Fate's End
By Robert Hicks
- 320 reads
Fate's End is a quiet peaceful small town. Centered around nothing at all, but at the same time around everything. The town was aptly named, because at this location during the Wild West several outlaws met there fate here usually resulting in death. In the middle of the city sits a Government facilitly called The Facility. The facilitly is shrouded in mystery not even the townspeople know of what happens inside the walls the only thing that is known is that facility is the towns only claim to fame. Oddly enough there is a swimming pool that surrounds the outside parimeters, followed by a huge chain link fence behind the pool, and in the distance behind the building you can see the city harbor shimmering. The town has two diner's, one fast food restraunt, a small shopping center, a movie theather, and a population measuring around one thousand. So welcome to Fate's end we hope you enjoy your stay....
The sound video games could be heard echoing through the walls, the sound of laughter blankets the halls with love, the shriek of frustration, and the wail of victory. Andros sits huddled on the floor playing his favorite video games and listening to his best tunes. The sun is shining brightly today a cool breeze carress the windows. Sirens blare over the sound of the enjoyment, but Andros pays no attention. Finally the sound of several helicopters arise him from his enjoyment and he heads outside. Looking into the sky several black helicopters loom in the horizon and an earshattering sound could be heard traveling in fast. Atleast five helicopters land near the harbor by the facility. "This seems to be a bit odd Andros thought to himself." Looking to his right he could his neighbor Katie screaming "They took my kids!" Andros was beside himself one second everything was bliss now everything is chaos. Andros started walking toward Katie, but then all of sudden a small aircraft jetisons from the sky screeching down the street destroying several houses along the way everything that Andros once knew is about to be ruin.
Andros rushes down the street toward the destruction he sees his neighbors dead or dying he doesn't know what to do. He knows he needs to help everything is happening so fast he not sure where to begin. Andros jumps started as something hits his back it is girlfreind Alana grabbing ahold of him being glad he was safe. "I told you that facilitly was up to no good." said Alana. "I am going to march up there and demand to know what is going on!" exclaimed Andros. However, before anyone could react the Facililty set up a quarintine area outside of it's perimaters. Alana and Andros walk close to the building to notice that several people where looking for something in the pool. Just then they where grabbed and dragged inside of the Facility with the rest of the town's survivors.
The room was chilly atleast fifty people sat inside this room alone. Everyone was crying making out the mumbles apparently just before this daister The Facility was kidnapping children from there homes. Poor Andros felt so bad being oblivous to what had happened right under his nose. Shock ran down his spine as he relized Alana was not with him. Concern washed across his face, but soon turned to relief as he heard a man say, "The red headed girl got away." Alana was always a tough feisty one. "She went into the lower level", said the man again over the walkie talkie. Now worry surely filled the inside of Andros as he knew not what the man was talking about.
The lower level was filled with the smell of mold, barren brick walls where water dribbled everywhere. Alana was filled with fear and dread running around this maze like abyss. She ran around for what seemed to be forever before she ran into this corner that contained the missing children. The where all crying, confused how could someone do something like this to kids? Alana tells the children," Hold hands and come with me." Although she had no idea where she was going she had faith that she would find her way.
Nervous Andros kept tapping his fingers on leg waiting for any to occur. A man walked out with a syringe stating that would help protect everyone from what was about to happened. Three people got the injection before a secret passage opened inside the room, and out popped Alana with a school full of kids. "This can not be!" exclaimed the man with the syringe. "Andros!", yells Alana. Sighs of relief came over the parents faces as they got to see their children again. The man pushes a button a voice saying "Full lockdown will commence in thirty seconds." came over a loud speaker.
Andros grabbed ahold of Alana's hand racing toward the door getting through just in time for the handle to lock. They were now locked inside an office type area, but atleast for now noone else was inside in the room. They could see the panic through the glass on the other side of the room as people began rounding up everyone in the room seperating the children again. Alana and Andros began looking for a way out, but everything was sealed shut no way to get out. Just then on the other side of the glass one of the children lashes out chewing out the throat of the man trying to take him away. The kid seemed to be in a blood fueled rage. Just then two more men carrying guns stepped out shooting everyone in the room. Andros and Alana couldn't beleive what they just saw people they knew most of their lives murdered right in front of them. One of the men walks up to the glass saying,"Did you see that kid? That is the next stage of Human Evolution." "You have got to be kidding me!," retorted Andros. "It starts in the younger ones for some reason.", replied the man. "So this is why you where rounding up all these kids?", asked Alana. The replied with a simple,"Yes." "We have to get out of here!" yelled Andros to Alana. "Things are worse out there. The plane crash eariler was full of infected children. The ones that survived overtook the city.", the man told them. Alana grabbed ahold of Andro's shoulder, "What are we to do?" she asked sadly. Andros replied with a shallow "Trust them."
Many months where spent inside The Facility before the Human Evolution Epedemic reached its climax and eventually its final end. Fate's End was the only city affected by this tragedy, however not even the rest of the world would know of its fate until now my name is Andros Fatay and this was the story of how a small peaceful town was wiped off the map, but with my breath its tragedy was told. However I get the feeling that fate is not done with me yet.
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