Eliza Bottom part 3
By widdicombe81
- 531 reads
“yes they are” melody replied. melody pointed out the different shaped spirals and told Eliza and Benji which each world was.
“that’s one Wiziland.
Eliza stood amazed, where they really all these different worlds, and how extraordinary to be able to travel into them. melody looked sad, and Eliza wondered what was wrong.
“I miss going to wiziland, my fathers there, but since mum is not here no one can leave the gate, people can enter but now one can leave, so every one stopped visiting”, melody voice was filled with sadness. Eliza felt sorry for melody, even thou she could tell that melody wanted people to think she was grown up she still was a child. Eliza new only to well how it felt not to enjoy your childhood, and Eliza placed her hand softy into melody’s. melody smiled gently at Eliza and then looked down on the floor and started to laugh. you see while they where busy talking they hand’t noticed that Benji was being backed up against the trees, by about half a dozen angry pink rabbits. They where all jumping and twitching and making a squeaking noise, and even thou Eliza didn’t’t understand what they where saying, she new that Benji did, because he was lied on his back with his legs in the air trying to look submissive.
Eliza laughed, and melody clapped her hands and the rabbits disappeared into the forest. Benji looked mortified and slowly paced himself next to Eliza twitching and looking round at every sound that was made.
“I make something to eat” melody said and lead them back to the cottage. Eliza and Benji made them self comfortable in the living room while melody banged and potted around in the kitchen. Then when Eliza looked up, she saw all the cutlery and dishes float in to the living room and gently place themselves onto the wooden table. Eliza was shocked, was there nothing melody couldn’t do.
“impressive isn’t it” melody said with a cheeky grin on her face. “took me ages to stop smashing the plates to the ground before I got the knack of it“. Eliza shovelled her scrambled eggs around on the plate, while melody and Benji tucked in like they had never eaten before. Eliza started thinking about home, and wondered if anyone had even noticed that she wasn’t home yet, would they even be worried about her, Eliza thought to herself.
“why do you hate your parents so much” melody asked obviously reading Eliza thoughts. Eliza looked up at melody and imagined all the horrible things the Bottoms house hold had done to her, so melody could reply the images back and understand Eliza hatred for her family.
Melody sat motionless with horror across her face as she watched the torment Eliza went through with her family.
“that’s so horrible, how could anyone be so cruel” melody asked. Eliza just shrugged her shoulders and carried on eating her eggs.
They sat there in silence for a while melody was engrossed in thoughts about the bottom family, and Eliza was wondering what life would have been like if she had be born here with melody.
Eliza watched as the plates cleared themselves away and magically floated themselves into the kitchen. melody jumped up from the table and ran upstairs.there seemed to be loads of crash, bangs wallops, coming from the top of the stirs and within a minute, Melody trotted down the stirs holding a beautiful dark red dress something you would see Cinderella go to the ball in, and she handed it to Eliza.
“I think you might need this” melody stated while looking down at Eliza dirty clothes. Eliza took the dress and made her way up the stirs. It was hard to see who’s room was who’s, all the wooden doors where firmly shut, so Eliza slowly opened the first door in front of her. she looked round the room and new instantly its melody’s, it was so bright and beautiful, with a small wooden pink dolls house in the corner and a old wooden desk with what looked like old spell books scattered messily on the desk. Her bed was large, with a satin light pink throw chucked over it, and china dolls laid under the covers looking like they where in a sleep. It was a room fit for a princess Eliza thought to herself, and wished how she had this all in her room. Eliza slipped off her ragged clothes and placed the gorgeous dress on her and came down the stairs as shy as a mouse.
Eliza couldn’t believe that this was all happening, she looked and felt like a princess, something she had longed for so long and never had. This made Eliza sad, and melody could sense that something was troubling Eliza.
“you look beautiful”, Melody smiled.
“what’s it like in human land” asked melody. Eliza wasn’t sure how to reply, the only place she had ever been was stikcton town, and she didn’t’t have any nice memories of her family. The world seemed such a hard place for Eliza, but she new that all people where mean. Eliza grandparents Mr and Mrs Fullalove, they where nice people they always where so kind to Eliza, but it was very rare she got to see them as they lived to far away, and Mrs bottom disliked them so much that she use to make excuses up when they asked to visit. Melody sat and watched Eliza thoughts as she showed her the nicest things in her life, like the forest her and Benji loved, and her grandparents.
“it Seems nice” melody said.
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Hi widdi, nice fairy-tale
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Don't worry, widdi, I'm sure
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