Freddy Teddy
By nickynoo02
- 640 reads
Freddy Teddy woke up one night. Tom had gone which gave Freddy a fright.Freddy started to cry as the time went by. Where had Tom gone Why was he taking so long.Tick tock Tick tock went the clock on the wall.Creek creek. Creek creek went the floor in the hall.The moon shone bright up high in the sky.Where had tom gone with out saying good bye.Tim the cat laid at the foot of the bed licking his paws his eyes looked bright red.Freddy drifted off to sleep curled up in a ball.Tim wondered out and slept in the hall.Tweet tweet went the birds the sky had turned light.The morning had come and the sun shone bright.The door flew open and in walked Tom.Im so sorry Freddy sorry i was gone.I slept at my friends straight after school.I will never go without you again and that is a rule.
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