What I want to be when i grow up
By nazzy217
- 623 reads
All sorts of people keep asking me,
when I grow up what do I want to be?,
And I always answer the same thing,
- I'm not actually done thinking ...,
I mean there's so much to do,
- certainly a lot more school to go through,
There's so much pressure on kids today,
You can't just choose your own way,
You need the right grades for university,
or the right skills to play for the County,
You have to think about all sorts,
the end result-it's harder than you first thought!,
If you go through half hearted you get nowhere,
then you'll be living on the streets saying "life's unfair",
There are so many jobs open to me,
All the way from Prime Minister to KFC,
But I want to do something I enjoy,
and that all depends on who's willing to employ,
"Nothing ever goes to plan" that's what they say,
And that's not the life game I want to play,
I wanna make sure my first jobs secure,
so I won't get sacked and end up knocking on my parents front door!,
So I'm just going to think long term,
that way the more I can learn,
but now if someone does ask me,
I'll just say I want to be the best I can be!
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