Antipoems [suite]
By Paul Annon
- 948 reads
Antipoem [I]
To hack a line of verse is all,
To answer thus the muse’s call:
Couplets to order, tropes sublime
- Just be sure to make it rhyme
(I hope they find a cure in time!)
Words of sorrow, words of joy,
Though meant to move, more often cloy,
While hackneyed verse did ne’er sound sweeter,
When hobbled by unlikely meter
(Makes the rhyme scheme so much neater!)
So fill the page up line by line
With prose that rhymes, with phrase divine,
With words outmoded, words transposed,
Until the odious ode’s composed!
(Or so it might be supposed)
Antipoem II [Cumming Carrolling ?]
any odd rhyme whatsoever jot down
while oh so jumbling verses clown
and mamsy coves oft wibble and glope
exube grandiloquent by the trope
or jestive dicker all wicker and fey
- if anyone tumbled there’d be hell to pay
Antipoem III [Blank Verse & Worse]
There’s little worse
Than blankest verse
From those who nurse
The scribbler’s curse
Hence this REFRAIN!
Scrawl not in vain
Your non-rhymes gain
Nought but disdain
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