zz.Scene 3
By Leleanor
- 628 reads
Scene 3- Elsa is talking to Scar and Gav, asking questions with Policeman 2.
Elsa- so why?
Gav- why what?
Elsa- don’t you why what me! Why are you doing this?
Scar- why do you think, to bring back onstage acting!
Gav- it’s our dream!
Elsa- No it’s your nightmare! Couldn’t you just be accountants or something!
Scar- No we just like to be awkward!
Elsa- (sigh) well your journeys over, you’ll be away for a long time!
Gav- with what charges?
Elsa- Breaking the law!
(Eva, Carlas, Carlos, Liv, Haz, Michaela and Sean run onstage)
Elsa- what, what are you doing?
Carlas- something we should have done a long time ago!
Elsa- you (pointing at Eva) you’re supposed to be dead!
Eva- well that’s a relief!
Michaela- come on Scar!
Scar- (grabbing hold of Gav’s hand) come on!
Elsa- No you’re not. Not to my world!
(Brown runs onstage)
Brown- Eva!
Eva- Henry!
(Eva and Brown hug)
Michaela- so that’s why he calls himself Brown!
Brown- it’s been ten years!
Eva- and 3 months! Not that I’ve been counting!
Elsa- Brown, you’re not are you!
Brown- yes Elsa Van Delsa, i quit!
(The 2 policeman through their hats on the floor and stands on the other side with the others)
Elsa- No! Don’t kill me!
Scar- No Elsa you’re not worth it, the most torture we’ll do to you is getting the laws back the way they were!
Elsa- yes but there’s still the rest of my people!
(Everyone walks onstage, including Teacher)
Gav- Elsa face it, you’ve lost!
Elsa- NO!!!!!!!
(Elsa runs offstage)
(Song All for you)
Eva- come on let’s go!
Scar- Eva!
Eva- yes.
Scar- Elsa’s still in charge, how are we gonna legalize it?
Eva- Pervernio pro somnuim!
Michaela- what does that mean?
Brown- Reach for the dream!
(Everyone stands still)
Eva- and so that’s the end of the musical. You can see how someone who is so small can fulfil such a big dream. If you believe anything is possible!
(Song Pervernio pro somnium)
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