Scene 9
By Leleanor
- 458 reads
Scene 9- Michaela and Sean are sat on a bench in the park, Scar and Gav come on and sit opposite them, the park is deserted and most of the toys are broken.
Michaela- So Sean, what do you think to the book i wrote?
Sean- it was very good Michaela, the keys to acting, what a genius!
Scar- you wrote that?
Michaela- (standing up) yes and that was before the law was made, if your gonna do something like tell on me to Elsa Van....Spelsa then you’ve got more things coming bitch!
Scar- Oh no you’ve got it all wrong, i read that book, and i liked it!
Michaela- really?
Sean- don’t believe her Mi she’s just trying to trick us,(looking at Gav) i can see in his eyes!
Gav- No really, we wanna be onstage actors!
Michaela- (pulling out a knife) funny!
Michaela- what nobody knows doesn’t hurt anyone!
Gav- NO!
Sean- Actually, i think there telling the truth!
Michaela- Sean! How could you! Can’t you see there doing something!
Sean- hmm, well what ever there doing, it’s worked on me!
Michaela- well maybe i did come on a little too quickly, I’m sorry!
Gav- it’s k.
Michaela- so did you really read my book?
Scar- yes i got half way through then it got burnt by Elsa’s workers.
Michaela- (gasps) how dare they, ruin the works of thee Michaela.
Sean- she takes things kinda seriously.
Gav- yes, can tell.
Sean- I’m Sean and as you can see this is Michaela.
Scar- I’m Scar.
Gav- I’m Gav
Michaela- so how are gonna live out your dream if it’s illegal!
Scar- well, i don’t know!
Gav-(to Scar) Scarlet, we should tell them, it’s obvious that they’ll want to help!
Sean- don’t worry you can tell us. We won’t rat you out to Elsa!
Scar- well some randomer came to us and said “the only way is the go to last play house!”
Sean- and where’s that?
Gav- somewhere in Leeds.
Michaela- and what do you have to do when you get there?
Scar- we don’t know, she didn’t tell us.
Sean- well then, we’ll come with you!
Michaela, Gav, Scar- What?!
Sean- well we want to help all we can!
Michaela- we do?
Sean- yes!
Michaela- we do!
Scar- that’s very kind but I’m sure you’re all so busy!
Sean- No, in fact we get bored of just being here!
Michaela- well it would be fun and it would be great to stop that horrible woman from destroying our dreams!
Gav- they have got a point.
Scar- well, ok then but Leeds is far away how are we gonna get there?
Michaela- well does anyone know that you’re doing this?
Scar- well...
Sean- who is it?
Gav- urrrm, no one important.
Scar- just Elsa van Delsa.
Sean, Michaela- WHAT?!
Gav- don’t worry all we have do is keep on the low.
Sean- so what you’re faces will be everywhere, your wanted people now, Elsa won’t stand for it!
Michaela- she’ll have you killed!
Scar- well we wasn’t that far from it today.
Gav- so what are we gonna do?
Sean- well we’ll have to do it the old fashioned way.
Gav- what do you mean?
Michaela- we’re gonna have to walk.
Scar, Gav- oh no!
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