Someone deadly beneath (part5c)
By Zokaya
- 1194 reads
And five, six...five, six, seven eight...
Rajni: Hi
Dad: hiya
Rajni:: Did you go to work today?
Dad: no work they say.. nor next week
Rajni: I was told to call back next week Monday. They kept on saying to me that there was no work either but wanted to know who I was befor they gave me a I thought maybe there is work and only the regulars were asked to come in or their friends as another girl I spoke to is working everyday despite there being "no work".
Dad: you are right, its for their friends and choosen people. not me. i will call on monday too and see what happens
Rajni:: It is not fair but life never is.........I am going to see if I can find something else because I really need the money.
Dad: same here, i cant afford not to be working
so what u been up to all week
Rajni:: Just chillin, helping out at home and catching up with friends. how about you?
Dad: i been doing some designing. did i told u that i design
Rajni:: no, what kind of designing do you do?
Dad: all sorts look at my website
Rajni:: I will check it out, thanks
Dad: that will be great
Rajni: I just had a quick look. It looks good.
Dad: thats fine, thanks
Rajni:: what have you been up to this week? did you go into work at all this week?
Dad: two evenings or three i think. and i been to the job office on a few occasions
Rajni: better than nothing I suppose, I hope that is enough to cover your rent?
Dad: no, just to buy my travel ticket
we really need to look for work which is guaranteed
Dad: definitley, have u used
Rajni:: no, is it any good
Dad: yea, try it
Rajni:: thanks
Dad: wot u doing tommorow
Rajni:: going out with friends for lunch and checking at the final sales. how about you?
Dad: gonna do some designing in the day but no plans foir the evening yet
Rajni:: sounds interesting, what are you working on?
Dad: Its A Childs World, which was one of the ones on my website, its a television format
Rajni:: I will have a read, perhaps tomorrow, it sounds interesting
Dad: thanks, its the project for my final year of study
Rajni: have you submitted your script to any broadcasting house?
Dad: no, its a academic project, so i havent thought of that
Rajni: great. when do you finish your studies?
Dad: next week, hopefully
Rajni:: have you got exams?
Dad: finished, just the project remain
Rajni:: good luck, after that you can then concentrate on getting a good job.
Dad: definitely
Rajni:: I used to write design children's shows when I had the time
Dad: do u stil have them
Rajni:: they are probably in the attic somewhere (hopefully) havn't seen them for years now...I am going to sleep now...tired. I will catch up with you soon.
Dad: okay, see you later yeah
Dad: hiya
Lauren:: hi
Dad: wots up
Lauren:: same old same old. stress n name afew
Dad: not good for u
Lauren:: such is life
Dad: make us ol before time
Lauren:: it does. i am. hows Kaylee
Dad: drama again
Lauren:: how's your mom. what happen this time
Dad: called n spoke with all of them. when i spoke to Kaylee. i asked her if she heard from her mom. she said she dont know. i asked her how come she dont know and she has a phone. she said your mom has her phone
Lauren:: what! i expected that to happen anyway. keep talking for that sounds messed up..
Dad: i asked her why she has her phone , Kaylee went silent. i asked Kaylee to put her on the phone so i could ask her u cant talk to Kaylee without she knowing
Dad: Kaylee said she said she said what she had to say already. she didnt come to the phone
Lauren:: what was it she said already?
Dad: i asked to speak to David, Kaylee said she said she want to call somebody....we were just talkin normally, i didnt know about the phone again
Lauren:: oh David there? I didnt know
Dad: i asked for her again, she refused. asked for David again, Kaylee said hold. 5 seconds later the phone was hang up
Lauren:: dont lie. what u did?
Dad: nothing, havent called back
Lauren:: guess she aint want u to corrupt her precious David
Dad: if Kaylee wasnt there i would never call back
Lauren:: Kaylee deserves to be treated with respect. she aint doing that
Dad: the sad thing is when i was there i asked Kaylee if she wanna come back with me, she wasnt keen, she preffered Ireland....
Lauren:: your mother is a sick person, believe me! u aint think something is wrong with her?
Dad:....i felt i had lost her. i said to her it shows she is big enough to make decisions for herself n if she was 8 or 10, she would have been excited to come wit me
Lauren:: i dont believe Kaylee meant that, she cant enjoy your mom after all these years. Kaylee's tough, but enough is gonna be enough, eventually.
Dad: she hasnt even spent anytime wit me and she has grown big enough to make decisions for herself
Lauren:: years now i hinted for u to let me take her but u were'nt keen then, so i did'nt pressure you. but if u can, do it!
Dad: I would have love you to have her then, but if you recall, you had alot on your hands then. i just didnt want to add to it. i was always keen to have her wit me, i just couldnt
Lauren:: i know
Dad: i been sufferin here, coulnt pay rent for myself., still cant, couldnt let her live like that or see me goin thru all that....
Lauren:: i ask again, dont u think something is wrong with your mom
Dad: .....because of that, i feel i let her down and i lost her as a result, i wanted to watch her grow and be there for her all the time
Lauren:: i had offer to keep her, remember? but i guess you didnt have the strength to wrestle her away from your mom. you have time, take her the minute you can. she aint 18 yet. you still can make decisions for her, especially if you the adult is more informed that its the best thing for her. i admire her though, she is strong. gonna run. am downstairs and the battery almost dead. be strong
Dad: you had your your situations also. thats the only reason why you do not have her today. it seem our lives have always been paralells. i would not do any thing against Kaylee's will by dragging her to Ottawa.
Hiya Billy
Mate, I am fighting a war. cutting out roads and dsetroying dragons. The Alberta High Court has rejected my bid, so am applying to the North American Supreme Court of Appeal. I need now to draft a letter off to them. Mate, with all the money i have spent to send you to school, you cant even draft an appeal. What a combobulation! regards
Hiya John
I am sorry to hear the outcome, well its not over till you say it is. so am glad u taking it further. its the same system is holding me back, keeping me down and standing in the way of my self-actualization. But the hotter the battle, the sweeter the victory
besides, you need to be advised by someone who is competent and versed in immigration law, which isnt my area of interest or study. you need the aid of one of those people i mentioned, so I told you before to use a Legal Point or the Alberta Citizens Advice bureau. they are there to help you, they have experts in those areas and it is all free. they also provide free representation, dont try represent yourself, because you will only win on legal points, nothing else. I did not study AS law for nothing. I still remember those basic but fundamental points , so take it from me.
i dont think u took my advice earlier, but i hope u take it this time at this critical juncture.
when is the deadline to your submission?.
well, the North American Court of Appeal mostly favour North American citizens , so i dont think u could win on the basis of right to family Stability. Point 17 merely talks about the right to privacy of your family, for instance your correspondence, etc
there is a protocol that speaks about right to fair procedures if you are a foreign national and you face expulsion. mayb not adviseable to go that route.
u need to visit or call one of them law centres or citizenx advice bureau and ask them to advice n represent u. its free and hey r competent in immigration matters. u wil not win on any other basis than a legal one. so dont try do it urself, or dispense without representation
calll the IMMIGRATION SERVICE in Alberta, they are very good and they offer free advice and representation also
regards and good luck, Billy
"There are many nice girls here", Dad: said to his Mexican friend Mario who he just picked up at the bus stop, "but they hardly come out." They were walking towards his home on the street where he lived.
"So you have not met any of them as yet?"
"I'm afraid not."
"you will meet one of them in time", Marco assured Dad:.
"She is the only one that I have met", Dad: said, indicating a cat that he had stopped to stroke.
"She likes you.", he quipped.
"She likes to be stroked", said a middle-aged woman who appeared in the doorway.
"I know", Dad: smiled.
"I can tell."
"Whats her name?"
"Its a boy?" Dad asked in disbelief.
"Everyone says she is too beautiful to be a girl."
They chatted a bit more about Fred then Dad said goodbye, to Fred first and then to the woman who was all smiles.
"The last time I saw you was a year ago", said his doctor as she looked on his details on the computer screen.
"A long time ago" Dad: smiled.
"So how can I help you today." she asked.
"I have been feeling a sharp pain around my navel in recent times."
"How old are you?" she asked as she pressed her hands on and around his navel in the examination quarters.
"32", he replied hesitantly. He was too taken aback to give an immediate answer. No one had asked him his age for ages.
"You looked younger", she smiled.
Actually, he was almost a year older, so she had made his day much more than she realized.
"You're fine" she said reassuringly after she had finished the examination process, "you have nothing to worry about."
"I was afraid it was my appendix because both my Dad: and one of my older brothers had underwent surgery to have theirs removed."
"I tested your appendix and it there is nothing to worry about", she said, "if you feel the pain again, come and see me immediately and I will prescribe some pain killers for you."
"Are you on welfare?" enquired the security lady for the job office, later that afternoon. Dad was calling his work to find out if there was any work for that evening.
"No", he replied.
"Then I'm afraid you cannot use this phone."
"But I have used it before."
"They have changed the rules", she informed him.
"Oh, I see."
"And why dont you pull up your pants?" she asked after noticing him trying to keep them up with a hand.
"And you're a young man", observed her colleague who joined them.
"Are you showing your body to the girls?
"Are you trying to impress me?" asked the other one.
Dad: laughed but could'nt hide his bashfulness.
I hope you are well. Thanks for sending in your entries in the Television Format competition, and you'll be glad to know that we've shortlisted you (from the many entries).
We just need to know a few further details.
Could you please confirm your full name, age, where you live and whether you would be available on either the week commencing 25th of May or the 1st of June for a week's Format Excercise.
Also, would you be able to provide us with a summary of who you are, what you love about your chosen creative route, a bit about your work and what your creative ambitions are in the long term.
Good Luck!
Television Format
Hiya Co-ordinators
Wow. I am so overwhelmed. Thank you so much for shortlisting me. Great.
I am 33 and I am available from the 21st, so I look forward to the experience of my life. Where I live has to be Ottawa's best kept secret, the front garden to Ottawa...
Beacon Hill
I am an Television Production student. I am very passionate about the arts and I would really love to carve out a career in the television industry.
Thank you for this opportunity to share my work and aspirations with others. I look forward to the experience
Lauren: whats up bro
Dad: am jus chilling. You alrite?
Laurens: yea, am here. You talk to Kaylee
Dad: havn call back since your mom was hang up on me
Laurens: you should try. Maybe she has gotten her cell back
Dad: i want to call, but am too upset and am I fear I am gonna get hang up on again
Laurens: try Kaylee cell to see if she got it back
Dad: good idea, i will do it tommorow wen i get a card
Laurens: what time is it now
Dad: 9pm. where is Alice.
Laurens: about to tidy up the room
Dad: i'd like to talk to her when she finishes
Laurens: Okay, I'll tell her
Hiya Co-ordinators
have just watched the shortlist video but you did not mention that i was shortlisted
hiya Gwen
the last band was awesome, sorry you had to leave. There was a movie called OLd School on tv when i got home with a girl called Gwen Hwa. so great to meet you. you are fun and I enjoyed talkin to you. I love how u could relate to what I was sayin to you despite the cultural variances.
there will be a gig tommorow nite at the Ottawa Estate, I will find out the time and email it to you. i will be working till 5pm so i could meet u up there afterwards,
have a nice day, Billy
"how come you dont eat? " asked one of dad's work colleagues. It was lunch time and everyone had went to buy their lunch. She had asked one of them to buy hers.
"I've just been doing this", he said, turning towards the internet but hoping she would not look. He was refering to an application that he had just submitted for a credit card. It was rejected.
Luckily, the others finally arrived with her lunch and she had to leave. Dad turned his attention back to the internet, trying to appear busy and avoid attention. However, one of his friends noticed him.
"Do you want some Billy?" he asked.
"No, thanks", Dad: replied, turning around to him.
"You sure?"
"Yea, I'm fine, thanks.", he lied. He was starving.
Dad: can you tell me why your mom has Kaylee's phone, why she refused to talk to me, and she hang up on me when I asked to speak to you
David: good question. i dont know at all. anyway Kaylee got back her fone. after she hung up on you. She started having a go at everyone. she is always moaning...not to me though. but to everyone else. Everyday is the same thing. Everyday. don't say that I said that.
Dad: Thats ok Say hello to stacey for me. tell her I wanted to speak to her also, but your mom hang up on me before that could happen.
Hiya Nathalie, how have you been?
I'm great
hiya Kaylee
how are you? I was looking forward to hearing the good news about your exams results. Unfortunately, it was not to be.
I am equally dissapointed as you. I am certain you could have gotten better results. you have the
ability. I believe you when u say you did your best, so only your best is good enough. If you did your best, I am happy with that.
you just have to try again. many of us were succesfull, not on our first attempts, but on our second. so dont compare yourself with others or be hard on yourself. just continue to believe in yourself and work harder next time.
I feel dissapointed because I want the best for you but I am certain this will make you stronger and give you the discipline to work harder and strive for better results next time.
and never forget that I will always be with you and behind you in whatever you do. I will always believe in you. Most importantly, I love you more today, than I did yesterday
so hold your head up, dont lose focus or hope. keep your eyes on your goals and commit yourself to do what you have to do to get the results you desire and deserve. rememer you need them to get to where you wanna be. love endlessly, Your dad for life.
He was angry Nan didnt offer an apology for abandoning him, hanging up on him or showing consideration for how he felt about the whole situation.
hi Billy, how r u?, n hows wrk? hpe ur stayin out of trouble lol tell everyone else i said hi 4 me k
tc byeee. Zarah
bless you Zarah. great to see u the other day, and lovely to hear from you. i am tryin to get out of trouble, but its so hard. when are you coming back. how is everything at college?
write soon, have a nice day, Billy
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