WAR Part 1 - (CULLEN PART 13)
By cormacru999
- 432 reads
Castle Holdfast was a four walled castle surrounding an Inner Ward of grass and stone. The entire castle was perched on a rocky hill that overlooked the sea on three sides. Surrounding the castle was another four walls, called the Outer Curtain. Between the Inner Curtain walls and the Outer Curtain walls was the Outer Ward, also of grass and stone.
The Inner Ward was crowded with barracks and the Church, but the Outer Ward was used rarely, sometimes for riding by the High King with other nobles, but mostly it stood empty.
This is where the Asrai decided to camp. They were protected on all side by huge stone walls that stretched up for hundreds of feet, inhabited only by Kingsguard soldiers that stayed within the eight tower posts.
The Asrai didn’t use tents at all, and usually preferred to sleep as wolves, all together as a single pack of about fifty members. The Asrai were the smallest clan of the Daoine Sidhe but they were the most powerful.
Only the Dwarves knew the transformative magic of shape-changing and the Asrai protected such treasured magic fiercely. As with the Dwarves it was a magic you were born into but certain things could help with the transformation, such as the woad tattoos they all wore.
Cullen, sitting on a stone in the Outer Ward, surrounded by wolves and Asrai elves was getting his first tattoo today. He gritted his teeth and clenched his trousers tightly, while the needles dipped in and out of his arm.
The design was stars running from his wrist to his shoulder, with different animals in between. Three crows decorated his left hand, a frog and a frog skeleton decorated his left arm, and his shoulder carried the design of a running wolf with fire erupting from where it ran.
It was painful, but not unbearable and Cullen’s half brothers cheered him on while Tris’tan applied the ink. The Asrai usually used a light blue color for their tattoos on their bright white skin, but with Cullen, they made it darker, almost purple in color.
It had taken much of the day, but it was almost done and then Cullen would truly be a part of the clan. He looked up at his mother who had also sat and watch the whole time, looking on fondly while her half human son got the markings of the clan.
“I’m proud of you Cullen, for getting tattooed, among your other accomplishments,” she said in a soft but firm voice. All the elves had a musical quality to their voices, and hers sounded like battle drums, it was deep and strong.
“I want to learn more about my family, about my heritage. I grew up on stories about Faeries but now I can really learn about them, first hand.” Cullen spoke through the sharp pains, still gritting his teeth when it was especially painful, like under the arm.
“We have much to teach you, especially about the magic that makes you an Asrai warrior. You should be able to transform, at least to the half-wolf form. I don’t know if you can become a wolf, but you should have the power of the Were.”
His mother’s eyes carried a sadness that he might not be able to transform into a wolf and run with the pack.
“I have the pack sense though; I can speak to you that way, and hear what my brother’s are thinking. We’ll just have to see what I can do when we have the time. For now, all I need is your support.” He said it like a question, hoping to hear back that he was going to be accepted by the pack.
Through the pack sense, the images that told him how the others were feeling, he saw clearly that he was welcome. The pack envisioned him as a wolf already, and a strong one, that could be an Alpha one day. The pack respected his power and looked to him to add to their collected structure.
“I think you know how we feel then,” his mother said softly, smiling a brilliant smile at her son. Then her head lifted quickly as she caught a scent on the wind.
Cullen had smelled it too, the scent of lavender and earth, the smell of Sonia as she rounded the corner of the far wall, coming towards them. The wolves moved out of the way for her, followed by Tik, as they entered the camp.
“The High King is looking for you love,” Sonia said nervously as she entered the circle of wolves and elves. Cullen reached for her hand and grasped it gently, holding her closer.
“We’re almost done here Sonia, then I’ll come,” he said, nodding his greeting to Tik. “What do you both think of my new artwork?”
“Its beautiful,” Sonia said in awe. She had been supportive of him getting the tattoos, saying that she loved the way they enhanced the elves that wore them, and she thought they would make Cullen more beautiful than he already was. Of course Cullen blushed a little when she described him that way, but he loved her for seeing him like that.
“They are amazing!” Tik said loudly, catching Cullen attention away from Sonia’s smile. “I want some!” Cullen and Tris’tan laughed.
“Perhaps the Rom would like to start with their own markings. But it would make you even more different from your fellow humans I think,” the Asrai said, offering his opinion.
“Ah, who cares?” Tik laughed back. “They already think we’re strange or thieves!”
“Hopefully not after this battle Tik,” Cullen offered. “I’m hoping we can change that. The King accepting your family was a step in the right direction I think.”
“No, I agree, and I’m grateful that your relationship with him changed that for us. My family would likely be dead if they weren’t here.”
Sharing a somber moment, Cullen flinched at the pain of the needle near the end of his tattoo. “It’s painful thought Tik! You have to sit through the pain of it.”
“If you’ve ever sat through one of my mother’s lectures, you know pain!” Tik laughed and Cullen laughed with him, thinking back on their childhood together.
“You’re finished Cullen,” Tris’tan said after the joke. He sat back and stretched his limbs. Tattooing was tough on the artist too. “What do you think mother?”
“The color you chose really brings out the green in his eyes. He is only made more beautiful by this I think,” Gwyddneu said looking him over.
Cullen blushed again, trying to laugh it off, but his half brother was looking at him in a new way. “I’d say I agree with you mother, if he didn’t already have a lover, I’d say we couldn’t keep them away!”
Cullen blushed an even deeper red and punched his brother in the arm. “Ok, that’s enough talking about me! I need to go see my father now.”
Cullen stood, letting his shirt fall back over his arm, letting just the forearm stick out. His arm was sore but the swelling had already gone down, because Tris’tan had a gentle hand. He had to keep it moist with a salve that the elves had given him so it wouldn’t dry out afterwards.
He took Sonia’s hand and led her over the rocky terrain as they headed back towards the Inner Ward to find the High King. When they asked a guard where he could be found, they were told that he was in the West Tower, looking in on his rookery where he kept all of his birds.
Tik decided to go into the city to find his family and Sonia and Cullen went alone up the four flights of stairs into the tower top to find the High King. Kingsguard stood at the top of the steps, but recognizing Cullen, they let him through onto the tower balcony.
The large room at the top was filled with cages housing many different kinds of birds. There were messenger pigeons and crows, ravens and hawks. The room smelled musty from all the feathers and the Keeper was giving them each dirt baths to keep them clear of mites.
The King stood before the open tower balcony that looked out over the city and the ocean. He wore his silk shirt with embroidered bees along the arms, and black leather breeches with brown boots that came up to his knee. He wore simple jewelry today, just a few rings and a necklace of office and of course his gold crown that circled his head.
“Cullen!” he exclaimed when the door opened. “I’m glad you came, and Sonia too! How fare you both?”
Cullen, wearing his fighting leathers with the sleeves rolled up, let his father take in the sight of the new tattoo.
“We are both well Sire. I’ve never been up here before, the view is amazing!” Cullen said in response, Sonia nodding her agreement.
“Yes, it’s beautiful up here, and good for the birds. They like to fly around the towers and out over the sea. I use the hawks in the Inner Ward or beyond the walls, but the other birds like it here.”
“The sea looks so big from up here,” Sonia said, still a little shy around the High King.
“I see you’ve gotten the tattoos your mother has. She somehow hid them from me when we were together. She hid much didn’t she?” he asked with a short frown. The King quickly erased it however when he looked at Cullen. Cullen breathed a sigh of relief.
“There is much to learn Sire, for all of us,” Cullen said, trying to placate the man.
“Yes, of course!” the King said back, his smile genuine. “I’ve asked you both up here because I want to discuss what will happen after the war in won.”
Cullen walked to some of the cages and poked pieces of meat through the bars to the waiting crows. “You sound sure we’ll win!”
“It will be hard, but I’ve never fought a battle where I didn’t win. We have a defensible position and many allies to fight with us. Plus from what I hear of your weapons, both of you, we should have an advantage.”
Cullen turned and looked his father in the eye. “They have magic too Sire, we must remember that.”
“I know, I know,” the King said. “But I’ve always believed you cannot die if you have plans for the future. So I always plan ahead. And this is what I’ve thought – I want to give you both something back when this is all over.”
“We’ll be happy to just have peace!” Sonia declared.
“But you’ll need something to do when it’s all over my dear. I have talked to Tik some and learned much and more about the Orphanage. I think it’s been run poorly for years because none of us cared about it.”
“The Orphanage?” Cullen asked.
“Yes, I want it under new management when the war is over. I’d like you, Sonia, to take over and train the children. Would you do that for me?”
Sonia looked at Cullen, her mouth open in disbelief. She looked back at the King and shook her head. “I – I wouldn’t know what to do Sire, you can’t mean –“
“Yes I can mean you my dear,” the King reassured. “I can see what you’ve done for my son and his friends, and I know you’ve got a good heart. Someone has to change what happens there and I think it should be you!”
“Thank you Your Majesty,” she managed to stammer out. Cullen walked to her side and squeezed her with one arm. “You’ll be wonderful at it my love. I am sure it will suit you. You do love children!”
Sonia nodded and got a faraway look in her eye. Cullen grinned and looked back at his father with joy.
“And with you Cullen, I think its time to announce to the Kingdom that you are indeed my son and heir. And therefore we need to train you on how to run a Kingdom!”
Cullen’s face went from joyful to shocked. Of course he would prefer to be recognized by his father, but to inherit the Kingdom was too much! He was just a simple man, who thought he would travel some and work odd jobs, never rule the entire Kingdom!
“Sire, I don’t know what to say,” he muttered.
“Stop calling me Sire and Your Majesty, and start calling me father – that’s first! Then you’ll have to let the rest happen. You will be our emissary to the Daoine Sidhe as well as the other races of Faery, but you’ll need to understand how the human Kingdom works as well.”
“Father, it’s all too –“
“I know it’s a lot, but you’ll have Grimm and the Dreamweaver to help you, and Sonia will be busy with the Orphanage, so you’ll need something to do too.”
Cullen moved away from Sonia, who was watching him carefully, and he stepped towards the edge of the balcony, looking out over the ocean.
“I never thought – I never imagined, all the times I wondered about my true parents, I never imagined this!”
The High King stepped towards him and put his hand on Cullen’s shoulder. “You are my son, and whatever happened before doesn’t matter. You’re here now and the Kingdom deserves you. You have already fought for her, and she will embrace you. It’s your destiny.”
“Destiny,” he said in return, as though trying the word out for himself. “Destiny.”
When the call came it came in the dark of night. A rider on a frothing horse came speeding up to the gate at the edge of the city wall. “They come!” he shouted and the Kingsguard let him through. He rose like a madman up the Kings’ Road and repeated his message at the gates of the castle.
The Captains flew into action, sending messengers everywhere. They ran to different camps of soldiers, they ran to camps of Faeries and they ran to the Rom, who then organized the city Militia.
The King was woken by a young boy that came bursting into his room in total fear. He had to calm the boy down before he understood the message, then he calmly dressed and called for his Squire to come help him into his armor.
Grimm was at his door seconds later, also just coming right in through the thick wooden door. “Does no one knock anymore?” the King asked. Grimm scowled at the idea and started helping his Majesty into the armor.
The King wore iron plate Cuirass and breastplate with a gorget and pauldrons to cover his neck and shoulders. He had gauntlets and greaves covering his hands and legs, and a carved helmet that looked like a roaring lion.
The Faeries had begun sharing the secrets of steel but there had been little time to start smelting anything. The Daoine Sidhe had presented the High King with a steel sword however, a beautiful hand and a half sword, that reflected the torch lights. He shoved it into the scabbard and exited the room.
Outside he found the Dreamweaver and Cullen coming to get him. “Are you ready?” Cullen asked, and the King took note that all his nervousness about being in command was gone. Cullen was a hero and in charge of those around him. He exuded the feeling that you should follow him and the King almost fell into step right away.
“I’m ready, yes. Have the others left yet?” he asked, settling back into being the King in the situation.
“The Faeries have all gone to their people. The Asrai have gone to gather and set themselves within ranks. We wait only for your pleasure to follow them to the walls.”
Cullen wore his fighting leathers and for a second the King worried that he should be in plate mail, but then he shrugged it off and remembered that Cullen needed speed to use his weapons and the other armor would drag him down. He wasn’t a mounted knight after all; he was more an Asrai warrior and fought as they did.
Grimm wore his fighting leathers as well, and carried his great battle axe, sharpened and ready for killing. Sonia and Tik walked behind Cullen, Tik clearly keeping Sonia calm as they readied themselves for battle. Tik and Sonia would join the Rom shooting from the wall, but they would walk with Cullen to face the army first.
The group mounted up and rode at a quick trot down the earthen ramp and into the city. Lights were lit everywhere as the city came awake to urge their fighting men on. Women everywhere were already heating water and readying bandages so that they could service the men that fell.
A small cheer went up when the King and Cullen were spotted and the King saluted those who waved. He had brought peace to the nation, organizing all the lands into one and the people were grateful for that.
They had also already heard stories about the King’s son and how he fought for them against an unimaginable foe. The soldiers that had traveled with Cullen had already told their stories about their experiences and those stories had been passed around. Cullen was already legendary with the simple farmers and craftsmen. He waved to the people too. Tik chuckled at the idea that his friend was famous; right up until Cullen elbowed him.
They reached the wall quickly where hundreds of men had already gathered to face their foe outside the walls, in the fields beyond. Many of them were lighting bonfires they had set in different locations to light the fields so that they could see their enemies.
All along the walls were archers, some professional but mostly militia that wanted to be a part of a fight for their survival. Tik and Sonia said their farewells and ran to the walls to join the Rom already there. Cullen shared a meaningful look with Sonia before she ran off and he knew that she demanded he survive. He hoped the walls would be safe.
The King stood in his stirrups before the Captains and the men. He rode his horse down the line and shouted to them as they stood waiting.
“The enemy comes! And we will meet them here! They have attacked our villages and burned your homes! They are going to try that here, tonight, but we will face them, together with our new friends! We have magic and power and faith on our side. The Kingsguard, the Godsmen and the Faeries fight for us! My son fights for us! We must stand tall, as men, as warriors, as friends! Do not let them past you men! Good luck to all of you tonight, and thank you!”
The King rode back to the walls and positioned himself in front of the gates, surrounded by hundreds of fighting men. He would stay back and direct the fighting, keeping himself safe since the city needed its King to survive. Cullen, the younger man, would do the actual fighting while the King watched. It wasn’t what he wanted to do, but Grimm was very explicit about his role in this.
The Dreamweaver was up on the walls, near Sonia. He wanted to witness what happened but from somewhere safe, and high up so he could see the action. But he stayed by Sonia to support her since he knew it would be hard for her to see Cullen in the middle of the fighting when it came.
He had helped raise that boy into a young man, but all that he had done in recent months, the Dreamweaver had just been a witness to. Cullen had turned into a fine young warrior all on his own. And now he was ready to fight for his family, both the humans and the Faeries.
It was the dark smoke cloud that came first, billowing out over the fields that lay between the villages and the castle wall. It was mostly farms that were built outside the walls and all of them had been evacuated prior to the attack.
Even in the night, you could see the smoke coming because it blotted out the stars and started to cover the fires that were already burning. The Host didn’t seem to care about the fires because they didn’t bother to snuff any of them.
Manawyddan stood on top of the stone wall surrounding the city and chanted in some unknown tongue. Everyone stopped to watch him as he raised his arms and seem to light up with an inner glow.
Storm winds came off the sea behind him and blew heavily through the fields, pushing the smoke away and stealing that advantage from the coming hordes. The wind was like the storm winds on the sea and it quickly blew away the smoke, guttering the bonfires but not putting them out.
At first the enemy seemed like it was just colored lights as the horde came closer, but it emitted sounds that were horrifying to hear, crunching, chittering sounds and animals and beasts. The first wave was just creatures of the Underdark, spiders, centipedes, scorpions and large beetles.
Their carapaces reflected light from the fires and the full moon overhead. They scuttled quickly over the ground, eating up the space between man and monster fast. The waiting was the hardest part of war, the moments before the chaos happened, before you were knee deep in slaughter and blood, whether it was the blood of your fellow man in human wars or the black blood of giant insects in this war.
The creatures from deep underground rushed towards the lines of man, but they met Cullen first. Many of them smashed against the invisible wall of force that his Shield emitted; stopping them cold before man could counter-attack.
Then Cullen used his Sword to sweep huge numbers of beasts back, on fire and broken. He ran down the line, swinging wildly, sweeping back hundreds of black creatures that had never seen the surface before. Even creatures with small minds realized Cullen was a danger and they started scuttling backwards when he ran at them.
The others ran past him and tried to overwhelm the men standing there, but the infantry of the Kingsguard was made of solid fighting men and they would fight even this strange enemy right outside their home. They had revenge for all the crushed villages on their minds and they were ready and willing to fight.
Arrows from Sonia’s bow began to hit the crowds of creatures wherever Cullen wasn’t, and that blasted them back as well. The soldiers killed off the wounded and stragglers that were left behind after Cullen ran through or the Seeker found them.
It seemed endless but the wave of monsters eventually slowed and the surviving ones backed off, the shells glowing in the firelight, beaten and savaged. Man raised a cheer as they backed away and it spread down the line.
Cullen raised the Horn to his lips and blew three short, powerful blasts, letting its magic wash over the surrounding fighters. Faeries and man alike cheered again, louder this time and it was a thunderous noise that echoed into the dark fields.
Man and Faery would stand against the Host, whatever came at them!
The second wave was Goblins and Duergar, obviously meant to wear down the defenders in order for worse fighters to take them later. The Goblins wore steel armor and carried steel weapons, while the Duergar wore fur. They barreled down through the fields, their eyes glowing in the night.
Five hundred Dwarves met the charge, along with Cullen and the archers on the wall. The Dwarves were ancient enemies of Goblins and Duergar and they made their enmity known right away. With triple headed axes and war hammers, they stepped forward to break the charge.
Cullen dove into this fighting too, smashing his enemies away, sending them off in mini explosions of fire and force. Any Goblin that got close was knocked away by soldiers or Dwarves as even their King fought the hordes.
Garm and Cullen fought side by side, facing the snarling foes at every attack. Some of them grabbed braches of fire and tried to burn the old Dwarf, but he caught the brand on his shield and hacked off the creature’s hand with his axe.
Howling, if fell beneath him and he crushed its throat with a heavy foot. Cullen grimaced at the brutality and preferred sweeping his Sword across a group of foes and watching them fly back because of the magic. He didn’t like the blood letting and killing nature of war.
He knew the tribes of Goblins had a right to live too, but he couldn’t let them attack this city! And they were being used by the Host. Cullen started to scream at the futility of it all. Garm stepped away, instinctively understanding the man’s pain.
The killing continued, Dwarf against Duergar, man against Goblin until finally the High King sent in cavalry and routed the Goblins. Horses and spear ran them down by the dozen and quickly they realized they couldn’t beat a mounted force.
The Dwarves and the foot soldiers needed a break and they fell back quickly to the wall to drink water and lean against each other for support. Cullen walked back with them, but kept his eyes on the field, knowing they would send more attacks out of the mist. These were all just tests before the real battle.
Cullen looked up to make eye contact with Sonia and Tik, waving to them to assure them he was alright. The pack sense flowed over him and the pack shared his well-being with him in joy, knowing that he was strong enough to keep fighting.
Cullen found some soldiers with water and they eager shared with him, thanking him one and all for fighting with them. They knew their King had to hold back but they were grateful that someone powerful was in the trenches with them, fighting the same enemies they were fighting.
The wounded, and there were many, got brought back inside the walls to be tended by willing women that could do no fighting but helped by sewing men back together after they had fought. Cullen still had no real wounds, his Shield kept him well protected.
He walked to the tent with all the rulers in it, the ones who dictated who fought when and where. His father and mother were both there, standing near each other and talking.
“You’ve fought hard Cullen,” his father commented. “Save some of your strength for the later battles.”
“Even though he’s only half our blood, that blood will keep him going longer than a normal human,” his mother assured him.
“I’m well, both of you,” Cullen admitted. “I’m ready to fight some more. Next will be the Host themselves, I’m sure of it. Have runner ready to go to the sea, and make sure Cernunnous and his brother are watching from the walls. We’ll need their magic by the end of this, I’m sure.”
The Kings and Queens agreed and assured Cullen everyone was ready. Cullen could see the two Gods up on the walls, standing near Sonia and Tik. And the Dreamweaver was there with his notebook, scribbling his impression of the battle.
“I’m coming with you for the next rush,” Grimm said in his deep growling voice.
“I’ll be glad to have you there. Garm was with me for most of that last rush, but another strong experienced fighter, I’ll be glad to have watching my back.”
Grimm nodded and the two of them waved to the others and headed back to the front of the lines. Everyone could see the lights flickering in the smoke beyond the fields where the Host was gathering for another push. The Asrai had told Cullen that the Host communicated through light and sounds, using a language no one else could identify.
As Cullen and Grimm reached the front of the soldiers, they noticed a lone figure coming out of the smoke. Wearing a mask shaped like a Fox, the single warrior stepped onto the field, moving amid the broken bodies that laid where they dropped.
He was holding his two Katar out front, clashing them together like a battle drum. Howls and screams came up behind him from the hordes of Dark Fae and he walked into the middle of the field.
“Looks like a challenge Cullen,” Grimm grumbled. “You gonna take it?”
“I think I have to,” Cullen answered. “But its only one of them, and I know what his powers are. I just have to not get scratched at all by his blades.”
“That’s the one that wounded you?” Grimm asked.
“Yes, it was him. But I can do this. He’s only one fighter. You and the others have taught me well. I can beat him. Just keep an eye on the rest while I face him. I’ll need to concentrate.”
“I will. Do your best boy,” Grimm said and Cullen smiled.
He clashed his Sword against his Shield in return, accepting the challenge. Then he lifted the Horn again, just to reassure the soldiers and Sonia behind him and he blew one long strong note. The Fox seemed to cringe against the sound and Cullen smiled again. The magic was too much for the evil Faery in front of him. It called his friends to battle but opposed the enemy. That was good to know.
Cullen stepped forward and picked a location with less dead bodies lying around. There was a small clearing around what had probably been an explosion from one of Sonia’s arrows and Cullen chose that for their battle.
The Fox stepped into the circle and pointed at Cullen with one of his blades. Then he crossed the blade by his neck, signaling that he would kill Cullen. Cullen laughed at him and even behind the mask he could sense Fox’s anger. In the back of his mind, Cullen could feel the pack’s strength with him and he was ready to fight.
His opponent was quick and unorthodox, striking from odd angles and slashing underneath where it appeared he would strike. Cullen found himself quickly relying on the Shield magic to guard himself from the strange attacks.
The Fox used both weapons well, slipping them together to block attacks and prying them apart to make is own attacks. Cullen could feel the breeze of missed blows as they whipped past his face and he swallowed his fear and rushed forward again.
Katana to Katar, the blades clashed together, striking spark that drifted into the night air. Cullen wondered how long till dawn suddenly and he was almost gutted for his lack of attention.
But he wondered, would they fight on during the day or retreat back underground? He lifted his Shield and caught another two armed attack. He used his Sword to catch another spinning kick and he pushed it away. Behind him he heard a cheer rise up when he managed to push his opponent back and he realized everyone was watching him.
He couldn’t lose this fight, he couldn’t let them down. And Sonia would be watching, full of fear for him. And he got angry. He felt the red rage that had come so often when he was still a boy. It came rising to the surface of his mind and his blows got quicker and stronger.
The Fox started falling back and the cheers grew louder. Cullen stopped defending and started attacking, whipping his Sword around to strike everywhere, forcing the Fox to use his blades only for defense now.
This way Cullen had less fear of being scratched by the cursed blades and he used the Shield to deflect the Katars away from his attacks. It was the other way to use the Shield, using it to push away instead of just defense.
He forced the Fox arm to rise up as he pushed with the Shield. There was a sense of alarm behind the mask; Cullen could see it in his body language as he realized Cullen could shift him away from his own defense.
Cullen pushed with the Shield and struck with the Sword, cutting the Fox across the chest. He followed up with another low attack and caught the Dar Fae warrior across the leg, knocking him down to one knee.
The cheer grew louder behind him but he focused on the fight, knowing that he would be at his most dangerous here, wounded and almost beaten. Cullen used the Shield to not only push away the weapons but also as a weapon, bringing it smashing into the Fox’s face, crushing the delicate mask.
Behind the mask, which fell away, Cullen saw the most handsome elf he thought he ever saw. But in his eyes were just hate and rage. They glowed with power but it was an evil power. Cullen’s own rage swelled and overwhelmed him. He let it take control and attacked with an arm driven by his own anger at the situation, about being forced to war, about needing to kill to win.
He brought the Shield back and looked the Fae right in the eyes and he drove the Sword into his chest. Both of his weapons were pushed back with the Shield’s magic and he couldn’t defend himself at all. The Sword sunk through his clothes, since the Dark Fae warriors were so confident they didn’t wear any armor at all, and he lay transfixed by the weapon.
In the same swift action, Cullen raised his foot and kicked the Fox off his blade, knocking his body back to the ground, cut and broken. He stepped away from the figure and raised his Sword up high so they could see him from behind.
The cheer grew to a whole new swell and Cullen grimaced at the idea that they cheered the death of another being. Cullen sheathed his Sword and reached out to claim the two cursed weapons from his opponent.
He walked backwards for a few steps and then turned, bringing the magic weapons back for study. As he walked away he saw the lines tense and he looked back suddenly, expecting a new attack.
Dark Fae came out of the smoke and claimed their dead. A group of masked warriors came for the Fox and Cullen could see that there were five other Champions in total. He almost stumbled when he saw how many there were, as he wondered at their powers.
If each of them had a magic weapon, what could they all do? And would they continue to challenge him one at a time, or would they come as a group and overwhelm him? These questions stayed with him as he walked back to camp. He found the Dreamweaver in the tent with the Kings and Queens eager to take charge of the captured weapons.
“It’s almost dawn Cullen. I think they’re done for tonight. You need to get some rest after tonight’s fighting?”
“Has the whole night passed already?” Cullen asked, suddenly weary. “Did you see how many there were?” he asked no one in particular.
“You’ll beat them Cullen, just like you beat this one. Somehow, you’ll beat them,” Grimm said standing by his shoulder once again. Cullen shook his head in wonder and fell into the reassuring feelings of the pack sense.
Then he went to find Sonia and Tik, his two friends that were always with him. They would make him feel better; they would comfort him and relieve his fears. He always felt protective of them and that made his worries vanish.
He walked past cheering soldiers and he tried to give them a smile, but he just kept thinking, there are five more of them, five more I have to kill before they will leave us alone again.
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