The pirate cannon 7/7
By Geoffrey
- 693 reads
Abigail sat back in her chair with a smile. "How about another cup of tea and a round of chocolate swiss rolls, or perhaps Mary would like to make us a cherry cake!"
"Chocolate swiss rolls are fine for me," said Dave and Jennifer Jane at the same time and everybody laughed.
It wasn't too long before Robert was back. "The timber yard will deliver the box direct to the castle as soon as it's ready. The giant can take it inside and put it where he wants and then someone from here can go up and activate an enlarging spell."
"I think Jennifer Jane should learn the spell and make her idea work in practice," said Abigail.
"Good idea," said Mary "and I think Dave and I would like to be the first customers. Chickens I think you said?"
And that's how it was. Two days later Abigail came to fetch them. They all walked into the wood at the end of their garden, where another witch was waiting for them. Abigail took Jennifer Jane and her mum, while her dad rode behind the other witch. Jennifer Jane's parents had another surprise, as their daughter signed for her very own broom as they went through the Gate and then flew alongside them up to the castle.
The giant had cut a hole in his door for normal sized people to walk through.
'Rather like a human size cat flap on its side,' thought Jennifer Jane.
A huge wooden funnel was lying on the floor, just inside the door, with the small end propped up on a box. A large notice was stuck on the smaller end. 'Chikkin ear plis.' Jennifer Jane wiggled her fingers in the new spell Abigail had taught her.
"I declare this castle open for visitors," she said.
Then she slid three frozen chickens down the funnel. Three very large bumps followed their arrival at the other end. The family climbed up a ladder to a gallery with a handrail that ran all the way round the rooms on the ground floor. Looking back to the larger end of the payment funnel, Jennifer Jane could see the chickens which had each become roughly as big as ostriches. At least she knew the spell had worked properly.
Dave and Mary were most impressed with the castle.
"The size of everything!" said Dave.
"It's really quite tasteful once you get used to the scale," said Mary.
They walked round slowly, admiring various features as they caught the eye. As time went on the smell of roasting chicken began to fill the air and when they eventually reached the kitchen, they found the giant's wife busy cooking the admission fees.
She looked over at them as they walked along her shelf. "This is a jolly good idea luv," she said. "It'll make a nice change from peasants and we won't get into trouble."
"What a horrible thought," said Mary, "fancy eating people."
"The dragons used to do it as well," said Dave.
"Well it's all over now and everybody's happy," said Jennifer Jane.
The kitchen was the last room on show and the family found themselves back at the entrance. Some of the local peasants from the village had screwed up their courage to make the long walk to the castle. Not all of them had brought chickens but the giant was happily accepting anything edible and putting it through his magic box.
Jennifer Jane got on her broom and flew onto the giant's table. She twiddled her fingers and made him another giant sized swiss roll.
"Put some custard on it and have it for a pudding," she called.
The giant waved goodbye, happily taking a huge rabbit the size of a pony from the bigger end of his enlarging box.
"Rabbit stew tomorrow," he called to his wife as Abigail and the Bell family flew off.
Jennifer Jane thought he was looking much more relaxed and a lot nicer than he had when she'd first met him. Now that he was no longer dangerous to the locals, he'd lost his mean crafty appearance. If he kept on improving he'd soon look as nice as the giant at the pool.
They arrived back at the Gate and Jennifer Jane reluctantly parked her broom in the guardroom.
"Shank's pony from now on," laughed Dave.
"Well I've said it before and I'll say it again," said Mary "but there's never a dull moment nowadays."
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