Someone deadly beneath (part 6)
By Zokaya
- 1104 reads
ACT 111
And five, six...five, six, seven eight...
Da:: You Alright?
John: yes mate. what up been up to?
Dad:: still nicking some signals from next door
John laughed.
Dad:: They lock me off completely the other nite. But they can't keep a GOOD man down. Circumvent barriers even without using my common sense.
Both continued to laugh uproariously.
John: You are too bad
Dad:: Survival instinct. How the magazine thing comin on, am ready to deliver a delightful format
John: Wicked. Sounds good mate
Dad: who is your target
john: middle income people, young professionals, entrepreneur, no gays, families
Dad:: no gays? but they are the middle class
john: You're right. (laughed) One of my mates say England has no middle class, only poor people, and a few rich ones
Dad:: What themes u gonna explore or promote
john: career developmen, business start-up, kids and children
Da: Excellent. So you plan to do the production here in Ottawa?
john: Some; design and layout. But i think i want to print in miami
Dad:: So who gonna manage the operations in England
john: The Pound is gettin weak. I am operating with the notion that i will be sent back to England, but if not, I will need to find people to deal with.
1. promotion
2. distribution
Dad:: You should have a plan then
john: 3. sales of ad space
Dad::That is, if u stay
john: Whether or not. My professor wants me here badly. So the thing now is to finish the phd asap
Dad:: so u workn on it day and night
John: mostly nite….but ... it will happen. I want to put in 30 hrs over the next week
Dad:: when u expect to finish it
John: I easily do 1500 words for each day i work. I want to finish by sept. Where i am right now, i have most of the data and two foundation chapters
Dad:: bravo
John: Thanks
Dad:: its good u have the discipline
John: well...that’s how it appears. all my work is done between 11:;30pm and 3 am
Dad:: Sink or swim
John: i still have 3 kids……plus a wife
Dad:: so it’s a free magazine
John: No mate. Two pounds or 1.00US
Dad:: its middleclass,
John: son that’s fine………….plus advert……
Da:you research the competition?
John: i expect at least 50% of the pages to be adverts. I want to take over the advert market (print)
Dad:: You research the competition
John: yea to a significant extent
Dad:: so
John: am researching an ads only magazine...a weakly
Dad:: ok, what are your findings on the competition?
John: there is none in our specific genre…… terms of wholesomeness…..and strong family and business emphasis. We will have to put out high quality articles
Dad:: good news
john: there will no be sex or quasi sex articles
Dad:: how u plan to deal wit the logistics
John: that’s a clincher. it hasn’t been detailed at all. there are challenges...
Dad:: indeed
john: 1. cost of petrol in England is high...but comparatively low. 2. we have no established lines at the moment and might have to start from scratch. 3. since no links with retailers. Also the way retailers do their thing, we will have to make it happen innovatively
Dad:: You know you could consider
john: what?
Dad:: forging an alliance with one of the papers and have it delivered with theirs, for example The Daily Express
john: (laughed) we are their competitors. at least with my next project, we could do it with their contractors
Dad:: Most of them are general papers
John: yea but am thinking of an ad paper with a little business section
Dad:: your focus is gonna be different. if they r your competition, you have to go back to the drawing board. They are well established and they have loyal customer bases
john: i meant with the ad paper which is a different project. (laughed) listen....
Dad:: and they are probably cheaper
john: The Observer is bigger than The Daily Express now
Dad:: so?
john: it is not unassailable.......but thats not the issue right now still
Dad:: i need to look on my chick peas on the cooker, hold on for 5 minutes please
john laughed.
Dad:: chick peas as usual, that is
john: dont lie
Dad:: Its properly burnt
john: (continued laughing) thats why your mouth resembles a horse's; you tell too many lies. you better go tell lies in a courthouse and make some money
Dad:: (burst into laughter) banter mate, just banter
john: i know you mate
Dad:: any way, an alliance would be a good entry for you...:with a distributor
john: yea it would be, but again i have to be careful
Dad:: about what
John: let me tell u the full story. am lookin at this middle class paper
Dad:: yea
john: then am also lookin at an ad paper
Dad:: i get that
john: that would be similar to the Loot back home
Dad:: in terms of the ad
john: showcasing ads, coming out on a thursday which i want to establish as an alternative to the Daily Express
Dad:: if thats your aim, you said your target is middle class. you can only say that if your subject is aimed at middlclass....
john: you didnt get the point
Dad:: ....not ur ads
john: we are talkin about two papers; one is the wholesome middle class, the other is the thursday ad paper
Dad:: magazine or paper
john: magazine of newspaper quality, in colour
Dad: okay, how about the financing
john: which one
Dad:: (No answer)
john: i aint seen a penny yet
Dad:: what are your plans
john: hmmm......i want to work out logistics, finalize a deal with the guys who will provide the layout design etc
Dad: source of finance first
john: thats not the first thing mate. if push come to shove. i'll sell this house. once my business plan is complete then i go look financing
Dad:: well u can have well laid out logistics but it takes money to get it off the ground
john: am confident i could raise £15000
Dad:: In England?
john: both here and there. its easier to raise money in England right now still. but that wont be my focus
Dad:: is it?
john:s: yea. from banks, that is. if i land in England with £20,000
Da: yea
john: put it in da bank, and wear some good threads...i can raise the money mate. dont worry. i first need to detail my plans
Dad:: if thats possible then bravo
john: always possible
Dad:: to raise $45,000 here, not easy.
John: dont will see in 6 - 8 months how it rolls
Dad:: its hard to raise 45 000 dollars here from banks
john: because they see us as nothing
john: in England we are something
Dad:: You have a business plan
john: well..of course mate am fine tuning certain things. look at the longer term projections.
Da: (no answer)
John: Hello! Are you keeping on eye on your chick peas?
Dad:: (laughing)am here mate. the phone line unplugged when I stretched the cord to look at my chick peas.
John cackled
Dad:: sound like you can make some serious money
john: yea. the numbers look good. but the thing is...i want to build it up and then either sell it or float it on the stock business will become my life
Dad:: the sky is the limit bruv
John: the family of publications will consist of
1. wholesomes
2. ad paper for england and maybe wales and colombia, panama
3. a financial paper for the caribbean
Dad:: empire....
john: not really
Dad:: ....of humble origin. thats an empire you describin there
john: i want to float them on the London stock exchange or the one in France. well...i cant see no reason why not
Dad:: as i say the sky is the limit
john: but my professor wants me to stay here and work on his empire
Dad:: dilema dilema
john: he seems to have some solid plans in the pipe line
Dad:: i am sure he does, do you?. so if you end up staying, you have to have a plan b. you cant just shelve your plan if you plan to stay
john: thats the important bit. how to make it happen if am here
Dad:: this is were a plan b comes in. maybe you could pursuade Liam to run it
john: Liam not qualified enough to run it
Dad:: Tyler?
John and Tyler, the son of a farmer, attended university together back in London. They were also from the same town as da.
john: as u can be a virtual empire. Tyler not entrepreneurial enough. he jus wants a job
Dad:: who you have in mind then. you need a man there
john: I want someone who is sharp, humble, and not afraid to take big decisions. I don't know at all my brother. I might have to recruit and train
Dad:: you have to find such a person
John: yea. preferably a bright person
Dad:: you know what I just remember
John: if the money comes, am not afraid to to pay big money to that person
Dad:: of course not. the right person deserve to be paid properly
John: of course. even if its more than me. they are getting a salary, I am building equity. so I don't mind
Dad:: its your lifetime investment
John: exactly. what was it that you remembered?
Dad:: I can established myself as an acclaimed writer in your papers
John: not that
Dad:: oh. there was this English guy
John: ok
Dad:: who used to worked with me. 5 years ago. He had the same idea
John: ok
Dad:: He borrowed my last 260 dollars
John started to laugh....
Dad:....and assured me, not to worry. when his business take off.....
John continued to laugh, but increasingly louder.
John: you should have had a contract man
Dad: ....he will pay me back big time. The man left the job. Never heard from him again. changed his number.
John: (cackling) Maybe he used it in Byward Market.
Byward Market is a district in downtown Ottawa where prostitutes hang out.
Dad: He knew where to find me. but he didnt. I swear am gonna kill him if I see him again.
John: dont swear....and dont kill him. I dont want my Feature writer killing people for 260 dollars
Dad:: Too late
John: Bad for business
Dad started to laugh.
John: Besides, you spend more than that on girls
Dad:: No. I get it for free....
John laughed
Dad:: .....and declined what they offer in addition
John: ok
Dad:: I have too much attitude
John: You don't have to tell me
Dad:: Anyway, back to business. so you have any idea what you would like your articles to be about?
John: some idea. But not specific.
Dad:: okay
John: Did youu hear that they now have a radio station in our little town in Reading? I hear that it is very popular
Dad:: blimey! dont lie
John: It's true mate
Dad:: pirate?
John: no mate. it's official. just google
Wheez FM, Reading. It should come up.
Dad:: So who is running it?
John: It must be Thomas
Dad:: who is that?
john: Mr Buckingshire one son. It's him
Dad:: Mr Buckingshire? who is that?
John: He used to live on Cartwright Road
Dad:: Caversham Road? I am lost.
John: DId you know the one-hand girl? Do you remember Miss Alfreda?
Dad: ohhhhhh!
John: ok
Dad:: That's greatnes for Reading then
Dad: am elated
Dad:: is it national?
John: yes
Dad:: is it?
john: I don't think so. But am not sure
Da:: whats the extent of the listnership? I thought it would have been difficult to do that. Hold on a minute, please
Da: Bruv, the chick peas seems it's gonna take all evening to cook. I have a feelin they sold me outdated chickpeas.
John: there's plenty of outdated chick peas in the shops. you should have soak them. Make sure it is cook properly. Or else, you will have to dial 9-1-1 straight away.
Dad:: (laughing loudly) You're right. I am sure they are outdated, probably straight from england.
John: (joined in the laughter) Since you did not soak them....try some paw paw
Dad:: is it? never heard that one
John: yes mate
Dad:: how does it work
John: you wrap chick peas in paw paw leaf....
Dad:: yes
John: It will cook your chick peas softer than any best dress
Dad:: The only problem is gettin the leaf. I have never seen a paw paw tree since I arrived in Ottawa.
John: one time a hawk kill a pigeon below mine, in the peas field. I did'nt want to look on it. My cousin named William grabbed it and cook it....sweet like a venison!
Dad:: nice one indeed, can't make good food waste
John: exactly. Before good food waste..tummy bursts!
Dad:: you took the word out of my...
John: (laughing) An old lady was complaining how her daughter got herself pregnant. An old man gave her that word of wisdom
Dad:: so before water waste tummy swell
John: exactly
Dad:: I agree. well , I think
Alice: hi
Dad::who is this?
Dad:: joking. hiya
Alice: Alice:
Dad:: hiya 13
Alice: hiya uncle
Dad:: hiya Alice:
Dad:: Are you there
Alice:: hold on 5 mins plz
Dad:: ok
Alice: hya. I am back. whats up
Dad: am jus chillin , you got a good sleep
Alice: not really. Someone yell out in their sleep and wake me up
Dad:: sorry. you ok now though
Dad:: oh, you did'nt say 2 papers
No answer.
Dad: hello
Alice: Two papers? what papers?
Da was speaking to John on his Cellular about the newspapers. He got the conversations mixed up.
Dad:: (laughing) just a slang here. I forget you are now a yankee
Alice: still british uncle, just never heard that phrase before. you talking baseball
Dad:: yea (lied)
Alice: I don't like baseball
Dad:: what sport you like then
Alice: basketball and soccer. volleyball too
Dad:: great. Kaylee play basketball
Alice: nice
Dad:: so what you up to today
Alice: Kaylee you talkin about
Dad:: yea
Alice: I didnt know that
Dad:: you just wake
Alice: nope. you see the pic we sent you
Dad: yea with three cuties
Alice: Annabel mouth is funny
Dad:: she is sweet
Dad:: hello
Alice: yes. I thought you hang up
Dad:: I am still on the other line. I thought you had hang up. The line went funny
Alice: ohhh ok
Dad: so what you up to
Dad:: come cook for me
Alice: sure
Alice: send some tickets
Dad:: can you cook
Alice: of course
Dad:: ok, i will have to get some tickets
Alice: goody
Dad:: so what are your plans for today
Alice: nothing....just watch tv. but Annabel is going to take that away from me soon
Dad:: where's your mom
Alice: I will be using the computer
Dad:: guess she needs it more because she is the little one
Alice: she is sleeping
Dad:: ok, the computer is good. did your friend email you
Alice: ohh I didnt check. thankS for remindin me
Dad:: you're welcome
Alice: I will check soon
Dad:: cool. your mom sleepn now
Alice: yep
Dad:: from last nite
Alice:she woke up Late then went back 2 sleep
Dad:: and you just wakin up
Alice: nope
Dad:: how long now you wake
Alice: I woke up about ten
Dad:: you said you would not wake early
Alice: My mom woke me. That's not early any how
Dad:: you had things to do
Alice: yep. I had to spread Annabel's bed. clean up the floor. spread her bed
Dad:: good girl
Alice: I washed the dishes last night so i would have less stuff to do today
Dad:: good thinkin
Alice: yep
Dad:: who is gonna cook
Alice: mom already did. I cook tomorrow
Dad:: ok, you do it in turns
Alice: yep
Dad:: great, I cook everday
Alice: or you could eat out
Dad:: I must have at least 70% control over the food that I eat
Alice: ok
Alice: so how often you eat out
Dad:: very rarely
Alice: ok
Dad:: when you gonna have dinner
Alice: I dont know. 5 or 6 or 7 or 8. I dont know
Dad:: you have to wait for the others
Alice: no
Da:: oh, you just wanna wait
Alice: It's too early to eat dinner. I will be hungry later
Dad:: right
Alice: I am hungry now though
Dad:: lunch
Alice: I guess
Dad:: what you gonna have
Alice: don't know yet
Alice: maybe pizza
Dad:: you gonna buy it
Dad:: I want u to go on youtube
Alice: I think we have one more slice
Alice:: why
Dad:: sorted then
Alice: why youtube
Dad:: search for one of my favourite songs. you wanna?
Alice: ok
Alice: hold on
Alice: whats the name of it?
Dad:: you gonna look for it
Alice: yep
Dad:: Heaven Sent by Keisha Cole
Alice: that song was nice
Dad:: I know, it's one of my fav, you heard it before?
Alice: today was the first time I saw it and heard it
Dad:: you u mean now
Alice: yep
Dad:: you want another like it
Alice: ok
Dad:: Keisha White
Alice: that's the song?
Dad:: yea
Alice: k.....i didnt find it
John: still thinkin
Dad:: me or you
Dad: Sarge
Sarge was the nickname of one of John's brothers in England.
John: You it seems
Dad:: always man, thought you thinkin about Sarge runnin the operations in England
John: no chance. He would be an impressive guy....but runnin the operation won't be easy
Dad:: why not
John: this is a senior operation.....controllin the logistics etc
Dad:: Yea I understand
Dad:: that's your plan b, so you have to think about it long and hard
John: true
Dad:: so what you gonna do
John: thinkin
Dad:: Me or You
John: My time to think
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