Someone deadly beneath (part5)
By Zokaya
- 980 reads
And five, six...five, six, seven eight...
Hello'', said da, as he picked up his cellualr.
'Billy, this is Bryan from the Arts Centre.'
'Hello there.'
'How are you?'
'I am fine thanks.'
'Good. I have a message from Anna for you.'
Anna was the Volunteer Manager, whereas, Bryan was one of the duty managers.
'She wants to know if you could come in an hour and earlier on sunday.'
'Yea. The organiser for a Poetry workshop for kids said he might need an assistant.'
Cool. That's fine.
Hannah, the duty manager, led Da, Carter; the poetry organiser and parents with their kids, to the designated room.
'There are no chairs.' Carter pointed out.
I Love chairs', said one of the kids.
Hannah instructed da to put some chairs and a table in the room. In the meantime, Carter seated everyone on the floor in a circle. When da finsihed, he sat on one of the chairs and watched the group as it tuned into Carter.
Carter was introducing a poetic way in which each person could introduce him/herself to the others. It involved calling out their names in a rhythimic and musical fashion.
'Come over and join us', Carter signalled to da. He instructed da to take the vacant seat beside him.
Da introduced himself to the group while Carter handed out some A4 papers, ordinary pens and some coloured ones. 'Today, we will be writing a book',Carter announced.' The pens are for writing and drawing and the coloured ones are for colouring your work, if you choose to do so.'
The children jumped and screamed gleefully. Their parents just smiled.
Carter instructed the group how to fold the A4s, until it took the shape of a diamond, then finally, a book with pages. Da was good up to the diamond part, but then he struggled. The lady beside him who had two kids, a boy and a girl, assisted him.
Shortly afterwards, the lady was having a little difficulty in producing the book. Da helped her. His paper was already unfolded into a little booklet.
Carter instructed the group to write a letter of the alphabet on each page of the booklet, starting at the top left hand corner, of the first inner page. Starting with the later A through to F. Then each person should choose a random letter for the final page.
The additional instructions that followed were as follows:
On the A page each individual was to write something that was unique about him/herself. Da wrote ' I am a volunteer Usher at the Arts Centre.'
On the B page, each person should write the name of his/her best friend, followed by FROM ABOVE. It was years since da and Carl graduated from the Trade Centre, worked on the chicken farm, fought, made up years afterwards. The last time Da saw Carl was 4 years before when he went back to london. They havent been in touch since da came back to Ottawa. But when he reflected on all the 'friends' he had had since Carl, on how they had let him down at point or another, he concluded that Carl was still his best friend.
Then they had to draw an image of something about the best friend. However, the image must be depicted as if it was being viewed from above.
Da was not very good at drawing. SO that part sounded complicated to him. He tried, but even the kids drawings were much better than his. Finally he thought of something. He made a dot at he bottom of the page.
'What's that?' Carter asked, with a quizzical smile.
'The dot represents Carl's one child. If one is above, and looked down on her, all you will see is a dot.'
C page was for an item of clothing. Draw the clothing which they choose but it must have a story. Da drew his headscarf and wrote, 'I took this off my cousin.'
D page was for something dangerous. But no weapons. Da drew a chair with three proper legs. The other one was broken.
E page was for Elephant. They had to write something about the elephant. Da wrote: Elephant; burden bearer and children scarer
The F page word was FISH. It was volunteered by one of the kids and Carter accepted it.
Here is what Da wrote about fish:
I- indifferent to the world
S- Seem Shy
H- Happy go lucky
Da's random letter was P. Then he choose the word plant. Then he choose Cactus as the plant he would write about.
After that was completed, Carter instructed the group to put the titles of his/her booklets on their covers.
Each person exchanged his/her booklet with someone else and drew a star on his/her favourite page of the booklet received. Da exchanged with Carter. Carter observed that da's statement about elephants being 'burden bearers', was quite profound. Carter placed a star on the F page. He noted that the remarks about the fish was very poetic and deep.
Da left shortly afterwards because he was one of the ushers for a another kid's show which was about to start.
'Thank you so much' he said, as he waved goodbye to everyone, 'it was a great experience.'
I ran into Biolo by chance. Even though she and da were quite close for over six months,he did know her name. And she did not know his. Strange, considering that they hang out alot.
"What are you gonna do now?" dad asked her. The library had just closed. thats were they had first met. Normally they would go window shopping or sometimes to an internet cafe.
"I'm gonna do some shopping".
"ok", dad replied, turning in the direction of the shops that he guessed she would heading to. They had done it countless times before.
"I need to talk to you", she said bidding him to stop.
"What is it?" dad enquired, he had never seen her looking so demure before.
"People are talking about us always seen together".
"Are you joking", dad said incredulously.
"My boyfriend aint mad or anything, as yet"
"I dont believe this."
"He still remembers you."
"I really don't need this now"
"Its not like he's complaining."
"You know what", dad said, "lets go our seperate ways."
She headed down the road, whereas dad went up. They knew they would still see each other in the library. They both used it almost everyday. They just would not hang out anymore.
However, when dad reflected on the matter later in the afternoon, he came to a different point a view. Whatever they had had ran its course. She would never see him again. Good thing she had no contact for him. He would not be going to the library anymore. He did'nt have to. His project was coming to end. he could use the computers at the the Broadcasting Centre to complete it.
It was a shame how it ended, but he was far from sad. Ever since he reunited with Keda, she had been encouraging him to go back into the arm wrestling. With a few other people issuing the same encouragements and an a competition being staged on NBC, he finally decided to re-discover his passion.
He approached the kitchen with dread. He had heard that Ivy had arrived after he had left. She has been horrible to him on the previous three occasions when he met her there.
The excited chatter grew louder and stronger as he slowly opened the door that led into the dining area. There were about four persons inside. But he suddenly forget her as he recognised Judith. He said hello to the others but turned his attention to Judith. They had not seen each other for years.
"Its great to see you", dad smiled.
"Great to see you too", she replied, "how you been?"
"I cannot complain, how about you?
"I need to speak to outside", she said to him. Instantly, dad had an inkling what the talk would be about. It was only then that he noticed another person sitting with her back to the door. She had not said a word before. She didnt even spin around to acknowledge his presence or his greetings.
"Hello Miss Ivy", he said touching her on her shoulder. She mumbled a reply but remained fixed in her position.
Judith and the other girl who dad was seen for the first time escorted him out to the verandah. He noticed that Judith appeared alot shorter but much prettier. The other girl was very pretty too.
"Does she hate you?" Judith asked in a whispered tone. He did'nt even have to guess who the SHE was.
"Alot", dad said sadly.
"Why though, I just dont understand.?"
"I have done nothing wrong...Infact out of Grand aunt's 12 children, she is the only one who treats me this way.
Dad knew where the conversation was heading. He would have to leave.
A mere dream it turned out to be. However, it echoed previous ordeals dad had to endure at the hands of Ivy when he returned to Reading to visit the only man he felt comfortable calling Papa. A lovable man who was affectionately called Zan by everyone. He was the husband of Nan's late aunt. There was no one at the house after she died except Zan. Dad having nowhere to live, out of school and could'nt find a job, begged the family to let him stay. For the latter 3 years of his teenage years, it was just him and Zan. It was a sad day when he decided to go to dance school in London.
From time to time, he would return to Reading to see how Zan was. Sadly, his visit always turned into a nightmare whenever he encountered Ivy. She always asked him to leave. Why dont he go and visit his Nan, she would asked. When dad returned to London 3 years earlier from Toronto, Zan was one of the first person that he went to see. Unfortunately, Ivy was there. She was all smiley. But it did not take long for him to realize that even though years had passed and she was old, her feelings towards him had'nt change. She put him out. He had to sleep at Zan's brother next door.
Two months before dad had the terrible dream, JOhn, his friend from Reading who was residing in in Ottawa, called him to break the devastating news. Zan had died. He was 107 years old. It hurt even more considering that he could ill-afford a trip to london for the funeral. He reckoned the dream spoke volume. She would not have welcomed him if he had went. Infact, she would have embarrased him far greater than she had ever done before.
He had never thought about her reason for taking a dislike to him before. But when he awoke from his dream and considered it, he was convinced he had found the answer.
Ivy was separated from her husband but still occupied the matrimonial home about from nan's home. As a child, dad used to go to her house and sometime help her in her garden. She loved dad it seemed. She even promised him that when she moved somewhere else she would take him to live with her.
She kept her promise. When dad was 12, she asked Nan if dad could come and live with her. Nan had a good relationship with her first cousin and had no doubts that dad would be in good hands. However, a year later, she returned dad saying he was out of control. He was suddenly convinced that her hatred for him was born back then.
hiya Kaylee. Am back in 1 piece but missing u to bits.painful leaving u bhind. Torture here without you. u r my little miracle, the one who I believe in my heart was sent from heaven. Dad
Hi Dad.wats up.I'm glad you reach home safe but I miss you so much. Kaylee
Dad awoke late but just in time to hear the weather report on the tele. It promised a sun drenched day. As the previous day had turned out pretty dismal despite the glorious predictions, he was naturally, skeptical. However, he felt assured after he had ventured out for work and felt a kiss on his skin and warmth in his heart,from the friendly sunshine.
Despite that experience and the inspiring pronouncements in his horoscope, his day turned out horrible. He got told off by his supervisor for conducting an assignment with an unqualified respondent and for entering inaccurate information on the database.
However, it was the supervisor's stark warning that such acts normally warranted instant dismal. that shook him violently and filled him with anxiety.
As he waited for the bus, the glowing sunshine dissapeared abruptly behind the darkening clouds. Then descended the raindrops almost simultaneously. With strenous effort, he somehow managed to hold back the burning tears that welled in his eyes. Some escaped. He brushed them away instantly with the back of his hand, anxious that they would attract attention.
Lauren: how is Kaylee
Dad:: I called her last week and she was fine. she was startn a job
Lauren: doin what
Dad: in a supermarket. just for the Easter
Lauren: she can give us a loan(laughed)
Dad: shows how bad things are with us. if i did have money, she would not have to be workin now
Lauren: easter jobs can be fun.
Dad: i know but because i had it so hard at her age, i just wanna spoil her
Dad:: Who is this
Lauren: its like that huh
Dad:: like wot
Lauren: This is your sister, so u dissing me now huh? (laughed)
Dad:: NO NO
Lauren: gotcha (laughed)
Dad:: I get to understan i was talkn 2 u yestrdy n not Alice, so i wana b sure today (laughed) Did you get my pic i sent yesterdy
Lauren: yes,one a those things, tea and i forgot to show Alice. I will do right now
Dad:: cool. Did you have a look at Kaylee's graduation pictures that I sent you before?u
Lauren: not yet
Dad:: I understnd Alice is bigger than u. Kaylee is bigger than me. what do people say wen you are out with her?
Dad:: Hello Alice
Lauren: it's still i
Dad:: you sound different. sorry
Lauren: due to behavioural problem, she will not b on the phone today
Dad:: what behavioural problem
Lauren: lack of manners and respect... same old new excuse for being teenager. only i dont buy it. I counteract it
Dad:: I was like that them age
Lauren: I was'nt so i have no tolerance for it
Dad:: I understand, disciplne is important
Lauren: Try tell that to her
Dad:: very cute family there Lauren: what,you see our new pic
Dad:: the three of you. Very cute
Lauren: Thanks.
Dad:: I am runnin to the shop to get some groceries. I will be back in an hour yea
Lauren: sure
Lauren:Pick up something for me (laughed)
Dad:: what do you want
Lauren: cucumber......cashew
Dad:: No problem. (laughed)
Lauren: thanks bro
Dad was not surprised at aunty's request for cucumber. When she went to Ottawa three years before, she had left a cucumber moisterizer with him when she returned to Ireland. An hour or so later, they were on the phone again.
Dad:: I got no cashew. Sold out but i got cucumberr to eat and cucumber moisterizer
Lauren: We have something in common. i love the lotion. I need one right now, and as for the veg i love to eat and drink it
Dad:: it's good food, you have good taste
Lauren: I make wicked cucumber drink
Dad:: you make me wanna have some now.
Lauren: sowhat u gonna b cooking
Dad: You can make some for me next year when I visit you. I am on some bake potatoes and tuna.
Dad was lying. He wished he could afford that. He didnt mean to lie to her. But that was his accustomed response when friends asked him. he was ashamed to tell them what he actually ate. They would not understand. He was certain they would have laughed their heads off.
Lauren: Nice. I love that that too. Guess we could live together. How is Kaylee, last time u talk to her
Dad:: You never know, someday we could be together. I called her today, but it rang and rang
Lauren: Maybe she was working
Dad:: I miss her so much. I love hanging out with her
Lauren: She is a good girl. I miss hangin out with her too
Dad:: You are right about her. I told her i am just so proud she is my daughter because she is so unlike some girls her age; she is very foused and disclipined and far from frivolous, Very mature and responsible, she keep pullin up my trousers in church
Lauren laughed uncontrollably.
Dad:: She asked me whether I was wearing an under shirt under my sexy top that show up bear skin and chest. (laughed) I said no.
Lauren continued laughing.
Dad:: I gathered Mr David: always wear three piece suit to church when he is in Scotland.
Lauren: Thats Kaylee for you.
Dad:: So they expect me to do same or even a long sleeve shirt
Lauren: No its just standard dress-code for church
Dad:: No way, and hide my body and physique. I spoke with David: on the phone and laughed at him for overdressing to church. He said he did it to impress the girls.I understnd he is Kate's fav, but i dont give a hoot. She was a mother to him, she did'nt give him away
Lauren. yep totally fav. Her favourite. She kept him away from me when he visited. Last year she and the kids went disney. Listen what she said to me. Next time she going, she walking with David because she had so much fun. She want him to experience it with her.
Dad:: Dont lie
Lauren: As if i dont have no feelings, she telling me this, and dont even say, you should a been there Lauren. Thats their business
Dad:: You care
Lauren: I should a been have a proof vest by now. Take an example. Like at her church everybody used to ask me about my brother who in college
For a minute Dad thought that he must have been the one they were enquiring about because he was in college at one time in Ottawa.
Lauren: The boy was in high school, but it name Hendon college, and she purposely walking telling people about her son in college.
Apparently, they were refering not to him, but to David. he wondered what made him believe that kate would be so proud of him that she would telling everyone that he was in college.
Lauren: It was high school
Dad:: No comment, if i comment she would not like it and I have nothin against my bro. She would not like it.
Dad was hinting at the fact that he was the one who was in college. And not just any college. A college all the way in Ottawa.
Lauren: I have nothing against him either. I only hope she knows that he will have to be the one to stay around and take care of her when she is old.
Dad:: he knows
Lauren: it's his duty
Dad:: She said Malcolm is the worst child she has, then me
Lauren: You lie
Dad:: true
Lauren: Well, she did spend on Malcolm too
Dad:: Lucky him. She did not spend on me. Because i talk about it, i am second worst
Lauren: The only reason i dont include Malcolm with David to take care of her, is because i already see that she would die first if it is Malcolm to be the one to save her. So where do I fall? Or is it that I do not fall anywhere at all
Dad:: You must come after David
Lauren: No! Laura is after David:
Dad:: She said she has no problem wit you
Lauren: Guess she already know i dont owe her anything, and me just talking to her is already more than she deserve considering all that she did and didnt do to me
Dad:: yea, u right
Lauren: I am just not on it
Dad:: well , atleast you are not first or second worst
Lauren: No, I am just to bad to be considered at all, even for a worst list.
They both laughed out loudly.
Dad:: too bad. She said she has no problem with you
Lauren: She's lying
Dad:: In comparison, you are not that bad
Lauren: She just want to make u feel bad, by saying that. she totally lying about not having problem with me. Believe me, I am so bad that she has written me off the list.
Dad:: Are you certain about that
Lauren: I am not redeemable for the list
Dad:: You are not that bad
Lauren:You do not know half of our story, our history. That is why you say that.
Dad:: She made the compariosn, not me
Lauren: I finish with Kate, my husband and my ex-friend and neighbor on messenger all day as usual, chatting up a storm. My estranged husband i should say.
Dad:: Estranghed, nice word
Lauren: I am going in the kitchen to look about something
Dad:: let me speak to Alice
Lauren: She went back to church
Dad:: Church? Are there no no easter activiy she can participate in?
Lauren: Nope, no money
Dad:: You have to pay
Rina: I just finished my teaching course...and I PASSED
Dad:: Woop Woop. bravo, am happy for you, just keep ur head up, you are a nice girl and you can achieve so much
Rina: Thanks.I appreciate that. I am looking for a job to get more experience, what about you what have you been up to. How's uni?
Dad:: Its been good u know, just been focussing on it, i have a last project to submit this week. And thats it. finished
Rina: Well done
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