Just For One Second Please.
By prettyrose
- 616 reads
I like many adults,who are embarrassed
To admit they run down stairs
on christmas morning,Like norty
Children up to no Good,yet all
Excited with the thought of
Ripping off the wrapping paper
And seeing what presents are there.
Then eagley await the time
When I can gratefully fill
My not so hungry stomach with
A feast of food, that would be
Truly fit for a king,on Such a
Festive Day.
And while I sprawl on cousin
Darren's black Leather sofa,
With my stomach aching badly
With over indulgence, I smile
Quite proudly of all the goodies
I have recieved in just one day,
Like what Aunt Jane brought me,
A top of the range laptop,or my
Mother's exspensive winter coat,
Or the very large TV my wealtly
Brother Stephen sent me from
However It's so easy to
Unwillingly isolate the world
From within our own unique
Bubble, which we fill with joy for
Ourselves at the material items
We see before us and patt ourselves
On the back for the many gifts we
Spent a fortune on but that didnt
Matter,only impressing others did.
But thankfully I did stop for that
Moment, to remind myself what others
Go without,from a delicate roof that
Can crumble in too tiny molicules if a
Fire or bad storm attacks it violently.
Or a educated man/woman, that through
No fault of their own finds Them Selves
Suddenly Thrust into our dangerous
Streets sleeping rough, or a doctor,
Nurse,fire person, soldier and many
More, go through so We can all
Maintaine not only a safe life, but
One that fills our egaers with
Accomplishment,Coppelled with hours of selfishness.
It's not abought not having fun,
Laughter and pleasures on days like
Christmas, where we can grasp love
And laughter we surely should,
But while we all come togeather,
If we are lucky enough to not be
On our own and relish In our
Delights we have,spare that moment
For the ones that have Been lost,
Have nothing,Ones that protect
Us near or far.
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