In Gabriel's Apartment
By Steve
- 1056 reads
"Trisha?" he thought. She didn't look anything like a Trisha. Trisha was a prostitute's name. She had very direct eyes. They were kaleidoscopes, her eyes. She stared honestly at me, smiling at the same time, trying to make me comfortable. Her eyes though, they were following my every move. They were observing me scientifically and this made me nervous, no matter how she tried to make me comfortable.
"What is it that you do, Trisha?" he asked.
"I drink Martinis," she responded flatly.
He had no idea how to respond. He did not even know why she was speaking to him. She could have any guy that she wanted. Why was she sitting with him? Why hadn't she left? It wasn't like he was interesting. He just could not figure out the situation he found himself in. His pride provided one answer to the puzzle. She found him to be special, a remarkable person who had not been discovered. He was like an actor who did not achieve fame until he had found the perfect role. His inner soul was like the diamond within a common coal. His inner chaos would produce a dancing star. This thought made him feel especially good since it was a quote by Nietzsche. On the other hand, it occurred to him that Trisha, Trisha found him to be pathetic. She felt pity for him. And pity was sympathetic racism, was it not? Again, he was not quite sure what he was saying. All he knew was that the Appletini was beginning to affect his thoughts. They were becoming murky. What was the point of thinking anyway? It didn't solve anything.
"And you?" she asked meaninglessly
"I'm a businessman," he heard himself say.
He wanted to say something interesting, but he didn't want to lie. He had had a problem with lies. Lies had made him feel so good about himself.
Trisha entered the apartment. She had not expected it to be so nice. She sat down on the couch. Gabriel prepared her some cheese and wine.
"You have it made," she commented.
It was all paid for by Gabriel's mother. He decided to keep silent though. There was no point in overexplaining things.
"Trisha, " Gabriel chanced, "Why are you here?"
"Because you are very nice," Trisha explained. She was not quite sure why she was in this stranger's apartment. All she knew was that God was absolutely silent. She could no longer hear his voice. She could hear nothing. She felt that she was in Nirvana. All she could feel was the enormous energy in her body, radiating from her heart.
One thought came to her. She was supposed to kill Gabriel. She didn't want to, though. He was a really nice person. Then again, she felt a divine energy running through her body, streams of energy going through her veins. It occurred to her that she was being set up. They were afraid that she knew too much.
Gabriel could not possibly be a North Korean spy, she knew.
"May I sleep for a while," she asked.
She looked like a child, even a doll. Her face was smiling but somehow expressionless. Her eyes closed slowly.
Gabriel wanted to rape her. He wanted at least to taste her. He wanted to possess her? He wasn't quite sure what he wanted to do. He honestly wanted to prove to the world that he was a man!
When he looked at her though, he could not do it.
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He couldn't do it. She
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