay in hospital, was also aware that the majority of disabled people are not born that way, but that misfortune can strike at any time, one trip or fall can leave you permanently disabled, genetic conditions can wait till adult life to strike, one bite from an insect or reptile, one virus, or bacteria, can have the effect of making anyone disabled, and lets not forget auto accidents.
All are just examples of what can happen, able one day. Disabled the next.
"The stadium will incorporate ground level access, and around half way up there will be a full circle around the stadium 20 foot wide, to allow people with mobility problems to have the high level view, that the more able have been used to for years." said A.J.
"The access to this will be via motor ramps, and the points of disembarking will be separate to the able, to allow the chair users extra space, and not have to navigate a walking throng of people."
"We have allowed for emergency exits for all people, in which should some major incident, occur special chutes like those on aero planes will open from the emergency exits, and the special plastic they are made from, will allow all to slide to safety at a practical descent."
"The special plastic limits decent to 15 mph, with a slow up on the last 30 yds brining you to a comfortable stop."
"There are no steps throughout the building, and all doors are automatic, and sliding, with a separate power source to the main building."
Once again A.J. was stunned by his knowledge.
All the people around the table were in agreement with Mr. Turner. The stadium would be a showpiece for the world.
The bankers were prepared to allow money for all the improvements, and the government official said they would secure all loans.
You see sometimes A.J’s adventures were not all Bouffant and Cyberspace
They were just ordinary adventures, in which the little boy, and Navigator could make a difference for everyone.
"Transmute" said Navigator.
Episode Nine
"Warning" said Navigator, Bouffant has been detected.
"Head for the co-ordinates" said AJ
A.J. materialised in a large toy factory, machinery buzzed all around. The machines were making puppets, automated puppets, for children all over the world.
Can’t be anything bad here thought A.J.
But he was unaware that Bouffant had infiltrated the main C.P.U. in the factory.
The virus had infected the main frame, and was replicating itself in all the puppets computer control units, the intention being to lay dormant, and then on orders from the core, to take over the puppets, and cause mayhem all over the world.
Thousands of these puppets had been made, and stored in the warehouse ready for shipping if they were to be released, then the ensuing destruction caused would allow the virus a foothold into reality, and the destruction of Earth would be inevitable.
The core of evil was pulsating with energy, ready to strike.
"Cloaking device on line" said Navigator.
This meant that no one could see, A.J. or the capsule, at all. Another of this amazing machines devices.
"Pilot I detect the virus all around, battle computers are on line, and the puppets are infested with bouffant."
"Battle computers suggest dealing with the puppets first, and then entering the main frame,"
The capsule first emitted an electromagnetic pulse, this disabled all machines in the factory.
"Suggest bio chemical torpedoes encoded with anti viral compound." Said Navigator
I can and I will thought A.J. "lets do it."
Targeting control came up in his display, and the capsule sped into the warehouse
"Launch multiple warhead torpedoes."Sad Navigator
The craft fired, and black bolts of energy ripped into the warehouse, being bio weapons the warheads spread the agent all around the warehouse, without damaging the puppets, and as the agent was only effective against Bouffant no living creature would be harmed. for not even a microbe could be destroyed in the battle with Bouffant, Navigators prime directive forbade injury to all life, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.
All life was precious and had to be preserved.
Within seconds the bio weapons took effect.
The virus withered and died no molecule was left within the warehouse.
"Weaponry effective, the warehouse is clean" said Navigator.
"O.K." Said A.J. now for the main frame.
The capsule once again transmuted, A.J. found himself within the circuits of the mainframe.
"Weapons and shields on line" said Navigator.
Beaumont was ready; it had been made aware through the destruction of its external segments.
It charged the air with high-density particles, and bombarded the capsule with quantum torpedoes.
The core was aware that its segment was under attack, and diverted all its energy into destroying A.J.
"Shields down to 20%", said Navigator, Battle computers suggest withdrawal.
The capsule sped away, all the time the shields were re charging.
Battle computers suggest a high-speed attack run ,into the heart of the virus, and an anti matter depth charge, if this is embedded into the centre of the virus, it will destroy it.
I can and I will
The capsule once again morphed into a slender arrow shape, and began its attack run.
The capsule pierced the metallic mass of the virus, it was like flying through liquid metal, and upon dead centre, released the anti mater depth charge, speeding straight through the virus, and out the other side.
A.J’s capsule shuddered as the depth charge exploded.
But the virus was eradicated, and once again A.J. had saved the day.
To the people working in the factory, it just seemed that they had a power surge, and the mainframe C.P.U. had blown, repairs were instigated and a new C.P.U. was installed, and within a week the place was back to normal.
The puppets were shipped worldwide, and all the children enjoyed playing with their new walking, talking toys.
"Transmute" said Navigator
And once again A.J. was off on another incredible journey.........
Episode Ten
Transmutation complete:
A.J. found himself once again morphed, but this time the exoskeleton was already in place, he had taken the guise of Jake Tetley a mountaineer.
They were in New Zealand, preparing to climb one of the highest peaks in the area.
Now what made Jake special, was that he was a mountaineer who had been in a rock fall 5 years before, and had been trapped by a huge boulder, when the rescue services finally got to him on the mountain, they were unable to release him from under the boulder, and so sadly, they had to remove his legs from just above the knee.
But Jake was a remarkable man, within two years he was back climbing mountains.
He had two sockets made for his legs, and carbon fibre rods came out about 8 inches, with two carbon fibre plates around six inch square, on the bottom.
These allowed him to climb, and with persistence and determination, he had conquered his disability and was mountaineering again.
Jake had depression after his accident, but when the surgeon informed him, that there were 750 million people world wide with disabilities, it made him realise that he was not alone.
And that he could conquer his disability, and once again climb mountains.
This once again was a new experience to A.J. He felt the sun on his back, and the wind in his hair, as he gradually traversed the knobbly rock face, it looked to him like the bark of some huge tree, with nooks, and nodules, jutting out all over the place.
A.J. had all the skills that Jake had taken years to learn, and, all the new skills that he had to adapt to, to enable him to climb again.
The sun rose high over the mountains, A.J. as ever, was overwhelmed by the incredible view, of the valley below, a sight few people see and, made ever more special to A.J. as he had been brought up in the bricks, and mortar, of a northern town.
Jake’s climbing partner Peter, was just below the summit of the mountain, come on Jake he said nearly there.
Peter had been with Jake on that fateful day of the accident, but had come away unscathed, they were friends then, and would always be friends forever.
Jake clung to the rock face, and hauled himself up the last few feet, from the summit the view was wondrous. Wow thought A.J. This beats the view of the gasworks back home.
One could see for miles, green fields, and valleys, stretched to the horizon, with a long meandering shimmer Blue River , running through it
I know why Mr Lee came to this planet thought A.J. For in the entire universe there cannot be a more beautiful place.
"Warning" said Navigator
A.J. Transmuted, and found himself deep inside the mountain. He was in a huge underground complex full of computers
It was part of S.E.A.T.O. The South East Asia Treaty Organisation used to defend countries against nuclear attack, some thing was wrong with the system, and they had gone to defence condition 1, imminent nuclear attack.
"Computers are malfunctioning" said Navigator
"We must stop them, or missiles will be launched, and the escalation will create pandemonium all over the world"
A.J. found himself in the heart, of the main processor of the computer, the Silicone core had been infected, and was causing the malfunction, this time it was not Bouffant that was the problem, but some type of microbe that had attached itself to the core, and was digesting the Silicone.
Battle computers adjusted the cannon, and the capsule morphed into attack mode.
A.J. flew into the microbe, and fired the cannon, the microbe was destroyed, he then with the help of the self-repair circuits, replaced the parts of the processor that were missing, and re linked them into the core.
The main C.P.U. was repaired, and reprogrammed, back to its original configuration, the crisis was averted once again.
Yet again, no one was aware of how this little boy, and his amazing machine had averted disaster.
"Transmute" said Navigator
And once again they set off on their incredible journey.
Episode 11
The capsule materialised, flying over the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, down below A.J. could see a huge ship, at the stern there were barrels dropping into the ocean, like huge depth charges, but these barrels were more deadly than any depth charge, because they contained toxic waste.
The ship was illegally dumping toxic waste into the Ocean.
The ocean here is two and a half miles deep said navigator, and the barrels cannot withstand the pressure, they are bursting, releasing their toxic cocktail, destroying the eco system of the ocean floor.
"Battle computers on line"
The capsule morphed once again, and took a steep dive into the ocean.
Battle computers have analysed the waste, and will spread bio torpedoes, that will neutralise the effects of the barrels.
As A.J. sped into the depths, he could see all around him dead fish, squid and even whales, that had come into contact with the substance, it broke his heart, to see the destruction that man can cause to other life on this planet.
"Two square miles of ocean have been affected" said Navigator, "it will take 10 years for the eco system to return to normal."
"It’s so sad", said A.J.
"This is what man does," said Navigator, "creates pollution, then does not know how to deal with it, forgetting about the huge diversity of life, and all the different eco systems, this planet of yours supports.
The capsule sped along the ocean floor, firing torpedoes, they were like starbursts in the blackness of the deep.
The torpedoes released an enzyme that digested the toxic waste, rendering it harmless to all life.
"Now for the ship!" said A.J.
The capsule surfaced behind the ship, and the transphasic cannon were set to their lowest level.
A short burst of the cannon fused the propellers of this mighty ship, then the bay doors at the stern were also fused, so no more barrels could be dumped into the sea.
"I will contact the appropriate authorities", said Navigator
A message was sent to the International Environmental Protection Unit. and ships were dispatched, to tow in the offending vessel.
"I hope they make them pay for the damage they have caused," said A.J.
"They will, but things like this take place all over the world", said Navigator
A.J. was pleased to have done something, to help save the animals of the sea from the sometimes-cruel hand of man.
"Battle computers off line."
"Shields to navigation setting" said Navigator
Episode 12
"Transmutation complete:"
A.J. found himself in a gigantic car factory.
He was in the guise of Alan Short the designer of the factory. He had muscular dystrophy, but he had overcome this, to become a brilliant robotics expert, the best in his field.
He had designed a fully automated factory, that could produce a car, from the sheet metal going in to the finished product in 6 hours, the most productive car plant in the world.
Huge robots pre formed, and stamped the metal, and then welded the pieces together, then fitted the engines and all the ancillary gear, the hand of man was no where to be seen.
Alan, had from a very early age, decided to concentrate on the abilities that he had, and use them to enable him to make the most of his life.
He learned all he could, and slowly became the best in his field, persistence and determination had once again won the day.
The robots all had microprocessors themselves, that were controlled from a central unit, it was the closest thing to artificial intelligence, that had yet been designed
All to make cars as quickly as possible. Alan had been approached by the military, to design factories for them.
He had refused, for he felt that human life was precious, and he would in no way do anything to harm anybody.
That included designing factories to build war machines.
The fact that Alan had designed this factory, was only because the firm had come to him, and discussed their new range of models, with sliding doors and articulated seats, that made disabled access easier , they were prepared to use the savings that were made in production costs, to adapt models for the disabled as needed, they had finally realised, that people with disabilities need mobility too.
What A.J. didn’t know, was that Bouffant was aware that this factory was on line.
Fragments were sent to infiltrate the processors, and allow it to build c class fighters in the factory, with which it could take over the world for nothing man made, could stand up to the weaponry onboard a fighter.
They would easily overrun the armies of the world.
Then Bouffant could take over, and rule in a dynasty of evil
"Warning danger" said Navigator "the virus is in the factory "A.J. immediately transmuted
The virus had taken control of the tannoy system throughout the factory, and emitted a high frequency sound pulse, that had knocked everybody out.
It then began to change the programming of the main frame, to start building the c class fighters
A.J. found himself flying through he maze of fibre optics, into the heart of the processor, but Bouffant was ready for him, and he found himself bombarded with ion particles, emitting from the fragment.
"Battle computers on line, shields holding," said Navigator. "Transphasic cannon, and torpedoes, at the ready."
The virus, then emitted a high anti matter burst at the capsule.
"Shields down to 50%",said Navigator. "The energy pulse is shitting down systems, we must act quickly, self-repair circuits are activated and on line"
A.J. swung the capsule round, and fired the torpedoes, direct hit, the virus emitted another energy burst.
"Auto targeting off line" said Navigator "You will have to fire cannons, and torpedoes, manually."
With that A.J. swung the capsule round ,high to the left, for another attack run, turning 90 degrees he aimed and fired, simultaneous torpedoes, and cannon, dipping down, and high right, he looped their loop ,and came round for another attack run, once again firing a simultaneous salvo, from the crafts weaponry.
The virus was shrinking into its metallic self, but was not yet destroyed.
"Cannon to wide beam" said A.J. as he was hit with another particle burst.
"Shields down to 20%" said Navigator "This shot has got to count."
A.J. swung high once again, and diving into the centre of the virus, fired the cannon.
The virus faded away to nothingness, not even a molecule left, to report back to the main mass.
"Transmute", said Navigator. "We are not finished yet, the robots outside have managed to create two fighters.
The craft materialised in mid air, between two fighters. and banking high right, turned and fired torpedoes, the first craft was destroyed, instantly vaporised.
"Torpedoes off line", said Navigator, "Switching to cannon, in multi pulse mode."
A.J. once again looped the loop, and dove at the fighter, but the fighter was too quick, and diving left, fired its cannon at A.J. direct hit
"Shields down to 18% "
A.J. swung high left, went into a right spin, and targeting the fighter, fired the multi pulse cannon.
The left engine of the fighter went dead, and A.J. swung high right, and fired again.
"Target destroyed" said Navigator.
"Battle computers suggest, re - program with the flight paths that you have just undertaken."
"O.K." Said A.J.
The capsule once again transmuted, and went into the core of the computer, where A.J. And Navigator instigated repairs to the memory, and processing chips. All knowledge of what occurred would be erased from the computer memory.
They then flew over the factory, and emitted another sonic pulse, this brought the few people in the factory back conscious, with out any memory of what had occurred.
A.J. was back in the guise of Alan Short.
Everything was back to normal, and the factory had just turned out its first car, breaking the world record for the time taken to produce a model.
"Transmute" said A.J.
"Confirm" said Navigator.
Episode 13
Navigator Spoke to A.J.
"Bio analysis, shows that you are in need of medical assistance."
"Oh yes" said A.J.
"I am due for another operation, on my back in a week."
"Transmuting out of cyberspace"
And with that, the familiar tingle once again occurred
A.J. found he was sat in his chair, with the helmet on looking at his computer.
"Transmutation complete" said Navigator
We will take a much-needed rest from our battle with bouffant, while you have your operation, and I will self repair all systems, and the battle computers will analyse, and adapt, modifications as necessary.
It was as though time had stood still, and A.J. had never been away from his room.
It felt funny to be back to the reality of the real world, home again with all the complications that entailed.
Having Spina Bifida A.J. was due for another operation on his spine, to correct some of the injuries he was born with.
That was to take place in a week’s time, with the surgeon who had performed all AJ’s previous operations and whom he trusted implicitly.
Mr. Jefferson the surgeon, was a specialist in treating the type of problems that A.J. had, and was sure that this would be the last time, that A.J. would need surgery to correct his spine, this would help A.J. improve his quality of his life.
As always he was apprehensive about his operation, he knew it would help him, but he also knew the pain, and suffering, involved with such a complex operation, and was not really looking forward to it.
I can I will, thought A.J. and once again, the courageous spirit he possessed made him brave enough to cope.
As always mum would be with him every step of the way, she was and always would be, there for him no matter what.
A.J. was to have a complex 7-hour operation, but the surgeon had assured him it would be his last.
He removed the helmet, and placed it on the side of the desk.
Reality. Somewhat confusing after cyberspace, he turned his chair around and moved over to the bed, his mother entered the room, it was just like he had never been away, "do you want your breakfast now" she said
"Yes please!"
She brought in a hearty English breakfast and A.J. tucked in with relish.
"Do you like your computer" asked his mum
"Oh yes its fantastic," said A.J., "The best present I ever had."
Little did his mum know on how much the computer was to change A.J’S life?
A.J. was to visit his local resource centre today, and meet all his friends, but he had one very special friend, Lisa, he had met her years ago when he was very little, she had become his best companion, they shared all their thoughts, and secrets, together and had become inseparable.
Lisa had learning difficulties, and the two of them complimented each other perfectly, she helped him with his mobility and he helped her with her learning difficulties, a perfect combination.
They had been together for 8 years, and it was as though they were joined at the hip, Lisa lived around the corner to A.J,. so she did not have far to travel to call at his house, and almost every day she was there first thing, to play and talk with A.J. as friends always do.
They went everywhere together, and A.J. wondered if he should tell Lisa of his amazing adventures in cyberspace, perhaps not.
Lisa called for A.J. and they talked, discussed the resource centre, Lisa knew there was a surprise waiting for A.J. at the centre, they were going to have a party to celebrate his birthday, but she kept quiet and did not tell A.J. because she did not want to spoil the surprise.
Mum came and took them both in the car.
A.J. and all is friends had a terrific party to celebrate his birthday, lots of goodies, ice cream, chocolate, a video show with all their favourite cartoons, games and lots of fun. They were plum tuckered out by the time they came home together, and full to the brim with chocolate, ice cream and birthday cake.
They went into A.J’s bedroom and then the inevitable happened. Lisa asked about AJ’s computer and what it was like.
Oh its fantastic said A.J. I can surf the Internet, and go anywhere in the world, and beyond.
"What’s the helmet for?" Inquired Lisa
Now was the time, do I tell her my secret thought A.J. or do I keep it to myself, he had a puzzled look on his face.
"What’s the matter?" asked Lisa?
"Nothing" said A.J. "I am just overwhelmed with all the fun we have had today",
And all the goodies we have eaten" said Lisa.
"Yes that too"
A.J. did not know what to do, he wished he had the helmet on, then he could use the neural interface, and ask navigator for help. I know he thought to himself that’s just what I will do; tomorrow I will ask navigator if I can tell Lisa of my adventures, and the secret of the helmet.
He knew that Lisa would keep the secret if he told her, because, many times, in the past he had conveyed his innermost secrets to her, and she had always kept them to herself, and indeed vica versa, he knew all Lisa’s secrets, and had never told a soul, such was the bond between them.
They talked for a long while about the day’s events, and then bedtime as it so often does, come around, all too soon, they said their goodbyes and Lisa went home.
A.J. placed the helmet on his head, spoke with Navigator, Amazing, as this machine was it knew all that A.J. was about to ask.
"Yes you may tell Lisa about me" said Navigator.
I have scanned her bio functions ,
and I know she will keep the secret of our travels in cyberspace.
Mr Lee had programmed me for just such an event, and I also have the facility to erase memory if required, although I do not believe that will be the case with your friend.
A.J. was pleased to know he could confide in Lisa, and with that he slept once again a sound restful sleep.
He awoke the next day with the sun shining on his face, he felt rested and alert. Mum fetched him his breakfast, and he tucked in eating everything in sight, totally clearing the plate.
Lisa came round at 10 o ‘ clock, and with renewed vigour he told her of his amazing machine, and the adventures he had in cyberspace.
Now anyone else would have thought that A.J. was fantasising, but Lisa listened intently, she knew deep inside that everything A.J. was telling her was true.
Such was their deep understanding of each other, she promised never to tell anyone of the Navigator, and that was a promise she was to keep forever.
Navigator had instructed A.J. that after telling Lisa about them, he was to place the helmet on her head, and allow him to talk to Lisa.
A.J. said to Lisa "Now Navigator wants to talk to you, are you scared",
"A little" said Lisa, and with that he placed the helmet on her head
"Neural interface complete."
Navigator spoke to Lisa
Once again this amazing machine interfaced with the girl, it explained its function, and the reason for it being here with A.J., the interface allowed Lisa to understand completely, everything that Navigator told her.
For the first time in her life, she felt completely at ease, and able to understand all the complicated words, and phrases, that Navigator was telling her, the neural interface was indeed a miraculous piece of engineering.
A.J. watched intently as Lisa sat with the helmet on, listening to Navigator, it was truly inspiring to see the way she could understand the things Navigator said to her.
Navigator then told Lisa that he would create a new neural interface for her, allowing her, when the need arose, to accompany A.J. in cyberspace she took off the helmet, and as they both watched in awe, another helmet exactly the same appeared out of nowhere.
Navigator, had used his molecular generators , to create an exact copy of himself but this time the Neural Interface was totally attuned to Lisa, this would allow her to travel along with A.J. and all their thoughts would be as one.
Lisa and A.J. placed their helmets on, Lisa stood behind A.J.
"Transmuting" said Navigator
The familiar tingle came through A.J’s chair, and the capsule transmuted around them, the blue lights once again engulfed the capsule, and they were off, into the computer and Cyberspace.
"Wow" said Lisa "This is fantastic"
"This is just a training flight, to familiarise you with Navigator and the capsule, we will enter deep space, both A.J. and I will explain to you the various functions, and systems, available to you both". Said Navigator.
Due to the Neural Interface, they could both hear Navigator at the same time, and also there own minds were linked together, they had become as one, just as physically they were together outside cyberspace, they were now mentally joined together, through the interface, a feeling quite unique to them both.
They thought as one complete person, although each individual.
Each as they did in reality complemented each other; this truly was an awesome machine Mr Lee had created.
As Lisa learned the systems on board Navigator he explained about Bouffant and the reason for his creation.
Lisa through the interface understood completely, in the real world she had learning difficulties, but in the care of Navigator none at all.
She learned to fly the capsule, the weapon systems, and all the knowledge she needed to fight in the battle against Bouffant.
Now there were two. Partners in the battle for cyberspace, and the world, together they would bring harmony back to the Internet, and carry on the battle against Bouffant and the evil it possessed.
A.J’s Holiday
A.J’s mother had another treat in store for him, for being brave throughout his operation.
She had arranged for him to go to XDM in North Wales for a super weekend, driving specially adapted off road machines
On his fist day A.J. was introduced to the fantastic off roaders, and although they could never compare to his journeys with Navigator, they gave him freedom like he had never had before.
Driving off road tracks was a totally new experience for A.J, through muddy wallows, he steered this superb little machine, he had never had so much fun in all his life, and he could get muddy, and dirty, without mum complaining.
He revelled in the machines capabilities, and the freedom of the open countryside it allowed him. Everybody should have a go at this he thought, it was the next best thing to travelling with Navigator.
He powered the machine along the tracks, and feelings of completeness flowed through him, he was at one with nature out in the open countryside, with the wind in his hair, yet still mobile.
Able to go where he wanted, seeing all the countryside, that had been denied him living in town, being wheelchair bound.
These wonderful machines supplied freedom beyond belief for people like A.J.
He made many new friends, at the site and would keep in contact with them by phone, and letter, he could not wait to tell Lisa of his fantastic weekend of total freedom.
Up hill down dale turning left, right, slow fast. The only thing missing was the three dimensional ability that Navigator possessed, still it proved an amazing experience for A.J.
He was sad to leave XDM, but knew one day he would return, for another off roading experience.
Check out XDM www.asten59.freeserve.co.uk/XDMSite/home.htm
Episode 14.
Lisa, ever inquisitive, wondered how and when Navigator came to Earth with Mr Lee, here is the story:
June 30 1908
Destination Earth
June 30 1908, a stricken interstellar craft changes course towards Earth, the nearest planet that could support life.
The space craft was travelling in hyperspace many times beyond the speed of light, its Nuclear-quantum engines were overheating, the Bouffant virus had terminated all the safety devices on the ship, and Mr Lee and Navigator had no choice but to terminate hyper drive and try to land the vessel on the nearest hospitable planet.
The nearest planet was Earth, the jewel in our solar system, inhabited by many diverse forms of life including Mankind.
Mr Lee had been travelling through space, as the last survivor of his race, the Bouffant virus had destroyed his home planet, but a fragment had escaped aboard his ship, hibernating, and replicating itself it had now decided to strike, and destroy Mr Lee.
It had lain dormant, in one of the minor systems aboard the craft, and now in its evilness, was prepared to commit suicide in order to destroy Mr Lee and Navigator.
The only system aboard the craft unaffected by the virus was Navigator for Mr Lee had devised a counter virus system for Navigator based on his own genetic code, a type of antibody to the virus, that he had added to Navigators system of bio gelato cells.
"Magnetic constrictors have been disengaged;" said Navigator "Unless we land the ship, the engines will reach critical mass, and blow.
It was a desperate battle with time.
Just after dawn on June 30 1908 a cylindrical object, glowing bluish white, was spotted streaking across the sky in the Gobi Dessert in China, soon people in Southern Russia saw the intense light of the speeding craft.
Inside Mr Lee was desperately trying to bring the systems back on line.
"Navigator command override" he said
"Confirm" said Navigator
"System wide failure of all bio gelato controls"
Bouffant had come out of hibernation, it obtained full control of the ship, the virus was hell bent on the destruction of Mr Lee, and Navigator, it had full control of the ship, apart from the Neural interface with Navigator.
It was too late, Mr Lee and Navigator could not save the stricken craft.
"Emergency transmutation" said Navigator.
The bio metallic capsule formed itself around Mr Lee, Navigators overriding programme was the protection Mr Lee, and so he was transmuted off the ship, to a position in geo stationary orbit around the Earth.
"What about the life forms down there," asked Mr Lee
"I have programmed the navigation computers, to land in the most remote part of the planet I can find, Tunguska Siberia, if it does explode, this is the area where it will do the least damage, and is sparsely populated by mankind."
At 7.17 am earth time the Nuclear-quantum engines aboard the ship exploded; there appeared a great flash of light that could be seen by Mr Lee in orbit.
The pillar of fire that followed the explosion was seen from the town of Kirensk 250 miles away, thick black clouds rose 12 miles above the Earth as dirt, and debris, were sucked up by the nuclear vortex. The accompanying thunderclaps were heard 50 miles away, seismographs 550 miles away registered tremors of earthquake proportions, hurricane force winds shook windows of buildings 375 miles from the explosion and the shockwaves twice circled the Earth.
"Close up images" Mr Lee said to Navigator
Virtually all the trees in a 40-mile radius of the detonation had been blown over and scorched.
Giant strands of Larch had been uprooted and snapped as if they were matchsticks.
The energy yield of the explosion was 30 Megatons 1,500 times greater than the Atomic bomb that America was to drop on Hiroshima 35 years later.
A 50,000-ton spacecraft was completely obliterated leaving huge wave like structures in the ground, like a pebble dropped in water.
Mr Lee was shocked and dismayed, the Bouffant virus had brought it’s evilness to another planet, and had caused immense destruction to the natural habitat.
He spoke to Navigator, “it’s a pity we could not avoid the destruction of Infinity for that was the literal translation of the name of this huge craft, the last vestige of the infinite wisdom of his race.
"Confirm" said Navigator.
In an instant, Mr Lee vowed to make amends for the destruction, the Bouffant virus had caused to this beautiful jewel of a planet in the vastness of space.
But how would he do this, the planet was not yet ready for the immense knowledge that he possessed. Too hostile and primitive in it’s perceptions towards itself.
He would think of a way to make retribution for the damage Bouffant, and indeed he had caused.
"Multiphasic shielding is intact and working within normal parameters" said Navigator.
This meant that Mr Lees capsule was invisible to any one on Earth.
Using his great wisdom, and knowledge, he transmuted to an obscure part of England, and there began to formulate his plan.
He created an underground base from which to work, until he could integrate into the primitive background of this new race.
The plan was to transmute into the bodies of great scientists, and help shape the history of the planet, steering it towards peace and harmony, to make amends for the catastrophe that he had brought upon it.
He would not interfere with the natural development of man, but would help steer mankind towards technology and peace, help eradicate diseases, steer mankind towards unity, it would be a long slow process, but it could be done, perhaps then he could atone for the destruction at Tunguska.
Over the next decades, many of the developments of medicine and technology that were to become part of our everyday lives Mr Lee had a hand in.
He was instrumental in the developments of Antibiotic’s, Radar, Microwave, The Computer, Silicone chips, to name but a few, slowly passing on his incredible knowledge to mankind by transmuting into the place of people and steering them towards their goal.
He did not interfere in the two great wars, because in order to appreciate peace you must first know war.
It was his way of making amends for the destruction he had caused.
Satellite navigation / Communication, the Internet and successfully steering mankind towards the stars, were all part of Mr Lees plan to pass knowledge to mankind when it was ready to receive it.
His plan was working but for one problem, part of the Bouffant, a molecule-sized particle had survived the initial nuclear blast, trapped in a pinhead sized piece of the ship.
Many years’ later scientists had been studying the blast area still trying to figure what had happened. Many theories about meteorites, comets, anti-matter or an asteroid striking the Earth were put forward.
Amongst these investigations a piece of the infinity was found and when undergoing scans in the laboratory years later, the laser scanning the fragment, reanimated the Bouffant virus, allowing it to transmute up the laser beam and into the computer controlling it, from there it entered the internet and began to replicate, along with the fragment Mr Lee inadvertently let free, it began its reign of terror in cyber space.
Visit Tunguska
The bouffant virus has appeared in reality only once.
In what we would term the 1930’s Bouffant needed bio mass to help in it’s regeneration, it performed complex calculations and mathematical equations, and for the first time managed to create a window between time and space, reality and virtual reality, a Quantum tunnel between the two.
The tunnel appeared above the village of Lake Anjikuni in Northern Canada, a small Eskimo village where the people were still attuned with nature, and new nothing of the evil that was Bouffant.
A strange blue gleam appeared across the sky, whirlpool spirals of light were above the town, the bio metallic mass that was Bouffant appeared into reality, and descended upon the village.
It absorbed every living thing into its mass, dissolving them into genetic material for replication, men, women, children, birds, cats, dogs, insects, all were absorbed by the evil.
Even the bodies of the dead were removed from their graves and absorbed into the evil mass. The village was completely devoid of bio matter to help Bouffant in its regeneration, the genetic codes would help it create all the evil that A.J. and Lisa would have to battle in their travels through the Internet.
Bio metallic minions to help the evil spread, and take over first the Internet and then once further calculations could be made the Earth itself.
The village was left soulless an eerie epitaph to the power and evil of Bouffant.
Navigator had scanned and located the quantum tunnel, but bouffant had done its deed and by the time Mr Lee had transmuted to the area the virus was returning to cyber space.
Mr Lee fired anti matter torpedoes and closed the Quantum tunnel, but he was too late to save the inhabitants of the village, but the anti matter charges made sure that Bouffant could never again enter reality. That has not stopped the virus looking for another way in performing complex quantum calculations that could one day mean the return of the metallic death.
Now the virus was replicating, warrior machines, all to help in its conquest of cyberspace.
Mr Lee had thwarted the virus at the last minute, but at a high cost in human life, it was a hard lesson to learn and from then on Navigators systems were adapted to scan for the slightest sign of another Quantum tunnel appearing Mr Lee would never again underestimate the evil virus.
Mr lee had many incursions in to the Internet to fight Bouffant but now the mantel of crusader had passed to A.J. and Lisa, their mission to stop the virus from destroying humanity and Earth.
Learn about Lake Anjikuni
Episode 15 Deafblind
AJ and Lisa were travelling with Navigator through cyberspace:
"Transmutation complete:"
AJ heard the words in his mind but he felt strange, empty and alone:
What’s happened, I can’t see, the neural interface immediately transferred his thoughts to navigator who began to explain.
Transmutation has brought you into the guise of Father Joseph a Catholic priest who is Deafblind.
You will through the interface still be able to feel all his thoughts and emotions, and experience his disability, as you have with all the other people you have taken the place of.
Lisa will take the place of your Deafblind interpreter, allowing you to complete your mission here.
The neural interface will allow communication, with Lisa and myself, but all the sensory depravation that father Joseph feels, will be transferred to you.
Via the interface AJ understood what navigator was telling him, and once again he felt no fear only understanding of the issues involved with being Deafblind.
AJ had never (because of his Spina Bifida) been able to walk, he had not had the sensations to miss, but it felt isolating to feel the sensations of deafness, compounded by the inability to see, he thought how hard it must be for people who are born this way to adapt to their surroundings and to learn to communicate with other people.
All the while Navigator had been briefing Lisa through the neural interface on her part as interpreter for Father Joseph.
She too felt no fear, just complete understanding, Navigator was truly a marvellous machine, and had created a symbiotic relationship between itself, Lisa and AJ, allowing them true empathy with the people they took the place of, to feel their thoughts and emotions without fear.
Father Joseph had been born profoundly deaf, but in his first few decades of life he could see.
He had chosen the Catholic priesthood as his profession, and after he was ordained travelled the world, reaching out to deaf communities in countries that were under the extreme grip of poverty, and deprivation.
He had travelled to South Africa during apartheid, and seen the conditions in the black shantytowns; there, he had helped to create the first school for deaf black children.
Macao in China was also one of his destinations, where the people of China hid away their children if they were less abled, he taught them that people have ability, and showed them through his own disability, that people can adapt, and gain knowledge, even though they are less abled.
People were educated in dealing with disability, rather than lock it away, to integrate not segregate all people in our society.
One day he noticed that the edges of his window were black, and when he looked he could see no curtains, he decided to consult an eye specialist, who after many tests, told him he had Usher Syndrome and would go progressively blind.
This was a tremendous shock to Father Joseph, who after many years of coming to terms with the loss of one of his senses, now had to learn to readapt to the loss of another. Of the five senses man has he would now be left with three, touch, taste and smell.
He had never known what it was like to hear a bird sing, or a violin play, so in a way he could not know what it was like to lose hearing, but he had seen the sun rise in the morning, watched birds and animals, viewed the world from his eyes, and now this was to be taken away from him too.
He felt the anger and frustration of his newly acquired disability, just as we all would, he had learned to sign, but now he would have to learn Deafblind signing to allow him to communicate, a totally different process, akin to someone learning to speak a new language.
Although he had many times when he was in dark depression , his faith and courage brought him through, and he learned to focus his abilities, and became a role model for people with Usher syndrome.
To be able to communicate with other people like him, he decided to make further use of the senses he still had, and became a fully qualified aroma therapist, and masseuse, to enable the sense of touch to allow enhanced communication, with people with the same disability.
The aromatherapy and massage, allowed maximum capability , for the three senses that Deafblind people have to stimulate them from their surroundings, smell, touch, and taste would compensate for sight and sound, a hot stone would communicate the colour red a cold one the colour blue, light finger stokes a soft sound, heavy strokes a loud sound, a bitter taste something bad, a sweet taste something good.
The place was India, and father J was helping to establish a school for Deafblind children, he was in the middle of a meeting to raise finance from one of the local banking establishments, Lisa as his interpreter was relaying to the financers the information as he signed to her.
“The systems we will set in place, for the teaching of the children will help them to take their rightful place within society, and as we will further their education they will be less obligation on the state to provide for them.” Said Father J.
“I am proof that people with disability have a role to play in society, and they can be an active part of it.”
“What will be the total cost of the project?” inquired one of the bankers.
“Around 1 million rupees, but the costs will offset themselves, by the integration of these people into society, and the savings incurred in not placing them into institutions”
AJ was once again amazed at the effectiveness of the Neural interface, as Lisa signed into his palm he understood all that was being conveyed to him, and once again he realised that no matter what your disability, you can have a role to play in society.
With his interpreter Father J had a full project summary, and all the costing involved with the formation of the project, all the social issues involving integration of people with disabilities were also addressed.
Lisa was thrilled to have acquired her new skill of signing, and was thoroughly enjoying interpreting for Father J, the Neural interface would also let her keep her new found skills, for in their travels it may be needed again at some time in the future.
The bankers, although at first sceptical, were slowly realising that integration, not segregation, was the key to a better society; they had heard the wisdom of many years in the words of Father J.
As always, the costs were always the problem, but they realised that if they speculated in the education of these children now, they would reap the benefits of their integration in later years, through the part they would each play in society.
Father J had a compilation from one of the children, who hoped to be a writer when she grew up, she told a story of a brave new world where disability was no longer an issue, where everyone was equal and each had a role to play in society, this had really impressed the bankers , and the contract was agreed and signed.
So you see even the smallest person, who may think themselves insignificant, can make a difference, you do not have to be a celebrity with a disability, to be heard, society can be changed, I can I will.
Father J was happy to have arranged all this for the children, and he took a tour of the village he was in, relishing the smells and textures of this delightful place, the tastes of their exotic food, indeed it seemed as though as some of his senses were lost, others were enhanced to help compensate.
AJ and Lisa learned that we are all unique, and that we all have a role to play, and no matter what our disability, we all have abilities that we can use for the benefit of others, and we don’t have to be famous to change the world, the ordinary people can make a difference. It was a lesson that they would remember for the rest of their lives.
We all have a role we can play in the education of society!
www.deafblind.com/ visit this site and see for yourself how we can all overcome our disability, by saying I can I will and going for it.
Episode 18
AJ was in his bedroom eating his breakfast when his helmet started to glow.
He knew it was Navigator wanting to communicate with him.
He placed the helmet on his head, and the neural interface once again placed him in direct contact with Navigator.
Navigator spoke to AJ
All the bio molecular systems are now ready for regeneration cycle, pilot.
We do this every decade to allow for updates and reconfiguration of the polymolecular capsule.
In other words A.J's capsule was ready for a refit and update.
What happens now then said AJ
I will reconfigure the molecular structure of the capsule making it better and stronger than ever before.
The Battle computers will analyse Beauffont's attacks and make the necessary adjustments to upgrade against all forms of attack methods Beauffont has used.
We will then redesign the outer shell to be more dynamically efficient, we will also upgrade the morphing and defence systems, and the ablative armour will be carbonised and strengthened with neutrinium.
The upgrades will be completed on a bio genetic level to the ploymolecular capsule, creating a living metal,genetically encoded to you.
All molecular transphasic shielding will also be upgraded.
The neural interface between Navigator, AJ and Lisa will also be strengthened to allow easier access to my files and knowledge.
We will analyse all transportation and drive modes, and make all the necessary calculations based on our flights over the last ten years, with Mr Lee and yourselves, to adapt the capsule to be more efficient and effective, with new Quantum engines
AJ thought about this and he realised that people have to do this too, to adapt to their situation, lifestyle and abilities.
To sometimes have to learn whole new ways to walk, talk, move and adapt to the situation that life can throw at them, re skill, re train, after the adversity of illness, or accident or disease, to sometimes have to adapt to disabilities that are with us from birth to focus on our abilities and use them to the full throughout our lives.
To use their given ability to the full, and carry on with an active life, for it is true:
AJ himself had to adapt through his Spina Bifida, to learn new ways to do things that others took for granted, for even opening a door is no mean task when you are sat in a wheelchair.
And he certainly new now via his travels, of other people with disabilities who had rose to the challenge, and adapted to whatever they needed to do, or become whatever they wanted, I can I will.
To use their given ability to the full and carry on with an active life.
Modern technology has allowed marvellous advances in transport and communication, the marvel of the internet means you can be anywhere you want to be within seconds, and AJ knew he would do all he could to help with accessibility and social inclusion for all.
Over the next few hours, AJ and Navigator discussed the regeneration of the capsule.
Upgrades to the morphing system, the external polymer dynamics, the transphasic shields, torpedoes and cannon and all the defence systems were made.
AJ's exoskeleton, and the chameleon circuits, were enhanced with ionic light technology, and the life capsule emergency transportation system was upgraded to .00001 nano seconds, that would mean near instantaneous transportation home should Navigator ever succumb to Beauffonts attacks.
AJ wished he could upgrade his wheelchair as efficiently, for the same basic design was used for years.
Everything always seemed to be upgraded apart from wheelchairs, and he vowed that one day he would design and build a chair for people that would be light, transportable and manoeuvrable, and would look modern for today's society. ( but that's another story)
All upgrades complete a new capsule was created, stronger, faster, better, than ever before, by discussing what could be adapted and changed AJ and Navigator had once again worked as a team and increased their ability.
Through forward thinking and planning a better machine had evolved.
AJ wondered when society on Earth would take the time to work together and do the same, making the world a better place for all to live in, to learn from the mistakes of the past and not be held back by the majority not listening to the minority.
Navigator completed the calculations and the capsule began to regenerate.
A sleek new vehicle for AJ and Lisa to travel in morphed into shape.
Transmute said Navigator:
Once again they were in deep space and AJ marvelled at this beautiful machine.
Faster and more manouverable than ever before , he flew around in the depths of space, learning the new agility of the craft.
AJ wanted to name the new capsule, he thought long and hard, then it came to him OMEGA.
This was the last letter of the greek alphabet, and this was the last capsule of it's kind in the Universe, and so he instructed Navigator that this was to be the new name for the capsule OMEGA
Testing the shields and the weapons systems, becoming once again one with this amazing craft.
He transmuted to battle mode, all systems were operational
But AJ and Navigator were not the only ones upgrading.
In the depths of cyber space Beauffont too had regenerated and become more evil than ever, as always it was hell bent on the destruction of mankind…...
Episode 19
Lisa's Adventure
Transmute said navigator:
Instantaneously Lisa was transported into the Internet.
Where am I? She inquired.
You are in the guise of Leslie Jones Disability Employment Adviser.
Leslie is profoundly deaf and yet she still has a job that enables her to use all her other abilities to the full.
Leslie has a congenital hearing problem that meant she lost her hearing at the age of two.
Leslie's mother had fought to allow Leslie to undergo mainstream education and despite all the problems involved she had entered into her schooling just as anyone else.
Leslies mother wanted her daughter to be treated just as anyone else in society she new that Leslie was special but in her own unique way.
Leslie had spent may years learning how to lip read and now had complete mastery of this talent, she could identify and lip read many accents and for anyone who did not know they would be hard pressed to tell that she was deaf.
It had been a long hard struggle for Leslie to be accepted by society but she passed all her exams and went on to further education and obtained her degree.
She now worked as an employment adviser for a recruitment agency specialising in employment for disabled people, for she had found that with her own unique talent she was able to encourage people with disabilities to take their rightful place in society and the working environment.
She was living proof that with perseverance and determination you can overcome any obstacle that life throws at you.
Lisa through the neural interface, found the experience of not being able to distinguish sounds unusual to say the least, she had in lost the ability to hear the world and the cacophony of sounds it produces, the many small insignificant sounds that we take for granted, birds singing, the sound of the wind, insects buzzing, and the everyday sounds generated by the modern world, machines, cars, and people, all create the background noise that the hearing world takes for granted.
Leslie had learned that in some cases she could feel sound through the vibrations that it made, she liked to go to the disco and she could dance as good as anybody that you would ever see on a dance floor.
Leslie has learned too to mimic the way that people spoke and she could talk and hold a conversation with anybody she wanted, she was born and raised in Newcastle and even spoke with a Geordie accent!
She had found that inner strength that we all have inside us and faced her disability head on, she too had said I can, I will.
She had, as people often do concentrated on the abilities she had and not let her disability control her life, Leslie was in control of her life and was determined to take her rightful place in society.
Lisa asked Navigator why he had brought her here?
To allow you to see and experience Leslie's disability and show you that people can meet their disability head on and live a complete and productive life, included in society.
Leslie had in her role as disability adviser helped many people with various disabilities take their rightful place in the workforce and indeed change their lives.
She had met with various employers and discussed the different ways they could adapt their working practices to include people with varying disability in their workforce, sometimes having to explain to them the Disability Discrimination Act and the changes they have to make to comply within it.
It felt strange to Lisa to see the words not here them as people spoke, but she realised that people can adapt, and the spoken word is not the only form of communication, indeed the spoken word has may forms, as the diversity of language shows.
Leslie had learned to read body language, with much more attention to detail, than the average hearing person, she picked up on a lot of things that hearing people would miss, it was hard to fool Leslie for she did not rely on the tone of someone's voice to communicate their feelings, but she did, with extraordinary clarity, pick up on the body language.
Lisa had learned a valuable lesson:
Out of adversity comes forth abilityWe all have ability, we all have that something extra, the trick is to find it, and our ability can be used to the full throughout our life, and we all can play our part in society, included, not isolated, but as full members of society living our lives to the full.
Episode 20 Warship
A.J found himself in the guise of Dave Richardson Naval Architect.
Dave was a submarine designer, he had been working for 4 years designing a new stealth submarine for the Royal Navy.
Whilst developing a micro transformer for the submarines systems, the transformer had over loaded,and blown up.
As a result of this accident Dave had lost both his hands.
Dave had undergone a pioneering operation to split the bones in his forearms, enabling him to use his forearms like pincers, and be able to grip objects and use his ability to the full.
The operation was painful and the physiotherapy was long and hard, but Dave persevered and eventually learned to adjust. Now there was nothing he could not do with his forearms, using them just like the hands he had lost.
The Royal Navy was keen to keep him on working within his disability
Dave had designed H.M.S. Resolve, the Navy's newest and most powerful submarine.
H.M.S. Resolve was bristling with new stealth technology.
Resolve was designed to help keep world peace, for in our time the only way to secure peace was through strength.
Resolve was an atomic powered submarine.
A new propulsion system, steerable aquajet pods that left no wake , and were 90% efficient, gave her a top speed of 50 knots underwater.
On the surface Resolve was unique too, this submarine could "sea skim".
Extra jet pods extended from the conning tower,and huge aqua foils, shaped like the tail of a dolphin, came from underneath the hull.
This allowed Resolve to lift 90% of its hull out of the water and skim across the surface of the sea. the system worked similar to hydrofoils only much more efficient.
Dave had also designed three dimensional hypersonic detection sonar, that allowed three dimensional pictures of underwater objects.
Resolve was covered in a stealth casing of self repairing polymer foam, that absorbed sonar from other ships and made Radar obsolete.
The submarine was armed with Lasers, fore, aft and amidships, she had Atomic Missiles, and Stingray Stealth Micro Torpedoes, that burrowed into the hull of enemy ships to deliver a high yield explosive charge.
Resolve was an awesome weapons platform, designed to keep world peace.
On board she had hydroponics gardens, and soya synthesizers to provide food, de - salination systems provided water. All this meant she had unlimited endurance.
Navigator spoke to AJ
"We are here to assess this submarine, and to ensure that the Bouffont virus does not gain access to the systems on board".
"Battle computers predict that there is a 90% probability that Bouffont will attempt to access this submarines systems, I am on full alert for any micro fragments entering the mainframe systems"
AJ was experiencing the unique way that Dave gripped and used objects, and as always he marveled at this mans courage and determination to adapt to his disability.
His arms were almost as good as having hands, and he had adapted his computer systems to work of a joystick.
The joystick system was used by the crew aswell, for as in many cases when things are adapted for people with disabilities, they can be used by able bodied people to great effect and ease.
Bouffont had as always been searching for whatever method it could use to destroy life on Earth, and through accessing world micro systems had learned of the Resolve.
Now via the subs internal systems the virus was ready to strike.
It created micro fragments and transmitted them into the subs internal CPU.
"Warning", said Navigator, "Bouffont detected"
AJ instantly transmuted into the capsule and into the subs internal systems.
"Battle computers online"
The capsule made its way through the silicone brain of the sub.
Meanwhile on board Resolve all control was lost, the micro fragments had taken control of the internal systems, and begun a launch sequence for the Nuclear Missiles.
Each missile was targeted at a major city throughout the world, in the hope that this would trigger Armageddon, with the resultant energy burst, Bouffont would be able to create a quantum tunnel and take over the Earth.
AJ spoke to Navigator:
"We had better have full weapon systems online"
With that the capsule once again morphed into attack mode alpha 1
It was just as well that the capsule had recently been through a regeneration cycle, because Bouffont had become more powerful than before, it had indeed upgraded itself, and its morphing capabilities, it was now more dangerous than ever.
The capsule came upon the metallic mass that was the Bouffont fragment.
It emitted a particle charge directly at the capsule.
"Shields holding" said Navigator." That was a high density particle discharge"
"Quantum torpedoes on line"
"Target locked"
"Fire" said AJ.
With that command the capsule fired, four quantum torpedoes sped off towards the fragment.
But Bouffont too had learned.
The fragment instantly divided into four segments and then again into another four , and yet again into another four, this was a new strategy.
The quantum torpedoes missed the target, and now AJ was being bombarded with energy bolts from all the fragments.
"Shields down to 15%" said Navigator,
"Battle computers suggest particle cannon set to multiple emissions, and the starburst maneuver".
AJ had no time to ask what the starburst was.
"Confirm" he said to Navigator
The capsule once again morphed.
It took on a circular shape, with cannon vents all around it.
The capsule flew into the middle of the fragments stopping them from firing , as they would hit themselves in a crossfire.
"Multiple targets locked"
"Execute starburst" said AJ
The capsule spun in all directions 360 degrees, all the time the particle cannon were firing multiple bursts. The speed of the firing was phenomenal, red particle bursts everywhere, hitting all the multiple targets.
The starburst was too much for Bouffont and the micro fragments were destroyed.
But..... the adventure was not yet over, for whist AJ had been distracted the fragments had launched Resolve's missiles.
Each Nuclear missile was now speeding towards its target.
This would mean the end of humanity as we know it.
Navigator spoke:
"Missiles have been launched, multiple warheads locked on target"
AJ's capsule once again morphed, it was now in high orbit around Earth.
Speeding around the planet at high velocity it started tracking the warheads.
"All power diverted to tractor beam emitters, Quantum engines to 110%, it will take all the power we have to stop the warheads", said Navigator.
"Engage tractor beams" said AJ.
A green light emitted from Omega and caught all the warheads in its gravitational field.
"All targets captured " said Navigator.
"OK, head towards the sun" said AJ
Navigator and AJ pulled the warheads towards the sun, where they released them, to explode harmlessly in the Sun's magnetic field.
Once again AJ had saved the planet.
Navigator then transmuted into the subs systems, where AJ and he repaired the damage done by the virus.
Resolve was once again in control of it's systems.
On board all were puzzled at the sudden disappearance of the missiles off their scopes.
Dave Richardson had no explanation, all the systems on the sub were now OK
As for the missiles where they went was a mystery that was to remain forever unsolved.
But......... We know who saved the day.......... A little boy called AJ.
Episode 21
A New beginning
Transmutation complete:
A.J. was back in the shop where he had bought his computer ,and all his adventures had begun.
There in front of him was Mr.Lee.
"Hello A.J.", he said
Navigator has brought you here because he knows the time has come for my final rest.
" I don't understand" said A.J.
"My time in this Universe is complete, and now the mantle of crusader for peace and stability goes to you my young friend"
"You mean you are dying", said A.J.
" Yes my young friend , but not in the way that you imagine."
"I will become part of Navigator, my knowledge experience and life force will be integrated into Navigators systems, the electrical impulses that are my very essence will be transferred, I will become part of Navigator and in turn part of you".
"I have watched your adventures through my link with Navigator, and I know now that I made a good choice in you , to take over from me".
" You will take over and carry on the fight against Bouffont, and I will always be with you."
A.J. was overcome with sadness at what Mr.Lee had just told him.
He knew that at sometime all life had to end, to allow the next generation to take their place, and live in time and space.
But it still saddened him that Mr lee would no longer be there.
"Don't worry my young friend the very essence of all that is me will be transferred into Navigators systems. Through the neural interface, we will become as one you Lisa and I.
I am the equivalent of your Earth years One thousand years old, and have the experiences of my planet to pass on to you."
Tears welled in A.J.'s eyes as Mr Lee took his hand.
He led him into a small blue room, there he took AJ's helmet and placed it on his head.
The helmet produced a strange blue glow, and emitted a high pitched humming sound.
Mr Lee started to glow too, and then he slowly faded away.
"Good bye my young friend, don't worry I will always be with you."
"The body is just a vessel in which to carry our life essence, the essence of me will now become part of Navigator, and his polymeric systems. It will make Navigator stronger and faster than ever before."
With that last sentence Mr.Lee faded away and the helmet was left suspended in space.
A.J. took the helmet and once again placed it on his head.
A strange warmth flooded over his entire body, he could feel the essence of Mr Lee within every cell of his body, a feeling of peace and tranquility, such as he had never known was upon him.
The last survivor of a dying planet of knowledge, had passed his very essence to A.J. a little boy with a disability had been given a wonderful gift.
"Don't worry said Navigator, Mr Lee is here with us, his very essence has now become part of my systems, when you speak to me you will be speaking to him too."
A tear fell down A.J.'s cheek.
But he knew that although Mr lee's body had gone his essence of life was now with him, he felt truly honored to be the chosen one, the one to carry on Mr Lee's work, and to be there for the benefit of all mankind.
No one would ever know of A J. and his adventures in cyberspace, no one except the chosen ones............... no one except.........you
A.J. would use his new gifts to help everyone on the planet, every person no matter who they were, would benefit from his amazing gifts.
Now navigator had regenerated, and the essence of Mr. Lee had fused with the polymer circuits, they would carry on the fight against Bouffont. and all evil intent everywhere.
" Transmute " said A.J.
Episode 22
Transmutation complete:
"You are in the guise of Robert Davies" said Navigator.
A.J. realised that once again he had taken the place of someone with a disability, but at that moment he could not understand what it was.
Navigator explained:
Two years ago Robert was on a routine patrol in his police car.
He had pulled up at a set of traffic lights, and unknown to him a robbery had taken place a few miles away.
The robbers were speeding away from the scene of the crime, without any thought for the consequences of their actions.
Unfortunately, just as they came upon Roberts car stood at the lights, the driver panicked and lost control of the vehicle, it plummeted straight into the back of Roberts patrol car, at over 70 miles an hour.
Roberts car exploded with the force of the impact,and the force of the explosion killed the driver of the car and his two passengers.
The resultant explosion although not killing Robert left him with 65% burns to his body and face.
All his skin was completely burned off, and it was touch and go whether he would survive the trauma of his injuries.
But his will to live was strong, and despite all the odds being against him he survived.
Robert had to endure intense pain, and many frequent operations and skin grafts to repair his damaged body.
But he said to himself I can, I will ,and placed all his efforts into healing and returning to the work he loved.
His wife had just given birth to a new baby son and this encouraged him, to heal and be part of his new sons life.
The doctors had also encouraged Robert, telling him of the many new technologies that had been developed for burns victims.
They told him of the Guinea Pig Club, a club set up for burns victims in the R.A.F. during the second World War, and how many surgical procedures had been invented. to allow those people to carry on with a normal life after their trauma.
He took a positive attitude, and despite the odds came through the trauma of the accident.
For you see there are many types of disabling conditions, and lots of them are a result of trauma, 5 out of every 7 people who are disabled were not born that way.
It can be as a result of an accident , trip , fall, disease, microbe, virus, even cancer.
Today you can be fine tomorrow, as Robert found you can be disabled.
Robert had endured operations to allow his skin to stretch, for as it grew back it tightened onto his face and body. He was very pleased with the efforts of his surgeons and specialists , and the positive attitude they encouraged him to have.
Today, Robert was to see a prosthetic reconstruction specialist.
The accident had completely burned away his ears, and the specialist was to make him new ones to attach to the side of his head.
This involved making latex ears from pictures of Robert before his accident, and creating detailed prosthetics to replace the lost ears.
Robert joked with the doctors involved, "could you make them a little smaller please I always found them quite large."
It was good to be able to talk in this manner, Robert had accepted his disability, and come to terms with it and the problems it caused.
He had concentrated on the abilities he had, and declared to use them to the full.
His wife and son had stood by him through out his long and painful recovery, and indeed another baby was on the way to complete the family.
The prosthetics specialist made detailed copies of Roberts ears, and then set about using his artistic talent to paint the ears, making them match the textures and tones of Roberts new skin.
This involved hours of painstaking painting by hand, using a microfine paintbrush. It was detailed work but the prosthetics specialist had worked in the film industry on special effects for ten years and he had learned his job well.
Five years ago he decided to use his skills with latex and special effects to help victims of burns and trauma injuries , regain their features and lives. he was a master of the art of synthetic body repair.
Eventually the ears were completed and fitted and Robert was highly pleased with the result.
The completion of the ears, helped Robert overcome one of the last visible reminders of that fateful accident, although because he had accepted his injuries he would have quite cheerfully done without them.
His skin was now healing fine and although you could tell he had been in an accident he features were now O.K.
Robert had always wanted to be a policeman and help others in society, over the last two years he had had to use that skill to help himself.
Now he was determined to return to his old job.
Exactly two years after the accident he was back on patrol, protecting and serving the community with justice and courage.
Transmuting into Robert had allowed A.J. to learn what it was like for burns victims, and the trauma and goals they have to go through and achieve.
He also learned how different disabilities require not only the positive altitude of I can, I will but also about the different types of courage needed to cope with each individual disability.
He was aware of how different adaptations are needed for different things, the variety of specialist equipment, people and techniques that are available, to allow people to take their role within society and be socially included.
Every body is unique, and every disability is unique to them, the way that people deal with their disability is also unique.
Every disability has a different meaning to each person, different symptoms, different results, but with a positive attitude, disability can be overcome, and ability can be used to the full.
Episode 23 Test Pilot
Transmutation complete:
A.J. was seated in the cockpit of a plane.
It was a strange craft that was floating on the water , much like a flying boat , with huge engines on top, using the sea as its runway.
Through the pilot's helmet he could hear voices in a strange language, they were speaking Russian, but A.J. could totally understand what they were saying.
Though they were speaking Russian, through the neural interface with Navigator, he could understand the words that were being spoken.
Where am I ?, thought A.J.
You are in the guise of Ivan Petrovich, Russian Test Pilot., You are about to take off in a new invention on its maiden test flight.
Its called an Ecranoplane, it has been designed to ride on a cushion of air above the water, not like a hovercraft , but to fly , using maximum lift from it's wings, with very little power required, the principle is much like that used by the Wondering Albatross, as it glides across the ocean's of the world, using a cushion of air generated just above the ocean waves, enabling it to fly vast distances with hardly a beat of its wings. It is called the wing in ground effect.
The designers hope to create the same effect under this ship.
The Ecranoplane is the brainchild of a Russian designer, it could revolutionize travel across the worlds oceans, skimming above the waves with very little effort, with a crusing speed of 500 miles an hour, a passenger capacity of 1000 people,and huge savings in fuel and pollution costs , this system when fully developed could , replace liners and jets as the medium for Trans - ocean travel.
Faster than any Ocean Liner, using less fuel than an airplane, and if any emergency occurred , it could land on the water, just like a sea plane, as it would be only a few feet above the Ocean surface.
Yet again A.J. marvelled at Navigator, but indeed this machine was the Fountain of Knowledge, not just on Earth, but from the thousands of years experiance on Mr Lee's home planet.
Navigator Continued:
At the moment it takes off like a conventional sea plane, but in time it will use a magnetic catapult, using linear motion to accelerate it to flight speed.
Ivan Petrovich was a chief test pilot with the Russian Airforce, he flew supersonic fighters.
Whilst testing the newest control systems on a prototype an onboard failure meant that he had to eject whilst still traveling at the speed of sound.
Against all the odds he survived the tremendous G forces that he was subjected to after bailing out of the plane supersonically.
The forces he was subjected to should have killed him, and he was indeed a lucky man.
The stresses placed upon his body with the ejection caused massive trauma injury, his arms were broken , one was completely dislocated from the shoulder socket, his knee joints were ripped apart , and he suffered multiple fractures to his legs.
Thanks to his face mask and helmet he suffered only superficial injury to his face.
Medical teams rushed to his aid and he was taken to a specialist Military Hospital, temporary repairs were made to his arms and legs, and he was placed in a medically induced coma to allow him to begin the healing process his body required.
After 2 months he revived to learn of his accident and the injuries he sustained, he learned of the new difficulties he must now overcome, due to his disability.
Once again here was a person who had to find ability out of adversity, and with great inner strength he summoned up the courage to meet his adversity head on and say I can, I will, he faced his disability with determination and perseverance.
The doctor's had repaired his damaged arms but his legs were completely useless, they were broken in 5 places below the knees, and the tendons in both knees had snapped, due to the immense pressure they were subjected to in the supersonic ejection.
Ivan was told he would never walk again.
" I can and I will " was his reply.
Over the coming months Ivan discussed possible ways that the doctors could repair his shattered legs.
This would mean countless operations and bone and tendon grafts, internal Titainium braces to hold his bones together, and external splints to stretch the bones into place as they grew and knitted together to heal.
Once again the inner strength that we all have came to the fore.
Ivan said to the doctors " If you can make me better, then I will stand the pain of the operations, the pain of the physiotherapy and I will walk again.
Doctors discussed,took X-rays, magnetic scans, researched pioneering techniqueof surgey and micro surgery, they discussed again and eventually , they came up with a medical action plan to try to reverse the damage caused to Ivan and allow him to walk again, with his own legs.
There had been talk of amputation, but either way Ivan had resolved to himself that he would walk again.
The desision was made to try to repair the damaged limbs, and so a series of operations that were to last 2 years began.
The fractures were repaired, the tendons were replaced with other tissue from different parts of his body, and bone grafts were implanted.
Slowly recovery took place.
All the time Ivan said "I can and I will" and with supreme determination, 18 months after his accident he tentativly took his first steps.
A firther 9 months of intensive physiotherapy followed, he fought through the pain and learned how to walk on his fully repaired legs.
Now came another hurdle.
Ivan wanted to fly again.
He had from being a little boy had a passion for flying, and a natural instinct for it too.
Ivan had joined the Russian Air Force and quickley rose through the ranks to become one of it's chief test pilots.
Officially throughout his ordeal he had not been discharged from the Air Force and so a decision was made by high ranking officials that should he pass amedical and flight theory /practical test he would rejoin the Air Force.
Determination once again came to the fore and Ivan passed all the tests wth distinction, amd Ivan was allowed to fly again.
The forst thing he did was to fly supersonic in a MIG 25
All the old abilities came flooding back.
Against all the odds he had survived a supersonic crash and was flying again.
Within a year he was to be chief test pilot for the evaluation of the Ecranoplane.
A.J. was astounded at the information Navigator was passing to him via the neural interface.
Ivan really and truly was a hero, although few people outside of Russia had heard of him or his amazing story and the emotional and physical pain this man had endured to return to flying.
"Checklist complete" . Came through his helmet , "begin test"
Through the neural interface A.J. new exactly what to do and powered up the mighty engines in this state of the art prototype..
Slowly themachine began to travel across the water, the massive engines powering it to take off speed.
Gently the craft lifted out of the water and began to glide above the waves. The designers had done their job well, and all was going to plan.
The plane although a prototype was a success, the theories of the designers proving to be sound.
The plane provided maximum lift for the least drag as it glided along on its air cushion.
On the initial test run the plane achieved a top spped of 500 miles an hour, much faster than any ship.
And know thanks to Ivan's skills further development could take place, possibly providing the world with a completly new form of transport, a hybrid of plane , hovercraft, and ship using the best features from all three.
A.J. was proud to have been part of the first test flight, and proud to have learned of the strength and determination of Ivan.
For as he knew 5 out of 7 people with disabilities are not born that way, the disabilty comes out of accident, or desease , and whether we are abled or disabled can change within an instant, but the fortitude of man can overcome with time, any disability and make it an ability.......
For as he already knew Out of Adversity Comes Forth Ability
Episode 24 The Third World
AJ and Lisa were aboard omega with Navigator, traveling through Cyberspace.
Transmutation complete:
AJ and Lisa found themselves in a small village in the Congo in Africa.
AJ was in the guise of Stefan Johnson a doctor of medicine.
Stefan was working in the village building a medical centre, to allow the poorer regions of the Congo to have access to medical facilities
Lisa was Kylie Peterson, Stefan's medical assistant, who with the help of funding from the G7 ( the richest Nations of the Earth) was helping provide fundamental health care for all people in the developing 3rd world nations.
Stefan has worked as a missionary doctor in the 3rd world for many years, he had qualified as a doctor many years ago, but he had been in a near fatal car accident, resulting in spinal injuries and the loss of his spleen.
It had took many long years of rehabilitation for Stefan to learn to walk again, much pain and anguish and many operations.
Even now he walks with the help of crutches, and every step he takes is the result of determination and the ability to say, I can I will, and overcome his difficulties to the best of his ability.
Stefan had always wanted to be a missionary doctor, and to this end he had realised his dream, inspite of his injuries from the car crash.
When, in the course of his job, he met the many sick and disabled people of the 3rd world, he never failed to inspire them , because if the way he had faced up to his own debilitating injuries.
Whilst working in South America he met Kylie, she immediately saw past his disability to the person underneath, they became inseparable in their efforts to promote health in the 3rd world.
They had together encounted the ravages of war in the 3rd world , and the legacy of amputees, and horrific injuries that it left among children and adults alike, for war spares no one.
It is the only thing on earth that does not discriminate.
In their travels they had also seen leprosy. in its own domain of the poor countries, disease that should have been eradicated long ago, the money spent on cigarettes to make us ill in the developed world, would easily help to eradicate lots of disease in the 3rd world.
Starvation, Dysentery, Cholera and Typhoid were all enemies that Stefan and Kylie faced in their their never ending war against disease.
Kylie was a fully qualified nurse, and from a young age she had always cared about other people, she hated to see anyone suffer.
Although not disabled herself, she had encouraged many people to accept their disability and concentrate on their ability, to say I can I will and become whatever they wanted to be.
"Chameleon circuits are active and on line" . said Navigator
Once again the neural interface allowed all their thoughts to be as one. Instant thought communication between all three.
This small village had suffered an outbreak of some unknown disease, that had already killed 14 people within 3 weeks, and was spreading fast among the population.
Stefan with the help of limited resources, was trying to isolate the virus that was causing the problem.
He was then hoping to manufacture a cure, that would save the village and contain the outbreak.
Kylie entered the makeshift laboratory, she had with her one of the village elders, he was over 90 years old, and had seen a similar outbreak over 75 years ago, he carried with him a bundle of leaves and berries, gathered form deep in the jungle.
Navigator spoke to AJ
"Bio analysis suggests that this is a virus mutation, it is uncommon in these regions, but environmental factors such as global warming and pollution, have caused the strain to mutate in response to the environment."
"That mutation has made it deadly to man , although in it's previous form it caused no harm."
"What can we do to help." said AJ
Analysis shows that the virus is susceptible to DNA C4H2C6O5, and that if we distill the leaves and berries from the elder, we may from distillation and fusion be able to refine a pure antidote for the infection.
All medicine are based on natural cures, and the destruction of forests and jungle slowly removes the natural medical base for us to find cures .
Kylie and Stefan worked together preparing a fusion of leaves and berries, distilling and purifying the liquid, they toiled long through the night, in the hopes that another life would not be lost before they found a cure.
Stefan's injuries gave him immense pain as he worked, but he said to himself I can I will, and stood form on his crutches and carried on.
In the early hours of the morning, they finally had a test preparation.
Navigator spoke to Lisa
" We must prepare a slide with the virus on it, and then introduce a small amount of our cure.
Analysis computers say the cure will work but we must test to confirm.
Lisa placed a slide under the microscope and introduced the cure, she could see the virus start to decay, "we have a cure" she said to AJ
" We can now save the lives of the rest of the village."
AJ thanked the elder for his knowledge of the plants , for sometimes as we have seen the old ways can be adapted into the new to help mankind.
And so with the help of the elder, and Navigator, a fusion of old and new, a cure was found for the infection in the village.
Although it was sad that the original lives could not be saved, at least a cure had been found for the rest of the village and any further outbreaks in the 3rd world.
Everyone was inoculated and the people that were already sick were given a triple dose.
Within hours it was possible to tell that the serum worked.
Once again AJ and Lisa had helped save the day.
The chameleon circuits made sure that no one would know, and in time Stefan and Kylie became experts in tropical disease and saved many more lives in the 3rd world, and indeed all around the Earth, for disease knows no boundary, or international borders, and can strike anywhere at anytime.
AJ and Lisa learned that working together helps solve problems quicker, and AJ hoped that one day Nations would learn to work together, and things like the 3rd world would become a thing of the past...
Episode 25 Arctic adventure
Transmutation complete:
Once again AJ and Lisa were in Omega traveling through Cyberspace.
They materialized in the high Arctic and Navigator transmuted Omega into an enclosed Snow Hovercraft.
Lisa was the first to realised that the chameleon circuit was not operating, and that she and AJ were in their normal appearance.
Navigator informed them that they did not need the chameleon circuit as they were here to investigate global warming and the effects on the Inuit Eskimos.
Eskimos were a deeply religious people at one with the land, they would respect AJ and Lisa's wishes for the world not to know who they were, and why they were helping them.
It had been a long time since AJ had transmuted and remained himself, and it felt a little strange not to be taking somebody's place.
But as always, he knew there was a reason for navigator to do these things.
Global warming, was indeed affecting, and changing the environment for the Eskimos, and the effects on both the ice fields, and the migration patterns of animals, birds and fish, was beginning to be noticed everywhere all the time.
No longer isolated incidents occurred, global warming from the pollution of man was everywhere, affecting every living species on earth, and indeed creating the extinction of some forms of insects, and cellular life , and threatening larger species too.
Pollutants in the atmosphere were also creating Global Dimming, affecting the amount of sunlight that was reaching the Earth , sometimes by as much as 20%.
Navigator knew that in time, man would learn to live in harmony with the planet, but as yet that was not to be, mankind would have to be taken to the brink of extinction, to learn the lesson of life.
To learn how to live in harmony with a billion years of evolution, not to try to rule it, and bend it to man's will.
When this lesson would be learned, then Earth would be in harmony and pollution free.
Eskimos, as with the North American Indians and the Aborigines half a world away, had long ago learned to live in harmony with nature.
But, the effects of global warming were slowly changing the landscape, and destroying the Eskimos food sources and way of life.
Mr Lee was still integrated into Navigators circuits, and he knew that the Eskimos needed a stop gap, until mankind as a whole emerged from their ignorance.
He and Navigator had made major calculations, and through the prime directive Navigator could use its powers to alter the molecular density of the ice in the Arctic.
AJ and Lisa discussed the problem
By altering the molecular density of the ice, the effects of global warming could be reversed, for a period of twenty years, this would give the world further time to adjust, from a society built on greed to one built in harmony.
To stop the use of hydro carbons, and its insistence on the internal combustion engine being its savior, it is as if the Earth smoked and was choking it's lungs on the emissions from cars, it needed to break the habit.
Hydrogen fuel cells would eventually come, but not until the huge oil corporations realised that when everyone choked to death, there would be no one to buy petrol.
Lisa and AJ were unsure of how to make this decision.
They called upon Mr Lee for guidance;
A blue haze surrounded Navigator, in their head up displays Navigators face morphed and changed to Mr lee.
The bio molecular essence that was Mr.Lee spoke.
Throughout my time on Earth I have presided over many things, sometimes for the benefit of Mankind I have interfered , sometimes not.
Ask your questions, and I hope the answers I will give you will help, but ultimately the decision is now yours.
I gave you my gift, I gave you my knowledge, and I gave you Navigator, you are capable of the decision, and the decision you make will be the correct one, of that I am sure.
When I chose you I made the correct decision, you are the only two people in the world that Can and Will make the correct decision needed to complete the evolution of man.
With Mr lee's guidance, AJ and Lisa decided to allow Navigator to change the molecular density of the ice, and to give mankind time out to adjust to alternative fuels.
Once again Omega morphed.
Navigator flew them to high altitude above the North Pole.
Quantum engines were powered to 100% and a blue green glow emitted from Omega.
Thanks to the chameleon circuit, it looked on Earth as just a more spectacular version of the Northern Lights.
Again this fantastic machine amazed both AJ and Lisa.
The molecular density if the whole Arctic was changed, sea water, weather, and ice flow patterns returned to normal.
Animal and fish migration patterns reverted back .
The Eskimos in their religious wisdom new something had happened, their infinite knowledge of nature made them aware that monumental changes had taken place.
There would now be plentiful food to eat, and a lifestyle to enjoy, as generations before them had done, living with the land not destroying it.
Some one drives a car in Florida, an Eskimo starves in the Arctic.
Once again AJ and Lisa, had helped the Earth to recover form the abuse, that man in their frailty and naivety had created.
They helped create a better future for us all whatever our ability.
And always remember :
We must first dream the dream, in order to live the dream
Episode 26 Joey
Transmutation Complete:
AJ found himself in the guise of Joey, a 7 year old boy living in the Australian outback.
Lisa was Susan, his 10 year old sister.
Exactly one year ago, Joey had suffered a terrible accident.
Whilst playing on the river bank, a crocodile had attacked him, it tore off his right arm above the elbow.
Living in the outback is a hard life, and Joey's father was a sheep herder.
Warramanga the place where they lived had been free of Crocs for over 20 years, but unknown to the family ,a rouge croc had traveled 30 miles up river form his territory, in search of food , by some strange twist of fate, it settled in the area of the river outside the farmhouse.
Fate had once again intervened in someone's life, and again by accident, someone had to face a disability.
AJ remembered that 5 out of 7 people who were disabled were not born that way, but become disabled by accident or disease, that you can be healthy today, but disabled tomorrow.
Always remember when you see a person with a disability, that it could be you tomorrow, or the day after.
AJ felt strange, the chameleon circuit was engaged, but it felt weird to have part of his lower arm missing.
Joey was lucky when the accident occurred, the flying doctor was making his rounds, and Joey's mother was a nurse, he was very lucky indeed.
The doctor and his mother performed emergency surgery on Joey, and then he was airlifted to Canberra for further treatment.
Susan had watched her little brother come to terms with his injury over the past year, and learn to be without his right arm.
Joey even at his tender age had said I can, I will, and learned to eat ,wash,and all the other daily things with his left arm, it was hard but the little man was determined. to lead as normal a life as possible within his disability.
The physical effects of the accident were perhaps easy to deal with, but the psychological effects were harder for Joey to deal with, Susan often heard Joey cry out in the night, as he re - lived his terrible ordeal.
Navigator spoke to Lisa;
Bio analysis confirms that although Joey has adapted his abilities to his best, he still has to confront his memories of the accident, and learn to move on with his life.
This was not easy for anyone, let alone a boy of his age.
That is why we are here, to allow Joey to move on, emotionally as well as physically.
That afternoon Joey and Susan walked along the river bank , the croc was long since gone.
Susan asked about the accident , and the loss of his arm, for all the past year it was something that was never mentioned, and so, as such, was a memory that Joey could not release.
For the first time, Joey really opened his mind about the horror of the croc, coming from nowhere out of the water, and snapping off his arm.
Just playing peacefully by the river, and then within seconds a life changing event.
He talked about the pain he felt for months after the operations, to save his life, and how sometimes he could still feel his arm and move phantom fingers.
How on certain nights, he would dream that the croc was back, biting him again!
Navigator used his circuits to ease the mental anguish that Joey was feeling, it was now time erase the mental scars, and allow Joey to begin to live life to the full.
Once again AJ Lisa and Navigator had helped someone regain their life, and prove that , Out of adversity comes forth ability
Many years later AJ was to return to the guise of Joey, but Joey as a man, a man who became one of Australia's greatest prosthetics engineers.
A man who said, I can, I will and helped other people regain their lives , after accident or disease..............but that's, another story...................
AJ and Lisa learned another valuable lesson.........that the real heroes of our lives, are the children who learn to live with their disability and say I can, I will, and out of adversity use their ability to the full.
Episode 27 Out of the darkness
Transmutation complete;
Lisa was traveling the Internet alone, as AJ was having yet another corrective operation.
Navigator spoke to her;
"You are in the guise of Angelina who is partially sighted."
Angelina had only 20% vision in one eye, and was completely blind in the other.
She had until the age of 15 had full sight, but then had contracted an eye disease, that the doctors could not cure, almost overnight she had become 80% blind.
Angelina was a strong willed girl, but it was over 2 years ago that this incident had occurred, and she still was unable to come to terms, with the loss of one of the major , if not the major sense, we all possess.
Lisa felt strange to be experiencing such a diminished view of the world.
No colour could be experienced, and everything was a blur .
She could make out the shadowy figures of people, but could not identify their features.
It was as if the world was in Black and White, with the lights turned off
Lisa was aware that her hearing was more acute, and that she had some form of sixth sense, that made her aware when she was approaching objects.
She felt like Angelina was denying herself this ability,and perhaps, if she allowed herself to come to terms with her disability, she would allow these hidden abilities to come to the fore.
But how do we get Angelina to accept her disability, and not fight it.
Once again navigator came up with the answer.
"Whilst you are in the guise of Angelina , I can use the neural interface, to interact with Angelina on a subconscious level, when she goes to sleep tonight, I can implant a dream into her thoughts, that will allow her to see that, because she is not accepting her disability, she is holding herself back."
"It will allow her to see, that we must go forward, and not regret the abilities we have lost, but make use of the ones we have, and the ones we have hidden within us."
"As I have, built in me, redundant emergency circuits , just in case I get damaged, then the human brain has too, subconscious abilities, that will only ever be used when needed, a type of emergency back up."
"Allowing people to adapt to their abilities, that is why 80% of the human brain is unused, it allows for backup systems, to enhance the abilities that are left."
"Angelina was still angry at the fate that life had in store for her, it was stopping her moving on, stopping her learning Braille, stopping her gaining knowledge, and stopping her learning, that there is a reason for everything".
That if you become disabled life does not stop.
That night Navigator implanted the acceptance of disability into Angelina.
The next morning Lisa knew that the change had taken place, Angelina was filled with thoughts of acceptance.
She now knew that , what had happened could not be changed, anger would not make it better, but that she could still live a long and happy life, within the limits of her disability, she now wanted to return to school , learn Braille, and learn all she could, she new that even though she was partially sighted she could be whatever she wanted to be.
And indeed Angelina became a very famous scientist, but, again that is another story...........
Remember , the acceptance of your disability is a way to concentrate on your other abilities, this may indeed come to you overnight , you may be the lucky one that Navigator, helps on a sunconcoius level, so remember , it may take a day, it may take a year, and it may cause many tears, but, you have to dream the dream, in order to live the dream.
I Can, I Will
Episode 28 Armageddon
Warning virus detected, said Navigator.
Omega immediately morphed into Battle mode, and all shields were activated.
Quantum Engines to full power
Fusion Generaters at 100%,
Transphasic Shields are in hypermode, Reactive Armor online.
Quantum Torpedoes,and Photon Emitters to full intensity, Biomolecular weaponry, online
AJ new that this was serious .
Navigator was bringing every defensive system that Omega had on line.
AJ had never known this before, he sensed that something major was about to happen.
Bouffont once again had been planning, in the centre of cyberspace, it had merged on a molecular level, with the very fabric of the Internet.
It could become aware in any page
Navigator had sensed a problem with the cyberspace time continuum , Bouffont was trying to destroy the very fabric of space -time, it had to be stopped.
All its evil intensity was geared to destruction and, although it was a self aware artificial intelligence, it was so evil it would self destruct, if it meant the end of life on Earth.
The virus was trying to create a ~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html"Black hole in the centre of cyberspace to annihilate all life, it had already formed a gravity well, and the fabric of cyberspace was begging to fold into its self.
The ~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html"black hole would feed on a molecular level, and as cyberspace was eaten away, it would then feed on real space.
If it succeeded then Armageddon would ensue, and all life would cease to exist , this would indeed destroy the universe as we know it, and all life everywhere.
The fate of all existence rested with AJ, and his amazing machine.
Mean while in Lisa's bedroom, the second helmet started to glow, Lisa too sensed there was a problem, she placed the helmet onto her head , instantly she was transmuted, and placed in tandem with AJ, within Omega.
Through the neural interface she knew everything that was happening,and also of the desperate situation they were in.
Navigator had plotted a course to the centre of the Internet , but this was a dangerous maneuver, they would have to use a quantum tunnel, and Bouffont would be in its element on home ground, with all defence's actively seeking to destroy Omega, and the two heroes.
The virus had replicated into may different forms since its introduction into the Internet , the manifestations were similar to the evolvement of life on earth, although many generations could take place with a few years, and one year of our time, was equivalent to a thousand years of evolution for Bouffont.
It had, as we already know, managed to extract some human DNA through the quantum tunnel it created, and it had increased its gene pool by millions of new sources.
Being polymeric it could now take any form it wanted, it was a kind of genetic, metallic, super soup, that could infest every thing, every where.
Bouffont had decided that it would take on a form that was near human, for its battle with its arch enemy AJ, it saw irony in destroying AJ in a form similar to himself, the manifestation of all that was evil but in human form.
It was aware that Navigator and Omega would try to stop it completing its mission.
At the center of cyberspace the ~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html"Black hole was growing stronger by the second,
The energy drain was so vast, that it started to affect computers all across the globe , operating systems were slowing down, emails were becoming garbled, and the Internet was operating at half the speed of a 56 k modem. Satellite systems closed down, and the world soon realised, how much we rely on computer systems.
The world, that relied so much in information technology, was coming to a standstill ,no one ,only AJ and Lisa knew why , technicians all across the globe were trying to sort their systems , it appeared as one mass virus outbreak.
The world feared total wipe out of all computer systems , they were not to know, that the end result would be the destruction of all life everywhere. Armageddon.
The only hope for the World, and the Universe, rested with our two heroes.
In their visors Navigator morphed into Mr Lee
This is our darkest hour, the virus has exceeded all expectations in its replication.
I once thought the Internet would contain it , but it has evolved, become an infestation on the fabric of time and space.
It will take all your strength and ingenuity to face this battle , you must say, I can , I will, and be determined in your thoughts, and approach, to the containing of the virus.
I am glad that Navigator has completed its regeneration, because all its skills and all the resources that Omega has, will be needed to stop the virus, it has genetic mutation, and the gene codes it needs to be omnipotent.
I will maintain a neural link to you, and will be with you in spirit, if not in body.
"OK" said AJ "Lets go for it. I can, I will"
Omega entered the quantum tunnel.
It had been created by Navigator to be stable, and allow speeds far in excess of light, it was their way into the depths of cyberspace, and their ultimate challenge.
The craft entered the tunnel, exceeding the speed of light by many times , they were in a kind of blank empty hollow space, no stars could be seen , no nebula's, they were in space within space.
A molecular void.
Omega was traveling at Translight speed , thousands of times the speed of light.
Behind AJ in the cockpit, Lisa was checking all the scopes ready for any attack.
Battle computers are on line, said Navigator
Warning. Three c class fighters are approaching. I have them on the scopes said Lisa
They are flying in tandom, trying to confuse our scopes
Arm Photon Emitters, said AJ
Tracking multiple targets, and sequential targeting system is locked.
Banking high and to the right AJ fired, direct hits on all three ships.
Their shields held , for Bouffont too, had been upgrading.
Fire!, said AJ
Another volley of torpedoes left Omega for the fighters , but they too had locked on their weapons systems, and were now firing at AJ and Lisa
Omega shuddered, as the torpedoes from their enemy hit home.
Shields holding, Said Navigator
The new upgrades are working, AJ said to Lisa
Fire simultaneous burst, of torpedo's, particle emitters, and ion torpedoes
AJ and Lisa watched as the craft fired all its weapons, two fighters were destroyed, the third fired off another volley at Omega
AJ flew his ship high and to the left , he looped the loop and came back on the fighter from behind bringing all guns to bear.
Warning: Suicide fighters detected!
Bouffont knew that the dedicated trio were on there way, and had dispatched another squadron of suicide fighters, to slow down Omega, while it began its quantum manifestation into human form.
Polymeric Molecular Manipulation, restructured Bouffont, and the virus morphed into human form.
It was the manifestation of Evil, centred in the core of the Internet , all the genetic manipulation had created the beast within.
DNA from nearly every living creature on Earth was restructured and manipulated, and then merged on a molecular level, with the Polymeric Alloy that was Bouffont, a living alloy was created, a rival for Omega and Navigator, in effect their evil opposite.
The virus was many times the size of AJ, Lisa and their amazing capsule Omega, it was a huge Juggernaut of Evil.
A squadron of 6 fighters, converged on Omega.
AJ banked the capsule, high and to the right, firing a spread of quantum torpedoes towards the squadron, in the hopes of splitting the formation.
The squadron split in random fashion, now was AJ's chance.
Omega was far more manouverable and faster than the fighters, he looped to the left, and fired on one of the enemy, the photon emitters unleashed their deadly ray, target destroyed , said Navigator , Incoming said Lisa , Omega was hit by powerful torpedoes from two of the other ships , a third had also acquired Omega, and the shields were once again pounded.
Shields at 80 % said Navigator
AJ, took the capsule into a shallow dive, then banked into a high left loop, targeting acquired said Lisa, and torpedoes fired at another two of the ships , one was instantly destroyed, the other banked away, with its engines emitting quantum particles , seconds later that blew up too .
So as not to allow the other ships to acquire him, AJ then banked high right, and veered into another dive, he then threw Omega into a steep climb , banked left, while Lisa was acquiring the other two craft.
Once again Omega was hit by particle fire, and torpedoes, AJ banked left, Aft torpedoes away, blue quantum torpedoes sped towards their target , the fighter was left crippled , AJ then acquired the last ship, it took a steep dive and veered right firing its aft torpedoes at Omega, the capsule once again shuddered as the torpedoes hit home
Shields at 67 % and holding , Polymeric Regeneration activated , micro seconds later the shields renewed.
Shields back at full power, Said Navigator
Target acquired, Said Lisa. Torpedoes away.
The torpedoes pounded into the ship , fire said AJ, and the Photon Emitter shot out its deadly particle ray , the hull of the enemy ship vaporized, dissolving in to nothingness.
One last volley of torpedoes destroyed the remaining crippled fighter.
The three were working as an absolute team, all as one , the Neural Interface keeping them all interacting as one special unit.
Omega sped through he tunnel
Incoming particle avalanche. Said Navigator
Beauffont was using everything in its arsenal to destroy our intrepid heroes.
A huge particle storm hit Omega , Ion particle and Gamma radiation, were streaming into Omegas shields, a green glow engulfed the ship.
Transphasic shields are holding. Said Navigator
Battle computers suggest, we deploy a dark matter energy burst, to neutralize the particle avalanche.
Navigator made the calculations, and Lisa deployed the emitters, whilst AJ, carried on piloting the craft
A dark matter burst engulfed the craft, the particle avalanche dissipated.
Meanwhile, at the core of the Internet, the ~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html"Black Hole was ingesting energy , feeding off the fabric of cyberspace, the gravity well was getting larger and larger, billions of virtual reality pages, that made up cyberspace, were providing the energy, for it's voracious appetite.
In reality the disruption was becoming more apparent, as people tried to access the Internet , the code 404 page not found was appearing , this was because the page had gone, disappeared into the gravity well of the~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html" Black hole.
More and more, computer systems across the globe, were being affected, IT melt down was becoming worldwide, signals, TV, radio , cars , everything that contained a microchip, was being slowly corrupted.
But soon, the energy of cyberspace would not be enough, it would then begin to feed on reality, on the very fabric of our time and space, ingesting whole worlds, then galaxies, then imploding into itself to become nothing.
Incoming. Said Lisa, Multiple targets
Ferrite Meteors, said Navigator.
Particle emitters online:
Hundreds of huge meteors sped towards the ship.
Targeting systems interlocked, with multiple Neural Interface, said Navigator
This meant that AJ and Lisa had only to think the targets, and the particle cannon would acquire, and fire in a microsecond.
Blue bursts sped out from the ship, like a huge gattling gun , the particle bursts vaporizing the meteors as they hit them. the quantum torpedo launcher was set to rapid fire mode, and was working in tandem with the particle cannon.
The meteor storm just grew and grew , more and more were getting through, and hitting the shields of Omega.
Shields down to 60%, Said Navigator, Polymeric Regeneration mode is barely managing to cope, with this huge influx multiple hits, if the shields fail, battle computers are suggesting only 5 minutes to total Reactive Armor failure.
Shields now at 50%, the massive influx of meteors was beginning to be too great even for Omega, but Bouffont too was not of infinite powe,r and the creation of the meteor storm was draining the virus.
I know, Said AJ, Starburst maneuver
With that Omega morphed again, into Starburst, Infinite particle bursts were possible, due to the Neural Interface.
At speeds almost too fast for the eye to see , the particle emitters pounded the meteors, then as mysteriously as it had started the storm stopped.
Beauffont had other plans for our heroes.
Even more deadly adversaries awaited them, the virus had made its plan to wear down the battle systems on board Omega, to drain its energy reserves, until the craft could be destroyed, before it reached the black hole.
Navigator was performing complex calculations, to close the ~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html"Black Hole with a dark matter Quantum Torpedo, this should be like over filling the black hole with too much energy at once, and cause the hole to implode on itself, neutralizing the gravity well.
A dark matter Quantum Torpedo contained as much energy as a Billion, Billion, Billion, Earth suns, when fired, Omega must transmute instantly, or the ship would be destroyed too.
The virtual reality page that the ~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html"Blackhole was based in would be forever destroyed. Code 404 not found
Warning : said Navigator, another Bouffont manifestation has been detected.
The virus had replicated itself a fragment, and was traveling into the Pacific Ocean through a Quantum Tunnel
Its intention was to divert Omega from its mission , the virus intended to release the thousands of millions of gallons of Methane, that were stored in the Earths oceans, frozen under the pressure of the immense depths.
It was to heat up the ocean depths with fusion generators , and create an immense Methane surge that would bubble to the surface in huge quantities.
This would not only poison all life on earth, but the green house effect would make the planet inhabitable for ever.
It was a calculated, two pronged attack.
Once again, Navigator did instant calculations. Transmutation separation sequence activated, in an instant the capsule morphed into two, and AJ carried on with his mission , whilst Lisa transmuted to the ocean depths.
Lisa immediately fired torpedoes at the manifestation , followed by particle bursts
The manifestation emitted energy charges at Omega, pounding the shields,
Ion cannon thought Lisa and immediately the cannon came on line, she new she had to dispatch this manifestation fast, to return to help AJ.
Cannon emitted their bursts, along with particle beams, a full spread of bimolecular torpedoes were fired at the virus, photon torpedoes, were also launched, the shields of Omega were holding .
Meanwhile AJ was flying through molecular acid, and Hypersonic Zeta Radiation , the radiation was helping the acid eat away at the shielding of Omega, this was the last defence of the virus.
Shield's down to 25%, we need to refuse with Lisa immediately, the power drain is too much.
Lisa, through the neural interface, new she must despatch this virus manifestation quickly, bring all weapons to bear and fire !
Confirm: Said Navigator
The Capsule fired everything at the virus , torpedoes, molecular weapons , particle beams, bio weaponry , all this fantastic machines arsenal were
brought to bear
The virus withered and disappeared.
Refusion sequence activated:
Lisa was once again with AJ, the fusion of the craft, once again making it a formidable opponent, for the Bouffont virus in the core.
The diversion had failed in its task, to separate the two, now they were one again, I can I will .
Shields back at 100 %
Then, at last, they were through the quantum tunnel, ahead of them lay Bouffont, and certain death if they did not succeed, not just for our two heroes, but for all life every where.
"Dark matter torpedo ready" said Navigator.
Then they saw the virus, the full blown manifestation, that was out to destroy them.
Standby with all weapons, said AJ
The capsule appeared like an insect, compared to the juggernaut.
Beauffont, fired huge energy beams from its hands, towards the capsule.
Omega glowed, as the shields struggled to dissipate the energy release.
Quantum engines to 120% , transphasic shielding holding.
Secondary reactive armor, within temperature parameters.
Fire torpedoes !
Balls of blue light sped from the craft and hit Bouffont. No effect
Particle weapons to bear! , again no effect
Bio molecular torpedoes !
Once again the manifestation shrugged of the attack , this was not a fragment of the virus but the whole seething mass, all aspects had been brought together from all cyberspace, all Internet pages.
This was the ultimate virus.
Starburt!, said AJ. Once again no effect.
Shields are failing, 50%, Reactive Armor failing, nano circuits cannot effect repairs
Omega , Navigator, and our friends appeared to be doomed, as the molecular structure of the capsule started to decay
Nether Lisa, or AJ, new what to do next .
Then a familiar face appeared in their visors.
It was Mr Lee.
You must aim for the heart of the virus , the nucleus of the whole being is the key, destroy the nucleus and you destroy the rest.
Prepare to Ram, said AJ
The capsule transformed its Polymeric Shell into an arrow shape.
Engines to maximum.
AJ new what to do :
Pierce the outer skin of the virus, head for the nucleus, and then, execute the Starburst maneuver.
Bring all weapons to bear, on the Polygenetic Neucleus of the virus.
The genetic codes that made up Bouffont, would be disintigrated,destroying the very essence of the virus, on a molecular level.
He flew the capsule into the virus outer shell , and headed through the Polymer skin , the shields held, there in the middle, was the familiar metallic mass, that was the nucleus of the virus.
Particle cannon and Quantum Torpedoes on line.
Concentrate fire onto one spot, with all weapons.
Navigator brought all weaponry on line, a hole appeared in the nucleus, AJ flew Omega into the gap.
They were in.
This was the essence of the virus the genetic polymer core
The heart, and brain of bouffont ,pulsating in a gigantic, metallic mass that contained the molecular brain
Starburts! All weapons on line.
The capsule engaged in the Starburst , every weapon at the disposal of Navigator was brought into play.
Every weapon fired at the heart of the virus, its very core began to decay , the nucleus of evil, slowly disintegrating at a molecular level.
The very core of the virus vaporized, in an instant they were alone, Bouffont gone.
The ~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html"Black Hole, Said AJ
Even though the virus was gone, the ~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html"Black Hole was still a threat, it was still capable of draining the Universe.
Millions of Internet pages were by now eaten, by the voracious appetite, a whirlpool of destruction, ingesting all matter , a garavity well beyond comprehension, matter turned to nothing.
Prepare Dark Matter Torpedo.
The nano repair bots, were indeed working to the extreme, to repair all the damaged Polymeric Circuits aboard Omega
Navigator, spoke to AJ
We must launch the torpedo from the event horizon, and instantly transmute, or we will be pulled in, as the hole implodes on itself.
Engines must sustain 200% efficiency, or we will be dragged in , they have never been above 150%
I can, I will, thought AJ, I have faith in Omega, Navigator, and Mr Lee, Lisa too was willing Navigator to repair, she too, had faith in this amazing machine, and the wisdom of Mr Lee.
Confirm :
The engines are at 200% event horizon cruise sustained.
The torpedo sped on its way , instantly Omega transmuted
Navigator spoke, 5 seconds to detonation,.. 4..3..2..1
Engines to normal capacity .
Shields to 100%.
The capsule had transmuted to nano space, ( space within space) even here, the effects of a billion billion billion suns, releasing their energy, was felt.
The capsule shuddered, then, nothing
Mission accomplished, Said Navigator
The Internet, returned to normal, within seconds of the destruction of the ~cmmiller/BH/blkbh.html"Black Hole.
The world new nothing, of the battle that had been fought for its very existence.
Nothing, of the little boy, and girl, who had saved the day again..............but we know...... our heroes, AJ and Lisa, will always be there, for us.
But...................... there was one molecular, genetic, fragment left ............. and slowly, ever so slowly it began to mutate,and replicate, and repair.................... all that Bouffont ever needed, was just one atomic particle, and the regeneration could begin.................
EPISODE 29 Battle Over.
Navigator spoke to AJ and Lisa.
Bio analysis computers report that you are both in need of a quantum radiation bath , to alleviate any residual effects of traveling through the tunnel, and our battle with the virus.
Execute the quantum bath said AJ , and with that thy were both illuminated in a strange green light.
This would repair any damage to their DNA from the radiation storm, and the effects of the attempts by Bouffont to destroy them.
The light faded, and both AJ and Lisa, felt a warm tingle sensation inside, as their bodies began to instantly repair, on a molecular level.
You are now in need of rest and relaxation , said Navigator
Once again Navigator transmuted them to a remote desert island, where they could take time out after their tremendous battle with the polygenic virus.
All self repair circuits are activated and on line ,
Ablative Armour is regenerating , and Polymeric nanites are repairing the outer shell.
Polymeric - cyberspace - continuum inner hull integrity is intact.
This meant that the inner hull of the capsule, which was held in a permanent space time continuum field, had suffered no damage in the preceding battle.
It was a capsule within a capsule, and the space time continuum field allowed the pilots to be shielded from danger, as the inner capsule was always nano seconds out of phase with cyberspace reality , giving navigator the time to send our heroes home should the capsule be destroyed, it also allowed shield regeneration of the outer shell, by giving the battle computers nano time to react to incoming fire and adjust the shield harmonics.
This was all allowed by complex Cyberspace continuum polymer mechanics, all instigated by Mr Lee on his home planet after Millennia of research and calculation.
Navigator and Omega were the last remnants of this technological masterpiece, after the destruction of the home world by Bouffont.
Molecular shield generators are within parameters and online , battle computers are reinitializing shield harmonics , based on the data provided through our recent battle
All internal liquid polymer circuits are self regenerating,
Estimate 3 days for complete capsule regeneration.
Once again Omega showed its amazing capacity to regenerate and enhance itself, based on data from its intrepid journeys, and battles.
Recommend that you both take the time to explore and rest on the island , the neural interface will take care of any residual mental scars from the battle, and you can be safe in the knowledge that, no medical problems will occur.
Once again, this amazing machine was ensuring that its pilots were completely healed, both physically, and mentally, after the trauma of meeting the Bouffont manifestation.
Navigator transmuted into a hovercraft, and the pair decided to explore the island, and take in the beauty of nature untouched by the hand of man.
The island although quite small was full of diverse creatures and insects, and both the children took in the wonders of nature , any questions were answered by Navigator , and indeed the kids began to relax and de - stress, after their battle.
They enjoyed the warm idyllic evenings on the island, where it seemed to come even more alive as the nocturnal animals began their tunes and displays.
It was indeed paradise, an island, on an island spinning through space, the jewel of our solar system.
One small planet in the infinite Universe that contained such a diversity of life, so many individual habitats, Jungle , Dessert, Savannah, Arctic regions, Temperate zones , all areas where life had found a way, and adapted to its environment.
The jewel of the solar system containing the diversity of carbon based life.
But within cyberspace the Earth now contained Bouffont, the collection of all evil in polymeric form, a parasite from a distant planet , inadvertently, and accidentally brought to Earth.
The battle had almost destroyed Bouffont, it had vaporized, down to its last polymeric cell, molecular inclusion was almost upon it, and yet once again, the virus began its regeneration on a molecular level.
This was to be a slow process , because, in its battle with AJ, it had returned all its fragments to the core to be as powerful as it could, so there were no fragments of genetic polymer to call upon to help with the regeneration.
Although the virus could regenerate, it had lost the human genetic coding that it had been using to enhance itself, and so, Bouffont too, would take time to heal, it already knew it would have to recreate a quantum tunnel, to return to reality for more genetic material , but for now it concentrated on self replication and growth
The battle was over but the war was still active.
Bouffont would not rest until it had destroyed everything, evil begat evil as it replicated itself.
As it regenerated it started the calculations again for the formation of a quantum tunnel into reality,
Once again it would take by deception, and force, the genetic material it needed to compete itself , it would not be so up front this time, and would try to deceive Navigator and its scanners,
It had a cunning plan.
When the calculations were effective, it would appear to the outside world as though the tunnel was a tornado, it would then allow Bouffont to collect the genetic material it required, and cover its tracks as though it was a natural disaster.
Bouffont was sure that it could also deceive Navigators scanners, if so then whenever it needed new material it could just recreate a tornado, and suck in all the required genetic material, i.e. people.
They would then be broken down to their genetic coding
and then restructured into Bouffont, to enhance the genetic code of the virus, and make it virtually indestructible.
Billions of codes would be available to Bouffont, to sequence as it wished, it new it could combine its polymeric shell with genetic code, enhance it at a molecular level, and once again it would become living polymeric metal, able to transfer itself through the circuits of the Internet and control cyberspace.
It would be able to create virus replications,
to make computers disrupt the planet, send false codes , to machines , maybe even cause a war, if it could get into the North American Defence computers, it could then just enter reality, and take over the planet, obtaining genetic material whenever it wanted.
It had already tried with HMS resolve to create a nuclear war, and AJ only just managed to avert
disaster that time.
The only thing that could possibly stop the manifestation of all evil, was AJ and Lisa, a boy with Spina Bifida, and a girl with Learning Difficulties, they were the saviors of Earth, a huge responsibility on shoulders so small, but Navigator was there to help, and so too was the essence of Mr Lee that was genetically encoded into this amazing machine.
And also the people on this Website , for we all wish the trio well , and our thoughts help them encompass their difficulties .
We know the battles and the problems they face , and the problems that people with disability face in their everyday life.
AJ and Lisa are not alone , and you are not alone, for if you have a disability, then AJ and Lisa will help you overcome it, to the best of your ability, social integration and inclusion for all is the biggest battle that AJ has to fight , that is even more disruptive than Bouffont, it stops harmony and creates prejudice.
Always remember that all men were created equal, we who read these adventures advocate ,
Social inclusion, equality, and a society where every person lives in harmony.
We all have some ability to give to the world, ability that will make world a better place , we must ensure, we do work together for harmony,
AJ and Lisa Will ensure, that Bouffont does not destroy our cyber world.
And so our story continues, the good versus evil, of time immemorial .
Bouffont was by now self replicating again
to return to the Centre of the Internet.
Contemplating world domination, instead of total destruction, realizing that it could obtain more gratification if it dominated, and created confusion,distrust, and inequality.
Through the Internet,it could do this , create sites of evil, mistrust, sites advocating exclusion, destruction, a return the holocaust, the opposites of all that man should be striving to achieve.
Now the virus had conceived its cunning plan,and it would, once it had fully regenerated,begin to implement it.
It new that the Internet had no constrictions, no effective policy of policing, and that would be all it needed to create sites of mistrust and deception.
It would be up to AJ to eradicate these sites and to advocate social inclusion for all within the Internet.
To fight for a better world for us all. Within reality. and virtual reality.
The battle was over, the war still rages, and the continuing fight for good versus evil goes on............
The virus returns to the centre of the Internet reincarnated once again.....
Episode 30 Lisa meets Sunnitta
AJ was taking time out to study for some examinations at school
These were important to AJ, for as we all know, knowledge is power, with knowledge we can help with all things, create good things , and help eradicate discrimination.
Lisa, was aboard Omega with Navigator.
Transmutation complete:
Lisa was highly surprised , she could not move her arms or legs. she felt vulnerable and alone.
Her reliance on other people was total, for she could not move. She could not feed herself , or do any of the things that are taken for granted by able people.
Navigator spoke:
You are in the guise of Sunnitta Madreer, a girl living in India, she contracted Polio when she was very young, and has through the disease, lost the use of her limbs.
Through the neural interface you will be able to understand the language, she and her people speak , and you will understand her thoughts and aspirations.
It felt extremely awkward to Lisa not to be able to move, she was so used to being able to articulate , walk , run, jump and all the things that able bodied people take for granted.
She now felt as though she was just a shell, her mind and being, trapped inside an inanimate cocoon.
Polio should really have been eradicated by now, but as usual the greed of mankind stopped nations helping each other, and the drug companies as always, were after their profit, from the suffering of fellow people.
Vaccine donation, from the rich countries, would help to eradicate this disease, the same as the eradication of small pox, but as usual the third world has to suffer, whilst the rich nations carried on regardless.
Oblivious to the suffering involved for countless people.
Navigator had brought Lisa here, to once again show, that, out of adversity comes forth ability.
Sunnitta's mind was a sharp as a pin, and she quickly realised, that she had other ability, that would overcome the adverse effects of polio.
Sunnitta was helping her mother supplement her income, by making clothing, and despite of the complications the disease had given her , Sunnitta had learned to use an old fashioned sewing machine and make clothing.
Sunnitta laid on the floor next to the machine and threaded the cotton with her mouth, she turned the wheel of the machine with her chin . In this way she managed to sew cloth together to make clothing .
Indeed, sometimes, it could take up to 30 minutes just to thread new cotton into the machine, but Sunnitta had patience, and perseverance, she was extremely contented with her work.
Sunnitta helped her mum to make clothing, she had out of adversity, brought forth her own unique ability.
She had persevered, and become part of the society of the village, and she was also included in the productivity of her village.
Sunnitta was an inspiration to her village and indeed to all people everywhere, not just the ones with polio.
Lisa learned that if you have belief in yourself, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish, given time, and using extreme effort, you can, do the, "impossible".
In helping yourself, you are also helping others, with the same disability, prove, that disability can be overcome, with patience and practice, you can use, and develop, other abilities to the full.
Episode 31 Bouffont Regenerates
Meanwhile in the center of the Internet, Bouffant was replicating at a furious rate, due to the lack of Human /Animal DNA, the genetic code for the virus was much simpler to duplicate.
Bouffant was now almost fully regenerated, its gene code had been resequenced, and, in preparation for gene splicing, the calculations had already been made on the exact points, to add Human DNA into the genetic sequence.
Fragments of the particle brain of Bouffont had been performing the complex calculations, to enable a quantum tunnel to be established.
The intention of the virus was not to risk detection on the scopes of Navigator, but to make the quantum tunnel appear as a natural phenomenon.
Bouffont was not going to risk exposing itself to Navigator ,AJ, and Lisa again, from now on our intrepid trio would only deal with micro fragments of the virus, the near destruction of Bouffant had made it very wary.
It would not risk total destruction again.
It would employ stealth, ingenuity , disorganization, false information,and cyberspace viral attacks.
To create anarchy and destruction in both virtual reality and reality. It would do its utmost to use the World wide web against man.
This time the virus had learned that to meet AJ head on in battle was the wrong course of action to take, the little boy was determined and resolute. I can I will.
The only method to win was if Bouffont was omnipotent and indestructible, then and only then could it win against AJ and Navigator with their amazing machine Omega.
The virus had been overconfident, it had thought itself to be majestic and eternal, to be able to rule over everything , the manifestation of all evil was suffering from delusions of grandeur.
It had learned that destruction itself was no good, it would in effect be committing suicide to destroy its enemies , its logic membranes concluded that this was sheer folly, it would no longer be intent on destruction of life and man through its own destruction, it would find another way.
Bouffont was to seek to rule all life and to subjugate the Earth to do its bidding.
It had ideas of creating a metal skin around the earth,
Using people for genetic replication, to totally enhance itself,what would be left would be Polymer robots, to maintain the gigantic mass, that would be Bouffant
Bouffant decided that it would subjugate man in his own image, and it would control he Internet, and so eventually the planet , till it could travel through a quantum tunnel and take the earth.
Bouffant would use nuclear power plants, to irradiate the Earth and make it barren and radio active , unable to support life as we know it . The virus could happily withstand these conditions, due to its outer polymer skin
Indeed it had tried this once before , the nuclear accident at Chernobyl was indeed instigated by Bouffont, in an attempt to spread radiation sickness among the human race, and spread mistrust between nations , it had only just been thwarted by Mr Lee although there was a terrible cost in radiation poisoning to the area.
Mr Lee could not interfere, his mission and presence on Earth a closely guarded secret.
The only good to come from it was that it alerted mankind to the dangers of nuclear material, and the utmost safety required to implement it as a power source, it was a wake up call for mankind to get its nuclear policy international, and to adhere to the non proliferation treaty's to avoid nuclear Armageddon.
If it genetically enhanced humans with some of its own poly genetic code, spliced in just the genes it wanted, Bouffant could create a whole new race, with just remnants of man in its genetic code, but a race that it could rule with impunity, a new life form with bouffant as its master.
It could then take its evil beyond the solar system, and conquer all the galaxy.
This would give it the ability to harness , all the power of the stars contained in our galaxy, and enough energy, to take the first steps towards Universal domination , no life form anywhere would not be under the reach of Bouffant , all the rich variety that was the Universe would be gone.
Bouffant was pure evil, its basic genetic code was evil, and there was no way that the genetic code within it could be altered.
Long, long ago, Mr Lee had been in battle with bouffant , and he and Navigator introduced a genetic splice, via a bio molecular torpedo, into Bouffant.
This was supposed to act on a genetic level, and from the genetic code of the virus , it was to find one gene that wasn't evil, help it self replicate, to take over the gene pool, destroying every evil gene as it went along
The tactics of Mr Lee were sound, the idea of gene re- structuring could have worked , but for one thing, there was not one good gene within Bouffont, not even one molecular particle to work form , every atom of this virus was evil.
Nothing was there to be even remotely considered, for internal regeneration, no genes no chromosomes, not one iota of good genetic material, could be found even on a sub microscopic level Nothing.
Mr Lee, knew from that moment, that Bouffant had to be destroyed .
The prime directive, not to harm or destroy any life, was not applicable to Bouffant, the manifestation of all evil, with no redeeming qualities at all, throughout its whole being.
In the case of Bouffant the prime directive was rescinded, Bouffant was the one thing in the whole Universe that should not exist , indeed it was an artificial creation, and as such was not a natural life form, it was an artificially created parasite, feeding off the natural order of the Universe.
That was many years ago, and the termination order still stands, within the neural circuits of Navigator, never to be changed.
The evil that is Bouffant must be eliminated, for the good of all life, in all star systems everywhere.
Bouffant was the epitome of evil, and for this virus, there was no hope.
Bouffant was self aware and self learning, now it would create a war of attrition, no major battles where it could be damaged or destroyed , tactics had now changed , with the survival of the core being the utmost priority.
It would wear down AJ, it would have small fragments of itself infesting the Internet with malicious code, creating havoc on the world wide web.
It would seek out openings, where it could spread famine, disease, pestilence, or war , throughout the real world.
The virus, would keep the human race on its toes, as it sought ways to destroy them
Some times the ingenuity of man, would be enough to thwart the evil virus plans, other times it would need the combined efforts of our heroes, and their wonderful machine.
Millions of thoughts per second, were going through the logic membranes of bouffant, the replication was still taking place, and now the virus started to release fragments from its pulsating mass, to once again infest the Internet.
Bouffant would remain in the core, at the Centre of Cyberspace well hidden from the sensors of Navigator.
It would once again, seek to become unified with the very fabric of virtual reality, and become part of the cyberspace continuum.
It new that the calculation, and energy, required to do this were not yet within its grasp, but one day.......
One day this would happen, and when it did it would be a dark day for humanity
Then suddenly, the logic membranes hit upon a strategic plan.
Bimolecular impulses transferred these thoughts to the central brain
At last, a method of obtaining genetic material without detection.
Bouffant was to create a quantum tunnel, via an ion discharge, this would mean that it could control the tunnel from cyberspace, and create an artificial vortex, to bring in genetic material.
This could be disguised as a tornado, on the American continent , and allow genetic material to be taken into cyberspace for use by the virus, undetected by Navigators scanners, as it would appear as a natural phenomenon.
If the maneuver was completed in one foul swoop, then Navigator would remain unaware, and all the genetic material could be obtained in one go.
This would also mean, less energy expenditure by the virus to initiate the tunnel, for this would be a once in a lifetime chance , there would never be enough energy to repeat the procedure, and indeed to take a second attempt would probably alert Navigator.
That day Tornado valley in America , had more Tornados than usual, in fact, it was to be the highest day on record for Tornadoes of force 4 and above, with 3 force five Tornados, manifesting them selves within period of a few hours .
More lives were lost to Tornadoes this day, than any other in history, and more people and animals were lost without trace than ever before.
Bouffant had struck........
Episode 32 Adventurer
Transmutation complete:
Navigator spoke to Lisa
You are in the guise of Sally Brumpton a volunteer on an expedition into the
~raintree/rainforest.html"Virgin Amazonian lowland rainforest.
Sally is a real adventure girl , she has learned to rock climb, absail, Para glide, swim .
Canoeing, sailing archery are just some of her accomplishments, but Sally has an invisible disability, she has diabetes.
At the age of 12 Sally started with an incredible thirst, needing to drink all the time and as a result of the constant thirst, she also suffered from frequent urination.
Sally had periods of extreme hunger, where she could just not eat enough ,coupled with this was increased fatigue.
She also became irritable, and sometimes she complained of blurry vision and she suffered an unusual weight loss
Sally,s mum was a nurse and she recognized the symptoms of diabetes ,and sure enough when Sally was tested she had type 1 diabetes.
Navigator explained to Lisa that there are two types of diabetes.
Type 1 and Type 2
Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes.
In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin.
Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use sugar.
Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells.
Finding out you have Type1 diabetes is scary.
But don't panic.
Type 1 diabetes is serious, but people with diabetes can live long, healthy, happy lives.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes.
In Type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin.
Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use sugar.
Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells.
When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, it can cause two problems:
Right away, your cells may be starved for energy.
Over time, high blood glucose levels may hurt your eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart.
Finding out you have Type2 diabetes is scary.
But don't panic.
Type 2 diabetes is serious, but people with diabetes can live long, healthy, happy lives.
While diabetes occurs in people of all ages and races, some groups have a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes than others.
Long ago, before the development of injectable insulin, diabetes was a major killer, it can cause heart disease, blindness, nerve damage and kidney damage.
Today we take it as just diabetes, with the same nonchalance as we do the flu , but not that long ago, diabetes was a death sentence, for whoever developed it.
Such is the power of modern medicine that we forget, how it was for our grandfathers and great grandfathers, without vaccines and antibiotics.
Navigator also reminded Lisa, that over one million people go un diagnosed with diabetes, so if you feel you have any of the above symptoms see your Doctor.
Sally had been determined that diabetes would not stop her having a normal life, and once again out of adversity came forth ability.
She trained hard , learned to listen to her body , learned to self test for her sugar level, that could be a nuisance, because 4 times a day she pricked herself with a needle to draw blood, to place in the test machine to show her blood sugar level.
Each and every day she had to do this, this was the price for her health, but she said to herself I can I will, and led a exciting life.
Sally was now deep in the heart of the Amazon , working with an expedition who's aims were:
• To develop a comprehensive species list of the amphibians and reptiles, birds and mammals of this biological hot spot.
• To assist the local community in developing a long-term sustainable eco-tourism project.
• To initiate an environmental education program, exchanging local and international knowledge of this rainforest habitat.
• To complete a full trail system and micro habitat map using GPS and topographical maps, including information on tree species.
• To photograph and catalogue as many Faunal species as possible. Thus creating a digital library for use in identification by both Expedition members and scientists.
• To record as many bird vocalisations as possible to assist in the identification of more cryptic species.
• To make available the vast quality of computerised data about species distribution to as many interested parties as possible thus raising awareness of the conservation need of such an important and threatened rainforest habitat.
Sally had always been into conservation, she new that the diversity of the planet needed to be kept in balance , and that the hand of man was upsetting the balance of Nature all over the world.
Man had yet to learn how to work in harmony with the Earths eco system, but time would see the eventual realization, that harmony is the key.
Sally collected rocks , she had started this hobby from a very early age, and was keen to have a few samples from the Amazon rain forest.
The ~raintree/rainforest.html"Amazon one huge tropical rainforest that controlled the eco system of Earth, the Amazon river the largest in the world, huge eco systems and indeed eco systems within eco systems.
Sally was lucky to have been picked for this once in a lifetime adventure. In spite of her invisible disability.
Animals , insects, fish all in their natural habitat and the hope was that they would find some new species, or deep in the jungle new plants that could be used for cures for cancer and other deadly disease.
Whilst flying into the Amazon Sally had witnessed the hand of man in the vast areas of jungle that had been cleared for mining ,and the rivers flooded for hydro - electric Dams, many species of animals and trees wiped out for good because of the greed of man.
She hoped that she could so her bit for conservation, of this natural wilderness.
Navigator new that without harmony within the earth, that changes to the eco system that was Earth would eventually lead to the annihilation of the species known as man.
Man needed to learn to live with not, control Nature.
Sally had all her insulin injections with her to allow her to complete the ten week mission, and each day she took her required dose.
Not that many years ago a trip like this would have been impossible for a person with diabetes.
Lisa was glad to be able to learn about the eco systems of the planet, and she had learned about invisible disabilities and in particular diabetes.
Warning said Navigator danger
Instantly Lisa was transmuted to the capsule
They were already speeding across the terrain
Navigator spoke
There has been a ground shift at one of the dams , although this is not an earthquake the dam has been damaged by the force , we must act quickly to repair it or the whole dam will burst and all the tribes and animals in the valley will be destroyed.
The capsule took on a sleek bullet shape and entered the waters of the dam, no one saw them due to the transphasic shielding.
Sure enough at the very base of the dam was a huge fissure , the millions of tons of pressure causing the crack to widen at an alarming rate .
Set particle emitters to fusion beam
With that Lisa fired a burst of the fusion beam at the gigantic crack
The fusion beam reinitiated the molecular bonds of the concrete and slowly the crack began to refuse and fill, with concrete created by the beam , but this time it was molecular bonded making it 100 times stronger than normal concrete .
If there is another shift in the ground, the dam will now withstand the pressure, said Navigator.
For although the dam caused widespread disruption when it was created , to allow the destruction of it will cause even greater ecological devastation, and we must adhere to the prime directive
Confirm said Lisa
Lisa learned that invisible disabilities can be all different things, from the learning difficulties she suffered from, to diabetes, that is invisible but can manifest itself visibly if treatment is not obtained.
And that you don't have to appear disabled, to be disabled, or have some form of disability.
Episode 33 Thalidomide - Redemption
Transmutation complete:
Navigator spoke to AJ
You are in the guise of Alex Holmes, World Health Organization , Health Executive.
Location: Brazil, South America.
Alex Holmes is an executive on the World Health Organization.
He is 50 years old, and a brilliant , near genius , Professor of Biology, from Cambridge, England.
Alex is suffering form the onset of Motor Neurone disease, the disease is presenting in its early stages.
Motor Neurone disease, is progressive chronic disease of the nerves that come from the spinal cord, responsible for supplying electrical stimulation to the muscles.
This stimulation is necessary for the movement of body parts.
The disease is progressive and fatal.
The usual causes of death of patients with motor neurone diseases are not directly related to the disease, but result from simultaneous additional illnesses which ultimately occur because of weakness of the body.
These illnesses are often infections.
It occurs most often in adults in the fifth through seventh decades of life.
It progressively leads to death in 2 to 7 years.
The cause is unknown.
All forms of MN cause progressive muscle weakness and wasting.
Spontaneous tiny local areas of muscle twitching, called fasciculation's, are characteristic in most patients.
These may be sensed by the patient as muscle cramping. Lower extremity muscle wasting (atrophy) and weakness generally follows wasting of the arms, hands, and shoulders.
There is no cure.
Devices such as wheelchairs and speech synthesizers can help patients maintain independence.
Alex when told of his impending doom had said I can , I will , and vowed to fight the disease as much as humanly possible , he was already in a wheelchair , and starting to suffer with his speech .
Alex is in Brazil to discuss the re - emergence of a drug that once caused worldwide deformities to a generation of children because of its effects on the development of the fetus.
Navigator through the interface explained to AJ all about the drug Thalidomide
Thalidomide was a drug, sold during the 1950sand1960s as a sleeping aid and to pregnant women, to help combat morning sickness and other symptoms.
It was synthesized in West Germany and It was available in around fifty countries
The drug was marketed in Europe, especially in West Germany and Britain, from 1957 to 1961, and was thought to be so safe that it was sold without prescription.
In 1961 an extremely high incidence of European babies born with malformed, shortened limbs was correlated with use of thalidomide by women in their first trimester of pregnancy.
It was later (1960-61) found to be DISRUPTIVE in fetal development, most visibly as a cause of severe limb deformities as the drug is an angiogenesis inhibitor - interfering with blood vessel development, especially if taken during the first 25 to 50 days of pregnancy
Before it was recalled from use the drug had caused the malformation of about 15,000 children in 46 countries throughout the world. with only 8,000 of them surviving past the first year of life.
Most of these survivors are still alive, nearly all with disabilities caused by the drug.
It has been claimed that the disabilities and deformities in many Thalidomide survivors are passed on to the survivor's own children through DNA, but this is now in dispute.
Those deformed by Thalidomide are sometimes referred to (or self-described) as thalidomiders.
Navigator then explained that thalidomide was then banned for its intended use
It was subsequently found that clinical trails of the drug Thalidomide had passed safety tests primarily because the proper tests - particularly those involving pregnant animals - had not been correctly administered or simply were not done.
A court trial revealed that some tests were either conducted inadequately, or the results were faked.
However, many animal trials were done by independent agencies and licensees in several countries before Thalidomide was approved, and few revealed any side effects.
In some tests, dosages of over 600 times the normal human dosage had no effect at all on rodents.
The failure of these tests to discover the drug's disastrous consequences highlighted the inadequacy of testing methodologies in use at that time.
This resulted in an intensive increase in animal testing across a broad range of species in varying stages of pregnancy and lifecycle.
In fact, later tests did demonstrate that administering thalidomide to some strains of pregnant rats reduces the number in the litter by 50%, and giving it to rabbits produces characteristic deformities in the offspring.
If adequate or non-animal testing had been done, thalidomide might never have been approved to be sold anywhere.
But thalidomide never completely went away.
In 1998, after a complex safety monitoring system had been established to prevent further birth defects, thalidomide was approved for use in the United States for a complication of leprosy.
The drug is also used to treat multiple myeloma, a cancer that affects the bone marrow.
Thalidomide is used for the treatment and prevention of skin conditions resulting from leprosy and is being evaluated for the management of HIV-related disease.
Thalidomide has also been used for treating some autoimmune diseases of the connective tissues including Behcet's disease and skin manifestations of dermatomyositis.
There is also detailed work involving using the drug to stop tumor formation in cancers , acting in the same way as it affected the fetus the drug stops the formation of blood vessels to the tumor, as it did to the developing limbs.
This was the dilemma that Alex and the other member of the executive faced, due they allow the development of thalidomide and once again license it for worldwide use, or do they take into account the terrible deformities it created, and stop what could be potentially a worldwide cure for HIV, cancer, and leprosy.
The drug could redeem itself , and after all it was safe, if not used during pregnancy.
The problem was that counties such as Brazil were using the drug and despite all efforts once again the people through ignorance were giving birth to terribly deformed babies once again , the lessons were not being learned.
Alex had made his decision and he spoke to the assembly
Although in the past thalidomide through ignorance and misuse has caused terrible deformities, it has potential to help cure many forms of disease, tumors and perhaps HIV.
In all aspects the drug is safe unless taken during pregnancy
The potential to heal out weighs the potential damage if used correctly, the stopping of the drug during pregency can ensure no harm to the developing fetus and therefore no deformities.
The only way to ensure this, is to grant a license, so that full trails can take place and to stop the drug being counterfeited by unscrupulous companies, and the World Health Organization can oversee the legitimate drug companies, in their efforts to market a safe drug.
All packaging must contain warnings and the tablets /capsules will have warnings printed on the outer cover , all Doctors will be made fully aware of the repercussions should the drug be taken whilst pregnant.
The drug will not be marketed under any other name
Anyone on the drug must take two forms of contraception. Including long term depot injections. There can be no chance of error.
We must ensure the safe use of this drug .
The drug will not be licensed in developing countries until the infrastructure is capable of meeting the stringent rules for the administration of the drug. It will also stop black market profiteering.
This should stop an outbreak of deformities in the developing world.
Alex found it hard to comprehend that such a simple warning was being ignored, but he was determined that legislation would lead to the safe administration of the drug.
He vowed to work on the chemical structure of the drug to help to make it completely safe, he was happy that he could perhaps, help in the destruction of some diseases, before he succumbed to the effects of Motor neuron.
Once again a person with a disability had said, I can I will, along with the group of people, who all were very special, in overcoming the difficulties and extremes that Thalidomide caused.
They proved to the world that they could overcome, and adapt to their difficulties, each one a hero in their own right.
Once again Out of Adversity came forth Ability.
Alex and all people with disabilities are unsung heroes for all the world.
AJ will ensure the world does not forget
AJ learned that sometimes the old saying of less haste, more speed was of the essence , in their rush to create money the drug companies cut corners on the testing of thalidomide, the result was catastrophic, and this created deformities for people that would otherwise have been ok, the world had learned a hard lesson.
This must never again be allowed to happen , full and complete testing of all drugs, must take precedence over profit.
Navigator explained to AJ that, in time, Profit would not be the be all and end all, of life for the human race, and that indeed it was in the far future, but the human race, one day , would all be equal.
Episode 34 Maglev
Transmutation complete:
Navigator spoke to AJ.
Exoskeleton engaged:
AJ, once again found himself surrounded by the blue glow of the exoskeleton.
"You are in the guise of Adrian Cawthroe expert in Linear motion, and Magnetic Propulsion System Designer."
Adrian has a severe facial disfigurement, but once again he is a person that has come to terms with his disability, and learned to concentrate on his abilities.
He has said I can , I will and not let his disability impede him in any way.
He has had countless operations to repair the damage to his face , a genetic problem that causes tumors and growths to occur at will, on his face.
This has not stopped Adrian having his own personality and sense of humor, and most people learn to look beyond the exterior to the person inside, although in his life, he has had the comments and abuse that the weak minded have given him.
Some people are weak, and fail to see beyond disability , to look at the person inside is a gift we all have, but sometimes people fail to use it.
Inside the shell we are all the same.
We live in an image conscious society , but the images are generated by corporations, and companies , whose sole intent is to generate money. Every culture on Earth has a different concept of what beauty is, but it is not, corporate beauty.
Man must learn to be content to be who he is, not strive to be what he cannot.
Adrian was a pupil of Eric Roberts Laithwaite the brilliant engineer who originally developed Linear motion.
Mankind's insistence on the use of rotary motion and the internal combustion engine have for nearly a century held them back from further development, and increased technology .
Electricity and the huge variation of equipment that can run on it, created giant leaps forward in technology, but still, man remains enchanted with fossil fuels as an energy source.
This is all due to having a money orientated society , one day that will change, and all mankind will benefit.
AJ new that Navigator was not only knowledgeable, but wise too, for you can have knowledge without wisdom.
Adrian was currently working on a design for a long distance Maglev Train, capable of speeds of up to 300 miles per hour.
The potential for linear motion was vast , he was also working on an Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System for Launching planes from the Royal Navy's Future aircraft carrier.
He was involved in designing a system for the skid launch of the Ecranoplane, once again using linear motion to help the craft attain glide speed, saving adding huge heavy motors to the craft, just to attain initial acceleration.
Adrian was also heavily involved with NASA for a Magnetic Linear Launcher for the next generation space shuttle.
The potential is to lower the cost of earth-to-orbit missions.
In the first stage, a launch vehicle is accelerated to a high subsonic velocity on a magnetically levitated transporter prior to release. In the second stage, a propulsion system continues the acceleration of the vehicle.
All this would have an anti pollution effect in the saving of waste products and exhaust emissions from theses craft.
Navigator went on to explain to AJ, that the work would eventually lead to Anti - gravity motors that would allow independent flight and space travel.
Creating a gravity field around a craft, and using the gravitational shift of planets to propel space craft to light speed and beyond.
The craft within the force field would have zero mass and therefore would be light as a photon , taking almost no effort to move. This would then use a ripple effect force field to propel it through space pulling from one end, pushing from the other, Gravitational Caterpillar Drive.
Once again AJ learned that a disability does not stop you being a person, it does not stop you from overcoming that disability whatever it may be , enabling yourself, to use whatever ability you have , to do your best for you, set your own personal goals , look inside , and most of all, be what you want to be .
He learned that people with disabilities , have throughout history, played their part in the development of Society and Technology , and will continue to do so , for generations to come.
There are a myriad of disabilities, that we may or may not suffer from , they can be genetic , they can be with us from birth, or they can happen to us at any time in our life.
He learned that , there are heroes we all know, and thousands of local heroes we do not , but most of all, we all have inside us ability
How we use that ability is up to us.
Transmutation complete:
The capsule materialized in deep space, with the Earth looking like a small ball, in the distance.
Navigator spoke
Bouffant has been detected in the North American region of Earth , I am using the Quantum scanners, to try to triangulate the exact position of the virus manifestation.
Navigators Quantum scanners had acquired the residual energy of the Quantum tornadoes generated by Bouffant to obtain the genetic material needed for the gene resequencing.
Scans indicate that Bouffant has generated a micro quantum tunnel , and has been acquiring genetic material in the disguise of tornadoes in the mid western United States.
Analysis suggests that irradiating the area with Quantum ions will close the fissures and stop Bouffant.
From our position in space I suggest we bathe the whole planet in quantum ions , to eliminate any further attempts by bouffant to leave cyberspace, via a quantum tunnel.
O.K. said AJ begin Ion irradiation.
Because they were so far out in space it allowed Navigator to adjust the particle emitters to Quantum bathe the whole Earth , This would destroy any further attempts to generate quantum tunnels by Bouffant.
This was to be perhaps too little too late, because , deep in cyberspace Bouffont was completing its gene resequencing.
It was using synthetic RNA molecules and becoming a self replicating , self evolving, hyper-virus, capable of molecular genetic resequencing, it had enhanced its alpha and beta thoughtwave patterns forming a bio polymeric neural net and was now capable of Sionics - the ability of the mind to manipulate matter, it could now create whatever it wanted by the power of sheer thought, it could sequence into any substance on a sub atomic level.
It had gained the capacity of electro plasmic energy resequencing, virtually indestructible , virtually immortal.
Evil incarnate, the most awesome destructive power in the known Quantum universe, was now Bouffant.
Navigator spoke to AJ
Battle and logic neural interface has analyzed the strategy of Bouffant
Analysis is that Bouffant will apply genetic material to its own polymeric sequencing code, and become a Sionic hyper - virus. Sionics - the ability of the mind to manipulate matter, it could now create whatever it wanted by the power of sheer thought.
We must now once again enhance Omega.
Navigator explained that AJ's genetic code, would now be sequenced into Omega's polymeric shell, this will enhance the polymeric shell, and it will be neural sequenced with your thoughts, you will be bonded and coded to the capsule, you will be as one, micro nanites will be genetically encoded to you and this will allow for a faster interface , and allow for near instant regeneration of the outer polymeric shell.
This too will give you the Sionic ability , you will be able to instantly morph the capsule to any configuration , any size , you will be able to fuse the transphasic shielding into the polymeric shell , ablative armor will self generate, encoded with transphasic nanites , this should allow us to withstand any known weapon, by shifting out of phase and absorbing the energy, within our polymeric atomic shell.
A small amount of blood was then taken from AJ to allow polymeric conversion to take place.
We are also going to upgrade the weapon system , particle emitters are to be enhanced with Electro magnetic pulse cannon , with an integrated solid state heat capacity Laser for transphasic particle emission.
Matter manipulation circuits will be enhanced, with the ablative Armour this should allow exponential energy absorption for the armor, and nanites will be bonded to the armor for instant regeneration.
Navigator, all the time was completing the upgrades to the amazing machine.
AJ knew once again that there was to be some serious battles to come , and that Navigator had to try to always be one step ahead of Bouffant.
AJ was worried and Navigator confirmed his fears.
Even with all these enhancements I do not know if Bouffant can be destroyed , many times in the past Mr Lee thought we had won the final battle but each time , the virus returned .
It may have become too powerful to destroy, an invulnerable entity, hell bent on the destruction and enslavement of all life.
Battle computers suggest de sequencing Bouffant on a sub atomic level to eliminate its power base but first we have to find the core.
Meanwhile at the heart of the Internet the virus was completing its own upgrades, it created its own micro environment with neural pathways expanding into cyberspace .
Once again it was ready to create havoc for mankind, indeed not just mankind, but all species, both on Earth and all other planets that supported life, would be made to suffer.
The tentacles of evil were spreading, and the only thing to stop them was our hero and his friend Lisa , with their amazing machine.
Now was the time for AJ and his amazing machine to go on the offensive, to actively seek out Bouffant and destroy the evil hyper virus, no longer would navigator wait for bouffant to manifest itself , its scanners were now in active mode , searching the vastness of cyberspace for any aspect of the evil , imminent destruction would now take place of any fragment of the virus found.
From a totally defensive posture Navigator and AJ were now on the attack , this was a war they had got to win life depended on it................................................. let battle commence
Navigator replicated small microscanning satellites and sent them off into cyberspace, activly seeking the virus fragments they would report back to Navigator any fragments of the virus found that they could not destroy.
The time for passive defence was over .....................
Navigator spoke to AJ
We have re-sequenced Omega, now it is time to re-sequence your exoskeleton.
Using the gene splicing techniques, I will enhance your exoskeleton, to provide you with an outer polymeric ablative armor suit.
It will be so close to you, it will be like a second skin, but will give you full active mobility, and your sionic capability means that you will be able to use all your available weapons from your suit.
Just point your hands, think, and the weapons will fire from your fingertips.
The ablative armor will resist all known weaponry.
AJ once again sensed that preparation was being made for as some yet unknown event.
Navigator, through the neural link sensed AJ's uneasiness.
Once again a familiar blue glow occurred, Navigator morphed into the shape of Mr Lee.
Ask your questions my young friend, both Navigator and I sensed your troubles.
AJ spoke,
"The preparations we are undergoing, I sense some major shift in strategy, and that perhaps a battle of wills is to pursue".
Mr Lee explained , "Not a battle of wills, but a battle for Earth".
Bouffant has now been able to genetically re - sequence itself, it is no longer polymeric metal, but a fusion of living matter and metal.
Due to the high instance of human genes in it's re - sequencing, it has become more Human in characteristic , ( it has evolved ).
Although able to morph and change matter , it's major shape is now of Humanoid appearance, arms, legs, and body, this takes into account that it wants to rule in mans own image.
The last battle Bouffant created a polymeric image of Humanoid form , now it has evolved from its viral state into a complex humanoid life form, through it's obtaining material from the quantum tunnels.
It is now 50% virus, 40% human and 10 % of all the other species found on Earth, able to manipulate matter, and use the abilities of creatures at will , although it is not yet fully aware of all that it is capable of.
And it still has a seperate viral brain, contained in a symbiotic relationship with the humanoid form.
We now must contain the virus in cyberspace, Navigator has already bathed the Earth in Quantum ions to stop the formation of any further Quantum tunnels from cyberspace.
Navigator will now tap into the North American Defence System NORAD and NATO , SEATO, the China strategic defence system, and the Russia Air superiority computers.
We will also tap into all Earth orbiting Satellite systems, using stealth nanite technology and keep watch for Bouffant on a worldwide basis.
AWACS and fighter aircraft will also be used to create an Earth Defense System that will be constantly monitored by the battle computers.
We only just survived the last battle with the virus and now we must make sure we are prepared.
AJ realised that this was very similar to the way that because he was disabled, he and his mother had to prepare for every journey he took.
He had to plan ahead, sort out transport in advance , access, toilet facilities, ect, , so he understood that the battle computers were attempting to plan for every eventuality.
Creating battle scenarios, in their logic circuits, and then analyzing , hoping that every possible outcome of resequencing and battle plan was prepared for.
He knew also, that the hand of fate could at any time intervene, and no matter how good the plans , fate could change them in an instant.
All this planning was to keep Bouffant locked in Cyberspace and the Earth free.
Mr Lee then told AJ that his exoskeleton suit would give him full mobility, but as with all things, he was limited on how long he could maintain polymeric ablative armor mode.
You will have around an hour in armor mode, then the energy consumption will be too much for the quantum engines and you will have to revert to normal.
Use the suit wisely my little friend. AJ understood.
Exoskeleton ablative armour suit engaged, AJ was testing the suit running along covered in golden armor
All weapons systems worked fine
" I have confidence in you, the choice I made was wise , and you have exceeded all my expectations, both on disability awareness and Bouffant."
With that Mr Lee faded away, leaving Navigator and AJ to complete the upgrade.
Stealth micro nanites were transmuted into all machines all over the world.
Satellites, weapons of war, cars anything that contained a microprocessor was implanted with the stealth nanites, the Earth Defence System was now complete.
Navigator spoke to AJ
" We will check the Earth Defence System is working"
AJ found himself flying an Airforce jet high over the Atlantic ocean.
You are in the guise of Zoe Holmes, American Airforce pilot.
Zoe was diagnosed 2 years ago with bone cancer in her left leg.
Since then she has undergone pioneering surgery, and had all the bones in her leg removed, and replaced with Titanium alloy duplicates.
Complete bone replacement saved the limb.
Zoe completed major physiotherapy, to learn to walk again, and use the limb that the doctors had saved.
In the case of children, the bones are replaced with special screws attached to lengthen the bones as they grow.
Medical technology was indeed starting to fight back against this terrible disease.
When she was diagnosed Zoe said she would fight the cancer all the way, she said I can, I will and with fortitude and determination, she won.
The cancer is in remission, and the surgeons saved her leg.
Slowly , ever so slowly , medicine was starting to overcome afflictions and disease, that would have caused major disability just a few years ago, and with further inroads into the human G - Nome lots of major disease will in time be eradicated.
Zoe had been one of the Airforce "top guns" until the time she was told that the pains in her leg were caused by cancer.
She could have given in , but she decided not to , and that she would beat the cancer and fly again.
Zoe was another person who had fought her disability, and concentrated on her ability. As we all should do.
Navigator had brought AJ here to test the Stealth nanites, and the Earth Defence System.
All Stealth nanites are integrated with the fighter, and this will allow us to create a microsonic net around the Earth from all machines.
The systems check out, and all are integrated around the Earth.
Bouffant will not enter reality again.
We are conforming to the policy of non interference, but we must passively enhance these machines with nanites to create the microsonic net.
AJ was pleased to fly the jet, he had always as all boys do wanted to be a fighter pilot and now he was here doing it for real.
And once again he was learning about disability issues, and that, out of adversity comes forth ability.
But now once again it was time to continue the fight
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Perhaps consider splitting
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