School Reunion. Part Five.
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I couldn’t believe I was standing in the school gym that I hadn’t been in for about ten years. Back then, it looked so big, but it seemed a lot smaller now. As I entered with Chris, everyone else in the gym turned to look at me and they all stopped what they were doing and gawped, wide eyed, at me. These were people, like the gym, that I hadn’t seen in ten years. These were people that bullied me, and joined in with the laughter whenever Maria Watson and her gang played a prank on me. And now, they were all coming up to me, and saying how nice it was to see me again, and they couldn’t believe how much I’ve changed. I knew what they meant. They couldn’t believe that I wasn’t fat anymore. That I’d lost a lot of weight, all those spots around my face. Those big thick black glasses. Bunch of two faced jerks. A couple of them even asked me how come I never turned up for our prom. I didn’t want to tell them the real reason, so I just shrugged my shoulders, and said that I really couldn’t remember. And then I aw them. Maria Watson, Katie Halloway and Shirley Yessab. The girls who made my school life Hell. They still all looked the same. Pretty, dressed in the latest fashions, and faces with Butter Wouldn’t Melt looks, when really they were probably the biggest bitches on Earth. The only one who was missing was Amy-Sue Wheck. Maybe she couldn’t make it for some reason.
And then they all saw me. Shit. I felt like turning round and leaving there and then. But I didn’t want them to think they’d won. They waved at me, and started to come over to where Chris and I were stood. Shit. I felt rooted to the spot. Suddenly, Maria Watson was pumping my arm and saying she was really happy to see me again, and that she’d missed me. Two faced bitch. Then they all went back to where they were stood before.
I couldn’t believe that I was back in my old school, in a room filled a bunch of people who used to bully me, and now they were all being so nice to me. Maybe they all felt guilty about what they’d done to me at school.
Or maybe not. I smiled to myself. Nobody knew about the talent I possessed. And what Hell I could unleash, if they ever thought about pulling a ‘nasty’ on me again…
I had rang Maria earlier that day and told her that I had a few errands to run, so I would be at the reunion a little late. In reality, I was hidden at the back of the gym, round the corner, so nobody could see me. What was I doing there? I was putting a stop to Maria’s bullying once and for all. She had placed a bucket on the rafters in the ceiling. And she was going to think of some excuse to get Char Irvell to stand underneath the bucket, so when it fell, it would hit Char on the head. And bring back all the painful memories of school…
“Oh my God, I can’t believe she actually turned up!” Katie squealed.
“I know,” I smiled. “Isn’t it great?”
“I can’t believe we had to pretend to be nice to her.”
“Nope. I couldn’t either.”
“I can’t believe Amy-Sue’s missing all this,” Katie said.
“Neither can I,” I replied. Katie’s constant ’I Can’t Believe’ ing was starting to seriously get on my tits. “But she did say she’d be along soon.”
“Shall we just wait until she turns up then?”
“I wouldn’t. Poor Shirley’s arm’s probably aching from holding that string.”
Katie grinned. “Let’s do it now then. Have you thought of a reason to get her to stand under the bucket?”
I grinned back. “I have now.”
I waltzed over to the back of the gym, where the table that Shirley was hiding underneath was. I signalled for the band to stop playing.
“Hey! What’s going on? I like that song!” Someone shouted, as the music stopped playing.
“It’s ok, the band will commence playing in a bit!” I called out. “But now, it’s time for the awards!”
“Huh! What awards?” Someone asked.
“Oh, there are many awards,” I smiled. “The first one being: The Person Who’s Changed The Most Since Leaving School. And the winner of that award is Char Irvell! Although, as I understand it, she’s married now, and now she’s Char Sning!”
I waved a hand in the direction of the Irvell Bitch, who was just stood there looking flabbergasted. Then, with a nudge from her husband, she started for where I was stood, her pretty face cracked into a wide smile. I almost felt bad for having to ruin that pretty face, but only for a few seconds. As everyone cheered and clapped, I giggled to myself at what was about to happen to the Irvell Bitch.
As she stood next to me, I made sure she was positioned so that the bucket could fall on her. Katie joined me, carrying a bouquet of red flowers and a tiara, which she handed to Char. Then she stood there, holding the flowers and wearing the tiara, looking so stupid, I wanted to laugh, but instead I cheered along with everyone else. Then Katie walked past the table where Shirley was hiding underneath, and knocked on it. The signal. I looked up, smirking, at the ceiling, and saw the bucket stopping to fall. Shirley had let go of the string that was keeping the bucket on the rafter.
Suddenly, someone came running past me and up to Char. I didn’t see who it was, but they pushed Char out of the way, so the bucket fell on them instead of the Irvell Bitch. The bucket fell on their head with a sickening crack, and they lay in a crumpled heap on the floor.
That was when everyone stopped cheering, and everything went silent. Everyone stared at the body in shock. The Irvell Bitch had moved herself into a sitting position, and was staring wide eyed at the crumpled heap on the floor. Even I was too shocked to move. Then Katie brushed past me and kneeled down to examine the body. Then she looked up at me with tears glistening her eyes.
“It’s Amy-Sue,” she whispered. “I’ve checked for a pulse, but there isn’t one. And I think her skull’s broken.” Katie gave a little sob. “Maria. Amy-Sue’s dead!”
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Hi HOMER05, Wow! this is
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Wow indeed! I never saw that
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