By alexred
- 346 reads
watching someone you cared about
bleed out in your arms and nothing you can do
words are undescribable
if i only answered my phone
listening to whipsers of a dying angel
your heart stops
your body shuts down
you cant hear anything
like as if a grenade went off
how do you run away from that
that night when i was playing with my nephew
i felt a little like a dad
it only took a few hours
for it to disappear
a couple of silent months
for world to crash down
though an eternity of guilt
i cant change the fire
that burns down lives
i haven't got a time machine
though i have a heart and soul
and forever it will carry
everything and everyone
guilt and remorse
my mind filled with pictures
memories maybe hidden away
though come alive when i am asleep
i have tried to sleep forever
i think is there something i have to do ?
or am i living to be tortured
for what i regret
people say it not my fault
yet i am not evil
i feel it all inside me
i say sorry for it raining
i say sorry for medics
who have to bandage me up for
i am bleeding
i have a lot to be sorry for
if i could i would
apologise to the whole world
for there problems
i know i cant
i know i am not god
or even a knight in shining armour
always dream of dreams
nightmares every night
feel like death is taking me when i wake
though now i have you to thank for my smile upon my face
you to thank for the fuzzy feeling inside
you to thank angel for blessing me with your time
you dont need to hang around
i dont need fixed
there many people out there who need help from an angel so beautiful xxx
i only look up and can only think of being held
ill be lied to
ill be hurt
ill be ripped apart
ill be left with nothing
but my beating heart dying in my hand second by second
i do care for you
my heart calls for you
my mind admires you
my body calls for your arms
my eyes desire yours
i wont take your wings
i wont take your heart angel
its yours and if any one going to hurt it , then it can only be you . no one else
i can only love you and care for you
but your heart will beat in your chest forever , and forever it shall stay there
baby i love you
will never ask anything of you
only if you beleve
never if it a lie
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