Bandiya Dance
By windrose
- 1436 reads
Bandiya Dance is called to the resort. At lunch, nineteen girls have buffet. Exchange of cards, gifts, names, some friends perhaps…
At the S T A F F Q U A R T E R
Four girls from the dancing group passes staff rooms up front. Some boys pop up. Koi comes out, his pants rolled to expose bums, carrying a broom and starts sweeping the room front. The girls tease – turn around lifting their shirts to show them tits…
Evening tea is a shared toast with the staff members. Dinner is special for the dancing group because they perform right after.
Late evening; dancers perform in the lights, between the Front Office and the Bar, in the open. Bushes around and chairs by the bushes where the guests sat down watching the show. First session goes alright – dancers step out, flow with music, and carry bouquets of flower-necklaces that they hang around the necks of the audience. In return, they carry them back and put on the girls on the dance floor.
A while later boys enter the floor. Lucky carries a flower-necklace attached with ten-dollar bills round it and puts on the girl he likes best. He carries a camera. Shopay (wearing sunglasses) steps in between two dancers in a row. Koi has almost lost his collection of tips on the girls. He puts a necklace on a girl and steps dancing next to her. By then the seats are almost vacated. Resort guests move to the bar…
Lucky drops on the soil and clicks a photograph under a girl’s skirt. All the chairs are empty. Resort boys enjoy a wonderful evening…there goes for the boys.
In the D A R K
Ali on the path (with the can) whispers in Jackie’s ear, “…drunk!”
Jackie, “Room Number Sixty!”
Ali, “Drunk.”
Jackie asks, “A Bandiya girl!”
Ali, “Drunk.”
Jackie runs…
B U N G A L O W #60
Manager passes him a beer outside the bungalow, “Don’t talk too much, she’s knocked out. Do what you want and come out.”
Jackie enters, he strips, climbs in bed and grabs the sleeper.
Jackie yells, “Achee! Koi!” and jumps down.
Koi laughs. He wears a wig and make-up.
Jackie cries, “Mad! This what he want!” He grabs his wrap.
Jackie made to his room and slept tight under the blanket.
Lucky takes the offer, beer.
Manager, “Remember, just get on with it…and get out quickly…”
Lucky enters…
At the S T A F F Q U A R T E R
Doni tells Fitte, “It’s not the girl. Koi is there. Jackie hit bed straight.” Shopay enters, reached the shelves. He picks Lucky’s camera digging for the film cartridge.
Fitte, “Suck!” Jackie sleeps under the blanket.
Doni glances, “What are you doing, Shopay?”
Shopay replies, “I’m removing Lucky’s Bandiya film, changing with an empty reel I took from the shop.”
Doni says, “Make a full print for me, okay!”
Fitte added, “Me too…boy!”
Doni, “Now you go, Fitte.”
Fitte gets up, “I’ll show them…”
B U N G A L O W #60
Lucky comes out…
Manager, “Hush! Don’t tell anyone. Go and send the labours up, now the price is twenty-five dollars.”
Fitte next…he pays twenty-five dollars.
Manager says, “A Bandiya girl, how about that!”
Fitte enters the room, steps to the bed and grabs Koi doing physical harm. Doni, Ali, Shopay and Lucky watch in the dark.
Koi cries, “Alifanoi!” as loud as he could. Blown…
Manager lies flat on the beach…Jackie sleeps tight.
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