Monsters 08: Emergency
By TheDeepEnd
- 399 reads
I didn’t wait to contact you as I left the house. You answered on the first ring. I could feel the tears form behind my eyes as I sat in my car, holding the phone. You told me to come right away. I didn’t waste any time.
I knew it wasn’t my scheduled time to be there but I didn’t care. Other patients watched me with glares, going ahead of each one, to walk freely into your office. One of them looked ready to throw a chair at me. I wouldn’t have blamed the guy in the least; his issues were probably worse than mine.
You opened your door before I got to it. You stared at me, at all the disgruntled patients, then stepped side. I didn’t say anything as I entered. My eyes went immediately to your desk, falling on your notepad. For the first time since I started coming here I couldn’t wait for you to start writing in it. You waited while I composed myself long enough to tell you what happened.
Ever since I began here, I would always stare at the wall behind you. Today, however, I looked right at you, into your eyes, and they are filled with all these different emotions and I can only identify one: worry.
I frowned, trying to form the forms in my head. I’m not sure what you want to hear.
“Just talk about what you want,” you say.
I nodded.
If I didn’t open my mouth soon, I might regret it. I closed my eyes and spoke quietly.
“My dad needs a kidney.”
I’m pretty sure you dropped your pen, because I heard something tiny clank to the floor, and you quietly covered up a gasp with a cough. Yeah, I was shocked too.
“Your father, Quinn? Are you sure?”
I blinked as your words reached my ears. “Yes, my father, and yes, I’m sure. I contacted him this morning. Is that so hard to believe?” I kept my voice calm. I could feel my temper rising.
“You’ve just never made any mention to ever find him, that’s all.” You seem certain. “Will you tell me what happened last month?”
I couldn’t. It was too much.
“I’ve been trying to find him,” I said. I watched your lip twitch. You wanted to hear the other story. “I just didn’t want to tell you.”
“Why not?” You don’t sound annoyed or upset at my outburst.
“I didn’t want you telling me I shouldn’t.” I frowned, sounding like a child who wanted to do something bad but reconsidered.
“Quinn, listen to me.” You’re looking at me quite intently. “It’s okay.”
“What is?”
“You wanting to find him. I don’t blame you, but I am sorry for what you found out.”
‘Yeah,” I said as I stared out the window, watching the sun reflect off of my car, the only one besides yours in the lot. “I am too."