Death of god part 3
By WillSimpson
- 757 reads
Act 2 Scene 2
Tuareg and cambell arrive at the village
“Hello there scoundrels, is anyone here”
Thief Nickson
“yeah I’m here who are you?”
“That my friend is Tuareg, and I am Cambell”
Thief Nickson
“Oh yeah and what do you two want, theres already been enough trouble round here, and I scared em off so you just watch youself”
Laughter from Tuareg and cambell
“oh you did, did you, well you must be pretty sure of yourself, tell me guardian what is your name?”
Thief Nickson
“They call me Nickson, I used to live round here, till 2 days ago when these 4 crazy men on horses stormed through with an army, they wrecked the entire place, looks like they scared most of the residence off aswell,”
“So why didn’t they destroy you along with everything else?”
Thief Nickson
“Well Im not quite sure, I came across one of them, he was raiding the bar in a little tavern I used to drink in, he didn’t really say much he just looked at me, he had these really dark eyes though like he could see right into me, put the shivers right up me back. Then he just turned and laughed to himself before setting fire to the place, I grabbed a bottle and ran to one of me little hide outs.”
“Well nickson seems you didn’t quite have a lucky escape,”
Thief Nickson
“Why what do you mean?”
“let me let you in on a little secret Nickson, now you may not choose to believe this but you see those 4 men you seen on horses?”
Thief Nickson
“Well, they are the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, and they have came to judge everyone; and anyone who isn’t aware of who they are as an individual is saved and they’re souls are taken from there bodies and stuffed in a great big sack so they can be set free upstairs”
Thief Nickson
“haha yeah, I think your mans been smoking some of old Mr Marleys secret crop garden”
“And I think my man’s not a man, in fact Nickson what your seeing stood before you are two of the greatest creatures ever to step foot on this silly little planet you call terra”
Thief Nickson
“Oh yeah and what type of creatures are you then, cause to me you look just like my brother and my father and my neighbour and every other human being I as ever seen”.
“Looks can be deceiving”
At that Tuareg tears out Nicksons heart and puts it into his sack.
“How satisfying,”
“looks like were two days behind, come brother let us not hang around, we must not let them reach the kingdom”
“Cant we just stay here for a bit, I want to have a look round, see if I can get a feel for how the horsemen are operating, it seems a shame they would let a thief like that live whilst folk who have tried to live moral lives end up in there sack of souls”
“If all you want to learn is there methods of torture then I am sorry to say you will be disappointed, the horsemen are clean killers, I used to know one of them a few millennia ago, that was the time when zeus caught me sneaking down here to spy on mortal woman, Who was he to judge, he had more mortal woman then any god”
“Now now brother, calm yourself, we will have our revenge once we destroy his rebel army, then he will have no mortals to control over, once we destroy all those judged and capture the souls of those saved we can open the flood gates and turn this planet into the biggest ocean the universe has seen since the time when Neptune was thawed out. Without his mortals zues has no power, and with no planet for him to return his souls to life sustaining bodies, all he has is an over crowded heaven.”
“Ruthless my brother, a long reign of terror over the gods shall be ours.”
As the last day’s of revelations crept over the kingdom of alchemy there was much tension in the streets, people could tell that something strange was happening in the kingdom, artists and poets were the first ones to pick up on the collective thoughts, beautifully happy poems had been replaced with warnings of great vengeance, the cities once famous picturesque landscape artists had started drawing lands with volcanoes erupting and all sorts of mythical creatures. The culture had shifted, the people were awakening, for three days a large group of activists had been outside the castle chanting for the kings head, this time a year ago not one person in the kingdom would of dare to defy the monarchy with acts like this.
General Swans Visions,
Out hunting in the forest alone,
Voice of the spirit of the time;
“Oh general, oh general, you hear my sweet voice but do not be alarmed”
General Swan;
“What who is it, what game is this, do not mess with me I am in no mood, show yourself”
Voice of the spirit of the time;
“If I was to show myself to you right now you would be gripped with fear, and at this moment I do not intend to frighten you, great and powerful general”
General Swan
“What nonsense is this, do my ears deceive me, is madness approaching me?”
Voice of the spirit of the time;
“You see general, madness is greatness as water is deep, your ears do not deceive you because they cannot hear me, the only sound you can hear is the wind blowing through trees, I am the spirit of the times, more accurate I am your spirit of the times, yet I am with everyone in these times”
General Swan
“This cannot be, I have been poisoned, my senses are deceitful”
Voice of the spirit of the time;
“Yes they are, but so are you, would your senses be right to follow your nature? Would a tree grow in sand and build strong roots good for absorbing minerals from soil?”
General Swan
“If you are the spirit of the times then why do you question me with riddles, surely the answers will be before you. You are my own madness creeping into my awakened thought, in sleep I am near death and you mock me, but here in my awakened state you talk to me as if I am still dreaming, oh great spirit have mercy on my mockery, speak to me for now I am gripped with fear!”
Voice of the spirit of the time;
“My days are numbered yet I will be reborn in you. Your guilt will eat away unless you face it, you are Judas, but your silver will be invested wisely and it will flourish and grow into your children, but they are not you, they are not Judas, they are Judas children. The responsibility is with you but you must face it.
General swan
“But how can I escape this fearful fate, I wish to die with a clean conscience not with a burden upon my children”
Voice of the spirit of the time;
“I have spoken with the spirit of old there is no shame man can live with that is greater than the moment of death, have no fear about anything before death, you can only run from fate, it will catch you eventually, in 2 days time you will be given the chance, face fate now or run for a bit longer.”
With that the spirit faded from conscious, the general remained sitting on a tree stump for over an hour before Sir Zion came in to the forest to find him.
Sir Zion,
“My general why are you sat here crying like a lost child, what has happened in this place”
General Swan
“Please sir, I do not wish to talk about it, I have hunted this forest and I have failed to catch food, I do not wish to talk about it.
Sir Zion
“General this is nothing to cause shame such your face shows, But if you would rather not talk then I will respect your wish, but as a commanding general I must know if you are sitting in solitude putting yourself together or if you are sit here taking yourself apart, this you must answer.”
General Swan
“Putting myself together Sir, now come lets try one last time to catch us a meal for the night fire.”
Sir Zion
“Good man general, that’s the spirit I like to see”
General Swan
“Strange words sir, lets hope the spirits are going to be looking after us.”
Sir Zion
“hmm yes lets”
The general and Sir zion venture off to hunt in the forest.
A fair old king lived his days, upon the castle of ancient ways,
But the daughter of the king she wandered alone, she met a noble man who wished for the throne,
It wasn’t long before the plan was set, into the kingdom and off with the old kings head,
Now terrible things are about to be unleashed,
The princess is now a queen and she can see demons underneath,
But the new king is blind; his eyes only see gold;
So death to the new king and glory to the old.
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