By Laura Callender
- 732 reads
Written to the classical piece 'Dedication' by Schumann-Liszt Widmung (find on youtube)
Pinching the soft material in-between her delicate fingers
She relished in the memory of the scent that lingered
Her perfume remained from once sprayed before
A gift from her lover whom lay beside her once more
Silk threads and softness warmed her naked skin
Covering her exposure that lay in front of him
Overwhelmed but not shy whilst lost in his company
She wrapped her shawl tightly to shield the intensity
He stirred
Reaching out his hand he brushed her soft face
Tracing his finger along the material lace
He lifted the cloth with a delicate tug
Stripping her skin bear to reveal her love
He pulled her in closer holding her tight
Not breaking his stare they lay close through the night
His hands stroked her skin with a delicate desire
But his love gave him strength for the two to just lie there
Blissfully happy
That translucent Look of lust and fierce protection
His eyes told a story with a clear direction
His intentions now evident a lasting relationship was in sight
Her body trembled with love as the future seemed bright
He relished the soft curves of the woman his heart desired
His genuine loving touch is now what transpired
And with full hearts they now knew they would be more than just lovers
A promise of many nights of passion lying under the silk covers
Eyes locked in love he pulled her further in
Whilst gently returning the cloth and protecting her skin
Encasing her body he drenched her with affection
With bodies entwined in their true love connection
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