Scrap 83

By jcizod103
- 367 reads
Frank has arrived at Ken and Pat Chapman’s house as another row is in full swing. Young Kenneth opens the door to him without a word, and Frank steps into the hall. Kenneth has disappeared in the direction of the living room where Frank finds him in his usual favourite position, stretched out on the cream leather covered sofa, still wearing his outdoor shoes, engrossed in a book.
Pat is shouting at high pitch insisting that Kenneth is not having a motorcycle for his 16th birthday because they are too dangerous. Ken is shouting at equal volume, though in a lower key, that he has promised to buy his son a motorbike for his birthday and she can like it or lump it.
Kenneth is not remotely interested in this conversation because he knows he will get his way as usual and anyhow the deed is already done, the 50cc bike snugly waiting for him beneath its custom made plastic dust sheet in the garage.
Eventually the back door slams very loudly and Pat stomps off to grab some laundry from the washing line, her face red with rage. Ken saunters into the room and stops in surprise. ‘I didn’t hear you come in,’ he says to Frank. ‘Have you come for your wages?’ He walks through to the study, closely followed by Frank, and takes an envelope from the filing cabinet. ‘There you go,’ he says, handing over a thick wadge of cash wrapped in a pay slip. ‘There’s a bonus in there for that wheel you got for me.’ Frank thanks him and counts the notes in his presence. ‘That’s about right,’ he says, stuffing the money back in the envelope and cramming it in his deep jacket pocket.
Ken offers him a drink, which he accepts and they sit at the desk as two large measures of whisky are poured into cut glass tumblers. Ken leans back in his chair and inspects the amber liquid before taking a big mouthful. ‘I suppose you heard all that,’ he says. ‘Couldn’t be off it,’ agrees Frank. ‘She does have a point though. It may be only a 50cc bike but it’s still a bit of a risk on these roads, especially at this time of the year when it’s dark so early.’
Ken laughs off the remark, saying that he and his brothers were whizzing about on more powerful machines than that when they were still in short trousers. ‘So was I,’ admits Frank, ‘but I also fell off more times than I care to remember.’ Ken drains his glass and pours another large measure. ‘You’re just an old woman,’ he mocks, ‘you have to let them grow up some time. Pat would have our Kenneth wrapped up in cotton wool and tied to her apron strings for the rest of his life if she had her way.’
Frank doesn’t want to get involved in his employer’s domestic problems anyway so he changes the subject. ‘I’ve had the law breathing down my neck over the car ringing,’ he says, in a quiet tone. ‘They had me in for questioning all night last Saturday.’ Ken tries to brush off the threat, saying there are so many people at it they haven’t a hope of pinning anything on him. ‘They mentioned your name,’ Frank says, which wipes the grin off Ken’s face.
Ken has not been as discreet as Frank in his dealings with stolen cars and trucks and word has gone round that he knows more than he is letting on. ‘I bet it’s that Irish bastard Danny grassed me up,’ he growls, ‘reckons I owe him for using his crusher. Well two can play at that game. If he wants to spill the beans about me there’s a lot I can tell the cops about him and his activities with the IRA. I know who’d come off worse.’
Frank urges his boss to show some restraint as he obviously doesn’t understand the kind of person he has been dealing with and Danny is the sort who would kill a man as soon as look at him is he felt threatened. ‘Anyway, I don’t think it’s him; I reckon it’s Ginger Jarvis who’s been stirring the pot again. What he doesn’t know he makes up. He’s a real nasty piece of work that man.’
Ken pours yet more whisky and tops up Frank’s glass. ‘I think I’ll send someone to have a word with our friend Jarvis,’ he says, ‘this has to be nipped in the bud.’
Pat comes clattering into the kitchen with the laundry and the men turn their conversation to the forthcoming event at the Bay Club, which has been in the planning for some time. All the tickets have been sold and everyone who is anyone will be there to see the top comic of the day. It’s going to be a great night.
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