Shatter .:9: Sleeping Beauty:.

By StarryEyedDefiance
- 552 reads
“You’re a real class act!” I snap as he pulls me out of the car by a fistful of my hair. It’s about 3 in the morning, pitch black, and we’re in the middle of nowhere. “WHY are you being such an asshole!?” I shout, twisting. I scrunch up my face at the pain of hair being ripped from my head. He lets go and I, uncontrollably, sigh out of relief. “Dash, I’m cooperating. I left a guy I might be in love with, I left my best friends, I left EVERYONE. I’m cooperating so stop treating me like crap.” I say. He rolls his eyes, unamused.
“This isn’t like the stories, Ivy. I’m not a stupid vampire in love with you, destined to protect you because I need you. I’m not some fairy tale. This is real life and real life is a bitch. OK?”
“I’m not claiming it to be some fairy tale and you’re HARDLY Prince charming.” I snap. My knees fall from under me. He looks down at me as I try to recover. My mind is blanking.
“That wouldn’t have happened if I were holding on to your hair, sweet heart.” He says, pulling me back up. Though his words were harsh he did seem to soften his grip ever so gently.
“Something’s wrong.” I say quietly.
“We’re all alone.” He lies to me. I stare at him, shocked.
“You are SUCH a liar!” I say. “What, are you going to sell me to someone or something?!” I yell. He smiles and I take a step back, him allowing it. The smile upon his face and the look on his eye is back to that near evil state.
“Something much worse.” He says. “Come along, prisoner, we’ve work to do.”
We make our way through the darkness to an abandoned warehouse. Everything around us is dead. I can barely see but I do see rats. Lots of moving rats and that's about the only thing that's alive. The rest is dead grass, dead land.
We enter the warehouse, even darker than outside without the light of the stars and moon. I grab onto Dash’s hand. He allows it and even squeezes ever so gently for reassurance. He leads me to a wall and whispers, “Sit.” I go along with it, leaning my back against the cool wall and sliding down until I’m seated on the freezing ground. “Play along, Trinity. Please just play along.” He whispers, very close to my face. His cheek rubs against my own as he pulls away. I thank the darkness for hiding the red of my face.
The lights come on in a burst of blinding rage. The whole place is brighter than anything I’ve ever seen. I hide my face in my arm until I think I can handle the brightness. It takes a few minutes but eventually I can see. There’s nothing spectacular about the place, it’s just an abandoned warehouse. There are a few crates, a few boxes, dirt, and light. I look around for Dash.
“Want to see a magic trick?” He asks. He’s standing with his feet shoulder width apart, hands balled into fists. He looks crazed.
“Magic?” I ask. He nods. There’s a blur but nothing has happened. He’s still in the same spot he was before the blur. I try to push myself up but can’t. My eyes widen to see myself CHAINED to the wall. I tug and start to thrash. He just smiles. That near evil.
“TRAITOR!” I scream. “Unchain me RIGHT NOW!” I scream. He laughs and I feel as if he’s crossed that line straight into evil.
“HEY!” A deep, burly voice calls out. My jaw drops at the sight of a knife in Dash’s hands.
“YOU TRAITOR!” I scream until it becomes a screech. “I TRUSTED YOU! UNGRATEFUL SON OF A BITCH!” he walks towards me, ignoring the man who called out. The man walks through the doorway opposite of the wall I’m sitting against. He’s a rather large man, round around the middle with very muscular arms. He looks like a truck driver, if I had to guess his profession. He meets eyes with mine. “STOP HIM!!” I scream. “PLEASE!” The man looks at Dash nervously. I groan. “JUST LEAVE THEN! He’s OBVIOUSLY off his rocket!” I snap, testing how far the chains will allow me to go. I can’t go anywhere, I can stand but that’s about it. I choose to sit. The large man doesn’t know what to do. “Dash, stop!” I say, trying to take a serious tone and calm down. “You wouldn’t have saved me if you meant to kill me yourself.” I say.
“Oh but I WOULD.” He says, lunging. I close my eyes and scream, curling up into a ball trying to force my body through the wall. I open my eyes a moment later.
“Dash....” I whisper, shocked at the sight. The man seems to have changed into something not quite human. His skin has turned to a paper white color, his hair has given way to what looks like horns. He’s teeth are razor sharp, his fingernails have turned black and grown sharpened to a point. I close my eyes and hide.
The sounds are terrible and from then on. I know there are more of them against dash now from the snarls and every so often a curse word escapes. Someone grabs my wrist and tugs. I let out a scream and open my eyes. Dash. I stare into his eyes. Trust me they say. So I do.
Terrible mistake. He slits my wrist. My jaw drops as I stare into his eyes. Trust me, they still say. “Please.” he adds aloud. I become suddenly very dizzy. Dash catches me and lies me on the ground. “Just like Sleeping Beauty.” He whispers to me. “Try to remember the ending.”
I’m in a cottage. I wake in a strange bed, dressed in a dainty white nightgown. I rub my aching head and get out of the bed. When I go downstairs Jake is in the kitchen. Ami and Lira are sitting at the table talking to each other. Ami smiles at me and so does Lira. “Jake’s making breakfast. Take a seat cutie pa-tootie.” I look to Jake. He smiles at me.
“Chocolate chip pancakes drenched in syrup. Just like you like.” I smile at him. He sets a plate down at the table. “I got it, love.” He says, pulling my chair out and kissing my cheek.
“Sit with me?” He smiles and pulls up the seat right next to me. He takes my free hand in his and our fingers interlace.
“You look beautiful.” he tells me. “You sleepy?” I look around, dumbfounded. I manage a nod. “That’s alright, it’s been a tough day.” He says. He turns my face and gently kisses my lips. “I understand, Trin. I promise you I understand and nothing will get between us anymore, never again.” I stare into his deep blue eyes.
“You’re all...amazing.” I say.
“We’re stealing her away!” Ami giggles, taking my hand and pulling me outside. I look around and see what they’re playing. Freeze tag. I giggle and unfreeze Lira. We skip merrily away from Ami who’s hidden somewhere close by.
We play for hours, until it gets dark. When it does, Lira and Ami shrink into the forest surrounding the Disney cottage. I walk back in and call out to Jake. He doesn’t come. I search all the rooms. He’s left. I’m alone! He’s left.
“Trinity, are you all right?” I turn around and see Dash. Dash dressed in very nice clothing. “Are you ready?”
“Yes,” I say. “Ready for what?” He just smiles at me.
“Just one kiss.” He says, stepping closer to me. His hand climbs gently up my jawline, his fingers intertwining with my hair. He smiles at me and he’s so beautiful. His eyes melt me, his smile assures me, and I feel safe.
“Just...Just one kiss.” I say.
“That’s all I ask of you.” He says. He leans in closer. If I were to speak our lips would brush. “I leave the rest up to you...for this is something I won’t take from you.” He says. I try to think of something to say.
“Just one.” I say, leaning in. His lips are warm and soft. They remind me of water, though not because they’re especially wet or anything. I want more from him. My arms reach around his neck and clasp. One of his hands intertwined in my hair, the other around my waist, pulling me in.
“I suppose it really is just like sleeping beauty.” I hear him whisper. I open my eyes and I’m staring up at him. I’m lying down and the ground is especially cold.
“What?” I ask, my voice hoarse.
“You just kissed me, Trinity.” He says. “Don’t move!” He says as I tried to get up. “You need to stay there for a bit.” I swallow and realize my mouth is very dry.
“Do you have any water?” I ask.
“If you stay JUST like that I’ll get you some. K?”
“Sounds good.” I say, closing my eyes again. What just happened? I hear him coming and he chuckles.
“You look like crap.” I sit up, ignoring the dizziness.
“Hey asshole! You slit my wrist!” I say, looking down to my wrist. It’s wrapped quite nicely. Professionally. “Why the hell did you do that?” He sits behind me and pulls me down gently, letting me lie my head on his lap.
“Because it was necessary. You saw the first guy, right? You’re bait, lovey.” I roll my eyes.
“Water, please.” He hands me a water bottle and starts stroking my hair. I drink but water spills down my shirt. I sit up and look at him. “White shirt. Thank you.” I look and see I’m covered in blood. “You need to get me new clothes.” I tell him. He smiles and swoops me up and carries me bridal style back to the car.
“So why’d you kiss me?” He asks.
“I was dreaming!” I say defensively.
“I didn’t mean COMPLETELY like Sleeping Beauty.” He chuckles. I roll my eyes.
“Well, I think I mixed up Sleeping Beauty and Snow White anyway.” I say, rubbing my eyes.
“I appreciate the kiss.” He says, setting me in the car. I look at him, look in to his eyes.
“It wasn’t for you! It was for Jake.” I lie. He shrugs.
“I still go it.”
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